The Princess & Her Alphaholes by Renee O’Roark

About Bailey Grayson

Bailey Grayson lives in Cheshire, England with her little boy and wonderfully supportive husband. Coffee and cake are usually found nearby to help fuel the writing (lemon cake is her favourite) and when she is not dreaming up new characters and fantastical worlds you can find her baking (usually lemon cake), playing the piano or tucked up on the sofa with a really good book.

Bailey likes to write paranormal fantasy, urban fantasy and books that are a little darker with villains you wouldn’t mind meeting.

Want to stay in touch, drop her a message or stalk her? (Go on! She won’t mind!)

Then you can stalk her at her readers group on Facebook:


The Hunt


“Why the fuck would we need to go hunting a human? Don’t you have lower lackies for that shit?”

“You’ll do as you’re told or I’ll send you straight back to the dungeons of hell.”

“Yes boss.” I grunt with a shudder. I really don’t want to go back to that place. It’s much nicer here in the human realm, at least its full of fresh air and open skies. Down there… Another shudder runs through me as I push those thoughts away. “What human are we hunting?”

“Her name is Gabriella Royale, she’s got a soul mark so she should be traceable, however every lackey I’ve sent after her has disappeared. Recently I learned of a location she frequents that might finally turn up some answers. Start the search there.”

“Yes boss.”

“Keep Rafe and Kane out of trouble this time, I don’t want to have to come back here to deal with another incident.”

I roll my eyes. Boss still thinks that was my fault.

I mean come on, it’s not like the guys didn’t earn their reputation, but we’re demons, surely, you’d expect a few orgies and rebellions every now and then. It’s not our fault the humans really enjoyed sex and drugs in the sixties. I mean, he did send a sex demon, a blood demon and a treasure demon into the human realm during a time when humans were exploring their freedoms.

“I want this girl found. She’s really important to me.”

Woah Boss never says shit like that, something big is going down. Just who is this girl?

It takes us less than two days to track the mark. She’s a tiny little thing with red-gold hair and the strangest eyes I’ve ever seen. The left one is bluer than the clearest sky, the right is green, this pure vibrant green that shines like my scales when I’m in animal form. The treasure demon in me wants to own her. Keep her locked away in a tower and never let anyone else touch her, yet at the same time, my entire body crawls with the thought of touching her. I’ve never been very good around humans, those little beasts slaughtered more of my kind than the demons from the Hell realm.

Kane and Rafe, two of my best friends chase her along the streets, she’s wily for a human, but no matter how hard she runs, she’ll never outrun us.