The Princess & Her Alphaholes by Renee O’Roark

Chapter Two



I turn the volume on the intercom down, cutting the sounds of the girl’s light snores off and turn sideways in my seat so I’m facing Kane and Gad. “What the hell was that Gad?” I snap referring to the fact he literally kidnapped the girl when we aren’t sure if she’s even the right one.

His knuckles go white as he grips the steering wheel tighter, “Boss said grab the girl with the mark, we grabbed the girl.”

“Yeah, but she says she’s not Gabriella.”

“I don’t give a fuck what lies she’s spouting. We follow orders. This is our last mission, after we complete this, we’ll be free of our debt.” He grunts before turning the volume on the intercom back up, filling the space with the girl’s light snores.

Gad’s right, as soon as we deliver the girl, we’ll be free. No more owing the boss anything. No more having to trapse back and forth between realms at his beck and call. We’ll finally be free to live some semblance of a life.

Maybe once he’s finished with the girl, he’ll let us keep her, she is rather pretty to look at and it would be nice to not have to go hunting through human bars for one night stands every time I need a power boost.

Of course, that’s assuming the girl survives whatever the boss has in store for her.

Either way, I feel like we should be thanking the girl, she is our ticket to freedom after all.