The Princess & Her Alphaholes by Renee O’Roark

Chapter One



There are three monstrous creatures chasing after me….

Okay so they don’t actually look like hideous creatures, more like three random guys and they’re kinda sexy to be honest, but the vibes they give off are scary as fuck.

“Here kitty, kitty, kitty.”

Case in point. Who the fuck does that? I mean seriously, they’re like four feet behind me and calling me like I’m some kind of animal they’re trying to convince to come to them. Why would I respond to that cat calling?

“Dude, she’s not a cat.”

Damn straight! What the fuck Krizzy don’t agree with the creatures chasing you, just run!

“Well, what the fuck are we supposed to call her then?” There’s a pause then the same voice calls, “Here hoomy, hoomy, human.”

And that is just creeping me out even more. Man, take a hint, I don’t want to be here. I want to keep running away! I mean they are sexy and it’s been a while since I got me some lovin’…. The first guy’s voice is almost enough to make me want to turn around. It’s so husky and ….

Fuck! No Krizzy, running away remember. Pick those useless feet up and run faster.

“Dude, that’s worse than calling her a cat.” The second voice is so deep and rumbly it sends a shudder right through to my pussy and my feet fumble.

Dammit Krizzy! Running away remember!

I can practically feel them breathing down my neck as I turn sharply around another corner. My nose hits the wall first making my eyes water. My forehead smacks into the hard surface right after; making me see stars. I swear, there’s actual stars in front of me right now.

“Dude, I think you broke her nose.” The rumbly voice from earlier makes my head throb. I blink up at the wall I ran into, only it’s not a wall.

It’s a freaking mountain of a man.

The guy is huge, I’m talking make a wrestler look small kinda huge. He’s got abs of steel too. My nose can attest to that. I feel tenderly at my nose with my right hand while trying to steady myself against the wall with my other. The actual wall, not the guy I thought was a wall.

Thank god there’s no blood. The last thing I need right now is to pass out in front of these sinfully sexy guys from the sight of blood. It’s happened in the past; My mother cut herself while preparing our dinner and I passed right out, hit my head on the corner of the kitchen bench which left a horrid scar on my temple on the left side, luckily my pale complexion and red-gold hair hide it well.

Don’t even get me started on the number of times I’ve passed out during a period. Thank god for the implant that allows me to go months without one or I’d need a padded room once a month so I don’t accidently kill myself.

“Fuck her nose. Quit fucking around and just grab her. This job’s starting to piss me off.” Woah the mountain can speak. I almost want to ask him to speak again, talk about a sexy voice. He makes the rumbly one sound like he’s just the warmup to sexiness.

I blink up at him, trying unsuccessfully to shake off the daze his solid muscles caused. He’s even more gorgeous than I first realised, his hair is the kind of blonde surfers get from spending too much time in the sun. It curls slightly around his ears framing his perfect face.

“Everything pisses you off dude.” A beat later rumbly voiced guy adds, “Is it even possible to fuck a nose?”

“To think you were telling me off for calling her Kitty. That’s just messed up Rafe.”

“Look, I don’t know how much she owes this time, but there’s a grand in here, just take the money. Leave my ID though, it’s too much of a hassle getting it replaced.” I growl pulling my wallet out of my jeans pocket. I’m assuming the trio are after money my mother owes, she’s not exactly smart when it comes to guys or gambling. I try to shove it at the nearest guy, Rafe, I think, but he pushes my hand away.

“We don’t want your money!” Grumbly voice - Rafe snaps as though I’ve just insulted him.

“Isn’t that why you were chasing me? You’re debt collectors, right?” I rub my forehead with a groan. “Please don’t tell me you’re rapists, I’m on my rag and that’s gross at the best of times.” I add the last bit to really sell the unattractiveness, just in case.

“Urgh! Nasty. Dude I think you scrambled its brains.” Rafe bends down in front of me, brushing his long black hair behind his ears as he peers right into my face. My eyes cross before I can focus properly and then I’m gasping for air. This guy is seriously hot, like fuck me sideways hot.

His eyes, they almost appear to be aquamarine crystals, such an intense light blue, it’s kind of hard to look at for too long. I tear my gaze away from the gorgeous eyes only to get caught on the most perfect facial features I’ve ever seen; his jawline is one of those strong squared ones that remind me of the old cowboy movies but pair that with his perfectly straight nose, “And those cheekbones, whoa Mumma, I could trace them all day.”

“Thanks, I like my cheekbones too. Now how many fingers am I holding up?”

“Four.” I growl, attempting to wave his hand away while my cheeks burn.

“Yeah, nah. Now you’re fucked Gad, she’s broken. Seeing double and everything.”

If I were seeing double, wouldn’t I be seeing two of him?

“I don’t fucking care, just grab her and let’s go. We’re drawing too much attention.” The mountain, Gad, I guess, pushes Rafe closer to me and then I’m spinning through the air, my chest and face hitting the warm solid flesh of someone’s back as I’m slung over a bare shoulder. Blood goes right to my head making me even dizzier.

“Boss isn’t gonna like this Kane.” Rafe shifts my weight slightly, easing the ache that was forming across my stomach. I can’t help admiring the perfectly sculpted muscles along his back. “Quit squirming Gabriella Royale, I don’t want to drop you.”

“Wait. Put me down, you’ve got the wrong person!” I start wriggling more, trying to shift my weight enough so he will drop me. “Gabriella is my mother! I’m Krinessa Royale.”

I’m dropped quicker than I can react. My ass hitting the grass with a sharp sting to my tailbone.

“Dude, what if she’s telling the truth, if we bring in the wrong female, the boss will have our heads.”

“That’s impossible. Gabriella Royale is incapable of baring offspring. It was part of her deal with our boss. Eternal youth, no powers, no offspring, no husbands and no loose ends. All in exchange for her immortal soul after five-hundred years.”

“Five-hundred… Eternal youth….” The laughter bubbles up out of me before I can stop it. “You’ve totally got the wrong girl. You’ve even got the wrong family. Gabriella Royale, my mother, is a fifty-year-old woman with grey hair and wrinkles. Me, I’m Krinessa Royale, nineteen-years-old and I certainly didn’t give up my soul.” My protests fall on deaf ears.

“Fucking impossible. The soul’s signature doesn’t lie. You are the one we’ve been searching for.” The third guy declares.

“I swear I never gave up my soul. I’m just a normal human woman.” I can’t believe I’m arguing about souls right now. I must have hit my head harder than I thought.

Gad, the mountain, grabs my arm, hauling me to my feet. In a smooth move that leaves me with little doubt over his strength, he tosses me over his shoulder and I’m once more staring down at a tight ass. This one however is packed into jeans so tight; I can see every muscle move as he begins walking. At least this guy is wearing a t-shirt.

I can see the other two following me which gives me the chance to study the third of their group, he’s just as gorgeous as the other two, only instead of being built like a mountain like Gad, or built like a surfer like Rafe, Kane looks more like a warrior, all strong arms and narrow waist. He’s also got dark hair like Rafe, but his is cut into a shorter messy style that hangs in his face to his nose. On anyone else I’d say it’s an emo style but on him it looks more bad ass than emo. As though he doesn’t care that he’s messy. His face is a strong etching that reminds me of those statues you see depicting the Greek demigod Hercules, same shape but much more appealing on him. It’s his luminescent eyes that draw me in though. I could get lost in them for days and still find them fascinating.

I’m dumped into the backseat of a car, the door slamming before I can do anything more than grunt in protest. My hands fly straight to the door handle, pulling uselessly at the obviously child locked door. Fumbling, I poke the window button repeatedly, knowing despite my attempts that the blacked-out windows are locked. The interior of the car is split into three sections cut off from each other with what looks like thick paned tinted glass, I’m half expecting someone to climb into the row I’m in, but the engine starts up and then the car lurches out onto the road. I didn’t even hear any other doors opening or closing so I’m assuming it would be pointless to scream for help.

With a growl, I start pounding on the glass separating me from the driver. “Let me the fuck out of here!” As the silence stretches, I grow more and more desperate to escape the confines of the car.

A crackle as though a speaker has been activated scares the living shit out of me. I yell over and over, my voice growing hoarse from my heated words. It doesn’t matter how many times I demand to be set free, there’s no answer beyond the slight crackle of static.

Exhaustion eventually takes its toll, forcing my eyes closed and my mind to blank.