The Princess & Her Alphaholes by Renee O’Roark

Chapter Five

After Dean and Matteo finish making breakfast, we head to class. I leave Dean, and head to my homeroom. Matteo doesn’t walk with me, and I haven’t spoken to him again since we left the room. What do you even say to one of your first, and only childhood friends? One that you only ever saw in his wolf form. That pops back into your life after four years of nothing.

The last day I saw Bunny, I had just turned fourteen. Now he is a bit older and has grown a lot since the last time I had seen him. I’m a short girl, barely five-two, and at fourteen Bunny, in his wolf form, had been as tall as I was. We had laid in the sun all day by the river. I had curled into his side, just listening to the water. I had asked him to shift, but he wouldn’t. I understand now, but at the time it hurt me. I had gotten into the water and drifted too far out. Bunny saved me from drowning, but still never shifted. He growled at me so aggressively that I thought he was going to hurt me. I stopped going into the woods after that. I wanted to know who the boy behind the wolf was, but he didn’t want to show me. He didn’t trust me, or care for me, like I had cared for him. At fourteen I was still stupid enough to believe in fairytales, naive enough to think that the white wolf might be my white knight…

As I walk into homeroom, I’m distracted, so I don’t notice Coal is already there until his grip is around my neck.

“Why do you smell like my friend?” Coal whispers into my ear, his grip tightening.

“Because she got in my way, so I put her in her place. Is that a fucking problem?” Matteo answers Coal for me. Coal turns his cold eyes on Matteo, releasing his grip on my throat.

“No, unless you’re trying to fuck what’s mine.” Coal raises an eyebrow at Matteo, and my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Fucking Coal.

Matteo laughs and brushes past me. He runs his fingers across the small of my back, leaving a trail of fire. My senses ignite. I’m standing so close to Coal because of the aggressive way he grabbed me, which means his scent is surrounding me, causing my head to feel fuzzy with desire. Coal was the first to arrive this morning, so we are the only three people in the room, and I feel like prey, caught in a trap.

I swallow hard, trying to force the fire Matteo sparked with his secret touch to die out. It’s too late though. Coal must scent my arousal, because his nostrils flare, and his eyes brighten, letting me know his wolf is very much aware of the dampness between my legs.

I can’t lie, having Coal’s hand around my throat, tight enough to restrict blood flow, but not tight enough to do damage, has fucked with my head as well. I crave his painful caress. I step away from Coal, but he stops me. He reaches his arm behind my back and pulls me flush against his body. He buries his face in my neck, and I tilt my head, giving him better access because I’m a lunatic.

He growls in approval and starts to drag me out of the classroom. Like a puppet on a string, I let him.

He keeps me close to his side, and pulls me down the hall, toward a back door.

As soon as the fresh air hits me, some of the fog in my brain recedes.

“Wait…” I say breathlessly, but he doesn’t listen.

As soon as we move around the corner, he pushes me against the wall and moves his leg between my thighs. I’m pinned between him and the wall, and I don’t know if I want to fight him, or if I just think that’s what I should want.

“I want a taste.” Coal moves his hand to my thigh and trails it up slowly. I inhale a sharp breath and look down to watch his movements. With his other hand, he reaches up and grips my chin forcing me to look into his eyes. If we were around the pack, that would be considered a challenge, but because we’re alone, it's intimate.

“Fuck you…” I whisper. I hate that he can do this to me, I hate that all it takes for him to get into my head is his touch.

“You will.” His grin is salacious, and my need for him only increases. I want to wrap my legs around his hips and grind my body against his. But I don’t. I turn my face away from him, and he takes the opportunity to fucking bite me.

His teeth scrape the delicate skin on my neck, and I moan. It’s so fucking sexual. The feeling of his teeth on my neck makes shivers run across my skin. I crave this, he sucks the skin between his lips harshly, and my hips move against my will, as I try to grind against him.

I slam the palms of my hands against the wall beside me, refusing to touch him. He can take what he wants from me, but I won't give him my touch.

“You can’t have me...” I protest weakly, but all it does is make him laugh.

“I have you already, Delilah. You’ve always been mine, and you will always be mine.”

“Not today, today I belong to Dean.” Coal is a jealous wolf, the idea of me wanting another male has caused him to punish me in a fit of rage before. Provoking him now is not smart, but I’m lashing out. I don’t want to give in, not this easily.

The growl in his chest is loud and menacing. A spike of fear causes my heart to beat faster. He bites down on my neck so hard that I yell out in pain, but all that does is fuel the fire. The bruise that he’s leaving will be obvious. I panic, thinking he’s going to break the skin. That would be so fucking bad.

Wolves claim their mates by biting their necks and tasting their mate’s blood. If Coal does this, I’ll be tied to him forever. He’ll hear my every thought, feel my pain, and if I die he’ll be weakened. The bond the bite creates can’t be broken.

“Stop!” I yell, pushing against his chest, panic making my breathing erratic.

“Say you’re mine, or I’ll rip his fucking throat out. Say it.” His eyes are glowing blue, and I know his wolf is just below the surface.

“You can’t bite me, you fucking psycho.” I shove his chest hard, trying to snap him out of it. “Do you want a human mate, Coal? Do you want me dead?” Coal’s the next Alpha, if he bites me, his father will rape and torture me before he kills me. To teach the other humans a lesson, as well as Coal. Alpha Michael is fucking insane.

“Say it, Delilah” he growls once more, his muscles rippling under his shirt.

“Why? You’ve already made me your Avowed, why the fuck do I have to say it!” I yell, getting more frustrated with him.

He shifts his weight, and I expect a hit, or for him to choke me again. What I don’t expect is for his lips to slam into mine.

He claims my mouth in a bruising, punishing kiss. I gasp, and he slips his tongue into my mouth. He moves a hand into my hair, tugging it harshly. I bite down on his bottom lip, raking it between my teeth.

He hisses at the pain and grinds his jean-clad cock against me. He’s as hard as granite, and the feel of him against me makes me moan.

“Say you’re mine, Delilah.” He moves his hand back to my skirt, this time rubbing against my wet panties. He moves his fingers against my clit in slow circles.

“Fuck…” I hiss. No one has ever touched me like this. “You’re insane, I don’t have a choice. If you say I’m yours, then I’m yours.”

He yanks his hand away from me and slams it into the wall beside my head.

He stares at me for only a second before he seals his lips to mine once again.

My body responds to his touch so easily, and I don’t bother pushing him away. He kisses a trail down my neck, running his tongue gently over the bruise he made.

“Why are you so fucking stubborn?” he says against my skin, and I shudder.

“Are you mine, Coal? Are we equal, or do you own me the same way a pet is owned? Do I get to choose you too, or do I simply do as I’m told?” I say, my voice husky with lust.

He stills against me. He looks into my eyes, and for a moment his features soften.

He says nothing, just shoves away from me, and storms off around the building. I take a moment to gather myself and then head back to class.

I avoid Matteo's gaze as I take a seat in the front. Coal is gone for the entire class.

As soon as it is over, I bolt from the room. I don’t want to talk to Matteo. He no doubt smelled my arousal, mixing with Coal’s scent. As well as the massive bruise that's aching on my neck.

I don’t see Coal as I hustle off to Art, but I do see Dean. As soon as I step through the door, Dean’s eyes flash to a glowing green. He stands from his stool and stomps toward me. He pushes the hair off my neck and examines my new mark. Then he sniffs me, he fucking sniffs me!

I look up into his eyes, knowing I could be punished, but needing to know what he’s thinking.

His eyes are still glowing, and his fists are clenched. He’s shaking.

“I’m fine. I’ve been through worse.” I whisper, hoping to calm him. My words seem to have the opposite effect, however. He growls, showing his teeth, and on instinct, I grip his fists in my hands. “Calm down, please. It’s not a big deal. It was…consensual.”

My words surprise him, and he looks me over, once again sniffing me.

“Can you stop that, please?” I hiss quietly.

“Fuck,” he whispers, looks around the room, and again I’m dragged away from one of my classes before it even starts.

Dean pulls me by the wrist until we reach his dorm room.

“Uh,” I say as he opens the door, and pushes me inside. “Why are we…”

He drags me to his bathroom, turns on his shower, and shoves me in shoes, clothes, and all.

I let out a screech because the water is still cold. “What the fuck!”

“I won’t have you smelling like him all fucking day!” He snaps.

I just stare at him. I feel like I am spending way too much time just staring at these fucking wolves.

“Have you gone insane? He fucking owns me, just like you! I’ll always fucking smell like him! I’ll smell like any wolf who claims me! Just the same as every human who is used for what's between their legs. If Coal demands it, he will receive it, Dean. That's how this works!” I’m yelling. I’m yelling at the next Alpha of Shadow Moon. I think I’ve gone insane. I close my eyes, waiting for his attack. Five seconds. Ten. Thirty. When I open my eyes, Dean is watching me. An expression on his face I can't read.

“I told you, I won’t ever hurt you.” He looks hurt. Hurt that I expected him to strike me, or hurt that I compared him to Coal?

“I don’t know that. Pain is all I’ve known since first meeting wolves,” I say.

“Fuck, Delilah…” Dean steps into the shower, clothes and all. He just stares at me.

I kick my shoes off, dump the water out of them, and then place them outside the shower.

Dean does the same. He unbuttons his shirt, tossing it to the floor. Then his pants. I admire his wide shoulders, strong arms, and the dark trail of hair that leads down to a large bulge straining his boxers.

I take off my shirt and watch as he takes in the sight of my breasts, still in my bra. I slide my skirt slowly down my thighs and watch him carefully. He grabs shampoo and pours it into his hand, motioning for me to turn away from him.

As soon as I'm facing the wall, he groans.

“Fuck…” He massages the soap into my hair, and I moan at the sensation. It feels so fucking good. I step back, into Dean. He’s so much taller than me that my head rests against his chest. He takes his time, then turns me to rinse. He gets the soap out of my hair, and I sigh.

I open my eyes, to watch him. He looks so relaxed. I frown.

“I need to know why, Dean. I need to understand,” I say, as he grabs another bottle, and runs his hands through my hair once again. I reach out, resting my hands against the firm muscles of his abs, looking up to meet his eyes.

“I don’t have an explanation right now. Just try to trust me,” he says, his muscles flexing under my hands, the look in his eyes darkening.

“I’ve never touched anyone like this before...” I whisper. I’ve touched skin, but not like this. This is intimate, personal. Gentle.

He chuckles, “Half naked in the shower?” He says it teasingly, but I just watch the way my hands move across his smooth skin and hard muscle.

“Without fear that I’ll somehow be punished for finding pleasure in this feeling,” I say breathlessly.

“You’ve never touched a man?” He sounds surprised, and I smile.

“When would I? Coal makes it clear to anyone who tries to get near me that I belong to him.”

“You smelled…like, I thought…” He stumbles over his words, looking me over.

“Coal touches me. Hurts me. Just because my body responds to his touch, doesn’t mean I touch him back.” I knew what he was thinking. I smelled like Coal and arousal.

“He’s never…did he force himself on you?” he demands. Gripping my face between his hands and searching my eyes.

“No, not really. I don’t want to, but I like it when he touches me.” I whisper. It’s true, and I hate it. I crave his touch, his desire, his hatred. I want the punishing way he holds me to mean that he loses control because of me.

“Fuck.” Dean drops his hands. “You like the pain.” He says, looking at the bruise on my neck. “Fuck, Delilah.” He steps into me, moving the hair on my shoulder away, and runs his fingers over the bruise. I bite my lip at the contact. The area is sensitive, and the bite of pain causes my body to respond.

He leans forward, placing his mouth over the bruise, and bites gently. I moan. I wrap my arms around his back and drag my nails across his skin. He growls against my skin and bites just a little harder. I dig my nails into his hips. He pulls away, looking down at me through hooded eyes.

He’s breathing heavily like I am. I see it, I see it in his eyes. He’s damaged too. The pain brings him pleasure, makes him feel alive. I move my hands from his hips to his chest and caress his skin softly. Then I rake my nails down his chest, hard enough to leave a mark.

His mouth falls open with a soft moan, and I do it again. He drops his head back, closing his eyes. I do it again and watch as his cock strains fully against his wet boxers. I step into him, and kiss his chest softly, and then bite. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me harshly against his cock. His hardness presses against my stomach, and I push up onto my tiptoes and bite down harshly on the space between his shoulder and neck. He moans, and I bite harder. He grinds his cock against my stomach. I reach my hands up and around his neck. I bury my fingers in his hair and pull hard. He hisses at the tug. I move my mouth higher on his neck, kissing gently before I once again bite.

“Fuck, if you keep that up, I’m going to come in my boxers,” he says, and I smile against his skin. I drag my teeth against him one last time, before I pull away, dropping my hands to his chest.

I drop my gaze to his cock. I move my hand slowly down his body and look up into his eyes. My hand is on his stomach but above his waistband.

“Can I touch you?” I ask him, and his eyes start glowing.

“Yes,” he grunts.

I look down, and grip him through his boxers, rubbing him.

I pull the waistband away from his skin and tug it down. He springs free, and I watch as he twitches. I wrap my hand around him, gripping him tightly.

He grabs my wrist, stopping me.

“Look at me,” he says, his voice deep and filled with need. “You never have to do something with me if you don’t want to. You can tell me no, I won't ever force you.” The look in his eyes is tortured and sad. I can see what's buried under the lust and desire. He wants me to know this is my choice.

“Okay,” I say, before dropping to my knees in front of him. I can see his broken pieces so well. I don’t know what caused him to scar, or why he’s so compassionate, instead of cruel, like Coal, but I like it.

I stroke him, moving my thumb in a circle over his tip, and he grunts. He reaches out, using the wall to steady himself. I move forward, flicking my tongue out to lick the tip, and his other hand moves to my hair. He doesn’t push me harshly onto his cock, just holds me gently. I wrap my lips around him and move him farther into my mouth. I stop when I hit the back of my throat and gag slightly. He hisses and tightens his grip in my hair. I move my lips away from my teeth and slowly apply pressure. He looks down and watches me as I drag my teeth down the length of him.

“Fuck…” he breathes, and I repeat the motion a few times before I suck the tip hard. He grunts and thrusts forward. I relax my jaw and allow him to thrust into my throat. I keep one hand on his dick and use the other to cup his balls. I rub them gently, enjoying the feel of him between my lips.

“I’m gonna fucking come,” he growls and loosens his grip on my hair. I don’t let him pull away though, and swallow him farther down my throat, fighting the gagging as he explodes in my mouth. “Oh fuck!” he shouts. When his thrusts stop, I pull away and stand.

I cup some water in my hands and wipe my chin and mouth clean.

“Where the fuck did you learn that?” he says, looking at me like I’m a goddess. I wonder if Coal would stop being such an asshole if someone sucked his dick like that.

“The human women talk…the wolves too. Cassie is very knowledgeable,” I say sheepishly. Feeling a little shy.

“Oh fuck no, don’t do that. Don’t shut me out after that.” He leans into me slowly, giving me time to stop him, before his lips press to mine. Slowly at first, but then he wraps his arms around me, and claims my mouth in a possessive kiss.

I pull my lips away from his and kiss his neck gently.

“I don’t think I smell like Coal anymore…” I don’t want this to go any further, afraid if I let him touch me, I won’t want him to stop. Like when Coal touches me.

He pulls back and looks hurt for a moment before he nods and steps out of the shower.

I turn off the water and step out as well. He gives me privacy, and I dry off. I brush my teeth and smile at the sight of my swollen lips. I liked that. The feeling of control. I may have been the one on my knees, but I was controlling Dean completely. My mind wanders to Coal. Will he know, when he sees me, will he know what I’ve just done?

I shrug. Even if he does, it won’t matter. I’m Dean’s Avowed as well. Coal can’t do shit. At least, I hope he won't.

Dean sent for one of my uniforms to be brought in, along with a clean bra and panties. I glare at him when I see them sitting on the bed.

“Seriously? Red lace? My shirt is white Dean.” I protest, but he just grins at me.

“I see sucking your dick loosened you up,” I say, as I snatch the clothes up and head back to the bathroom to dress.

Dean’s eyes widened, and he stared at me with pure shock on his face. I guess he didn’t expect me to speak to him like that. If he truly means what he said, and won’t hurt me, I’ll find out quickly if he’s lying. I have to actively stop my mouth from saying things that might get me beat in front of other wolves, so if Dean wants me to trust him, he’ll have to prove himself.

When I walk back out, I hold up my wet shoes. He just points to a pair of black boots on the floor by the door.

“So I get presents if I…” I start, but I’m quickly cut off.

“Stop,” Dean says as he grips my arms and pushes me up against the door. “You get gifts, period. You get treated kindly, and respectfully, period. The way I treat you, or the things I do for you have nothing to do with what you do or don’t do, with me.” He looks into my eyes, searching for something. “Tell me you understand that. Tell me you didn’t do that...” he motions to the bathroom door, “because you felt like you had to?”

“I wanted to…” I say, feeling like an asshole. I press my lips to his and pull away quickly. “I’m sorry…” I say, feeling guilty now.

“Don’t be. This is new for you. We’ll get there.” He presses a soft kiss to my forehead before he puts his shoes on. “We have to go back. We missed Art, but you can still make it to your other classes before lunch. Do you want to eat with me here at lunch?” He asks.

“Okay,” I nod.