The Princess & Her Alphaholes by Renee O’Roark

Chapter Seven

When we get to the Alpha’s house, we all gather in a large office-like room, with a massive meeting table. At least twenty chairs, most of which are full.

I stand closely behind Coal’s chair, which is to the right of the unoccupied end chair, obviously saved for the Alpha.

I keep my head down, focusing on my shoes, which are killing my feet already. Why are heels even a thing? So painful.

Alpha Michael enters, and I suck in a breath. I was expecting blood and chaos, but he just sits at the head of the table and addresses the wolves. He radiates power, and even though I can’t really see his face, his body is relaxed.

They speak for a while, and I zone out. My feet are killing me, and I really want to sit. Or just kick these damn things off.

“No, the issue will be rectified right now. Principal Evans never should have allowed another wolf to claim a human you had already Avowed!” When the Alpha shouts, my blood runs cold, and I freeze.

“Yes, Father,” Coal says. “I will let Principal Evans know his mistake will not be excused. The human is mine. Dean will have no issue relinquishing his claim.”

Dean rumbles a low growl at Coal’s words but doesn’t object.

Alpha Michael snaps his fingers, and my gaze jumps to them, he gives me a come here motion. “Come here, now!” he snaps. “Human trash…” He grumbles. I move to stand beside his chair, my back facing Coal. “Mmm. Perhaps I’ll just dissolve both claims, use her for my own services.” Coal jumps to his feet.

“No!” He clears his throat. “What I mean to say is that I’ve been using her for my own needs for years, Father, you don’t want her…”

“Nonsense. You may claim another human as your Avowed.” Alpha Michael waves a hand in the air. “Take her, clean her, and put her in my room. Your mother was a submissive whore, let’s see how you compare.” I don’t have to see his face, to know his grin is evil.

I’d rather die. I’ll fight him until my last breath. He’ll have to kill me…

My thoughts are spiraling, which is probably why Coal’s protesting yells don’t register until I feel a piercing bite clamp down on my neck.

I yell out at the pain and then moan.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” I hear the voice in my head, but it’s not mine. “It’s me, Flower. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Oh my god, Coal. Coal is in my head. Coal bit me.

“Holy fucking shit! Coal just gave me a mate mark!” I practically scream in my head, when Coal releases me.

“Out!” Alpha Michael screams and everyone, except myself and Coal, is forced out of the room. “You fool!” Alpha Michael backhands Coal so hard, he slams into the floor.

His angry glare lands on me, and I keep my eyes on Coal, who is already getting back up. “A human mate! No, no. She’ll have to be killed. The son of an Alpha mated to a fucking human! Disgusting!” He roars in anger.

“Everyone in this room saw me give her my mate mark. If you kill her, they’ll turn against you. Shadow Moon and Black Moon will not stand for it,” Coal says. My blood from the mate bite on his lips is mixing with his blood from the busted lip.

Coal’s father slams his fist into Coal’s face, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a knife. My eyes widen. What the fuck?

“On your knees!” Coal does as his father says, kneeling before him. Coal’s features are so like his father, but where Coal can look harsh and cruel, his father is a raving madman. He’s completely unhinged. When Michael cuts the back of Coal’s neck, I cry out in pain and drop to my knees. It feels as if the blade is carving into my skin, and not Coal’s. I reach up, trying to feel for blood, but my skin isn’t cut. I feel Coal’s pain.

Michael violently slashes away at Coal nine more times, all over his back, and by the time he’s done, I’m screaming in pain on the ground. Coal doesn’t make any sound, but he does drop his weight to his hands resting them against the floor, as blood drips down his arms, pooling around him. Wolves heal quickly, but not instantly.

For every second Coal is in pain, so am I.

I black out at some point, the pain more than I can take. When I open my eyes again, I’m in Matteo's arms. Dean has one of Coal’s arms wrapped around his neck as they carry us back to Dean’s dorm.

“We need to heal him, or she’s going to black out again,” Matteo says.

Coal is walking, but not well. Most of his weight is being supported by Dean.

I start to lose consciousness again when I hear Coal’s voice in my head.

“I’m sorry, my Flower. Please forgive me…”

I scream, as the pain crashes through me once again, the world going black, as I watch Coal fall to the floor.