The Princess & Her Alphaholes by Renee O’Roark

Chapter Six

My next few classes pass quickly, and lunch is pleasant. I eat with Dean in his room and read a book. He lets me eat in peace, and then we head to Combat together.

As soon as I step in the door to the gym, I see Coal, who looks pissed.

His eyes flash to a glowing blue, and he stalks toward me.

“She’s mine today Coal, fuck off,” Dean snaps from behind me, grabs my hand, and drags me toward the back of the gym, toward the locker rooms. He hands me a stack of clothes and has me change into the t-shirt and gym shorts.

When I’m dressed, and walk back into the gym Dean is already working out on a bench, so I head over to him. He sets me up on a treadmill and tells me he wants me to walk for the next hour.

I glance warily in Coal’s direction. He’s staring at me with fire in his eyes, and I flinch at the hatred I see.

I look away and try to focus on walking. Coal had said I’d be doing double today for what I missed yesterday, but I guess he didn’t count on Dean taking control.

I’m not paying attention until Coal is in front of my machine. I look around the room for Dean but don’t see him.

“Your protector isn’t here right now. He had to step out. Tell me, Flower, why do you smell like Dean fucked you. Like cum, and arousal?” he says, pulling me off my machine. I yelp as I almost twist my ankle.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” I say.

“Don’t lie to me. I know what you smell like when you’re wet. I can smell your pussy from across the room. Did you fuck him?” He growls. His voice is level, calm. Fuck. He’s angry, and I’m in so much trouble.

I turn to Coal, lean into him, and whisper in his ear, “I sucked his dick in the shower while he washed your scent off of me…” I keep my hands on his chest and look up into his eyes. Something has changed with him. He still hurts me, but he hasn’t hit me. I can’t remember the last time his hands were the ones striking me. Other wolves, yes. Why does he threaten me, but never actually does any real damage?

He growls, long and low. It sends a shiver down my spine. I look at his face, and his eyes are closed. I can feel his hardness pressing into me.

Well, now I’m fucking confused. Why isn’t he destroying me, like he always promises? Why isn’t he bruising me once more? Marking me?

“It’s taking everything in me not to drop you to your knees and fuck you right now, Delilah.” He pushes away from me, and walks out of the gym, just as Dean walks back in.

I’m standing there, staring at Coal’s retreating back, panting. My red lace panties, now soaked.

“You okay?” Dean asks, and I just nod. These wolves are changing the rules to a game I don’t know how to play.

* * *

After class, we head to Dean’s room, and Matteo is there waiting for us. As soon as I see him, his amber eyes glow. A growl rumbles in his chest before I realize why.

“Oh my god! Stop fucking sniffing me! You assholes spend way too much time worrying about what I smell like!” I snap, as I get a drink from the fridge. Dean looks smug, and Matteo is still all growly. I march over to him, wrap my arms around his neck, and rub myself against him. I stick my face in the crook of his neck and rub. I turn around and rub my back against his front, and he grunts. He grabs my hips and stills my movements.

“There, now I smell like you too! Stop growling!” I snap at him. I try to take a step away but he pulls me back against him. He drops his lips to my ear, “If you rub your ass against my dick like that again, I’ll do more than just stand here next time.”

The heat of his breath against my skin makes me shudder. Fuck. These men are going to be my undoing.

Dean huffs, flopping down on the couch. I don’t move. Matteo is still holding my hips, and I like the feeling of his strong body behind me.

I drop my head against his chest and look up at him. He cups my cheek in his hand and presses his lips against mine. It's a gentle kiss, soft and warm. It reminds me of lying in the sun with Bunny. He smiles against my lips and releases me.

“I had clothes for the meeting tonight brought over for you. You have to be dressed appropriately.” Dean says, not even looking my way. Like he didn’t even notice his friend kissing me.

“Okay.” I see the bag on the counter and move over to it. I pull out a black lace dress. I hold it against my shoulders, assessing the length. It's a little shorter than the skirt I’m wearing now, but not too bad. The sweetheart neckline will make my boobs stand out. The dress is nice, nicer than anything I own. There's also a shoebox in the bag, so I pull that out and find black three-inch heels.

I sigh. “Are you sure this is a good idea? I could just stay here in your room,” I say, hoping he agrees.

“You’re expected to attend. The Alpha’s son claimed you as his Avowed, as well as the son of Shadow Moon. Coal’s father will want to meet you,” Matteo says in reply.

“Well, fuck sauce.”

Both guys chuckle at my response.

“Is the Alpha really getting worse?” I ask the guys, not looking at them.

“Much worse…” they say in unison. Okay.

I spend some time getting ready. I shower again, shave, and brush my teeth twice. I want to smell neutral at this meeting.

When I step out of the bathroom, both men stare. I get anxious, worried something is wrong. I look down at myself and try to adjust my dress.

“Don’t, you look beautiful,” Matteo says, as Dean adjusts the bulge in his pants.

“Seriously!” I laugh at his obvious discomfort.

“You’re hot,” he shrugs.

“Let's do this shit,” I say, forcing confidence I don’t feel. As we step into the hall, we all freeze. Coal is there, waiting for us.

“I knew it. Fuckers,” Coal says, not as angry as I was expecting him to be. He knew I’d be here because of Dean, but Matteo isn’t supposed to be here.

For a moment no one speaks. We all just stare at Coal.

“I’m here to make sure you fuck heads don’t get her killed,” Coal snaps, and moves to stand in front of me. “Don’t speak, unless spoken to, and try to hold in any snappy comebacks. Don’t make eye contact with anyone. Not me, or them…” he says, looking at Dean and Matteo. “No one, Delilah. Keep your head down. My father…remembers you, and as the years go on, he’s become more...” He pauses. “Unpredictable.”

I frown. I don’t understand what's happening right now. Why is he concerned at all about me?

“You’re protecting me?” I can’t hide my confusion or surprise.

A look of despair falls over his features, but he clears it quickly. He looks back over my shoulder. “She needs to stay close to me.” Dean starts to protest. “My father isn’t likely to allow her to remain as your Avowed, Dean. If you can’t let her go, he’ll take her from us both. Do you want to know what he’ll do with her then?” Coal snaps, before taking my hand and stomping off. That shut the other two right up.

“I’m so confused right now,” I say, as I’m dragged down the hall.

“Well, keep it in your head for now, please.” Coal seems agitated. I look up at his blue eyes and blonde hair. “Head down, Delilah.”

I decide to focus on my feet. Just walk, focus on walking and breathing. Everything else can wait. Coal is scaring me, not because of his presence, but his behavior. He’s protecting me. Coal is protecting me.

Tonight is going to be bad.