Dark Need by Clarissa Wild

Chapter 34


I wakeup to a cold draft entering the room. I don’t know what time it is or how long I’ve been asleep, but I didn’t plan on going down. It just happened. But the cold is what shakes me up and makes me shiver, so I reach for the blanket and pull it up closer, searching for a warm body to hug with my other hand.

Only, the longer I pat the bed, the more I’m beginning to wonder where that woman is.

Because this bed sure feels empty.

I blink a couple of times to get my bearings, groaning out loud. “April?”

But she’s not here.

Not physically.

I sit up straight in bed and call out her name. “April?”

No response.

I throw the blanket off and march to the door, smacking it open wide to inspect the kitchen and the living room, but she’s nowhere to be seen. My bag with supplies is gone too.

Oh no.

In frustration, I kick open the bathroom door, but that too is empty.

And the realization begins to dawn on me …

She might be really gone.


I roar out loud and put on a pair of pants and a shirt before storming outside. “April?!”

Of course, there’s no reply. Because she’s already left, that’s why.


After all the time we spent together, I finally let my guard down and laid down to sleep with her, and this is what I get?

I should’ve never trusted her.

Should’ve never fallen asleep with her in my arms.

That’s what you get for falling for the only girl you’re not supposed to have.

I got greedy, and now I have to pay the price.

“Fuck!” I roar, slamming my fist into the nearest tree.

Where did she fucking run off to? What would a girl do who doesn’t know a thing about survival?

Then it hits me.

Of course, the fucking road we saw when we were at the top of the mountain.

* * *


A loud howlpiercing through the woods makes me pause.

It’s him.

I’d recognize the sound from anywhere. Which means he knows I’m gone.


It sounds close. Too close.

I don’t wait another second to run as fast as I can, not giving a shit about the cold turning my body into an ice cube. Even though the sun has only just risen, basking the land in only a small sliver of light, I keep going. I have to.

Because what will happen to me if I don’t?

If I don’t run, will he take me back to that place?

I shiver and force myself to continue. I can’t let that happen. I won’t. I refuse.

So I push through the cold and the pain as I strain my muscles to the limit, trying to outpace him. I know where I’m going, and I’m not stopping until I get there.

The road must be up ahead. I remember where it was purely based on what I saw at the mountaintop, but that simple flash of hope is enough to pull me forward.

Out there, maybe I can find someone to help me.

It’s a long walk, but I’m almost there. I can see the asphalt up ahead in the distance, light dancing on its surface, and my heart begins to race.

Another roar follows me. I don’t look back. It’s too far away, and I’ve come too far to turn around now.

There’s no going back. I made my decision.

I just pray it was the right one.

I swallow hard as I finally reach the road and look around for anything useful, like a sign that shows me where I am or a city in the distance. But there’s nothing but trees and grass around us, and the road in front seems endless.

So I start walking in one direction, hoping I’ll eventually reach a semblance of society. Maybe a gas station or a diner. Anything’s good as long as there are people there who I can ask for help.

Suddenly, the sound of an engine drifts closer, and my ears perk up in the direction of the noise. It’s coming from the back, coming toward me fast. A car.

My heart races as I walk into the middle of the road and wave my arms around as the car comes into view. I have two choices, either stay to the side and pray they’ll pick me up when I flaunt a thumb or block their path.

I chose the latter.

I know it’s dangerous, but I don’t care.

It’s the only shot I have.

The only way I can get out of here … before Soren finds me.

Because he’s right on my trail, and I know the second he woke up, he knew exactly where I was headed.

Which is why I really don’t have a choice at all. It’s do or die.

So I stay put as the car speeds toward me, giving every inclination of hitting me.

I brace for impact, spreading my legs as I close my eyes.

But as it’s almost here, it starts to slow down, and it comes to a full stop right in front of me. When I dare to open my eyes, the window is rolled down, and someone’s head sticks out. A guy with short blond hair, a wavy blue shirt, and a pair of sunglasses on his head. It’s such an odd sight to see a human wearing normal clothes that I’m actually staring with my lips parted.

“Hello? You’re blocking the road,” he says out loud. “What the hell are you doing?”

I shake off the jitters and reply, “Sorry, I-I need some help. I got lost. I’ve been walking for days.” I shiver and grab my arms, so I look a little more disheveled and in need of help. “Can you please give me a ride to the nearest stop?”

He frowns and then tucks his head back into the car, only to pop back out a few seconds later. “Sure.” A door to the back seat pops open. “Hop in.”

My heart is practically jumping up and down right now, but I have to remain calm. I can’t break down or explode with happiness until I actually get to safety. Until I’m actually free again.

So I smile and gleefully step into the car, closing the door behind me, but that excitement quickly turns to suspicion when I realize I’m not alone in here.

Two other guys are seated in the car—one in the front, one in the back—wearing hoodies to hide their red faces, as they definitely look like they drank too much. It also smells like liquor and weed in here. Maybe they were returning from a party, and I was busting in on their fun. Yikes.

I shudder when the one next to me turns his head to me and smirks awkwardly. “Nice to meet you. What’s your name?”

“I, uh …” Quick, think of something. “Emmy.”

Of course, that was the only name I could come up with.

One of the girls from the cult.


“So, what are you doing all the way out here, Emmy?” the other one in the front asks, leaning over the edge of his seat as if I’m so interesting to listen to.

I’m creeped out already.

“Uh, just … hiking. But I got lost,” I say.

The other one next to me cocks his head. “With that kind of gear?”

He pokes at my bag, which I clutch close to my body.

“I overestimated my own abilities,” I reply.

“C’mon, what were you really doing out there?” the guy in the front seat presses.

But I’m not going to tell them the truth. It would only put me in danger.

Although, I’m not even sure I’m not in danger here, regardless.

Something about this whole conversation just feels icky, and I don’t like it at all. But what am I supposed to do? I need them to bring me to a safe spot. There isn’t anyone else out here, and there probably won’t be another car for miles. So there’s nothing else I can do but accept their relentless questions.

“You weren’t having fun at some party we should know about, were you?” the one next to me asks, and he peels away my bag to try to have a look, but I instinctively tuck it closer to my body.

“No,” I say.

He frowns. “Well, you don’t have to be all bitchy about it.”

“I’m not being a—”

“Yeah, be a little grateful, girl, we’re supposed to drive you around for free,” the blond guy behind the wheel says.

This doesn’t feel right. This doesn’t feel right at all.

My hands search for the door handle as I contemplate running the hell away from them. Maybe this wasn’t such a smart idea after all.


My eyes snap to the button that just locked as fast as it closed.

Did they just … lock me in?

The guy next to him says, “C’mon, have a little fun.”

“Yeah, show us what you’ve got hiding underneath,” the guy next to me says, a creepy smirk appearing on his face.

Oh no.

Oh no, no, no.

“Let me out,” I say.

He looks insulted. “Oh no, you change your mind?”

“Just let me out, and I’ll walk,” I quip, jerking the door handle, but it won’t open.

“Oh no, you wanted a ride. You stopped us. Now you’re getting one,” the guy in the front seat says.

Panic swathes through my body as fast as the guy next to me lunges at me, ripping the bag away. But he wasn’t interested in the supplies. He immediately fingers my shirt and almost rips it open.

I shriek as bile rises to my throat. “No! Get away!”

I eye the guy in the mirror, but he does nothing to stop the guy from attacking me. Instead, he revs the engine and hits the gas.

“C’mere, show me what you’ve got. I promise I won’t bite,” the guy next to me says, his tongue dipping out to lick his lip piercing.

Tears well up in my eyes, and I fight him off with everything I have—punching, kicking, screaming.

“Whoa, this one’s feisty,” the front seat guy says, and he immediately grabs my legs to pin me down, helping his buddy to take over.

That almost sounds like … they’ve done this before.

Oh, God.

“Calm the fuck down,” the guy next to me says as he flips me around on my back with ease. I’m smashed against the window as the car begins to move. Tears roll down my cheeks as I watch the world around me disappear slowly while this man tears down my pants, whispering, “Just enjoy the ride.”

Fuck. This can’t be happening. After everything I’ve been through. This can’t be how it ends.

Suddenly, I spot him.

The man I’ve been running away from all this time, bolting through the woods at high speed with unbridled rage and determination churning in his eyes.


As he runs toward the car, our eyes connect, and with a single look, I beg him to save me. And I let out one final act of disobedience, calling out the name of the one person I was never supposed to need.
