Vicious Protector by Maggie Cole



Peach blossom,Turkish rose, and amber deliciously tease my nostrils. Tingles ignite on my hip where Adrian's dragging his fingers. I open my eyes and turn over to face him. His cocky expression is a laser going straight to my core, heating everything in its path.

"Morning, my printsessa." He cages his body over me and brings his lips to mine, pausing next to them. "We have fifteen minutes before the alarm goes off."

I can't control the smile forming on my face. I tease, "Should I try to get some more sleep?"

He slides his hand between my thighs then grunts. He mumbles, "I don't think your pussy wants to rest."

I squirm against his hand.

He arrogantly raises his eyebrows, drilling his icy-blue orbs into mine. He gives me little chaste kisses while gliding his fingers in me and murmuring, "Wet, sexy pussys need love, not sleep."

I laugh. "Is that so?"

"Mmhmm." His tongue attacks mine and a wave of flutters rolls through my veins. "Pussys that are ready for me get rewarded." His fingers move in and out of my sex while the heel of his palm circles my clit.

I close my eyes as the sensations build, desperately returning his kisses while whimpering into his mouth.

His hot breath hits my neck. "You know what I thought when I woke up this morning?" He flicks his tongue on the spot behind my ear that always creates an intense buzz on my skin while increasing the pressure on the bundle of nerves between my legs.

"No...oh God!" My toes curl and tremors ignite in my body.

His lips brush against my ear. "I love you, my printsessa."

My heart skips a beat. I freeze, but he doesn't and continues to manipulate my body. "Adrian!" I cry out as I spiral into bliss.

Like everything he does, he intensifies the moment. His fingers slide out of me, and his cock takes their place, thrusting against my spasming walls in one fluid motion. He moves his face in front of mine, studying me with his piercing blue flames. "I love you."

Before I can respond, he plunges his tongue back in my mouth, controlling my ability to do anything except return his affection.

He's so good. Everything about him is always so damn good. I can hardly speak or form a coherent thought as he professes his love for me, speaking as his lips press on my neck.

He growls, "I love everything about you."

My arms grip his shoulders. I dig my nails into his back, and a groan vibrates in his chest. He brings his lips an inch from mine.

"I love you, too," I breathe. More heat floods my body, and pellets of sweat break out on my skin, merging with Adrian's.

His mouth curls up. "Yeah?"

"So much," I admit.

He moves hair off my face. "I cleaned more of my closet out." He dips to my neck and sucks on my pulse while thrusting harder in me.

"Thanks...that's...oh God! Adrian! Oh...oh God!" I scream as everything turns white, endorphins explode in my cells, and I quiver hard into his muscular frame.

He studies me in his signature way. It makes me feel as if I'm the only person in the world he cherishes. His cocky confidence also reflects in his orbs. When my orgasm slows, his face turns stern. "Move in with me."

"Move in?" I manage to get out, breathing hard.

He licks my lip. "Yeah."

I don't contemplate anything about it. I only know I want to be with Adrian. "Okay."

A smile erupts on his face. "Good answer." He kisses me while thrusting harder. He growls something Russian in my ear then pulls out and removes the condom. He ties it up and tosses it on the floor. I reach for him. "Adrian—"

He lunges back over my frame, kisses me, then smirks. "I'm not done yet. We have a few more minutes." In a graceful swoop, his face is between my thighs, and he's paying homage to my sensitive, swollen sex.

"Jesus," I pant, gripping his head.

He tugs on my hips, and I ricochet from one high to the next until my alarm goes off. I grab my phone off the nightstand and hit the off button. He kisses my clit then moves up my torso, spends some time licking and sucking my breasts before sliding his arms under my body and ravaging my mouth once more.

My second alarm goes off, and I groan.

He rolls off me and turns it off. "I'll contact the movers."

I laugh, and the surge of happiness I feel with him and no one else fills my chest. "Just like that?"

His cocky expression reappears. "I want you in my bed every night."

More flutters take off in my belly. "I am in your bed every night."

"Yeah, but I don't want to wonder if you will be."

"Aww. Does Adrian Ivanov stress about whether he's going to get laid or not?" I tease.

His face falls. "It's not about that, my printsessa. I love you. I don't throw that word out there without thought and absolute certainty."

My heart swells again. I get on my knees and straddle him. "I love you, too. And I wouldn't say it just to say it."

He traces my lips. "So I'll schedule the movers?"

"I have a lease for another nine months. And I don't think there's any point in bringing my furniture here. Maybe I can find someone to sublet? I need to see if my lease allows it, but maybe I could rent it furnished."

He squeezes my ass cheek and pecks me on the lips. "Bring whatever you want. We'll figure out what to do with the rest of your stuff. You better get ready, or you're going to be late for work."

I rise and pick my phone up off the nightstand.

Fiona: Did you see the reviews?

The fashion show was yesterday. Initial social media posts weren't great. Adrian came to the show. He whisked me away when some newer designers were kissing Bowmen's ass. I stopped looking at the comments online within a few minutes of getting in the car with Adrian. Then I turned my phone to silent to avoid calls from Bowmen. Once he saw the reviews, he would no doubt freak out. I would hear it from Bowmen at work today, so I decided I wasn't going to give him the power to ruin my evening.

I click on the link Fiona sent and groan. "He had to ruin my masterpiece." As expected, the major critics didn't like the line. They use words like "last season," "cluttered," and "trying too hard."

"You should start your own label," Adrian says for the hundredth time.

"We've gone over this." I walk into the bathroom, and he follows me.

"Yeah. It's not impossible. Once we sort out what to do with your apartment, what bills will you have?"

I turn on the shower. Panic takes hold. I didn't think about money when I told Adrian I'd move in. "I don't know. What is my half of the bills for this place?"

He snorts. "Nothing."

I tilt my head. "I can't just mooch off you."

Amusement crosses his face. "Mooch off me?"


"You aren't, and I have plenty for both of us. We should look at what it would take for you to go out on your own."

"I can't. I would have to pay Bowmen to leave."

"Ask Kora whom we should see to review your contract."

My stomach flips. "It's too risky."


I step into the shower and Adrian follows. "I would be without a paycheck. It's expensive to create a label. Plus, Bowmen is going to blackball me if I leave."

"So what? You don't need to work. I have money. We can put a business plan together. It would include a budget. Once we know the numbers, we can figure out if we should get a business loan or use cash."

"Cash?" I laugh nervously. "I think you're under the impression you're dating some other woman. I don't have tons of cash. I have my retirement account I add to and a small slush fund."

"I have money," he states again.

I let the water soak my hair then grab the shampoo. I give Adrian a quick peck on the lips. "You're really sweet, but I can't take your money and have you supporting me."

'Why not?"

"I…well, because it's yours. It's not mine."

"It's mine to use for what I want," he insists.

"Yes, but what if we break up?"

"Why are you discussing us breaking up? I just told you I loved you and asked you to move in. We aren't breaking up," he adamantly states.

Panic seizes me. I've not lived with anyone since my ex-fiancé, which was over ten years ago. I didn't think about anything when he asked me to move in. "What happens if we do break up and I'm living here?"

He swipes the shampoo off my hand and rubs his palms together. "Spin."

I obey.

He massages my scalp and leans into my ear. "We aren't breaking up. Stop worrying. If we did, it's not like I'm going to kick you out so you're homeless."

"You're such a great guy," I tease but shouldn't. He hit my fear straight on.

"I am. And I would never do anything to hurt you. Close your eyes." He takes the sprayer and rinses the shampoo out of my hair.

I turn to him and lace my fingers around his head. "I know you wouldn't."

"Then don't second-guess moving in."

"I'm not. I want to move in with you, but I need to be realistic."

"We aren't breaking up, and once you move in, you aren't moving out, my printsessa. You'll break my heart if you do." His eyes tell me he isn't joking. If something did happen to us, he would be in pain.

I wrap my arms around him tighter and kiss him. "I'd break mine, too."

"Good. No more break up talk," he says.

We finish our shower, I get ready for work, and Adrian drops me off. "Can you pick me up at four so I can get ready for the rehearsal dinner tonight?"

"Sure. If anything pops up, I'll send a driver, but as of now, I don't have anything pressing going on." He gives me a toe-curling kiss, and I debate about calling off work and spending the day with Adrian, but Bowmen will go nuts if I do. I pull myself away from Adrian and joyously stroll into the building.

I internally groan when I get to the elevator and Bowmen is there. He scowls. "Why didn't you answer my calls?"

I force myself to smile. "I had plans last night."

The elevator opens, and we step in, along with several other people. I stay quiet while my insides quiver. As soon as we get inside our office suite, Bowmen turns to me. "This is your fault."

"Excuse me?"

His angry expression turns darker. "You didn't bring any ideas to the table. What am I paying you for?"

My mouth hangs open. Millions of responses, including that he can take his job and shove it up his ass, fly into my mind, but I don't respond. He continues accusing me of destroying his collection, in front of the entire staff.

I avoid the sympathetic stares from everyone, except for Kevin. He's the one person who has an amused expression on his face. He's always wanted my position and is jealous of my role. He's the one person on the team who would backstab me to get my job.

"You aren't an intern, are you, Skylar?" Bowmen seethes.

My insides quiver harder. I take a deep breath to find the confidence in my voice. "No, I'm not."

This is abusive. Why am I taking this?

What am I supposed to do?

I can't get fired.

He continues assaulting me verbally then excuses everyone. All day, I pay for Bowmen's bad reviews. He slams more work on my desk around three. "Don't leave until you finish this."

I go through the pile then text Adrian.

Me: I need to meet you at the rehearsal dinner.

Adrian: Why? What's wrong? What did that dick say to you?

I can't tell Adrian what's happening. He'll strangle Bowmen with his bare hands. I hate lying to Adrian, but I don't see any other choice.

Me: All's good. I have work to finish. I'll meet you there.

Adrian: I'll pick you up on my way.

Me: No. I don't want you to be late. I'll meet you.

Adrian: I'll send Bogden, then.

Me: Okay.

Adrian: If you get done early, let me know.

Me: I will.

Adrian: Are you okay?

Me: Yes. I'll see you tonight.

Adrian: Love you.

Me: Love you, too.

I spend the next few hours finishing Bowmen's pointless tasks, which he designed to punish me. Bogden picks me up and drops me off at the restaurant. Kora is the first person I see, and I beeline toward her. "Hey. Have you seen Adrian? Bowmen was on one of his kicks and kept me late."

"You need a different boss, but they just left."

My heart pounds harder. "What do you mean, left?"

She shakes her head. "Boris walked in and they all just left. Sergey said if he's not back, to meet him at the church tomorrow."

My stomach flips. I pull out my phone. As I read Adrian's message, I mumble, "Something came up. I'll meet you at the wedding tomorrow." Panic fills me. I glance at Nora. She's alone and looks as if she might cry. They left Boris's rehearsal dinner. What could be so important they would need to leave Nora on her own? Why won't Adrian be back until tomorrow?

I demand to know."What is going on, Kora?"

"I honestly don't know."

Aspen joins us. "Skylar, you look beautiful."

"Where did they go?" I ask. Something terrible is about to happen. I can feel it.

Aspen shakes her head. "I don't know."

"Please tell me. I can't handle not knowing anymore."

"We honestly don't know, Skylar," Kora says.

"Is this normal for you? Always being in the dark?" I snap.

Aspen's eyes widen. "No. It's not an everyday occurrence. And Maksim doesn't keep me in the dark. He tells me what I need to know. The things he deems dangerous for me to know, he doesn't."

"And you're okay with it?" I ask, upset she at least gets told something, but I'm always in the dark.

When will the day come that Adrian realizes whatever secrets he holds, I will handle and still love him?

Aspen sticks her chin out. "Yes. He would die for me. All he thinks about is how to protect and love me. So while I worry about his safety and don't enjoy him not being here with me, I know he wouldn't have left if it weren't important. And when he returns, whatever is safe to tell me, he will."

Well, that's more than I get.

Adrian only thinks about loving and protecting me, too. Is this so bad if that's what I get in return for him keeping his secrets?

I turn to Kora. "And you? You feel the same?"

She nods. "Yes. I don't like it, but there isn't any other choice, except not to be with Sergey. I won't choose that option."

I close my eyes. If you're going to play in their sandbox, don't pretend you don't understand what they are capable of and use it as an excuse to run down the road, Nora's warning to Kora and me during her dress fitting keeps playing in my head. I mutter, "What have we all gotten involved in?"

Aspen nervously glances at Kora. She softly asks, "Have you talked to Adrian about this?"

I sarcastically laugh then turn away and cover my face. The tears well and I do everything in my power not to let them fall.

Kora pulls me into her. "Hey."

"I need to go."

"Okay, let's go," she says.

I shake my head. "No, you stay."

"Aspen, you're staying with Nora tonight?" Kora asks.

"Yes, that's always been the plan."

"Okay. We'll see you tomorrow. Skylar, you come stay with me at Sergey's tonight."

"No, really—"

"It's not up for discussion. Let's go."

We hug Aspen, sneak out the side door, and hop in a cab. We say nothing until we get inside Sergey's. The entire ride, my mind floats between Nora's statement and the fear, frustration, and nagging voice in my head, saying Adrian can't continue to keep me in the dark while reminding me I agreed to his terms.

We spend the rest of the night watching rom-coms, ignoring the elephant in the room, and glancing at our phones for unsent messages. I try not to go down the what-if road, but I'm dying inside, worrying about where Adrian is and what he's doing. I'm not ignorant. Something dangerous is taking place.

I finally speak up. "I'm so worried. I hate not knowing what's going on."

Kora's hazel eyes glisten. "I know. It's not ideal, but it also isn't anything we can stop. They have their situations that pop up."

"What are those situations?" I attempt again to get any insight into what the Ivanovs are really involved in.

A sympathetic smile appears on her face. "I'm sorry. I don't know what Adrian's story is. I only know Sergey and his brothers. I can't break Sergey's trust in me, and I don't want to tell you something about Sergey that may not be true for Adrian. You have to talk to him."

"He won't tell me," I claim, swallowing the lump of emotions growing in my throat.

She furrows her eyebrows. "Maybe he just needs more time."

"Sergey told you. We all started dating around the same time." Hurt fills my voice.

Kora grabs my hand. "Sweetie, talk to him some more."

"I promised him I wouldn't. He said I have to be okay not talking about his work. I agreed to it." I wipe the tear off my cheek. "I'm worried about him. What are they doing?"

"I honestly don't know. But, Skylar, if you can't deal with not knowing what Adrian does, then you need to tell him."

More tears drip down my face. "I love him. I don't want to lose him."

Kora strokes my hair. "I know you do. But is love enough if you're in the dark?"

"I want to think it is. I told myself it was. The thought of not being with Adrian is so painful, I get heart palpitations thinking about it," I admit.

Kora sighs. "I know the feeling."

The room falls silent for several moments.

Kora asks, "I've known you a long time, right?"


"I think I know you better than anyone else," she adds.

"I agree."

"Okay. I can't tell you for sure what Adrian's story is, but my assumption is it is just as gruesome as Sergey's but maybe in a different way. If I told you that knowing what I know about you, if his story is anything like Sergey's and he's doing anything Sergey is, that I believe you would accept it and still love him, would that give you any comfort?"

"I already know I'll still love him. I just want him to tell me the truth."

She takes a deep breath. "Sergey wouldn't have told me if something hadn't happened. I honestly think if you give Adrian a bit more time, it'll eventually come out. If it's like Sergey's truth, it's not going to be easy for him to tell you. And from what I can gather, all the Ivanovs detest themselves in many ways over who they are. And Sergey's pain is deep. If Adrian's is anything like his, my advice is to love him and wait. But that's me. I can't tell you what to do, but no matter what, I'll support you."

I sigh. "You aren't making my curiosity any less."

She winces. "I'm sorry. I thought it might help you."

I think for several minutes. Her words do give me some comfort. "No, it did. Thank you. I hope you're right. Maybe I do need to give Adrian more time to understand how much I love him and will stick by him."

She hugs me. "I'm sorry I can't give you more. I wish I could. I hate you're going through this, but I also see how much you love Adrian."

"I do." I rise. "Let's go to bed. Tomorrow can't come soon enough."

"Agreed." She follows me down the hall and we go into our rooms.

The next morning, we get ready for the wedding. Adrian still hasn't messaged me, and Sergey hasn't contacted Kora. When we get to the church, Nora is stressing, and her auntie is giving her grief about her dress. We get her auntie out of the room and Darragh comes up and pulls her away.

"Thank God. That woman is a nightmare," I mutter.

"That's an understatement. Hailee better think twice about getting with Liam. His murder rap is nothing compared to her," Kora quietly adds.

I snicker.

Kora grabs my arm. I turn to see Adrian, Obrecht, and Dmitri through the window. I sigh in relief then feel Kora's nails dig into my arm.

Where are Sergey and Boris?

I put my arm around her waist. "Come on."

Her voice cracks. "Where is he?"

"Let's go find out."

I try to stop my tears from falling when I step in front of Adrian. He's in his tux, looking gorgeous as ever, but something is in his eyes. I don't know what to make of it.

"Where is he?" Kora asks, interrupting the conversation the Ivanovs are having in aggressive Russian.

Maksim hesitates.

"Tell me where he is," she demands.

Dmitri leads her to the side door and inside.

Adrian pulls me away from the others.

I cup his cheeks. "I've been so worried. Why didn't you text or call me?"

"I'm sorry. Our phones are dead. I'm fine. You look beautiful." He kisses me.

"What happened?"

"You know I won't answer your questions, my printsessa. It's too dangerous for you to know. Let's forget about this and celebrate good things today." His eyes plead with me to drop it.

Give him more time. He will eventually tell me.

Nora's voice also fills my head again. If you're going to play in their sandbox, don't pretend you don't understand what they are capable of and use it as an excuse to run down the road.

I take a deep breath and smile at Adrian. "Okay. But give me another kiss."