A Real Cowboy Always Protects by Stephanie Rowe

Chapter Twenty-Five

Skylar was still feelinghappy when they rode back to the barn and took care of the horses. Logan and Leila showed her what to do, and by the time she finished taking care of Meg, she was completely in love with the mare. Quintin and Brody were charming, and it was an amazing time. Brody had kept her updated when her mom had boarded the Hart plane and gotten safely airborne, so her heart had been light all day.

After taking care of the horse, when they walked out of the barn, Skylar saw a blue pickup truck in front of Chase's house. It looked familiar. "Is that Keegan's?"

"It is," Brody said. "I told him to meet us here."

"Keegan's here? My mom's here?" As Skylar spoke, the passenger door to the truck opened, and her mom stood on the running board and waved, a broad smile on her face. Her gray hair was in two braids, and she was wearing her favorite Vermont sweatshirt.

"Mom!" Tears burst free and Skylar broke into a run.

Her mom leapt down and caught her in a hug and Skylar clung to her mom, unable to stop crying. She'd thought she was being strong, but seeing her mom made all her defenses crumble. "I was so scared I'd never see you again," she whispered. "I thought I was going to die and then I thought you were going to die and—"

"Shh!" Her mom stroked her hair, as she used to do so many years ago when Skylar was a little girl. "It's okay, sweetheart. Everything's okay." She pulled back and smiled at Skylar, brushing her thumbs over her cheeks to wipe away the tears. "We're good, baby."

"I know." She took a deep breath, trying to gather herself. "You're okay? Everything went okay?"

Her mom grinned. "It was the most fun I've had in ten years. The police show up at the farm, throw me into the squad car, and whisk me off to the station. Then a handsome young man with more guns than you can shake a stick at literally kidnaps me out of the station." She beamed at her. "Then I get to ride a private jet back to Wyoming with two armed escorts? It made me realize how damned boring I'd let my life get!"

Skylar stared at her mom in surprise. "You weren't scared?"

"Sure, I was. That was the fun part." As her mom spoke, Keegan got out of the truck.

The back door of the cab opened, and a man Skylar didn't recognize got out. He was well over six feet, with beautiful brown skin and a predatory grace that made her glad that he was on their side.

Her mom beamed at him, trotted over to him with more pep than she'd had in years, and tucked her arm through his. "Skylar, I'd like you meet Falcon." She winked. "He has an actual name, but he claims he has forgotten it over the years."

Emotion clogged Skylar's throat. When her dad died, a part of her mom's spirit had died along with him. The light had left her eyes for so long that Skylar had thought she'd never get her mom back…but the woman grinning at her was the mom she remembered, the mom she used to have.

Falcon grinned at Skylar, his face breaking into a smile that was much warmer than she would have expected. "I hear you're already getting married, so I'm going to marry your mom instead. Hope that's okay."

"What?" Skylar's mom shrieked. "You're getting married?"

Skylar grimaced. She'd forgotten about that. "Ahh…"

Logan stepped up beside her and put his arm around her shoulders. "Logan Stockton, ma'am. I love Skylar with all my heart, and I'll spend my life making her happy."

"Oh…" A knowing look came over Abby's face. "You're the man who lives across the hall from her. When did you two start dating?"

"Recently," Logan said. "But it's been a long time coming."

"It sure has. It's about damned time. Skylar would glow and get all giggly every time she ran into you."

Skylar felt her cheeks heat up. "I didn't get giggly."

"Of course you did." Skylar's mom beamed at Logan. "My name is Abby Jones. I can't even tell you how delighted I am that you got through Skylar's walls." She held out her arms. "Lay one on me, Logan!"

Logan grinned and walked over to Abby. Her mom swept him up in her arms, and held tight.

After a brief hesitation, Logan hugged her back just as fiercely. When Abby finally let him go, he pulled back only slightly. "I swear to you I'll take care of her."

Abby's face softened and she patted Logan's cheek. "I can tell. Welcome to the family." She beamed at Skylar. "Where am I staying? I want to unpack. Falcon snuck me home to get my stuff. You won't believe how capable he is. It's so impressive."

"I'll take her back to the River House," Keegan said. "All her stuff is already in my truck."

"Hang on!" Chase walked out his door. "It's dinnertime. Why don't you all stay? Ryder and Zoey are already here." He walked up to Skylar's mom. "I'm Logan's brother, Chase. I'd like to welcome you officially to the family, Abby."

Her mom smiled. "Well, thank you."

Chase held out his arms. "Hug it out?"

She laughed and let the cowboy hug her. "I like this family, Skylar, but you're in so much trouble that I had no idea you and Logan had gotten past gawking at each other in the elevator."

Skylar released a long breath. It was fantastic her mom was so happy, but she hated that it wasn't real. Would she lose her mom again when Abby learned none of it was real? The stakes were getting higher and higher.

"May I escort you inside?" Chase held out his arm, and Abby laughed and set her hand in his elbow.

"You'll have to fight me for her." Falcon held out his elbow for her other hand, which she tucked into the crook of his arm. "I saw her first."

Abby's laughter echoed like music as she disappeared into the house with the men.

Skylar stared after her. "I haven't heard her laugh like that since my dad died. It's incredible. I thought…I thought I'd never have my mom back again. Not like that."

Logan put his arm around her. "She reminds me of you. That sparkle in her eyes is vibrant. I can see where you get your sass."

"She's amazing," Leila whispered, her voice awed. "She's just like you."

Skylar turned to see Leila with her arms wrapped around her torso. "She's pretty special."

Leila looked over at her and seemed to pull herself back. "Okay. I gotta get back to the dorm. Thanks for today. It was fun." She turned and started trudging back toward the barn.

Skylar glanced at Logan, who was frowning. "Leila," he called out. "Come join us for dinner."

She looked back at him. "I can't. I have to do camp stuff."

"Hang on." He pulled out his phone and dialed. "Zane? I want Leila to join us for dinner at Chase's. Cool?" He paused. "Perfect." He hung up. "It's all set."

Her face lit up. "Really?"

"Come on," Brody said. "I'll take you in." He held out his arm to escort her, like Falcon and Chase had done with Abby.

Leila grinned. "Well, all right then." She put her hand through his arm, and then started giggling when Keegan jogged over and held out his other arm. She put her hand through his arm, and was still giggling as they escorted her up the stairs into the house.

Skylar started to follow them, but Logan caught her hand. "One sec?"

Her heart leapt at the feel of his hand around hers, and she let him turn her back. "What?"

Logan gently tugged her closer to him, then slid his hand behind her neck and kissed her.

Skylar sighed and leaned into him, unable to stop herself from breathing him in. She loved his kisses so much. The kiss quickly turned hot, and she melted into him, loving the feel of his body against hers.

He grinned and pulled back. "I've been wanting to do that all day. When this is over, I'm taking you back to that river alone, and we're going skinny dipping."

Desire rushed through her at the idea, but she tried to ignore it. "When this is over, we're going back to Boston. Me to my job, you to yours. There won't be any more rivers."


She frowned. "Maybe to which part?"

"Not sure yet." He kissed her again. "But I'm getting more clarity. Come on. Chase is a fantastic chef. Whatever's on the menu is going to be great."

A part of her wanted to make him stay outside and talk about them, their future, or their lack thereof. But fear kept her silent. She was afraid that he wanted a forever. Afraid he didn't. Afraid of what she wanted. Afraid of what she needed.

So, she said nothing. She just let him take her hand and lead her inside, to the family who thought she belonged to them.