A Real Cowboy Always Protects by Stephanie Rowe

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chase hadsix horses saddled in front of his house when they pulled up. All of the horses were loaded with saddlebags. Five had no riders, but there was a cowboy with a hat on the sixth one.

Logan swore under his breath. "Son of a bitch. I can't believe he's here."

"Who is that?" Skylar asked. He was too far away to see clearly, but he looked familiar.

"My brother." Logan parked the truck and the cowboy rode up to the window.

He leaned down and grinned, flashing Logan and Skylar a smile that looked stunningly familiar, because he looked almost exactly like Logan. He had the same Stockton jaw and cheekbones as all the brothers, but this man had the same skin tone and dark eyes as Logan.

"Heard you needed a little backup."

"I do." Logan got out of the truck and clasped Quintin's hand in the kind of handshake that was more like a man hug than an actual handshake. He was grinning broadly. "When did you get here?"

"About twenty minutes ago. Chase gave me a heads up." He grinned at Skylar as she got out of the truck on her side. "And you must be the woman I'm hearing about. You really think this guy's worthy of your time?"

She smiled at the warmth in his voice. "I do. You must be Quintin."

He tipped his hat. "Last time I checked, that was how it seemed." He nodded at Brody as the Hart brother got out of his truck, which he'd parked behind Logan's. "Good to see you, Brody."

"Always a pleasure." Brody reached up to Quintin and they did the same handshake. Powerful. Bonded. "You coming riding with us today?"

"Riding?" Skylar raised her brows. "We're going riding?"

"Yep. Riding was our only salvation most days," Logan said. "I thought it might help Leila." His gaze settled on her face, and she saw the concern in his eyes. "And you."

She managed a smile. "I'll be fine when my mom is safe."

"She's safe," Brody said. "Our friend will make sure of it. He'll escort her all the way here." He handed her his phone. "Check it."

She looked down and saw a text. Logan leaned over her shoulder, reading along with her. Got her. Police station wasn't safe. Will keep her off the grid until plane arrives. While she was reading it, another text came in. If her daughter is half as hilarious as she is, I'm going to marry her daughter when I get to Wyoming.

Skylar burst out laughing as tears suddenly filled her eyes. "If my mom's giving him shit, she's all right." She handed the phone back, her heart feeling much lighter. "Who is the guy who has her?"

"A friend with skills." Brody started to tuck his phone in his pocket, but Logan held out his hand.

"Can I borrow that?" Logan asked.

Brody grinned. "Be nice."

"I'm always nice." Skylar leaned in, watching as Logan typed. She's already marrying someone else, but you will definitely get an invite to the wedding for keeping her mom safe.

She started laughing as Logan handed the phone back. "Male posturing in the middle of a crisis?"

"It's not a crisis," Logan said. "We have it covered. Just wanted to make sure he doesn't get the wrong idea." He looked past Skylar. "Here comes Leila. You guys ready?"

Skylar looked over as Leila approached. She was walking beside Zane, but her head was down and her shoulders were slumped. She was wearing a red cowboy hat, jeans, and red cowboy boots that were well-worn. She looked like she belonged on the ranch…the ranch that didn't belong to her.

Skylar's heart turned over at her visible dejection. "Leila!"

The teenager looked up, and her face brightened. "Skylar!" She looked at Zane. "Is she coming? You didn't tell me she was coming."

"It was a surprise." Zane's voice was gentle, but Skylar knew his truth. He'd been afraid to get Leila's hopes up in case Skylar hadn't come.

She bunched her fists in determination. She wasn't going to be one of the people in Leila's life who let her down. "Do you know how to ride?" she asked. "I haven't ridden in years."

Leila's smile lit up her face as she ran toward them. "I've been learning."

"Well, let's go!" The men all mounted up, after making sure Skylar and Leila were all set.

"You've got enough food for all day," Chase said as he stepped back. "Enjoy."

Logan grinned as he rode up beside them. "You guys good?"

"Wait!" Mira came running out of the house with an off-white cowboy hat. "It's a sunny day. You'll need protection." She handed the cowboy hat to Skylar. "Now you look like you fit."

Skylar grinned as she settled the hat on her head. She was wearing hiking boots, but the hat made her feel like she matched her escorts, all of whom were pure cowboy. "Perfect."

"Let's go, then." Quintin turned his horse toward the west, and set off at a slow lope.

"Yay!" Leila beamed at Skylar, and then headed out after him.

Logan raised his brows. "Do you need a refresher?"

"I got it." She patted her horse, and then urged the mare forward. The palomino responded, moving into a lope that was so comfortable it felt like she was riding on a couch. Logan immediately fell in beside her, and Brody pulled up the rear, staying about twenty-five yards behind. "What's my horse's name?"

"That one is named Meg, I think."

"Meg?" It was perfect. She leaned down and patted Meg on the neck. "Let's go girl."

Once they were clear of the farm, she opened up the mare's strides, catching up to Leila. "You ready, girl?"

"Yes!" Leila was beaming at her, her face flushed with delight. "Let's go!"

The two of them took off with a whoop. Still in the lead, Brody looked back over his shoulder at them, waved his hat, and then increased his pace. He moved off to their right, and Quintin drifted to the left, flanking them from a distance. She could see the glint of sunlight off Quintin's gun, and she assumed Brody was also armed.

Three cowboy bodyguards. Empty plains as far as she could see. She was safe right now, she realized. Truly safe. And now that the Hart's friend had taken her mom into hiding, her mom was safe, too. She could relax.

Logan rode up beside Leila, grinning. "It's glorious, isn't it?" he shouted over the pounding hooves.

"Amazing!" Skylar had ridden around a ring at a neighbor's barn. She'd taken a few trail rides through the woods. But she'd never had the experience of riding across open plains that seemed to last forever. She held out her arms and raised her face to the sky. "Freedom," she shouted.

Leila laughed and did the same thing. "Freedom," she screamed. "I'm free!"

Skylar couldn't believe how amazing it felt to be riding. To feel the power of the animal beneath her. The pounding hooves on the plains was like a mantra of power and peace, of freedom and speed, of glorious connection with the earth and nature.

"Freedom," Logan bellowed, raising his arms like they had.

For a moment, the three of them rode side by side, arms out, heads back in unison, breathing in the moment.

It was perfect. Skylar had never felt so free, so happy, so at peace.

"This is the best," Leila said as they raced across the plains. "Zane and Taylor never let me go this fast. I'm always in charge of the younger campers."

Skylar smiled. "I like speed. I won't stop you."

Leila's gaze slid to Logan, clearly wondering if he was going to tell her to slow down, but he grinned. "I need this as much as you do, Leila. Today is about no rules. You lead the way. It's your day."

She shrugged. "I don't know where to go."

Logan got a thoughtful look on his face. "I have an idea. You guys up for an adventure?"

Leila's face lit up. "Yes!"

Skylar grinned. "Of course."

"Then follow me." He raised his hand, gesturing to Brody and Quintin. Their bodyguards immediately turned to the south. Quintin took off in a gallop, riding on ahead, while Brody stayed with them. "Quintin's going to make sure it's clear." His gaze landed on Leila. "I think you'll like this."

She smiled up at him, the faintest bit of hero worship gleaming in her eyes. "I can't wait."

Logan smiled over at Skylar, and her heart leapt at the warmth on his face. He was so handsome. And he looked so happy. True happiness. She'd never seen that look on his face before. "You look happy," she said.

He looked surprised at her comment, then a thoughtful expression came over his face. "You know, I am." His smile widened. "Let's go! Follow Quintin!"

And off they went.

They rode for almost an hour, slowing down to a more leisurely pace to rest the horses from time to time. Leila had cheered up, and the vibrance of her soul was riveting. She was so smart, so talented, and funny.

Skylar adored her, and Logan was wonderful with her. The two of them already had a bond as well, and she could almost see Leila sitting taller and shining brighter as the ride went on.

It was glorious in all ways.

"Here we go!" Logan reined in, and Skylar and Leila stopped beside him. They were on a hillside above a river that was wide and slow, drifting gently. Quintin was riding toward them along the opposite riverbank. "You guys ready?"

"Are we going swimming?" Leila asked.

"Not us. Come on." Logan led the way down the embankment, and Skylar gestured for Leila to go next. She followed behind them, her mare picking her way down the slope with easy surefootedness.

Logan reached the edge of the river, but he didn't stop. He and his horse plunged right in, spraying water everywhere. "Come on!"

Leila shrieked with joy and urged her horse in. The bay trotted right in without hesitation, the water splashing up around his hooves.

Logan was already up to his horse's fetlocks in the water, a huge grin on his face. Excitement rushed through Skylar, and she urged Meg into the water. The palomino nickered with delight, tossing her head as the water splashed. The water swished all around them, and Skylar laughed as Meg put her head down to drag her nose through the river.

"Keep the horses moving forward," Logan said. "Sometimes they like to roll in the water." As he said it, Skylar saw the legs of his horse buckle. "Logan—"

He swore and jumped off a split second before his horse hit the water, snorting with delight as he rolled onto his back, kicking his feet in the air. Leila shrieked with laughter as Logan grabbed for the reins, trying to stay out of the way of the flailing hooves, clearly not totally trying to make his horse stop.

By the time he got his horse back on his feet, Logan was completely soaked. Water was dripping from his hat, his shirt was plastered to his body, and his face was glistening with water. His saddle was drenched, and his horse was delightedly wet.

Quintin was laughing at him. "You've lost your touch, bro. I don't think we can call you a cowboy anymore. You're a city slicker."

"Never. I was distracted by these two amazing gals." He swung back into the saddle, a huge grin on his face. "I was always the one who let my horse roll. Ol' Skip used to always give me grief for coming back with a wet saddle."

"Chase will yell at you," Quintin said.

Logan laughed. "No, he won't. He'll hope that it was so fun that I'll never leave the ranch again!"

Skylar's heart caught at his words. Never leave the ranch? "You mean move here? To Rogue Valley? Would you do that?"

What if he moved back here? And she was stuck in Boston? She'd never see him again. There would be no time to see what could happen with her across-the-hall neighbor when this was over and they were back home.

Leila's face lit up. "You'd move back here? Really?"

Logan's smile faded as he looked at both of them. "No, I—" He stopped suddenly, a surprised look on his face. "I don't know."

He might. He might move back. Skylar could see it in his eyes. He was thinking about it.

Suddenly, the joy of the day was gone.

Logan met her gaze, and he frowned. "You want to ride upriver?" he asked Leila.

"Yes! Let's go!" She turned her horse and started walking.

"One word of warning," he said. "Don't come out here alone. This river is prone to flash floods, and not all parts of it have a sandy bottom that the horses can navigate easily. Ask one of us to go if you want to come out here."

Leila nodded. "Sure." She clucked to her horse and they headed upriver.

Up on the banks, Quintin and Brody followed along, being their guardians.

As Leila moved ahead, Logan fell in next to Skylar. "What happened to your smile?" he asked. "Not having fun?"

She bit her lip and focused on her mare's head. "Would you…would you really move back here?"

"I don't know. I'm happy today, and that feels good."

She nodded.

They rode in silence for a few minutes, until he spoke again. "Would you consider living here?"

Her heart leapt, and she looked over at him. "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious. I love you, Skylar. I want to find a way to make this work. This. Us. Life. I need to know if you would ever consider living here."

She looked toward the teenager riding ahead. To Brody and Quintin on the banks. To the man riding next to her. "Give up my job? My life? To move here?"

He nodded, watching her face.

A part of her yearned to say yes, to throw herself into this magical world of horses and family. "I'm scared to even date," she said. "But to give up everything to take a chance on us?"

She wanted to be that woman. She wanted to be that brave. But what if she did, and then everything fell apart? If she moved out here, she would be completely dependent on Logan and his family. She would have nothing left of her own. All she had would be his to take away whenever he felt like it.

She looked over at Logan, at his beautiful, dark eyes watching her so carefully. God, she was head over heels for this man. So lost for him that it was so tempting for her to throw everything into him and go all in…but she couldn't. Even if he was the man she thought he was, trustworthy with all his heart, she never wanted to be so lost and without anything of her own ever again. "I can't," she finally said. "I just can't. I'm sorry."

Regret flickered over his face, but he nodded. "I understand. Stop for a sec."

They both reined in their mounts. The moment they stopped, he moved his horse closer to hers and leaned over, kissing her softly. "I love who you are, Skylar. Never apologize."

His kiss was beautiful and perfect, and she leaned into him, needing him, his kiss, his love. She knew how much he loved her. She could feel it in his words, his kiss, and his touch.

But the shield around her heart wouldn't come down.

"Oh, come on," Leila shouted. "Stop kissing! Let's go!"

Logan pulled back with a grin. "Kids," he teased, brushing his thumb over Skylar's cheek. "We never get a moment alone anymore. It's tough being parents." He winked at her, then raised his voice. "Coming, Leila!"

Skylar watched him as he rode ahead, then laughed when he leaned down, dragged his hand through the water, and then splashed Leila.

She shrieked with laughter, then splashed him back. "Come on, Skylar! Let's team up against him."

Skylar made a decision. Maybe they didn't have a forever. Maybe she was too broken to take advantage of the gift that the universe was trying to give her. But they did have this moment, this afternoon, this oasis of laughter, fun, and togetherness.

She wasn't going to ruin it with "what ifs." She was going to live to the fullest that she could, just like her dad had always taught her. "Coming!" She urged Meg forward as Logan leaned down to use his hat to scoop up the water. "Logan, you are so going down! Girl power will triumph—"

Logan caught her square in the face with a blast of water from his hat.

Leila doubled over with laughter. "Make him pay for that," she shouted.

Skylar grinned and whipped her hat off her head. "The game is on."

It was the best day of her life.