Storm by Aria Ray

Chapter Twenty-Six


“You hired them, didn’t you? You put my sister through all that trauma. For what?” My voice was low and rigid.

Storm had Jackie pinned to a wall with her hands tied behind her back. So, I knew she wasn’t going anywhere.

He stood to the side and by now, Grit was here, too, but he stood near the door keeping guard. This was between Jackie and me.

“I wanted the money my mom and I deserved. He is my father, too!” she hissed. I stepped towards her, and she flinched. All this time, she thought she was the powerful one. The one who was putting my family through misery as payback. But here she was, alone and afraid. Just like Alison had been.

“I don’t care if he’s your father. You should have kept it between you and him. Why did you do this to us? To Alison? What has she ever done to you?”

Jackie looked away.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you!” I yelled.

Storm was glaring at her, too, and when she caught his eye, she realized she would have to listen to my commands.

“I have spent my whole life in poverty. Did you know that? Our father abandoned me and my mom. He didn’t want to have anything to do with us because he wanted to keep us away from you. A secret.”

“My father’s actions have nothing to do with us.”

“Yeah, why the fuck would you care? You and your sister grew up in complete luxury while my mom and I have struggled every day to make ends meet.” Jackie’s voice was dripping with venom which sent chills down my spine. She was capable of anything and would have gone to any lengths to make us pay for the life she thought she deserved.

“So, you put my sister through a world of pain to make up for it? Does it make you feel good now?”

“I did it for the money. Your family had all the happiness you could have asked for. You had a father in your lives. The least I could ask for was the money he owed us.”

“And this was the only way you could achieve that?”

I stepped up close to her, my face just inches from hers. I could have spent hours trying to get her to see the impact her actions had on our lives, how this was going to affect Alison for the rest of her life. Jackie would never see it that way. She thought we deserved it.

I wanted to slap her. She needed to feel all the pain Alison had endured. Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw Storm staring at me.

I knew what I had to do. I needed to let go.

“Call the cops. I want her locked up and out of my sight,” I said and turned away from her.

“Boohoo. Poor little rich girl! You and your sister think you’re so special, living it up in your big house and…” Jackie continued to spit words out. I didn’t want to hear it anymore. I walked out of the house. I was done with her. I couldn’t change the past by shouting back at her.

Right now, I just needed to focus on Alison and her recovery.

On my way out, I heard Grit make the phone call to their associate who was also a cop. Jackie was going to be taken care of, and hopefully, I would never have to see her again.

I spent the rest of the evening alone in the motel room while Storm dealt with the Jackie situation. He had dropped me off at the motel earlier and promised we would see each other later.

I could have gone to the hospital and spent some time with Alison and Mom, but I didn’t feel like being around other people.

I was struggling to process everything, how to cope after somebody—technically someone who had the same blood as mine flowing through her veins—could have done this to my family. Dad was responsible. If he hadn’t been unfaithful to Mom, if he had done right by Jackie and her mom, then none of this would have happened to Alison.

I was happy she was safe, but she had a long road to recovery. I needed to be by her side.

Storm returned late that night.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, when he found me sitting up in the middle of the bed. I had been staring into space, and I was sure he noticed the blank expression on my face.

“I don’t know how to feel anymore. I don’t know what I can do to make this right.”

“Jackie is behind bars. She is going to pay for what she did to Alison.”

I nodded, but I still felt lost.

“That still won’t make it right for Alison. She is just not herself anymore. She is not the sister I have known all my life, and it is all Jackie’s fault. All Dad’s fault.”

Storm sat down beside me and rubbed my knee. I drew it away. I didn’t feel like I deserved him. I didn’t feel accepted by some of the members of his club, especially the women. And Alison needed so much care. It was just too much.

“My sister needs me,” I said.

“And you’re going to be there for her. You will help her get better.”

“I want to give you what you need. I have come to understand a little bit about how your world works. The expectations your people will have from the woman you choose to be with. No matter how hard I tried, I didn’t feel accepted. And now Alison needs me.”

Storm said nothing, he just stared at me. I took that as confirmation. Yes, I would have some expectations and responsibilities. Yes, I hadn’t been accepted. Yes, Alison needs me. Storm was the president. He expected me to shoulder those things and more.

“I don’t know if I can fulfill them. I don’t know if I can fulfill that role, take on those responsibilities, and make you happy. Make the club accept me. It’s just too much.”

“You have already made me happy,” he said.

I blinked hot tears from my eyes and shook my head.

“But you’re right, this is not a life everyone can handle, especially not a woman like you. You deserve better than this,” he continued.

I was about to tell him he was the best thing that had happened to me, but he had already stood up.

“The guys are drinking, celebrating. I’m going to spend some time with them. You should get some sleep,” he said and then left the room.