Storm by Aria Ray

Chapter Twenty-Seven


The last two weeks passed in a daze, like I wasn’t even actually living. I was simply surviving.

After the last conversation with Zoe in the motel that night, we hadn’t seen each other. The next day, she left for Griffinsford because Alison had been discharged from the hospital. She wanted to take her mother home. I made arrangements for a car to take them back, while the rest of us hung around Austin for a few more days.

Daniel was still missing, and we were working with our informants on trying to find more leads. Nothing came of it. Nobody knew where Daniel and the other missing people were. They weren’t connected to Jackie and right now, we couldn’t even connect her to the kidnappers.

She’d lawyered up once she was taken under arrest, and her lawyers made sure she didn’t speak to any of us or the cops. So, we didn’t know if she was connected to Daniel’s disappearance or not.

I had no choice but to return to Griffinsford with my men. I still had one hellish task in front of me; facing Breaker and informing him of how we had failed him.

Zoe was busy with her family, and I didn’t want to interfere. She had to help Alison—her priority—and I understood that. She didn’t have time for our club or for me. Our last conversation had thrown light on her priorities. Those didn’t include me or a willingness to share my lifestyle. She didn’t have time for us.

“You’re just going to let her go?” Grit asked me one night when we were at the clubhouse, sitting at the bar and surveying our territory. Both of us had a lot to drink. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Breaker brooding. He needed to find his son. He wasn’t going to give up until he did.

“If you’re talking about Zoe, I’d advise you to drop it right now.”

Grit smirked and shook his head. “It just seemed like you were into her.”

“You’re going soft,” I growled, which made him laugh.

“Can you picture yourself with any other chick? That’s the true test,” he continued.

“What the fuck are you saying, man?”

He shrugged, like the answer was so obvious to him.

“You’ve gotta go after her, bring her back.”

“She doesn’t want to be here,” I snapped.

“Did she actually say those words?” Grit asked. Something seemed different about him. This didn’t sound like the same guy who banged three chicks in one night and couldn’t remember the name of a single one of them.

I shrugged and he patted my shoulder. “You’re trying to shake her off you because you think it’ll be easier. If you want her in your life, you’ve gotta go make her see it.”

We glared at each other, except Grit actually looked pleased. I would have told him to go fuck himself under any other circumstance, but this time, he was actually making sense.


It was very late at night, and I didn’t expect her to open the door. When she did, I was stunned into silence. I hadn’t seen her in two weeks and my body craved her contact. Moreover, she looked fucking adorable in a pair of colorful pajamas. She wasn’t wearing the skimpy bra top and leather skirts and fishnets I’d directed her to wear when we were together. I had to admit, this suited her a whole lot better.

Zoe looked surprised to see me, too.


“Sorry, I know it’s very late. I just had to see you,” I replied.

She gulped, staring at me and gripping the door tightly enough that her knuckles turned white.

“Why? Why did you want to see me?” she asked.

“Because I fuckin’ miss you. Isn’t it obvious?”

“No, it’s not, because you’ve just abandoned me for the past two weeks.”

“I abandoned you? You made it very clear that night at the motel that you didn’t think you could adapt to a life with me. I understood and I kept my distance. I thought it was what you wanted.” I spoke sharply. I was frustrated and angry with myself for how weak she made me. No woman had ever made me feel like this, and I blamed Zoe for it.

She took in a deep breath and shook her head.

“Will you come in?”

I followed her into her apartment, and she shut the door behind me.

“I’ve missed you too, Storm. I didn’t know what was going on or what to expect. Things have been so messed up.”

“How is Alison?”

“Physically, she’s alright. Getting stronger every day, but mentally? I don’t know. She is not the same person as she was before being taken.”

Tears flooded Zoe’s eyes. I reached for her. I couldn’t hold back any longer. I needed to touch her, and she let me.

I brushed her cheeks with my fingers. Her lips found my hand, and she covered it in kisses.

“I don’t think I can live without you, Storm. I’ve been miserable around here. I need you,” she said, trying to hold back her emotions.

She had no idea how good it felt to hear that.

I kissed her forehead as she sank into me.

“You don’t have to be without me. We don’t have to be apart,” I said.

“But that still doesn’t change the truth that I might never fit in with your other family.”

“You already fit in a lot of ways. You just don’t see it. You can ease into the rest. Take your time,” I said.

She pulled away so she could look into my eyes. I smiled when I saw her exuberant yet guarded expression.

“I want you to be my old lady. Grit and Breaker already see you as my old lady. They’ve bonded with you. Can’t you see that?”

She looked shocked now. “Seriously?”

I brushed her lips with my thumbs.

“Seriously. You don’t have to worry about getting accepted. Just be yourself. I’ll make sure everything works out.”

Her eyes lit up with excitement. This was exactly what she wanted. She threw herself at me and hugged me like she’d never let me go.

With her warm body pressed to mine, there was only one thing that would come of this. Our eyes met, and from the smile on her face, I knew she wanted the same thing.

We fell onto her couch together. Our limbs were tangled with each other’s, and our mouths rarely left the other’s body. My tongue explored her mouth while my hands worked at pulling off her clothes.

She moved underneath me, wedging her hand between us so she could unbuckle my belt and push my jeans down. Within moments, she had my hard cock in her hand, stroking me with quick but soft motions. I thought she would bring me to completion just like that.

It wasn’t easy holding back when I’d been fantasizing about her for two weeks, dreaming of this exact moment.

I grabbed the insides of her soft milky thighs and pushed her legs apart so I could feel the warmth of her tight wet pussy. This was all mine. She was all mine.

She was guiding my cock to her pussy, looking straight into my eyes.

“I want you inside me, Storm,” she murmured, arching her back and wiggling her hips.

I entered her with a quick thrust and a loud groan. Her entire body convulsed, as my cock slid deeper, inch by inch, until I filled her completely.

I lifted myself so I could peer into her blue grey eyes which held no traces of judgementdoubt anymore. Our differences didn’t matter.

“Marry me,” I said, my voice deep and guttural. She squinted her eyes. She didn’t think she’d heard me correctly.


“Marry me. Now. I want you with me all the time. I want to build a life with you.” As I spoke, I moved inside her. Breathing hard, she looked more than happy riding my cock. I could tell that she was also struggling to fully understand what I was saying.

“You want me to…”

“Will you be my wife?”

Zoe waited a few beats while I continued rocking inside her, pushing and thrusting my cock deeply.

She nodded before she spoke. “Yes, Storm, I want to marry you.”

A smile spread over her face. I slid my fingers down to her swollen, throbbing clit and began quick circular motions, bringing her to the edge of an orgasm while my cock sank deep inside her.

“Come for me, baby,” I groaned. We moved faster and harder together. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I held her close. No space—not a single inch—was between us now. We were one entity. When she toppled into bliss, she dragged me down with her while whispering my name over and over in my ear.

Storm. Storm. Yes!