Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly



Dear Diary,

Can you get whiplash from a person? Specifically a guy? Specifically a super-hot guy named Sebastian? I have no idea what’s going on between us, but I can’t stop thinking about him. Our time together, at the freaking grocery store, was more relaxing and enjoyable than should be possible.

And his apology… who could have resisted that?! Part of me hates myself for giving in so easily. But really, isn’t forgiveness a virtue? And I tried to resist! I swear I did. But I have a weak spot for that giant stupid man. He’s just so cute. Obviously, he’s hot-as-sin, but his personality is just… cute. When his walls come down and he’s being himself, he’s irresistible. I’m a little afraid that he might be just as batshit as I am, but that just adds another level of excitement.

And then lunch… lunch at the grocery store. WTF, amiright? It should’ve been weird, but it wasn’t. I don’t know if bumping into someone can be considered a date, but - if it was - then it was maybe the best date I’ve ever been on. And it wasn’t because of the food (although, yum!), it was the company.

Why is it so easy with him?!?!

We talked the entire time we ate. He even reached over with his fork and tried bites of all the different items I selected. I did the obligatory “pretend to be outraged” reaction, but the move just endeared him to me even more. He offered to let me try his salad, but we both knew that my food was better.

Then we sat there talking more while I finished my coffee. He asked about my brothers, remembering that I’d said they played hockey. (Even though he’d been a dick after I told him, apparently he was still listening to me.) I told him all about my older brothers, Miles and Max. And my little brother, Marvin, who was forced to play goalie until it just stuck.

Sebastian grinned after hearing that all our names start with the letter M. I’m not sure if he knows my last name… I never told him. But I’m sure he’d love that it’s Morris. And that both my parents have M names. Yep, we’re that family.

And can we please take a moment of silence to remember the story about his niece and nephew twins? I almost asked if he had any pictures of himself holding the babies, but I thought that might be a little weird. And I don’t even really like kids, but there’s still just something about seeing sexy AF men holding babies.

We didn’t talk too much about his family, but I found out he has a second brother. And - I’m not sure why, but - I was surprised to learn that he has a little sister. I think her name was Annabelle? I’d have teased him about being a middle child, but I’m a middle child and I’ve heard all the stereotypes. Yeah, yeah. We’re a bunch of freaks.

But the cherry on our non-date sundae? The ice cream.

We parted ways after we finished lunch, with a smile and a wave, going in separate directions to our cars. I was putting the last bag of groceries in my car when Sebastian came jogging over. Carrying the boring-ass vanilla ice cream that I forgot to go back and buy.

When I opened my mouth to say thank you, he crashed his lips to mine in a searing kiss that lasted for barely a moment.

That devil-man knows exactly what he does to me. He kissed me, torched my blood, ruined my panties, and then he stopped. Just fucking stopped, and stepped back, with a big dumbass grin on his face.

Before turning around he said, “I’ll be tasting your dessert soon.”

Then he winked, spun around, and strode away.

Needless to say, I bought a new vibrator at my sex toy party tonight. And I named it SmAsh.
