Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly



Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I think I just died.

I think Sebastian just killed me with his giant fucking cock.

With my mouth hanging open from my scream, I thank the Big Dick Gods that he’s allowing my pussy a moment to adjust after ramming into me with his entire length.

Then he starts to move.

And oh my holy hell, this is the best thing I’ve ever felt!

With my legs pressed together, I can feel him everywhere. I can feel him buried inside me. I can feel him sliding between my thighs, along the curve of my ass, as he thrusts in and out. I can’t even help it. I squeeze my legs together even tighter.

Sebastian growls. “Fuck, Baby. Do that again.”

I squeeze.

Sebastian groans and slaps my ass.

Holy shit. I whimper in response. That’s all I can do. Whimper and grip the brick wall in front of me.

My breath is coming hard and fast. I’m not even moving but I’m panting and more worked up than I’ve ever been. I’m being fucked in an alley and it’s the hottest thing I have ever experienced.

“Oh… Fuck… Seb… Ash…”

He leans in and licks the shell of my ear. “You know my name, Baby. Say the whole thing.”

“Don’t. Call me. Baby,” I gasp out.

Sebastian chuckles against my neck, dragging a hand up between my breasts until he’s holding my throat. His grip is gentle, but firm. And holy shit I didn’t know I liked this! I feel the pressure all the way to my core.

“Do what I tell you to, Baby.” His grip tightens slightly. “Say my name.”

I swear I’m going to black out from need.

“Sebastian.” His name sounds like a groan. “Sebastian.” I say it again.

“Good Banshee," he rasps into my ear.

Then he picks up the pace.

Just when I think my mind is going to fizzle away into oblivion, I feel a firm pressure against my clit. It must be his fingers. I’d look, but my eyes are squeezed shut, trying to hold my sanity together.

I clench around him.

He hisses.

“Come," he says, fingers running circles, setting my nerves on fire. “Come for me, Baby.”

I have no choice. My body obeys him.

Just as I start to tip over the edge, the hand on my neck moves to grip my hair. The sting of the tug has my eyes popping open. He’s right there, over my shoulder. His gaze meeting mine.

That’s how I come. With a cry on my lips, my eyes locked with his, and Sebastian’s cock buried as deep inside me as it can go.

My shuddering orgasm sends Sebastian over the wave with me. His stare holds mine through the first guttural grunt of his release, then he throws his head back and I feel his cock jump inside of me.

Holy. Mother Fucking. Shit.