Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly




ey, Hoe - ” I say, holding my apartment door open for Katelyn.

“You’re such a bitch!" she laughs, before taking a large inhale through her nose. “But you’re a bitch that can bake.”

“All true,” I agree.

Katelyn hands over the quiche she brought and makes herself at home.

Today is our Sunday Brunch Day. Even though Katelyn’s life changed after meeting Jackson - falling in love, getting engaged, and moving in together - we still keep our monthly binge brunch. No matter what.

Pulling out my tray of pumpkin cinnamon rolls, I slip Katelyn’s pan into the oven.

“How’s your morning going so far?” I ask.

“It’s fine,” Katelyn sighs. “But I already miss Jackson. I hate these long stretches when they have a bunch of away games in a row.”

When they first started dating, Jackson left town for a multi-day trip and all hell broke loose. Not his fault. It was all his stupid viper of an ex. That was a year ago now, but Katelyn still dreads every time he leaves.

“I know.” I give her a half smile, purposely ignoring the fact that I’ve missed Sebastian in the few days since our grocery store run-in.

Someone should slap me; I’m being ridiculous. We aren’t even talking about me, we’re talking about Katelyn. The only one here who’s in an actual relationship.

It’s gotta be tough being with a public figure. Because of Jackson, my bestie ended up in the tabloids. Who has that happen? Oh, right, professional athletes.

Could I deal with that? Getting involved with Sebastian wouldn’t just mean seeing photos of us online, it’d mean comments about me and speculation about him anytime he’s seen anywhere, even near another woman. I can be pretty chill. Sometimes. But I also know that I could potentially be a raging jealous bitch of a girlfriend. Just the thought of witnessing some floozy putting her herpes infested hand on his arm makes me grit my teeth.

“Earth to Meghan? What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Huh?” Oh, shit. I unclench my fists, sure that I look like a crazy person. “Nothing. Sorry, I spaced out there. What were you saying?”

“I was wondering…” She looks at me like I might be mentally deficient, "if you’re free on Friday?”

I think for a second. “Pretty sure. Why?”

“There’s an opening night party at this place called Puck Off. It’s a sports themed night club type of place. The whole Sleet team has to attend, so obviously I’ll be there. And so will Steph.”

“Sure, I’m down.” I reply as nonchalantly as possible, when really my slut of a honey badger is doing the happy dance inside my rib cage. Because Sebastian will be there.

“Eek! Yay!” Katelyn claps her hands together and bounces around my living room. “I’m going dress shopping this week. I want to find something that will make Jackson’s tongue hit the floor when he sees me.”

I laugh at her excitement. “Count me in for shopping - I could use some retail therapy.”

If I can find a dress to make Sebastian’s tongue hit the floor, it better slide across my clit on the way down.

Fuck, I’ve got to focus. And charge up the new vibrator I just bought.

“I imagine Izzy will be there, too - ” Katelyn cuts into my dirty daydream.

“Oh, I’m sure she will be. If the team knows, then I bet Zach’s already asked her. She’s finally given up her fight and has given in to his charms.” I smile, because they really do make a great couple.

“Steph told me how adorable they were together at that sex party!” Katelyn coos.

I make a face. “Uh, yeah, it was a sex toy party. A sex party is an entirely different thing.”

“Whatever, you know what I mean.” She waves me off.

“But yeah, they were super adorable. And I can’t believe how easy it was to get those two to fall for each other. They’re going to make the most adorable little hockey-obsessed babies.” I give Katelyn a pointed look. “Speaking of stupidly-attractive couples, when are you two gonna set a damn date?”

Katelyn sighs as she falls dramatically onto my couch. “We’re working on it. Life’s just so busy right now. Jackson is bogged down with usual team stuff, and my company just took on a handful of new authors, so I’ve been editing my damn fingers off. I know we need to just do it and pull the trigger, but that would require focus. And planning. And fancy clothes. And let’s face it, naked time is just too much fun.”

I groan. “I liked hearing about your sex stories when you were first hooking up, but now that you’re engaged, it’s just gross.”

Katelyn laughs. “Oh, shut up. You’re just jealous.”

“I am,” I agree.

“Who have you been seeing recently?”

“What? What do you mean?” My heart rate picks up. She can’t know about Sebastian. I’ve been so careful.

“I mean, you normally don’t go this long without telling me about some loser date. And I can’t really count that bowling thing you and Izzy did, since you weren’t actually trying to date that guy.”

I shrug, feeling like a complete asshole for not telling her about Sebastian yet.

I should’ve just done it on the ride home from the haunted house. Hey guys, I made out with Sebastian LeBlanc in the corn maze. What’d be so hard about that? But I didn’t. I didn’t because… Fuck, I don’t even remember my reasoning. Something about not wanting to distract Izzy from Zach. But now she’s all-in with him. So that means I should tell them now. Right? But I know how that will go down. It’ll go down like an epileptic hooker with braces. So, not good. Not good at all.

I’ll get the third degree, just like I’d do to them, asking how I could keep this a secret. Or rather - why I’d keep this a secret.

And really, what is this? This is Sebastian and I making out like rabid teenagers. This is Sebastian being so rude to me after that game that I nearly burst into tears like a lovesick tween. This is Sebastian accosting me at a grocery store, forcing me to accept his apology, and then spending all morning shopping and eating lunch together. This is feeling way too comfortable and attached to a person I’ve only just met. This is us kissing again. In a parking lot. In broad daylight. This is us not having a single conversation about dating, or relationships, or sex, or anything else adults who are interested in each other might talk about. This is us being mutually attracted to each other, without a single goddamn plan about how to continue.

“I’ve been in a bit of a funk," is all I say, and it’s true.

The timer goes off, and I'm saved by the bell. I take my time turning off the beeping alarm, then over-mix the glaze for the rolls, making as much noise as possible. By the time I’m done pouring the sugary wonder-sauce all over my cooled rolls, the next timer is going off and the quiche is coming out of the oven.

Katelyn has busied herself pouring coffee, and my new goal is to steer the rest of today’s conversations away from my dating life.