Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly



I cannot believe I just did that. I mean I can totally believe that I let Sebastian fuck me, because - well, he’s hot. But I cannot believe that I let him fuck me in a gross back alley. Like seriously, what the hell? Who does that? Apparently, I do. And honestly, I’d do it again.

Sebastian nuzzles into my neck.

“Holy shit, Banshee.” His breath is still coming in pants.

“Uh, huh.” I mumble, my heart still skittering out a rapid beat.

I can feel his whole body shake with a suppressed laugh.

With a kiss to the back of my head, Sebastian starts to untwine himself from me. The feeling of him leaving my body seems nearly more personal than when he entered it.

The loss of his body heat has me shivering, so I quickly adjust the top of my dress, pulling the material back up to cover my boobs.

Turning to face Sebastian, I watch as he tucks himself back into his pants, spent condom in hand.

Standing in a dark alley, holding a used rubber… that should be disgusting, but it’s so not. The sight makes my thighs clench.

Oh. Right.

“Uh, can I have my undies back?” I ask, blushing.

Why that has me blushing, and not the whole dirty-alley-sex, is a mystery. I’m sure I need therapy.

“No.” He smirks as he steps back.

“No?” I follow.

“Yeah, no. I’m keeping those.”

“That… what? You can’t do that.” I still can’t think straight, so I’m finding it hard to form a full sentence.

“Finders, Keepers.”

“Sebastian - ” I scold. “I need those!”

“Why?” He sounds sincere.

I stare at him. “Because... they’re mine.” I gesture to his hand. “And you get to throw your orgasm away in that nice little package. My orgasm is messy and still between my legs. A layer of underwear would be better than nothing.”

I watch as his eyes trail down my body and his chest expands.

“Well..?” I ask.

He seems to think about it for a moment. “I’m still keeping them.”

Sebastian takes a few steps further down the alley and tosses the condom into an open dumpster.

I frown. Okay, now it’s a little gross.

Sebastian turns back with heat in his eyes. “Want to come over?”

His question catches me off guard, and I feel my eyes widen. “Now?!”

“Yeah, little Banshee. Now.” He grins. “I’m not done with you.”

For every step he takes towards me, I step back. It’s not backing up because I’m not interested. It’s just my natural reaction to being stalked by an oversized predator.

I open my mouth to reply when my back hits the stack of pallets. The contact causes the stack to shake and a cat leaps down from the top, hissing.

I let out an embarrassing squeal.

“Cranky little pussy,” Sebastian says with a smirk.

I chuckle and place a hand over my still racing heart. “Okay.”


“Yeah. I’ll come over. I just need to let my friends know I’m leaving.”

Sebastian grabs my hand and we walk back to the door we came out of.

Stepping through, we find that everything has changed.