Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly




’ll be right back!” I mouth to Izzy.

I’m not sure if she read my lips, but she’s veering into Dirty Dancing territory with Zach, so I’m sure she doesn’t care that I’m leaving.

I just need a moment to sit down, or at the very least ditch these shoes. Even the most comfortable heels turn into torture devices after so many hours. My dress is long enough; I think I’ll just go barefoot and hope no one notices.

I’ve made it a few feet past the edge of the dance floor when a body appears in front of me. I don’t need to look up to know it’s Sebastian.

The tension has been brewing between us all night. It started as a sizzle with that kiss downstairs. Then, with all the light touches and glances throughout dinner, it’s turned into a five-alarm fire. Pretty sure a strong breeze could bring me to orgasm by now.

He holds out a hand. “May I have this dance?”

Even though my feet hurt, I don’t hesitate. I place my hand in his as I lift my gaze. “Since you asked so nicely.”

He smiles, and it’s not snarky or smug. It’s just… sweet.

The song changes to Candyman by Christina Aguilera and a roar of laughter fills the room. This has become Jackson and Katelyn’s theme song, whether they like it or not.

I expect Sebastian to pull me back towards the dance floor, but he doesn’t. Instead, he pulls me to his chest, keeping his grip on my hand, wrapping the other arm around my back. And I die a little. Pretty sure my little honey badger is squeezing my heart so hard it’s killing me.

With my pain-inducing shoes still on, I’m almost tall enough to lay my head against his shoulder. I settle for pressing my cheek against his chest and gripping the back of his shirt with my free hand.

Ignoring the heavy beat, we gently sway together for the remainder of the song. When a new song starts, Sebastian lets go of my hand, moving his to my lower back. He pulls me in until our bodies are flush, and I feel him nuzzle into my hair.

“You smell good," he murmurs.

I smile. “Sebastian LeBlanc, are you drunk?”

I hear him take another deep inhale of my hair. “Nah.”


“Not that drunk. Just happy to have you.”

Gah! My poor heart swells in my chest.

He rubs his nose against my hair again.

“Let’s go," he says, pulling back.

I look up at him. “Go?”

His eyes are so piercing, and I can’t tell if he’s actually drunk or just super horny. Maybe both.

“I need to kiss you.” He says this so seriously I can’t help but laugh, but it doesn’t deter him. “Come on, I know a place.”

“You know a place?” I ask.

He doesn’t answer, he just tugs me along, weaving between tables, heading towards the back of the room.

All this walking reminds me how much I hate my shoes right now.

“Hold on,” I tell him.

I drop his hand and kick off my shoes.

I’m crouching down to pick them up when Sebastian spins around, probably to see what stopped me. From my spot on the floor, I look up into his eyes, and they’re smoldering. I’m not sure I’ve ever used that word before, but it’s the only way to describe how he looks. And I’m positive he’s thinking about the last time I was on my knees in this museum. Because that’s what I’m thinking about.

I quickly grab my shoes and take his hand again. As we near the back, I toss my heels toward the corner. If someone wants to steal my sweaty shoes, they’re welcome to them.

With three walls of windows, this back wall is the only way in and out of the room. There’s a hallway hosting the bathrooms, a kitchen, the elevator, a stairwell, and a handful of other doors. Sebastian walks us halfway down the hall, then - with a finger to his lips - he gently presses open the door on his left.

I bite my lip and follow him in. I’m not sure why we’re being quiet, but it’s fun, so I play along. Keeping a hand on the door, he lets it shut slowly.

Turning in a circle, I see we’re in some sort of storeroom. There are stacks of chairs, some tables leaning against the front wall, and a few rows of shelving filled with cleaning products and other supplies.

Just as Sebastian and I turn to each other, we hear a noise. It sounded like a giggle.

I bring both of my hands up to cover my mouth. I don’t want whoever’s in here to know that we caught them. We glance at each and slowly make our way over to the end of the aisle. It’s a non-verbal agreement that we want to see who else is in here trying to get lucky. Whoever it is, they aren’t concerned about being quiet and they clearly haven't heard us enter.

As we reach the corner, I hear another round of giggles followed by. “Oh, Don!”

Don? Who do I know named Don?

I feel Sebastian slow next to me.

I crouch down and peek my head around the corner. And thank fuck I have my hands over my mouth. I’m not sure who I expected to see, but I sure as hell wasn’t prepared to see Coach, aka Don, feeling up Mother Mary.

I don’t want to see this, but I can’t seem to look away. It’s like a train wreck... an old person, motorboating train wreck.

Sebastian’s arms wrap around me, lifting me from my crouched position. Bearing my weight, he walks backwards towards the door. With every step he takes I have to fight harder against my own giggles, as Mary’s grow in volume.

Sebastian sets me down and eases the door open. Hurrying, I make it one foot out the door before I lose the battle.

Laughter bubbles out, and I run towards the stairs. I don’t think they heard us, but I absolutely don’t want to be identified as the person who caught Coach and Jackson’s mom getting it on in the supply closet.

We start our retreat down the stairs at the same time, but Sebastian’s long legs and athleticism gets him to the landing between levels first. He’s turned to face me, and I let myself crash right into his body. With or without alcohol, I know he can handle it. And he does.

In one swift move, Sebastian stops my forward momentum and captures my mouth with his. Before I can even decide what part of him to touch with my hands, we hear voices on the stairs above us.

Seemingly of the same mind, we break the kiss and start running down the stairs again. We keep going past the third floor, continuing on to the second. Guests are encouraged to stay at the reception, but nothing is actually on lock down.

When we reach the landing, Sebastian takes my hand and slows our pace.

He doesn’t say anything to me, and I don’t break the silence. I let him lead me through the exhibits, enjoying the feel of my small hand in his big one.

Without pausing, Sebastian walks under an archway of clouds and into the weather exhibit.

The room is dark, but there’s just enough light coming in from the hallway to see the outline of the interactive stations scattered around the room.

Sebastian walks us to the center of the room, then slowly turns to face me. It’s too dark to see his expression, but I’m sure it matches my own.

I want him. I’m ready.

He puts his hands on my shoulders but instead of pulling me in, he pushes me back. He walks me backwards until my butt hits a ledge. He must have planned for this, because he moves his hands to my waist, and lifts me. I’m not used to being picked up so easily, and I’m not too proud to admit that I love it.

My skirt is flowy, so when he sets me down on the tabletop I’m able to spread my legs wide enough for him to step between my thighs. Sebastian takes my face in his palms, just like he did earlier. But this kiss, it’s nothing like the slow one we shared downstairs. This is the kiss of a starving man.

Not waiting for me to catch up, his thumb pulls my chin down, opening my mouth. The moment I comply, his tongue tangles with mine.

It doesn’t matter that it’s dark. Our mouths know each other, they know how to move together. When to suck, when to bite, when to caress.

My palms run up his chest, and I’m glad he removed his suit jacket at dinner. The fabric of his shirt is smooth under my touch, and I feel the power of his muscles rippling beneath my fingers.

When my fingers reach his nipples, I pinch them both.

Sebastian groans into my mouth, then mirrors my move by cupping both my breasts. His squeeze matches my pinching, and we both moan.

That’s my tipping point. I’ve been letting him lead tonight, but I want more. I need more. I need all of him.

I drag my nails down his torso until I reach his belt. Too impatient to bother with undoing it, I go straight for the zipper. I tug it down and reach my hand in the opening. He’s rock hard but the cotton of his boxer briefs is keeping me from his silky skin.

With a growl of frustration, I realize my error with skipping his belt and button. He’s too big, I can’t pull him out like this. With his mouth still devouring mine, I feel his lips pull into a smile.

Sebastian’s hands leave my chest and get to work on his pants. He’s quicker than I could’ve been and - in a matter of seconds his pants are undone, and his cock is released. My greedy little fingers wrap around his length, and I sigh.

I’ve missed him. I’ve missed his body. I wish I could see more. My eyes are starting to adjust, but we’re both still shrouded in darkness.

Sebastian grabs one of my wrists and pulls my hand off him. I’m about to protest, when he presses a condom into my hand. It’s already out of the wrapper and ready for me to roll onto his cock.

Even though we’ve had sex before, the act of putting a condom on him feels incredibly intimate. I take my time sliding it on, squeezing him as I do.

Once the condom is in place, Sebastian steps back and bends down to grab the hem of my dress. Straightening, he brings the skirt with him, sliding it up my thighs. My breath is already coming out in rapid pants.

Leaning back, I put my hands behind me for balance. My palm comes down on a large flat button, and the room springs to life with a silent blizzard.

We both pause in surprise. I know it’s a projection, but the snowflakes fluttering around us look so lifelike that I expect to feel cold. It’s so surreal. And beautiful. Thankfully, the narration stays quiet.

The snowstorm isn’t bright, but when I bring my attention back to the man in front of me, I’m able to see all the details between us. Sebastian is standing between my legs, with his hands buried in my dress bunched at my waist, and his sheathed cock straining out of his pants. It’s lewd, and out of place, and the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

My eyes travel up to his face, and I find him watching me.

Our eyes stay locked, and his lips pull up into a devilish smirk.

With my dress out of the way, Sebastian steps forward. His hands grip my hips and he drags me until I’m sitting on the edge of the table. I grab his face and bring it back to mine. I’m not done kissing his delicious mouth. Our lips meet as the snow continues to swirl around us.

His hands leave my hips, but I can hardly focus on what’s happening with his lips hypnotizing me.

My fingers work their way into his hair and scrape against his scalp. With his chest against mine, the rumble of his approval rolls straight through me.

One of his hands moves between my legs, his fingers hooking around the edge of my panties and pulling them to the side. The cool air ghosts across my pussy, sending a shiver up my spine. The color in the room changes and my eyes flick open to see that the snow around us has turned to sleet.

I start to smile, but Sebastian plunges inside me, bottoming out in one harsh thrust, shattering all my thoughts.

It’s so good. So intense. And he’s so fucking big, I cry out.

Predicting my reaction, he catches my scream with another kiss. But he doesn’t stop.

He pulls nearly all the way out, making me arch towards him, then without warning he slams back in. There’s no time to adjust to his size. There’s no slowing down. There’s only a frenzied need.

A tug on my hair, and my eyes open. I’d been squeezing them shut, clenching my entire body against the intensity.

With my eyes on his, he buries his cock as deep as it’ll go once again, then holds still.

Without a word, he watches me. I force myself to take a slow exhale and relax. The moment I do, he starts to move again. Slowly at first, but not for long.

The sound of our heavy breathing and the sight of the rainstorm now surrounding us makes this feel like a dream. I’m in the middle of an outdoor exhibitionist fantasy I didn’t know I had.

The sting of his entry has turned into an ache of need. Up 'till now, we've done little more than kiss tonight, but it feels like we’ve been engaging in foreplay for hours and I’m officially ready to fall apart.

Sebastian reaches down and hooks one of my knees over his arm. It rests in the crook of his elbow and the new angle is incredible. I’ve never come just from sex before, without the addition of a hand or a toy, but I feel like that is about to change.

I grab his shoulders and pull him to me. I can’t get enough of his kisses tonight, and I’m so fucking close.

My body starts to tense, and he feels it. He keeps his pace steady but his grip on my hair tightens. I moan and he pulls me closer to bite my lip.

The stimulation is too much. My orgasm doesn’t build. It fucking explodes. And for the second time, Sebastian swallows my screams.

He doesn’t slow and let me come down easily. He pounds into me harder and kisses me deeper until he follows me over the edge.

It’s his turn to be loud. I try to capture his sounds, but my brain is only half functioning, and my body is still twitching.

Sebastian finally stills, but his lips never leave mine. With his cock still inside me, he holds my face and continues to kiss me. My pulse is still wild, and the tenderness of the kiss pulls at every one of my heart strings.

As our kiss slows, I can tell the brightness in the room has changed again.

Pulling back, I look around to see a rainbow arching across the ceiling.

Sebastian’s looking around the room too, and his smile is something I want to remember forever. He looks as happy as I feel.

Today has felt like something new. Like maybe he wants more. But I can’t let myself run away with wishful thinking. This is going to hurt bad enough when it ends, as it is.

Cutting off my spiraling thoughts, Sebastian pulls me in for one more quick kiss, before slowly pulling out and away.

I am sore and sated, and I miss him already.