Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly




can’t believe you’re a married woman now! I’m so happy for you!” I squeeze Katelyn in a hug until she starts to struggle.

“Okay, okay. Get off me, you nutball!” She laughs.

I keep my grip on her shoulders as I step back. “Now, I don’t want you to be afraid, but tonight Jackson is gonna want to put his penis inside of you.”

“Oh my god!” Katelyn shrieks.

“I said don’t be afraid. It’s a totally normal thing that husbands and wives do.”

She shoves me away. “What’s your excuse then?”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“If you’re not married, why were you fucking Sebastian in the weather room earlier?”

My mouth drops open, and it takes me a beat to recover. “What… How…”

She smiles. “Samuel told me.”

“What?! You don’t even know him?”

“We’ve bonded today. And just a few minutes ago, I asked if all the guests behaved themselves in his museum.” I grimace at her choice of wording. “Imagine my surprise when he says everyone was just perfect, except for my bestie and his brother, defiling one of the exhibits downstairs.”

“Such a fucking gossip,” I grumble, then shrug. “Well, if the supply room hadn’t been occupied, we wouldn’t have needed to go downstairs.”

Katelyn tilts her head. “Wait, what? Was there another couple getting it on during my wedding reception?”

I grin. “Yep.”


“Coach.” I wait a beat. “And Jackson’s mom.”

Katelyn's jaw drops open.

I walk backwards, giving her a double hand wave. “Congrats again! I love you! Have a good night!”

“Meghan! Don’t you dare walk away after dropping that bomb.”

Laughing, I spin around and speed walk towards Sebastian. He’s talking to Zach and Izzy but I don’t bother with words. I just grab his sleeve and start to pull him away. He comes along willingly, calling out goodbyes over his shoulder.

“Just can’t wait to get me alone again, huh?” Sebastian asks.

“Sure, uh huh.” I keep our pace as we snag our things and head to the elevator.

Most of the guests have left, so we don’t have to wait in line. When the doors close behind us, I see Sebastian pull up a ride app on his phone. During my cake binge, he asked me to go home with him. And I agreed.

Something definitely seems different about him. The public displays of affection. The way he kissed me in greeting.

Ultimately, I think we need to have another talk. And it’s either going to go the way I want it to, or it’s going to be the stake in the heart of our arrangement.

But we’re both still a little tipsy, and we should probably be sober for that discussion. More sex though, I’m okay with that. I told myself I’d enjoy tonight, and accepting Sebastian’s invitation home is just a continuation of the night. We can talk in the morning.

A car is waiting for us when we get outside and we both slip into the backseat.

Sebastian holds my hand during the drive. His thumb is rubbing little circles on the back of my hand, lulling me into a blissful stupor. We stay silent, listening to the music playing quietly in the car.

Looking out the window, I realize we’ve made it to the suburbs. I must’ve really zoned out, because we’re probably a 30-minute drive from the museum. I watch the scenery as we exit the highway and work our way through a residential neighborhood. The lots are getting wider, the houses getting larger as we go.

“It’s the next one on your left,” Sebastian tells the driver.

We pull into the driveway of a gorgeous, two-story home with a wraparound porch, stunning architectural detail, and a three-car garage. I’m still sitting, staring, when Sebastian opens my door from the outside. I was too busy gawking to notice him exiting the car.

He holds his hand out for me. “Come on, Banshee.”

I do my best not to totally lose it as we walk up to the front door. Why didn’t I think about this? He’s a professional hockey player. He makes millions of dollars every year. He has a ton of money. Like a freaking ton of money. Somewhere in my brain I knew this, but I hadn’t really thought about what that meant.

And yet, I’d guess this house probably costs less than $2 million. It’s beautiful, and large, but not over the top. It’s tucked away in a quiet little neighborhood and not something you could ever call a bachelor pad. If I’d thought about where Sebastian lived, I’d have pictured a penthouse like Jackson’s. Not… this.

Opening the front door, he ushers me inside. There are a few lamps on, but it’s mostly dark. I gladly kick my shoes off for the second time, but - before I have time to look around - Sebastian puts his hand on my lower back, guiding me past the kitchen and towards the stairs.

I’m still a little bit in shock, but luckily we’ve both been quiet since leaving the museum, so my stunned reaction isn’t noticeable. I don’t want to make a big deal out of his house, it’s just so different from what I expected.

The insecure part of my brain starts to spin. How well do I really know him if I’m this shocked by his choice of home? And how can we meld our lives together when we live so differently?

And yes, I know I just left Katelyn and Jackson’s wedding, so clearly it can work. But that’s different. Somehow. Fuck, I don’t know what to think!

At the top of the stairs, we continue down the hall to the last door on the left where Sebastian stops me just inside the threshold.

A soft glow emanates from a bedside lamp allowing me to take in the details. Even if the house is a surprise, this room feels like Sebastian. The walls are a dark grey, and there’s a king-size bed in the center of the room with an iron four-poster frame. The bed frame is probably seven feet tall, but the ceilings are high, so it doesn’t feel too dominating. Above the bed, there’s a lattice of black metal connecting each bedpost creating a sexy, masculine version of a canopy bed. The rest of the furniture is made from light toned wood with matching black iron hardware.

Hardwood floors run through the whole house, but I feel a super-soft rug beneath my feet. I wiggle my toes in it as I look at the walls. It’s a little hard to see in the low light, but he has some large pieces of art that seem to match the graffiti style of his tattoos. And that flare of recognition calms me. It’s something I can grab on to and understand. Something that makes this place feel real. Familiar.

Sebastian’s been patiently standing behind me, letting me look, but he’s done waiting.

Brushing my hair over one shoulder, he finds the clasp holding up my halter top and undoes it. I let the straps fall forward as he slowly trails his fingers over my newly exposed skin. This dress has built-in support, so there’s no uncomfortable strapless bra to deal with. Sebastian’s fingers skim down my spine to the zipper at the center of my back, taking his time dragging it down. As the zipper lowers, so does my dress. And when he lets go, the fabric falls away, pooling at my feet.

I’m left standing here in nothing but my thong as Sebastian runs his fingers up my sides. Goosebumps break out over my entire body when his lips meet my bare back, and I clench my fists. I need something to hold on to. And I want it to be him.

I finally break the silence with his name. “Sebastian.”

He hums and trails a line of kisses across my shoulders.

“Please,” I whisper.

“What do you need, Baby - ” he asks as he steps closer, putting his front flush with my back. “Tell me.”

The feeling of his fully clothed body pressed against my bare skin flares every nerve ending.

“You,” I arch into him. “I need you.”

His teeth drag over my pulse point. “Good answer.”

Gripping the band and tugging them down, Sebastian pulls my panties off. I carefully step out of them, then turn to face him.

He keeps a few feet of space between us as he looks at me. I’m entirely naked now, making me feel vulnerable and exposed. And I’d normally feel self-conscious in this situation, but the way Sebastian is looking at me…  I feel sexier than I’ve ever felt before.

I’ve seen photos of some of the girls he’s dated, and they don’t look like me. I’m not a twig, and I’m not perfectly smooth, and I’m not for everyone. But right now? Right now I feel like I was made for him. And I want to return that feeling.

Reaching out, I undo Sebastian’s shirt buttons, watching each inch of skin as I expose it. When the last button is undone, I tug the shirt free of his pants and push it off his shoulders. It falls to the floor, and I get my first look at a shirtless Sebastian. It’s hard to believe that I’ve never seen him this way. That we’ve never seen each other this way. But I’ve imagined it, and he’s just as glorious as I knew he would be. His tattoos go all the way up his arms, and I want to trace them with my tongue. But I don’t. I have more clothes to remove.

My fingers drop to his belt, and I force myself to proceed slowly. There’s no rush. We have all night.

Leaving the belt in his pant loops, I undo his button and zipper and let the weight of the belt pull his pants to the floor. Sebastian is standing before me now, in nothing but his tight black boxer briefs, and they are doing nothing to hide his… size.

I catch myself licking my lips as I glance up. His eyes are on mine, and he looks like he’s using every ounce of his self-control to stand still.

I keep my eyes glued to his as I hook my fingers in the waistband of his briefs and pull them down. I hold his gaze until I’m on my knees and he’s as naked as I am.

I reach out to take him in my hand when he steps back.

“On the bed.”

It’s not a question. It’s a demand.

Doing as I’m told, I rise to standing and climb onto the mattress. There’s no real graceful way to do this, so I sorta slide myself back until I’m laying in the middle of his soft comforter.

Sebastian stands at the foot of the bed, watching.

The look in his eyes is making me feel brave.

Fuck it.

I let my knees drop open.

I think he growls a curse, but I can’t hear the words over the blood rushing through my veins.

Sebastian crawls up the bed towards me but stops before he reaches me.

Scratch that. He can reach me just fine.

With a hand on either thigh, Sebastian holds me open. And I have half a second to realize what he’s about to do, before his mouth is on my pussy. He doesn’t start small. Not a little kiss, or a little lick, he starts straight up devouring me.

My head falls back into the mattress and I cry out.

This is the first time we’ve been together where we don’t have to worry about being loud. And that’s a good thing, because what he’s doing to me right now is divine and I can’t hold in my moans. I don’t even try.

A second, a minute, a year passes... I don’t know. But when his fingers get involved, I lose all control. I grip the blankets beneath me as my orgasm unravels my sanity. I think I’m chanting his name. I think I’m thanking the gods. I think I’m begging for mercy.

A kiss on my cheek has me prying my eyes open.

Sebastian is looming over me, looking at me like I’m the answer to all life’s questions.

“You okay, Baby?”

“Yes,” I push the word out between heavy breaths.

He kisses my other cheek. “I’m clean. Are you on the pill?”

It takes me a moment to understand what he’s asking. I release the death grip I still have on the blankets and bring my hands up to his face.

I nod towards my arm, “I have the implant.”

I expect him to smile, but his gaze just gets more fierce.

Then he’s closing the distance between us, pressing his lips to mine. As they meet, I can taste myself on him. But instead of being repulsed, it sends a jolt down my body and I feel myself getting even wetter.

When he deepens the kiss, I feel the tip of his cock press against my opening. He continues to kiss, his mouth caressing mine, as he slides in, one inch at a time.

This is the first time that he’s gone slow. It’s worse. It’s better. It feels like he’s even bigger than he was before. His fast thrusts were a shock, but this slow invasion is torture. I feel every millimeter and my body pulses against the stretch.

I try to arch my hips, to get more of him, but he bites my lip. “Stay still, Baby. Just stay still and take it.”

I think I sob. But I hold still. And he keeps going, keeps pushing, and I can’t believe how deep he is. His tongue slips into my mouth, mimicking the motion of his cock. It’s dirty and hot-as-fuck and I clench around him.

Finally, he bottoms out. Pulling away from the kiss, he buries his face in my neck, releasing a loud groan that vibrates across my skin.

My arms wrap tightly around his shoulders and my legs do their best to wrap around his waist. We stay like this, still, hearts beating against each other. Then he starts to move.

Just like before, I lose track of time. I’m clinging on for dear life, and he’s slowly thrusting in and out.

With an adjustment of his hips, he hits a spot even deeper than before.

“Sebastian… ” I moan. “You feel so good.”

“Fuck, Baby. It’s you.”

His thrusts continue and I feel a hand sneak between our bodies. His thumb circles my clit and I nearly lose consciousness.

Sebastian’s voice is rough as he keeps his pace. “I need you to come again. I need to feel you come on my bare cock.”

Words elude me. I moan and writhe.

“That’s it, Baby. You can do it. Come for me. Let me feel it.”

His words ricochet through my body as I shatter and convulse beneath him.

Sebastian keeps his thrusts slow but I can feel his body tensing. He’s close.

“I’m ready, Sebastian. Come inside me.”

His thrusts get jerky.

“Fuck.” He’s losing control. “Fuck. Baby, I love you.”

One more deep thrust, and he stills.

With a deep groan, he crests over the edge, and the heat of his release swamps me.