Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly



As we reach the top of the stairs, I realize we haven’t said any actual words to each other since we left the reception. And I’m not sure if that’s impressive, or weird, given what we just did.

The projection turned off just as we were leaving the exhibit, and we made a quick stop at the restrooms before coming back up here. I feel a little bad about sullying the weather room with sex, but I was sitting on my skirt of the whole time, so it’s not like anything got… dirty. But still, I might keep this little rendezvous to myself.

With that thought, we exit the stairwell hand in hand, and halt. Samuel’s standing a few feet in front of us. Arms crossed. With a disapproving look on his face.

We have a silent standoff for a beat before Samuel speaks.

“We. Have. Cameras!” He claps with every word, to emphasize his point.

I feel the blood rush to my face. Of-fucking-course the cameras would be on! Why did I forget about that?

“Right,” Sebastian says, and I figure he’s going to apologize. “Can you get me a copy of that one, too?”

My head whips to the side to look at him, and I let go of his hand so I can smack his chest.

“Oh my god, are you serious?” I whisper-shout at him.

He grins. “Completely.” Then he captures my chin in one big hand and kisses me hard. “Grab us some cake. I’ll be right there.”

This guy.

I toss my hands up and walk away. Avoiding eye contact with Samuel.

It doesn’t take me long to hunt down Izzy and Zach. They’re seated at an empty table in the back. I detour and grab two little plates of cake before joining them. And not because Sebastian told me to — because I want cake. Only a monster would leave a wedding without eating cake.

I drop into the seat across from Izzy, nod a greeting, then dig into my dessert. Suddenly, I’m famished.

“That for me?” Izzy asks, gesturing at the other plate.

I consider her question for a moment. I can’t believe Sebastian’s reaction to getting caught on camera, again. But on the other hand, he did earn that cake.

Oh man, did he earn it.

“Sorry, Izz, it’s spoken for,” Sebastian’s deep voice rumbles behind me before he pulls out the chair next to mine.

Izzy narrows her eyes and looks back and forth between us. “Where have you two been?”

I shovel another bite into my mouth, so I don’t have to answer.

Sebastian grips the edge of my chair and pulls me closer to him. “Talking.”

I nearly choke. Talking is literally the only thing we weren’t doing. I can’t look at him. I know if I do, my cheeks will burn up until their color matches his shirt.

Izzy’s still glaring at Sebastian, but Zach is grinning like he knows exactly what we were doing.

I just keep stuffing my face, so I don’t have to participate in this conversation. The guys start talking about next week’s game, and I tune them out.

“Daddy!” Izzy exclaims. “There you are. I was looking all over for you.”

This time I do choke.

Sebastian pats my back and leans in like he’s saying something into my ear. But really, he’s just trying to cover his own laughter.

“You okay there, Meghan?” Coach asks.

I force myself to nod.

Izzy hands me a glass of water. I’m not sure if it was even hers, but I don’t care, I drink it.

Izzy’s shooting me sideways glances as she talks to her dad. I’m normally not this awkward, so she’s got to be wondering what’s wrong with me. But there is no way in hell that I’m going to tell her what I saw.

I’ll tell Katelyn. She can deal with it.