Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly




iss, I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you that.”

I drop my forehead against the reception desk. “Shit.”

The receptionist reaches up to pat my hand. “I’m sorry, Dear. You can call him, or one of his family members, and they can tell you. I just can’t disclose patient information to non-family. And that includes room numbers.”

I slowly raise my head. Family?

“Okay, thank you,” I nod before stepping away.

I pull out my phone and stare at the LeBlanc entries in my contacts. I’m sure Sebastian won’t have his phone on him, so that leaves me with Samuel or Anna.

I updated her contact info after finding out the truth. I’m still a bit pissed at her, but not so much that I wouldn’t ask her for help. The real question is which sibling is more likely to be here and able to tell me where they are.

Always bet on the twin.

I select Samuel’s number and press the phone hard against my ear.

It rings a few times before he picks up.

“Hello?” he answers quietly.

I’m so relieved he answered, I have to close my eyes. “Samuel. It’s Meghan. Are you here? At the hospital, I mean.”

“Yeah, doll. I’m here. Are you?”

“I’m downstairs. They won’t tell me where Sebastian is - ” I’m trying really hard to not sound as frantic as I feel. “Will you tell me where you are?”

“We’re up on the third floor, but I…”

Afraid of what else he might say, I cut him off - “Thanks.”

Hanging up, I shove my phone in my pocket and dart toward the elevator.

An elderly couple steps in behind me, so when the doors open on the third floor it takes all the patience left in my body to keep from shoving them out of the way.

As soon as I start down the hall, I realize my mistake. This place is huge. I should’ve let Samuel finish what he was going to say. I was just worried he’d say “but Sebastian doesn’t want to see you - ” hence me hanging up. It’s harder to turn someone down face-to-face.

Luckily, I paired my hoodie with some flat-soled boots, so I start to jog the halls looking for signs of Sebastian.

After the second nurse glares at me, I slow my pace to a quick walk. It’s probably for the best, since I was starting to get winded. Note to self: start doing more cardio. But also, how fucking big is this hospital? I swear I’ve made a dozen turns already. I should find a map, or just suck it up and call Samuel back.

I’m worried I’ll have to do just that, when I turn yet another corner and spot a familiar, beautiful, black-haired woman. Annabelle. Anna.

My steps slow as I approach, suddenly unsure how to proceed.

There’s no casual way to do this. The setting is intimate, since it’s not a typical waiting room. It’s more of an alcove off the hall with a small cluster of couches and chairs.

Anna’s facing me, but looking down, so she doesn’t spot me. Sitting next to her is a woman that looks just like an older version of Anna. It must be Sebastian’s mom.

My steps slow even more. Is this how I want to meet the mother of the man I love? I’m sure I look like a hot mess. And not a cute hot mess, but like a crazed crying woman -kind of hot mess. The kind of mess you might warn your son to stay away from.

My steps still completely when I’m just a few yards away.

There are a few more people seated in the small area. One’s a silver fox of a man that I’m positive is Sebastian’s dad. Damn. Good to know he’ll still be hot when he gets old. I’m not sure if the other people are also family members, or if they’re here for someone else, but I don’t see Samuel. Shit.

“Meghan?” Anna’s voice snaps my gaze back to her.

She stands and starts walking towards me.

But I’m so unsure of myself right now. I’m fighting against worry for Sebastian’s health and worry over his reaction to me being here. Panic about meeting his parents. Hesitation about seeing Anna.

It’s too much, so I’m left standing here, completely frozen, looking like a dolt.

Anna looks just about as hesitant as I feel, but she’s braver than I am, because she doesn’t stop until she’s a few feet from me.

I feel like I’m going to barf, but I raise my hand for a stupid little wave. Belatedly realizing it’s the wave I was going to give Sebastian before the game.

She gives me a weak smile. “Hey. What are you doing here?”

I shift my weight on my feet. “Umm, I wanted to see Sebastian.”

That’s obvious, right?

“Oh, right. Of course.” She pauses. “Did he, uh, call you?”

My hopes of seeing him plummet as I shake my head.

“Umm, I’m sorry but… he doesn’t want to see anyone,” Anna tells me with obvious discomfort.

I bite my lips to keep from crying. I’m not sure why I’m on the verge of tears already. It feels like I’m no longer in control of my reactions.

Anna steps closer. “I’m sorry, if it were up to me I’d let you in. But he’s pissed and he’s only letting Samuel in his room.”

I glance over her shoulder and see that their mom is watching us.

“Is he okay?” I whisper. “If… If you can tell me.”

“Yeah. The doctors said he’ll be fine," she nods. “He just needs a little time.”

I swallow against the wave of relief mixing with my unease.

Anna raises her hand like she’s going to rest it on my shoulder, then seems to think better of it. “Look, I’m really sorry, about everything. I’ve been meaning to talk to you, but just wasn’t sure where to start. I just need you to know that Sebastian didn’t have anything to do with me calling you for that auction. I really did need help with the planning, and when Samuel told me about you - " she lifts a shoulder. “I had to see you for myself. I never expected to like you as much as I did. As I do. That next day, Sebastian called and yelled at me for like an hour. He was so mad… ” Her voice cracks. “I wasn’t thinking about the trouble it might cause between the two of you. It wasn’t my intention to mess everything up. I’m so sorry.”

Her story makes sense. And I feel myself feeling bad for her, which just messes with my emotions even more.

“And then he called me again this weekend, yelling some more, because you found out.” She touches my arm now. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin things between you two. I didn’t… He’s so… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

Ruin things? Does Sebastian want it to be over between us?

I need to talk to him.

Try as I might, my voice still comes out shaky. “Do you think he’ll allow visitors soon?”

Anna hesitates before shaking her head. “He told Samuel not to let anyone in. I’d do it but… He doesn’t need any extra stress right now. Not on top of everything else.”

The look she gives me is full of pity, and it spears me straight through the heart.

That’s it then.

I step back. “I get it.”

And I do. I’m a part of that stress, and he doesn’t need that. He doesn’t need me.

“Meg, it’s not…”

“No, it’s okay - ” I take another step back. “Don’t tell him that I came here. Or you can. I don’t know… ” I shake my head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come.”

I don’t know what I’m apologizing for. Fuck. I don’t know anything anymore.

Spinning around, I hurry toward the closer turn that will take me out of sight.

I bite down on my lip, hard, in an attempt to keep my tears at bay. They’ve started to track down my cheeks anyways, but I can’t reach up to wipe them off. I’ve made enough of a scene already, I don’t need Sebastian’s whole family to see me cry as I tuck tail and run away.

How could I be so stupid? I’ve pushed Sebastian away at every opportunity. I brushed him off for months over something that wasn’t his fault. I’ve been rude and snappy during every one of our meetings. I pretended not to hear him say I love you. I snuck away in the middle of the night rather than let him explain about his sister. I didn’t call him back after he left me message after message apologizing. God, I’m such a bitch. Of course, he wouldn’t want to see me. Of course, he’s done with me. I’d be done with me, too.

The rational part of me knew that this would eventually happen. I knew we lived in different worlds. I knew I wasn’t the type of girl he usually went for. Hell, he straight up told me he didn’t want a girlfriend.

That last thought hits with force. He didn’t want a girlfriend, and I showed up at the hospital like a worried wife, calling his brother, talking to his sister, making eye contact with his mom.

I feel sick.

Stopping in the middle of a hallway intersection, I realize that I’m completely lost.

A man with a small child walks past me, pressing themselves against the wall to give me a wide berth. My traitorous eyes are still springing tears, and I feel like I’m standing in a hall of fun house mirrors, my humiliation building in layers, one on top of another, forever and ever.

Spotting an empty restroom, I hurry inside and lock the door behind me. I just need a moment. A single moment.

Catching sight of my reflection in the mirror I let out a laugh that sounds like a whine.

I look awful. Straight up terrible. My eyes are bloodshot, my mascara is running down my face, and my hair looks like it belongs in a fairytale, on the villain.

Then I think about Sebastian. I think about every time I’ve ever seen him. And every time, he’s looked amazing. No matter the situation.

Then I try to picture him standing next to me. And the worst part is that I can see it. I shouldn’t be able to. I shouldn’t be able to feel how right we are together. But that’s just it. Even with all the shit we’ve been through, I can still see it. See us.

It’s Sebastian that can’t.

With my back still to the door, I slide down until my butt hits the floor and drop my head into my hands. Sitting on a hospital bathroom floor would normally disgust me, but I can’t bring myself to care.