Forever by Janie Crouch

Chapter Twenty-Two

Seventeen Years Ago

Ethan - 7

Jess - 4

Ethan saton the front step of the Linear Tactical office. He had to stay out here until Dad was finished with his meeting.

He liked hanging out here during summer break, even though Dad had to work. There were toys in the back room of the office, and Ethan was allowed to run around outside wherever he wanted.

But he wished he had a friend. The kids at school made fun of him because he couldn’t read, so he didn’t like to hang out with them. It was easier to be by himself.

But he wished he had someone who could be just his.

A few seconds later, a little girl came running around the side of the building. She had long blonde hair and really big blue eyes. She smiled up at him.

“Hi! My name is Jess! My mom works here! Want to play with me?”

He smiled. She seemed really excited at the thought of them playing together. She was a girl, and younger, but he didn’t care. She was friendly. He liked her.

He’d have to look out for her, probably. Make sure she stayed safe. But he didn’t mind. He’d take care of her.

“Sure. I’m Ethan.”

She nodded, touching a strand of that blonde hair with her fingers as she studied him. “My Ethan.”

He shrugged. “Okay.” Sounded good to him.

Then she grabbed his hand and pulled him off on an adventure.


Thank you for reading FOREVER! The Linear Tactical characters you love are back in CODE NAME: ARIES.

My code name is Aries.And I will burn the world to the ground to get her back.

Click HERE for Code Name: Aries, the first book in the new Zodiac Tactical Rescue Unit series.

Or turn the page to read the first two full chapters!