Forever by Janie Crouch


I knew from the first time Jess and Ethan showed up way back in EAGLE that they were going to have their own book. I didn’t know how long the Linear Tactical series would end up being, but I knew Jess and Ethan’s book, their FOREVER, would end it.

The thought of two people who knew they were meant for each other from the moment they met and never swaying from that knowledge was an absolute delight to write.

And, I’m a little biased, but I think this story was exactly what the series needed to wrap it all up.

(Side note: I never considered having a LINEAR TACTICAL: NEXT GENERATION series until writing Jess and Ethan’s wedding scene. And now I’m like: maybe these Oak Creek kids are going to have stories to tell too.

No promises, but also, for the first time…not a definite no.)

A special thanks to my editors and proofers of FOREVER: Marci, Susan, Marilize, Tesh, and Dee. Plus, Elizabeth at Razor Sharp Editing. I appreciate your dedication and keen eyes. Thank you!

It’s hard to move on from a beloved favorite, but I hope you’ll take the leap with me into my next series: Zodiac Tactical. I think you’re going to love these books!

Sure, they’re different, but the chemistry, the action, the community that becomes a family? Those elements are every bit as much a part of the Zodiac books as they were the Linear Tactical ones.

I can’t wait to bring you Ian and Wavy’s full story.

Most importantly, thank you, my reader friend, for taking this journey with me. It has been my honor and privilege to write the Linear Tactical books.

Believe in heroes,
