Scartissue by T.L Hodel



About fucking time she admitted it. It took a bit to get Shelby to say it while looking at me, but two more orgasms and she was screaming it to the heavens. Just to make sure she got the point, I gave her another, and then left her there a sopping mess.

Let’s see her question me again.

Gotta say, the last thing I expected her to do was rip my shirt off and prance around in her underwear. Parker and Micha both got a punch for that. I would’ve given Ava one too, but she probably would’ve stabbed me for it. Then I would’ve had to stab her, and Parker would’ve got involved. That was a mess I didn’t have time for.

I leaned against my Mustang and lit a smoke. Ma would like this place. It was littered with fucking flowers. She spent half the damn day out in her garden. I kept telling her we had people for that, but she insisted on doing it herself.

She’d also like the fountain they had out front. Fuck, I liked this fountain better. It was that simple three tiered shit. No happy cherub trying to convince everyone that the people inside weren’t completely fucked up. Pretty sure the big sign saying, ‘Cedarbrea addiction clinic’ would give that lie away.

Let’s get this show on the road.

I flicked my butt and sauntered through the sliding glass doors. Micha would cringe at the ding they made announcing my arrival. Fucking parents, they fucked us up more than anyone else. Sometimes I wondered what Micha would be like if his mom didn’t drive into that lake, or if Riley’s never took that first drink.

They weren’t the only ones shaped by the mistakes of their parents. Parker’s mother was a racist cunt that used her youngest son as her shining beacon of white male success. Silas’s whole family had sticks shoved so far up their asses, they tasted wood when they coughed. And then there was my old man… The only one of us unaffected by our parents’ crap was Preston, and that was only because he didn’t give a shit.

Fuck sakes-, Mase was in rehab because he’d rather fill his veins with poison than deal with the reality of his genetics.

Last time I was here, Mase chewed me out for not telling him he was my brother. Then I chewed him out for even acknowledging that shit.

The Kessler name gave him a hall pass. Lou might be an uptight prick, but he was a good dad. He loved his boys. No amount of drugs or alcohol could make me forget how my old man loved me.

“I hope you’re here to visit someone.”

I smirked down at the receptionist openly eye-fucking me. She was decent. Big tits, small waist, and with lips like those, I bet she sucked a mean dick. Any other day I might’ve taken her up on the offer, but there was only one pussy on my mind. The one I could still taste on my lips.

“Mason Kessler.”

She ducked down, trying to hide the pink tint that flashed across her cheeks.

“Mason’s a fine young man.”

I just bet you thought he was a fine young man. How many times did you swallow his cock, sweetheart?

“And you are?”

“Logan Hudson,” I said, leaning my elbow on the counter just enough to sneak a peek at her cleavage. Not bad, Mase. Does daddy know what you’re up to at the Cedarbrea Addiction Clinic? “I’m on the list.”

“Oh, you’re his brother.” She lifted her head and gave me a quick scan. “I should’ve known. You don’t see eyes that green often.”

Sorry sweetheart, your fantasies of brotherly love will have to wait.

“He was moved down to the main floor. Room 1013.”

That must mean Mase was being a good boy. Good. Maybe now we could talk about real shit, like pussy, and how to fuck with Silas.


I tapped the counter and sauntered down the hall.

This place wasn’t exactly the plaza. The stark white walls were so sterile I could smell it in the air. The security was top notch though. It was locked down tighter than a nun’s cunt.

Every door I went through, I had to get buzzed in, and the guard on either side asked for my ID. All this shit and I still had to argue with Lou to get put on the visitors’ list. He was worried Mase would slip something by me because I was too impulsive and didn’t pay attention.

Problem was, I paid too much attention. Situational awareness was a by-product of my childhood. Not paying attention could mean a lot of blood and even more pain.

Down one hallway I saw two people getting high on cleaning products, a girl trying to jimmy her window open, and an orderly getting his dick sucked behind a housekeeping cart.

This place wasn’t keeping Mase clean–there were more drugs here than on the street–Preston and I were. We threatened every one of these fuckers and their families. The orderly was the only one that called my bluff. Preston paid his girlfriend a visit. She wouldn’t be sucking anybody’s dick anytime soon.

“Your recovery is coming along Mason, but it would help if you took part in group.”

“I show up, don’t I?”

“Showing up is only half of it. You need to open up. Share with the others.”

“Why the fuck would I want to open up to a bunch of crackheads?”

I leaned against the doorframe to Mase’s room and watched the doctor push his glasses up his nose.

“We’ve talked about using that kind of language.” He sighed and wrote something down on his notepad. “Not everyone in group has the same issues.”

“Sure we do, Doc.” Mase was sitting on the bed with his arms crossed and a smile tugging on his lips. “That’s why we’re all here in the lockdown hotel.”

“Well, Mr. Kessler, if you ever want to get out of the lockdown hotel, I suggest you start committing to your recovery.”

Mase rolled his eyes. “It was a phone, Doc, not a fucking needle.”

So that was how Mase was fucking with everyone. My personal favorites were the male strip ‘o’ gram he sent to Lou’s office, and the barber shop quartet that followed Silas around school.

“You know the rules.” The doctor stood up and finally noticed me standing in the doorway. “Oh,” he paused long enough to eye me, “And who is this?”

“My dealer.” Mase smiled and nodded at me. “You bring the good stuff?”


The doctor sighed and crossed his arms. “Your visitors should be helping you on the road to recovery, not downplaying it.”

“Don’t worry, Doc,” I smirked and shot the obviously unimpressed doctor a wink. “I’ll keep him on the straight and narrow.”

I already had the cheerleading squad set up to give Mase a proper welcome home party. Minus Naomi, of course. Mason couldn’t stand her.

“I’m not sure you should be having visitors right now.”

Sorry Doc, that’s not going to fly.

“I think you should be more worried about the girl in 1039 that’s getting ready to dive out the window. Wouldn’t look too good on you, Dr. Spielman,” I sauntered up to him and flicked the silver name tag pinned to his white lab coat, “If someone jumped ship on your watch.”

A second later, a bunch of guys in orderly scrubs rushed down the hall as alarms rang out. I smirked down at the anger curling Dr. Spielman’s lip. Fucker didn’t say anything else, just glanced back at Mase before running out of the room.

“You bring it?” Mase said once we were alone.

I tossed him the phone in my pocket and took the chair the doctor formerly occupied.

“How the fuck do you get this shit in here?”

I looked at the painting hung above his bed. A black dragon. The same black dragon I saw Riley painting. Mase still wouldn’t talk to her. Riley should take it as a compliment, because if Mase didn’t care about her, he wouldn’t give a shit.

Rape play was one of his favorite games. Something my old man probably knew. What he did to Riley wasn’t what ate Mase up, it was how much he liked it. The painting was progress, I guess. He had it out in the open, instead of tucked away like her letters.

“Told security I needed to keep it on me in case my wife went into labor.”

“You, with a wife?” Mase arched his brow at me. “And they believed that shit?”

I grinned back at him. “I can be very charming.”

Besides, lately I’d kind of grown to like the idea of having a wife. Tying Cherry Pie to me forever and watching her belly swell with my baby. I jerked off to that image three times in the shower this morning. Fortunately for me, I wouldn’t have to fuck my hand anymore.

I decided this morning when I watched Shelby prance out that door, all defiant with her chin up in the air, that that would be the last time she walked out of my house a virgin. Tonight, her pussy was mine.

I looked at Mase, eyes locked on the phone as his thumb scrolled the screen.

“How’d they find the last one?”

“Fucking bitch Brandi ratted me out,” he muttered. “She can fuck the staff all day long, but I make one pass at her and she loses her shit.”

“Ah, so you have to have something to get a taste of her pussy?”

I knew girls like that. They were the ones I had a little extra fun with. Didn’t want shit from me after that.

Mase shrugged. “Guess so.”

He was all wound up. I could see it in the way his muscles tensed and brows furrowed. Normally he’d find some poor fucker to beat the shit out of, but he didn’t have that option here. Not if he wanted to get out anytime soon. There were other ways he could let off steam.

“Huh?” I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “What do you say we test that theory out?”

For the first time since he was put in this shithole, a genuine smile spread across Mase’s face.


Sometimes, it was too easy. One smile and a few words had this bitch following me like a fucking puppy. Brandi was a little too skinny, and way too fucking stupid–she was following me–but cute.

I could see why Mase was lusting after her. He always did have a thing for redheads. And this one, with her petite frame and sad eyes, reminded me of one particular redhead.

Her hair was obviously dyed, and her eyes were blue, but she was pretty damn close to Harper. Even had the freckles across her nose. Which meant good times for me. Not so much for her.

“This way, sweetheart,” I said, rounding the corner.

This part of the clinic was long forgotten. Dust hung in the air and half the rooms had the windows boarded up. I led her down a dimly lit hallway to a door marked Storeroom B. The only thing stored in there were a couple of old mattresses stacked against the far wall. Empty, solitary, with nowhere for her to run.

The perfect place.

“After you.”

I pushed open the door, waving Brandi inside.

The girl wasn’t as stupid as I thought. She took one look into the dark room and turned her suspicious eyes my way. Never underestimate an addict. They dealt with sketchy fuckers every day. But none of them had my charm.

“Come on sweetheart, I don’t have all day.” I gave her one of my winning smirks, making sure to flash just the right amount of teeth. “You want your world rocked, or not?”

Her eyes rolled over the ink on my arms and down to the bulge in my jeans.

Was I hard?

Fuck yeah, I was hard. I was about to get one hell of a show. Didn’t mean I’d touch her. That privilege was reserved for the blonde goddess back in Ashen Springs. Tonight I was going to get myself a slice of cherry pie.

Brandi glanced in the room and back at me, licking her lips.

“How did you find this place?”

“I have my ways.”

Mainly an orderly named Alex that didn’t want his boss to find out he was supplying the clients, in exchange for sexual favors.

Guess she decided my pretty ass was worth it, because her shoulders visibly relaxed and she sauntered inside. One way or another, she was going in that room. This way was just more fun.

“You coming?” she called over her shoulder.

I smirked and followed.

Welcome to my parlor, said the spider to the fly.

Once we were both inside, I shut the door and leaned back against it. Mase took that as his cue to spark up a smoke in the far corner of the room. Prick got ten points for adding to the eerie factor.

This room was so fucking dark, I could barely see my own hand in front of my face. Hence why we brought candles with us. But Mase didn’t light them right away.


The fucker waited long enough to suck in a deep drag of his smoke so the ember cast a red glow across his face.

“Welcome to my playroom, Brandi,” he added, while blowing a stream of smoke into the darkness.

I was so fucking proud, a tear almost rolled down my cheek.

Brandi’s back went ramrod straight as her unsure gaze shifted back to me.

“What’s going on?”

That was when Mase decided to light the candles, allowing me to see that spark of fear in her blue eyes. They reminded me of something else.

The big wide cinnamon eyes of a tempting blonde angel I had cornered in a corn maze. That was the best Halloween of my life. The fear coming off Shelby while I whispered all the dirty things I was going to do to her was fucking delicious.

One of these days I was going to fuck her in that angel costume.

Mase pushed off the wall and stalked slowly closer. After seeing him so broken, this was fucking beautiful. Like watching a cat stalk its prey. My old man didn’t destroy him. Mase was still in there. Maybe not the same version of him, but he was there.

“She’s not very fucking smart, is she?”

Mase said to me.

I shook my head. “She followed me down here, didn’t she?”

“I only came because you said we were–”

I tsked, cutting her off.

“I said you were going to get your world rocked.” Smirking at the shock on her face, I pulled out a cigarette and placed it between my lips. “Not that I’d be the one doing the rocking.”

“If you do anything,” Little Miss Brandi huffed up, sticking her chest out and lifting her chin, “I’ll tell.”

Mason’s face twisted in a scowl. If she wasn’t fucked before, she was now. Like his brother, Mase didn’t handle betrayal well.

“He won’t have to do anything,” I stated confidently. “You’ll do it all on your own.”

She openly scoffed her disagreement.

“I don’t know what makes you think I’d do that.”

“These,” I said, shaking a bottle of Oxy.

Both of them stopped and eyed the pills. Unlike Brandi, who was practically salivating–Alex informed me her drug of choice was prescription meds–Mase was eyeing me out of curiosity. He really needed to stop underestimating me.

Like the obedient addict she was, Brandi looked right at me and said, “What do you want me to do?”

I tipped my chin at Mase, expecting to see a smile of satisfaction. Instead, he stared down at her with his brows furrowed. As if he was unsure what to do next.

No, not unsure. I cocked my head at the shame in his glare. It was guilt.

Maybe he didn’t play with the pretty receptionist? Had he fucked anyone?

Well, fuck that. I was putting a stop to this shit right fucking now.

“Suck his cock.”

When she took a step towards him, I shook my head.

“Uh huh. Betraying bitches don’t deserve to walk.”

There was no hesitation. Brandi dropped down and crawled over to Mase. When her hands shot up to his belt, he moved to step back. One look at my arched brow stopped him.

“Isn’t that right, Mase?”


He looked up at me like a scared little boy afraid he’d get caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and I was gonna make sure he ate every last fucking crumb.

A few seconds later Brandi had his jeans open and was slurping his cock in her hot mouth. Though Mase was hard and ready to go, he fought it. I could see the frustration behind his closed eyes. Heard the guilt in his groan. This bitch had one purpose. Help him get past this shit. If she couldn’t do that, she was fucking useless.

“Do better,” I growled, spurring Brandi to shove him down her throat.

It didn’t work. Mase was two seconds away from pushing her off. I was losing him. Time for another tactic.

“She’s smiling more, you know.” That worked. Mase’s eyes popped open and locked on mine. “Might even be a little happy.”

I smiled when his jaw ticked.

That’s it. Come out and play.

“You’re in here, and she’s out there. Laughing and having a good time with her new friends.”

That was a lie. Harper was just as timid and scared as ever. I made sure of that. But Mase didn’t need to know that.

“Even went on a date the other day.”

It was on after that. Mase held Brandi’s face down on the dirty floor while he took his frustration out on her.