Scartissue by T.L Hodel



Before I opened my eyes, I knew two things.

One, I wasn’t in my room. This bed was way too comfortable to be mine.

And two, I drank way too much last night.

My head pounded so hard it hurt to open my eyes. And then came the problem of trying to focus. My eyes were not cooperating.

Lucky for me my feet worked just fine, though. I don’t what was a bigger relief, making it to the bathroom before my bladder exploded, or recognizing said bathroom.

Thank God, I was just in Rye’s room.

Feeling a little better about my choices last night, I walked over to the sink to wash my hands. It wasn’t until I started brushing my teeth–my mouth tasted like ass–that I noticed all the stuff on the counter.

Various bottles of hair gel, cologne and other men’s products. With the toothbrush in my mouth and mint exploding on my tongue, I glanced over at the other side. A brush, a bottle of leave-in conditioner, and a sink. Nothing else.

I didn’t come from Riley’s room. I came from Logan’s!


I slowly glanced down to see the shirt Logan was wearing last night covering me down to my bare legs.

Double crap!

What the hell did I do last night? I remembered the Causegrove, Logan saying something to me, and that was it.

Wait… there was something warm and wet on my finger.

His mouth!

Everything came flooding back at once. My fight with Riley, Jumping Jim’s car, and me passing out on Logan. Suddenly my pounding head wasn’t the problem. My mind started spinning, unsure what to focus on.

The older brother I didn’t know I had, or what may have happened with Logan last night.

Did I sleep with him?

I didn’t feel any different, and I still had my panties on. Logan didn’t strike me as the type to re-dress a girl. He wouldn’t pass up uninhibited access. Then again, if he got what he wanted, why would he need more? Everyone knew Logan Hudson didn’t do return visits. At least that’s what he told Riley.

I needed to get out of here.

But then again…

I looked over at the open door I came through. Riley and I had always been curious what his room looked like. We’d tried to sneak a peek a couple of times, but he never let us get more than a glimpse.

Riley thought he had some secret sex dungeon in there, with handcuffs and whips and stuff. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. I couldn’t pass up this opportunity. I mean, he did put me in there, so…

The room I saw was not the room I expected.

Well, except for the massive circular bed that took up the middle of the room. It looked like something out of a harem, with piles of pillows and black silk sheets.

The soft burgundy duvet matched the rest of the room. Everything was the same deep color with black embellishments. Including the rug on the floor at the foot of the bed.

The dresser, wardrobe and headboard were all made from a dark mahogany wood, and had intricate carvings of the moon’s different phases. To the left was a shelf with model cars. Some looked like they were put together by a child, while others were carefully detailed. Right down to tiny scratches on the chrome bumpers.

Next to that was a crescent shaped bar with three stools, and across the room from that was a large poster of a Porsche 916 that took up half the wall, and an open closet door, with rows and rows of clothes.

The room was beautiful and huge. Fitting, I guess. How else would Logan’s big head fit through the door?

My eyes landed on a single pink rose laying on the dresser. There was a glass of water, two pills and a note next to it.

Cherry Pie,

These will help your head.

Ps, we will be talking about your drinking.

I rolled my eyes. Leave it to Logan to turn something sweet ominous. Didn’t stop me from smiling when I touched the rose’s soft petals though.

You’re falling for his shit.

Shaking away the voice, I eyed the pills.

Should I trust them?

I was in Riley’s house, and her dad was the sheriff. Logan might have an ego, but he wasn’t stupid. I sighed and quickly swallowed the pills before I changed my mind. At this point, I didn’t really care where relief came from. Every breath I took made my head throb.

After that, I crawled back in the bed, figuring it would be okay to give the pills time to kick in. I was wrong. Logan was everywhere, warming my body and filling my lungs. He lingered on the tip of my tongue, like some bad aftertaste.

Okay, it wasn’t bad. More like delicious, but still…

That’s when I should’ve left. Instead, I cuddled into the warm sheets and buried my nose in the pillows. Content to get lost in Logan’s cool, masculine scent.

The boy was infuriating as heck, but goddamn did he smell good. And he had style. The shirt I was wearing was so soft, it made sleeping in a bra comfortable. I could wear his clothes all day. Who cared if they were two sizes too big?

Snap out of it, Shelby!

I shot up with my brows furrowed. What the hell was wrong with me? Logan changed my clothes and put me in his bed. I should be slapping him, not snuggling up in his friggin’ pillow. My nose tingled as I stared at said pillow.

But he smells so good.

“No,” I growled, slapping the temptation away and getting off the bed.

I definitely had to get out of here. Problem was, I couldn’t find my clothes.

I did find something else though. Sitting on the top shelf of his wardrobe was a small silver bullet–let’s not talk about the other stuff I saw in there.

I eyed the tiny dent on the bottom of the bullet next to the switch. One night when I was playing with mine, Mom came into my room. I tossed it before she could see, which is how it got the dent.

That son of a…

I snatched the bullet up and stormed out of the room.

Riley met me at the bottom of the stairs.

“Hey Shell,” her brows furrowed as her eyes roamed over my unwanted attire, “Everything okay?”

Seeing her face brought a twinge of guilt to my heart. I’d said some pretty horrible things to her last night, but I could deal with that right after I shoved my foot up Logan’s ass.

“Where’s Logan?”

“He’s in the kitchen. Why?”

“Because I’m gonna kill him,” I muttered, continuing my angry march.

When I rounded the corner and saw him sitting there, my fist tightened around the bullet. The sparkle in his bright eyes as he talked with Parker, Micha and some small blonde girl, pissed me off even more.

This bastard invaded my life, and here he was laughing with his friends.

Fuck him.

I stormed over there and slammed the bullet down on the counter, not caring about the loud echo that silenced their chatter.

“Did you take this from my room?”

Asshole sat back and smirked.

“Hey Cherry Pie, sleep well?”

“I think you’re cool and all Shelby,” Parker said, “But most people keep the things they do in the bedroom private.”

“Oh, grow up,” I growled, turning my glare on him, “Everybody fucks themselves.”

Logan tipped his head at Parker.

“She’s got you there.”

“Yeah,” the blonde agreed, “I fucked myself last night.”

“Jesus Christ, Ava!” Parker called out, “No one wants to hear that shit.”

“No, little brother, you don’t want to hear that shit.”

Parker sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, while Micha grumbled, “That’s an image I didn’t need.”

“I don’t know,” Logan sat back and swung his gaze Micha’s way, “She’s pretty good with her hands.”

“Hey!” Parker barked out. “That’s my sister!”

His reaction just made Logan smile. “Yeah, but she’s not mine.”

Oh my god!

“Hey, I asked you a question,” I yelled, slamming my palm down on the counter next to the bullet. “Did you take this from my room?”

Logan looked at my toy and then back up at me.


Smug bastard didn’t even deny it.

“So you admit it?”

He shrugged and took a sip of what I assumed was coffee.

“This is mine!”

“No, Cherry Pie,” his green eyes locked on mine, “Anything that touches your pussy is mine.”

My mouth fell open. He did not just say that.

“You know what?”

“What?” He challenged back.

I didn’t say anything, because what could I say? How did one respond to having their personal enjoyment toy stolen?

It wasn’t exactly something you called the cops about. I could imagine the report. One item taken. Small silver bullet used for masturbation purposes.

I’m sure Ashen Springs police department would make it a high priority. I couldn’t even use it as proof Logan broke into my house. Riley’s dad knew my mom, and that was a conversation I did not want to have.

Didn’t mean I had to sit here and take Logan’s shit.

“Where are my clothes?” I demanded.

Logan sat back and slowly raked his gaze over me. I hated how my body shivered in response.

Bastard didn’t have to touch me to caress my curves. He could fuck me with his eyes alone.

“I like your current outfit.”

Screw him. I didn’t need my clothes to leave.

“You know what, keep them.” I leaned in, going nose to nose with him, “You can jerk off to them tonight.”

Parked coughed back a laugh and Micha shook his head, while Ava pointed at me and said, “I like this one, too.”

Good for her, I thought as I spun around, but Logan grabbed my wrist before I could take a step.

He pulled me in and growled in my ear, “You’re not going anywhere in my shirt.”

“You want your shirt? Fine.” I ripped my arm out of his grasp, pulled the soft fabric over my head, and tossed it at him. “Take it.”

“Fuck me,” Parker hissed.

Micha sucked in a breath, “Goddamn.”

“I’d fuck her,” Ava added.

Logan shot them all a dirty look, which made me smile as I turned and walked away. Riley would’ve died of embarrassment walking around in her bra and panties. I didn’t care. It was no different than a bikini, and I knew I looked good. I just didn’t let it go to my head like some green eyed assholes.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going Cherry Pie?”


“Not like that, you’re not.”

Was it wrong that the harsh tone in his deep voice made my blood sing?

“Watch me.” Prick.

Micha snickered.

“Looks like Mouse isn’t the only stubborn one.”

“She’s not going anywhere,” Logan confidently stated.

Fuck him. Fuck Micha. Fuck them all.

I was going to walk out that door with my head held high and they could all kiss my lily white ass. The jangle of keys stopped me dead in my tracks.

“Might need these, sweetheart.”

Son of a bitch.

I spun around to see a familiar pink pom pom key chain dangling from Logan’s finger. Whatever remained of my headache was burned away by the rage rolling through my system.

Suzie Q was my baby. I rebuilt her myself. No one drove her, especially not him!

“Don’t worry, I didn’t drive her back,” Logan’s lips tipped up. Bastard knew I wouldn’t want him anywhere near her, “Micha did.”

Well, that was better. Micha was at least responsible.


I thrust my arm out, holding my palm up and marched forward.

“Give me those.”

“You want them?” Logan smirked as he hooked his thumb in the waistband of his grey sweats and held them open. “Go get them,” he challenged, and dropped my keys down his pants.

For the second time that morning, my jaw dropped.

“And that’s our cue to leave.” Micha stood up and walked out.

Ava’s eyes gleamed as she rested her elbows on the counter.

“I can’t not look.”

Parker decided to follow Micha and opt out of our showdown, dragging Ava behind him, despite her verbal objections.

I stood there in a state of shock as everybody left. I knew Logan had a big ego, but I didn’t think he’d be so brazen. Honestly, I wasn’t sure how to proceed. If I went in after them, I’d be playing right into his game. I watched him lean back, resting his elbows on the island behind him, and inwardly smiled.

Maybe he’d be playing into my game?

I sauntered over to him, swaying my hips a little. Logan’s green gaze watched my every move. Rolling over my breasts, around my hips, down my legs, and back up again.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t eye-fucking him too. His sculpted torso got more defined with each step I took. The tattoos somehow emphasized every hard muscle.

I suddenly got the appeal of grey sweats.

Then again, what wouldn’t look good on this man? He could probably rock the shit out of hot pink track pants.

Hell, I’d still want to lick him if he was in a skirt.

Focus, Shelby!

“You think I won’t go after them?” I tore my eyes off his abs to meet his intense gaze.

He arched a daring brow.

“Go ahead.”

I leaned in close enough to feel his breath warm my mouth, and flattened my palms on the counter behind him.

“I’ll do it.”

“No one’s stopping you, sweetheart.”

He was calling my bluff. He knew it and I knew it. Other girls might’ve backed down. Give him what he wanted and let him win.

Well, I wasn’t the meek timid thing he thought I was. Sexuality didn’t scare me. I wasn’t embarrassed of my body, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to shy away now.

So what if I touched him? It was just a dick, right?


It wasn’t just a dick.

It was Logan Hudson’s dick, and he was ready for me.

I slipped my hand under his waistband, gasping when my fingers grazed the smooth hot head of his very erect cock.

That’s when Logan pounced, seizing a handful of my hair as he crashed his lips down on mine.

I fought, struggling to pull away, but one growl and a tug on my hair had my lips parting enough for him to thrust his tongue in my mouth.

Logan Hudson didn’t just kiss me, he claimed me. Pulling me deeper into that dark pit of sin with every drop of his sweet, smoky taste.

I could feel my mind slipping away as my body melted, and knew my soul wouldn’t be far behind.

So I did the only thing my befuddled mind could think of. I wrapped my fingers around his thick shaft and squeezed.

“Fuck,” Logan groaned, dragging my bottom lip through his teeth, “That’s it baby, jerk me.”

He yanked my head to the side and slid his hot tongue up my neck.

I shouldn’t like the rough way Logan used me, but I did. The tiny pricks of pain tingling across my scalp shot straight to my core. My hand continued to move along his hard shaft, reveling in the silky feel of his skin.

That’s when I knew I was done. I wanted Logan Hudson. I couldn’t deny it anymore. And neither could my mouth.

“Logan, I need…”

“Tell me what you need, baby,” he purred in my ear.

My mind was gone. I didn’t notice he’d stood up until my back hit the island, let alone figure out how to voice what my body was asking for.

“Tell me,” he demanded, pressing in on me.

One word left my lips.


A primal growl rang through the air and the next thing I knew, my feet were lifted off the ground as I was slammed down on the island. My hand immediately missed the feel of him. I sat up and whimpered my objection, but Logan had other things in mind.

He gave me a devilish grin and pushed me back down.

“It’s my turn, Cherry Pie.”

That was the only warning I got before he pulled my legs apart and dove between my thighs, wrapping his mouth around my clit and sucking me through my panties. Pleasure shot through me, making my eyes roll to the back of my head. If I thought his fingers felt good, they were nothing compared to his mouth.

“So fucking sweet,” he growled, sliding his tongue across me while nipping at that throbbing bundle of nerves.

I openly moaned, and somewhere in the back of my head a little voice warned me that someone might hear. But the wrongness of what we were doing, and the possibility of being caught, only made me wetter.

I wanted it.

Wanted to give in to that dark part of my soul.

So, I did. I burrowed my fingers in Logan’s hair and stopped fighting it. For once, I let go and let myself just feel.

It was wrong.


And freeing.

The only regret I had was the scrap of fabric between his mouth and my flesh.

But Logan had that covered. With one loud growl, he tore my panties away and really ate me.

He dove down and feasted on my flesh like a starved man. Thrusting his tongue in my opening and fucking me with his mouth, while sucking on my clit.

No book or porn had prepared me for the intensity of the ecstasy rolling through me, and it quickly became too much.

I whimpered and tried to move away, which only spurred Logan on. He dug his fingers into my hips and pulled me back. I’m not sure if it was his demanding touch, or the shivers of pain that threw me over the edge. But all I could do when waves of bliss seized my body, making my back bow, was pray my heart wouldn’t give out.

And Logan didn’t stop there, he continued to lap up my juices faster than I could produce them. Each swipe of his tongue tensing my muscles and reminding me of the orgasm that nearly took my life. At least that’s what it felt like.

Afterwards I lay there limp, praying that he wasn’t going to force another one out of me.

“After the shit you pulled, I should eat you all day.” He kissed my inner thigh and I whimpered. I couldn’t take any more. “Are you done fighting me?”

Was I done fighting him?

Yes. Really, what was my other choice? Death by orgasms?

I frowned and nodded.

“Say it,” he demanded. “Say you’re mine or I’ll fuck you with my mouth again.”

He didn’t need to tell me twice.

“I’m yours.”

“Look at me when you say it.”

When I finally pushed my tired body up and met his intense stare, I saw it. The seriousness shining in his eyes caused my breath to hitch.

This wasn’t a game to him. When he said he wanted to keep me, he meant it.

Logan Hudson, the demon of sin and lust, wasn’t going to stop until he had my soul.

I was so fucked.