Scartissue by T.L Hodel



How’s Mase?” Micha plucked a muffin off the plate on the island. “He still riding the guilt train?”

“Well, I got to watch him fuck some snitching bitch today, so…”

I tossed the last piece of my third muffin in my mouth and grinned.

He sat down next to me and grumbled, “About fucking time.”

We’d all been worried about Mase. The fact that he found his dick again was reassuring.

“What about your girl? She still pissed?”

Micha gave me a sideways glance.

“What the fuck do you think?”

To say my sister wasn’t taking the news about Shelby and I well would be an understatement. Too bad for her. Despite what Riley thought, Shelby was a big girl. She could make her own decisions.

Not that I’d give her much of a choice. Cherry Pie was mine and that was that. She’d just have to get used to it. Both of them would.

“Where is your girl?”

“She’s at home.” Shelby’d gotten off work an hour ago. I figured I’d give her some time with her mom before heading over there. They had some shit to talk about. “You talk to your old man?”

Micha shook his head.

“I’m saving that for after the council meeting.”

Keeping his long lost brother to himself gave Micha leverage in case things didn’t go his way. He had nothing to worry about though. I had his back, and Chase had Riley’s. But that little tidbit of information I’d leave for a surprise. I couldn’t wait to see the look on the Creswells’ faces when that scruffy motherfucker walked in and took his seat. Uptight fuckers.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone went off, ringing Warrant’s ‘Cherry Pie’. Maybe Shelby didn’t need as much time as I thought.

“Hey baby,” I sang into my phone, “Miss me already?”

“Riley told me to call you.”

A slow smile spread across my face.

“Did she?”

Looks like little sis is coming around after all.

“Can you feel your teeth?” She whispered as if it was some secret. “Because I can’t feel my teeth.”

My brows rose. That was not the response I was expecting.

“Uh, no, come to think of it, I can’t feel my teeth. I don’t think anyone can.”

“You have really nice teeth.”

Well, that was a weird fucking compliment.

“Thank you. You have nice teeth too.”

Was she drinking again? If she’d decided to get drunk after last night’s shit show, I was gonna whip her ass. I don’t give a shit what happened with her mom. My brow rose as I thought back to one particular fantasy.

Maybe I’d whip her anyway.

“I have nice boobs also.”

“Yes you do,” I agreed.

Shelby let out a long breathy sigh.

“I like touching them.”

Was this my little virgin’s version of phone sex? I’d play along. Why not. This shit was cute as fuck.

“I like touching them too,” I said, cocking a brow at Micha who was answering his own call.

“Baby, calm the fuck down,” he yelled into his phone.

My face dropped at Shelby’s next words.

“I want to lick you.”

Okay, something was definitely wrong.

Micha slapped his hand down on the counter, grabbing my attention. My pulse picked up the second I met his stare.

“Noah drugged Shelby.”


I knew I should’ve killed that prick.

“She wouldn’t tell Riley where she is.” Micha pointed at me. “Find the fuck out.”

“Why is everyone yelling?” Shelby whined. “Are you mad? I don’t like it when you’re mad.”

Yes, I was fucking mad. I was goddamn livid. Noah Torres was a dead man. Anyone he knew, looked at, or talked to was a dead man. Tonight blood would run down the streets.

“No one’s yelling baby,” I said, trying to keep her calm. “Where are you?”

“In the bathroom. Do you have ears?”

“Yes baby, I have ears. Whose bathroom are you in? Are you at Noah’s house?”

“No, silly,” Shelby giggled. “Why would I be at Noah’s house? Noah’s not home. This sink is really smooth.”

“Shelby, focus!” I clapped at the phone, ready to reach through and strangle the answer out of her. “Tell me where you are.”

“There was an umbrella in my soda.”

I’ll just bet there fucking was.

“That’s great, baby. But you need to tell me where you are.”

“I feel really good.” She released a long breathy moan. “These towels are soft. Evan has a lot of towels in here.”

“Evan? Evan March.”

Micha looked over at me with death in his eyes. Evan lucked out last time, only because of Riley, but she wouldn’t be there to save him this time. Evan March’s clock had just rung out.

Ding Dong motherfucker.

A new voice came over the other line.

“Hey sweetness, you okay in there?”

My hands instantly balled.

Noah Torres.

“Why don’t you come out? Evan and I are making a movie.”

“I’ll like movies,” Shelby sang happily. “Can I be in it?”

“No baby, you don’t want to be in his fucking movie!”

I tried to get her attention, but she wasn’t listening to me anymore. Not even my old man could make me feel as helpless as I did now. When I heard the door open and Torres’s voice ring across the line my heart damn near broke.

“Of course you can in our movie. You’re our star.”

“You mother–” the line went dead before I could finish the threat.

“Fuck!” I yelled, throwing my phone at the wall.

Noah Torres was fucking done. I was going to paint the walls in his fucking blood, and then I was going to go after everyone he cared about. The whole fucking Torres family was going down.

I looked over at Micha and said, “Call Preston,” before marching out of the room.

“Where the fuck are you going?” he called out after me.

“To get my gun.”


“Jesus fucking Christ,” Micha growled as I screeched to a stop. “Who’s gonna save your girl if we’re fucking dead?”

I rounded the corner and screeched to a stop behind Preston’s BMW. Fucker just lit a smoke and tipped his head down at the front bumper inches from his knees.

“Cutting it close, don’t you think?” he said when I jumped out of the car.

I cocked my 9mm, popping one in the chamber and glanced over at him.

“You’re fine, aren’t you?”

What the fuck was he worried about?

Betty was a finely tuned instrument and I knew how to drive. I could stop on a motherfucking dime. Micha didn’t agree. He lurched out of the car, hunched over and held up his hand.

“Give me a second to swallow my stomach.”

“Didn’t have to come.” Preston flicked his butt into the bushes by the house. “Kid Rocket and I could’ve handled this shit.”

He had a point. Preston and I were more than capable of taking care of this.

Micha snorted in disagreement.

“Riley would cut my nuts off if I let anything happen to her friend.”

He had a point too.

Preston nodded at me. “So what’s the game plan?”

“Go in, get my girl, and kill the motherfuckers that thought they could touch her.”

“Hold up,” Micha said. “No one’s killing anyone.”

Preston and I both cocked a brow at Micha. Who the fuck was he kidding? This wasn’t an Order job. There were no rules here. And even if there was, I wouldn’t give a shit.

“I’m fucking serious. I don’t want any messes.”

Micha was paying too much attention to his old man. He might be our King, but he didn’t get a say in this shit. Preston got it.

“Don’t worry.” Preston popped a magazine in his Beretta and pulled the slide back. “There won’t be a mess.”

“Fuck sakes,” was the only response Micha grumbled as we made our way up the steps and through the front door.

We could hear them further in the house. Stupid fucks didn’t know we were here.

“Fuck,” Torres grunted, “Hold her still.”

“You sure this shit is worth it?”

Micha and I looked at each other. We’d assumed March was the ringleader of their little gang, but ringleaders didn’t question shit.

“Quit fucking worrying. We’ll be long gone before anyone knows what happened,” Noah growled. “The Piper has our back.”

My hand tightened on my 9mm. I should’ve known my old man had something to do with this shit.

“Logan,” Micha whispered in a harsh tone, “They might know something.”

Who fucking cared?

Anyone associated with my old man should be put down. Letting them breathe was doing this world a disservice.

“Logan,” Micha growled a little louder.

Even Preston had that condescending look. There was a bigger threat out there. Mainly, Micha’s illegitimate older brother. Who the fuck knew what my old man did to him. Or turned him into.

Fucker was either dead, or working against us. Either way, we needed to find out. And we literally had nothing to go on. Didn’t even know his name.

“Fuck, fine,” I grumbled, tucking my gun in the back of my jeans. “But if they touched her, they’re fucking toast.”

When did I become such a pussy?

We made our way through the kitchen and into the living room. I heard her before I saw her.

“No,” Shelby murmured, “I want Logan.”

My heart lurched at the sight of my beautiful angel struggling on the couch as Evan held her arms and Noah fought her kicking legs. She’d never have been in this situation if it wasn’t for me.

Did I care?

Yeah, I fucking did. It fucking killed me that I put her in danger. Not enough for me to let her go, but enough that I got Micha’s obsession about knowing Riley’s every move.

“Get away,” Shelby growled, landing a hard kick in Noah’s shin.

The pained look on the prick’s face made me want to kiss her. My little Cherry Pie had some power in those legs. I felt that power when I held her down, but she didn’t use all her strength on me. Noah got it full force.

She really does like me.

“Jesus Christ, slap her or something,” Noah snarled at Evan.

The last thing I saw before red bled into my sight was Evan’s hand swinging back…


So much blood.


It was everywhere. On the bed and bleeding down the walls in fat drops.

“Snap the fuck out of it…”

My fists pounded down, spraying more blood. Across my face, over the floor and seeping into my clothes.

“Fuck sakes, Preston stop her…”

I laughed as the warm drops hit my skin.

“No, I want Logan.”

That voice…

I blinked my eyes down at the mess that was Evan March’s face. There wasn’t much left of it, and what there was, was covered in the gurgled blood he was choking on. Noah was sitting on the ground staring wide eyed at the mess. Prick was scared.

Good, he fucking should be.Thought he could touch my Shelby.


Where the fuck was she?

I jumped up to my feet and spun around to see Micha holding her back. My sweet girl swung her fists, beating his chest while yelling, “Let me go.”

Micha just tightened his hold, keeping her from me.

“Let her go.”

He cocked his head.

“I don’t think that’s–”

I plucked my gun out and held it up, aimed right at him.

“I said, let her go.”

He released her and held up his hands.

Shelby immediately rushed forward, slamming into me and wrapping her arms around my waist. Only then did the fire pumping through my veins calm to a mild burn.

“I missed you,” she mumbled into my chest.

I tucked my gun away and kissed the top of her head. “I missed you too, baby.”

Micha visibly relaxed and grumbled out a string of curses. I probably shouldn’t have pulled a gun on him, but he shouldn’t have kept her from me. She was mine.

He’d do the same if it was Riley.

“I told you she’d be fine,” Preston said, and tipped his chin at Noah. “What do we do with this one?”

Micha and Preston started arguing about Noah’s fate, but I didn’t give a shit about that. I was too occupied with the gorgeous blonde running her hands under my shirt and up my back.

Who knew nails could feel so fucking good?

“You smell good,” Shelby purred and nuzzled into my neck, running her tongue across my skin. “I want to lick you all over.”

“Baby, I know you’re high right now…” I yanked on her hair, tipping her head back, and swept my thumb across her cheek.

Whatever I was going to say was lost the instant I saw Evan’s blood painting her perfect skin. I’d never wanted anyone so bad in my life.

“Take her home, the doctor will meet you there,” Micha said, tipping his chin at Noah. “We’ll find out what this one gave her.”

I glared at the prick that drugged my girl. My job here wasn’t finished. Was about to tell Micha as much, until Shelby reached down and grabbed my dick through my jeans.


“You’re wearing too many clothes.”

I’d never agreed with a statement more in my life. Unfortunately, she was high as fuck, and as much as my dick didn’t care, I did. When I fucked her the first time, it sure as hell wouldn’t be in front of the prick that drugged her, and she’d be completely aware.

So, as much as it pained me to do, I pulled her hand off my dick and steered her out the door.

She pouted when I buckled the seatbelt across her.

“I want to touch you.”

How fucking high was she?

I sauntered around the car, shaking my head.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

I had the girl of my dreams begging for it, and I did nothing.

I should get a fucking medal for this shit.