Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Twelve

He wrapped his arm around her and sighed. He didn’t want to freak her out because she’d already had a hell of a day, but he wanted her to understand.

“I want you to be mine.”

She still looked confused.

“Can you admit that from the very first time we met, there was something between us?”

She nodded.

“As of right now, we are officially in a relationship, and that means I get to take care of you. As your man, I expect you will listen to me and mind me at all times.”

She looked up at him. “Mind you how?”

“If I tell you to do something, you do it. This isn’t going to be the type of relationship you see nowadays. In our relationship, I’m the boss.”

“Are you talking like the kind that Nia, Sienna, and Bella have?”

He nodded. “Yes. Exactly like that, and it’s exactly what we both need. I need to be in charge, and you need someone to take care of you.”

“Then you’re saying you’d be my … daddy.”

“Yes. And you’ll be my little.”

She stared at her lap, and he let her think.

“I don’t know. I guess I’d like to try it.”

He nodded. “Of course. Nothing is set in stone, honey. We can change the rules at any time.”

“Yes. I’d like that.”

“I know we have a lot to learn about each other. All I ask is that you trust me to take care of you and not to hurt you.”

“I do trust you.”

The car pulled over.

“Is this your building?”

She looked out the window and nodded.

The door was opened, which startled her and made him smile.

“Can you wait, Manny?”

“Of course, sir. I’m at your disposal.”

“Thank you.”

He maneuvered her into the building and up to the second floor.

“Oh, no, I don’t have a key.”

“Travis dropped off your bag you bring with you to work.”

After they entered, Eli locked the door behind them. “Show me the way to your bathroom.”

He pulled her into the bathroom and started the bathtub. She tensed when he started unbuttoning her blouse. He tossed that over the hamper. When she stood there submissively, he smiled.

“Good girl.” He pulled off her skirt and shoes until she stood in front of him in nothing but her underwear.

“Let’s tie your hair up so it doesn’t get wet.”

She reached into a drawer and pulled out a rubber band. He watched her quickly tie her hair up.

“I wish I knew how you women do that.”


“It looked like you twisted your wrist a few times, and then suddenly there is a bun on the back of your head.”

He was pleased to see her smile.

After he turned off the water, he threw in some bath salts he’d found on the rim of the tub.

“Okay, now let’s get the bra and panties off.”

A smile crossed his face when he saw how hard she was trying not to cover herself from him.

“I am so proud of you, honey.”

She raised her face for a kiss, which he instantly gave her.

“Let’s get you in.”

Eli helped her in and then crouched by the side of the tub and reached for a sponge and body soap. He started at her shoulders and worked down. A bead of sweat slid down his back. It took tremendous effort to act blasé about being with her while she was naked.

His dominant male instincts were shouting out to take her and make her his, but he’d rather die than scare her and make her run.

“There we go,” he said as he finished. “Why don’t you stay in for a few minutes and relax? I’ll go get you something to drink.”

In the kitchen, he pressed his forehead against the fridge to help cool him off. Jesus, if he didn’t get her under him, and soon, he felt like he’d lose his sanity.

He pulled out some orange juice and filled a glass.

“Here you go. Drink all of it. You’re still a bit shaky.”

She nodded.

He took the glass when she was done and watched her relax her head back on the bath pillow and close her eyes.

While she rested, he took the glass back to the kitchen and rinsed it out. On the way back, he stopped in the doorway on what he assumed was another bedroom. He didn’t understand how anyone could live in the chaos. There were computer parts, wires, monitors on the wall and floor, and candy and chip wrappers.

He shook his head and headed back to the bathroom.

Eli leaned against the doorjamb and stared at the woman who was quickly taking his heart.

Her long, black hair, creamy white skin, and bright blue eyes tilted down for a slightly exotic look. She appealed more to him than any other woman. She had the curves most men dreamed about. He loved that he couldn’t see bones on her, just a healthy round ass, thick thighs, and a pouchy stomach.

Her breasts made saliva pool in his mouth. They were a big handful for him, and they were topped with beautiful dark-pink nipples.

He’d never seen any makeup on her face, which he was glad for because he never liked seeing a lot on a woman’s face. But then again, she didn’t need it.

“Are you ready to get out?”

She slowly opened her eyes and nodded.

Eli pulled the plug on the tub and helped her to stand before he grabbed a large towel and wrapped it around her. After he lifted her and set her on the bathmat, he ran the towel over her body, patting the moisture away.

He put the towel back around her. “Show me your room.”

He followed her into a room he hadn’t yet seen at the end of the hall.

It was exactly what he would have guessed. It was light, frilly, and had a lot of pastels. There were lacy curtains and a few stuffed animals on the bed.

“I like your room.”

She stood beside him, uncertain.

He smiled down at her. “Let’s get some clothes for you.”

She opened her closet and stepped back.

“How about a long dress?”

She nodded. “Okay.”

He pulled one off the hanger. “Now we need panties and bra.”

He could tell she was really self-conscious, but she did what he asked.

His heart jerked in his chest when she pulled on a light-blue bra and panty set. As he hooked the bra, he noticed it barely held her tits in place.

“Arms up.”

She raised her arms, and he slid the dress over her head and down over her hips. It fell to her ankles. She pushed her feet into a pair of dressy flat shoes and then pulled the rubber band from her hair.

He thought it was sexy as fuck when she tossed her head for her hair to fall down her back in a silky black curtain.

“Are you up for going back to the office, honey?”

“Yes. I want to keep my mind off everything.”

“We could inventory the condo when we get back.”

“I’d like to do that.”

“Okay. After that, do you want to make the list of restaurants in the city?”

A grin spread across her face. “Yeah, that sounds like fun.”

“Okay, we have a plan. We’re still going to dinner tonight, so when you’re making a list, pick one.”

He was glad to see she wasn’t shaking and had a smile on her face. He held out a hand, which she took immediately. She grabbed her bag on the way out the door.

They walked out the front door of the building.

“Thank you, Manny, for waiting for us.”

“It’s my pleasure, sir.”