Daddy’s Little Assistant by Lila Fox

Chapter Ten

Kinley grabbed a paper on the way into the office and put it in her bag she carried every day.

She was excited for the day, and she planned to do everything she could to help Eli but also stay out of his way as much as possible.

Maybe Vic could help her find a laptop. She’d meant to buy one before now but hadn’t had anything significant to do with it, so she put it off. She’d gotten a lot of money from her parents’ life insurance and a from the airline they were flying when it crashed.

Vic waved to her as she got off on her floor.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning, Mrs. Bennet. Is there anything you need for me to do?”


She couldn’t understand why the woman looked angry.

“Is something wrong?” Kinley asked.

“No, Foster needs you in his office.”

“Are you mad at me?”

“Not with you, dear. Why don’t you go on and help that man? I’ll inform Mr. Turner where you’re at.”

“Oh, good. Thank you.”

Kinley got back on the elevator and took a few breaths to steady herself before the door opened. She didn’t like Foster’s hands on her, and he was always touching. Sometimes getting close to touching her breasts, and he had rubbed against her butt more than once.

“Good morning, Mr. Foster. Mrs. Bennet said you needed my help?”

The man smiled at her, pulled her into the office, and shut the door. Apprehension skittered down her spine.

“Couldn’t we keep the door open?”

“No, it’s fine closed.”

“Where are John and Fred?”

“They’ll be in sometime soon.”

She thought about running out of the office. Her instincts were screaming for her, but she was afraid she was overreacting. But then Eli’s words came to mind, and she took a step toward the door.

“I forgot I have something to do. I’ll be back later.”

A hand slammed the door closed as she tried to open it. She shuddered in revulsion when he pressed his body against her hard enough she could feel his genitals.

“What are you doing, Foster?”

“I think you know, doll. I’ve seen the way you look at me.”

She tugged at the door. “But I haven’t. I want to leave.”

His hand slid up and down her side, touching the side of her breasts and her ass. Back and forth.

Tears slid down her face as she struggled. “Please, Foster.” Oh, God. She wanted Eli. Bile climbed up her throat. “Stop touching me.”

“But I think you like me touching you, but we have to keep it a secret. Bad things will happen if the bosses know.”

No, she thought. They wouldn’t like this. “When they find out about this, you’ll be gone.”

He pushed her hard enough against the door that her head slammed against it.

“Then let me put it this way. If you tell anyone at any time, I will go after the people you care about the most. How about that little cousin of yours?”

God, where was Eli? She’d never needed anyone as much as she did him at that moment. If she could hang on for just a little longer…


Eli picked up his phone as he sat at the desk. “Turner.”

“Mr. Turner, It’s Mrs. Bennet.”

“Good morning.”

“Yes. I have a concern about Kinley. Foster called her down again this morning, and she looked scared.”

He jumped from his desk. “I’ll call you back.”

He brought up the hidden cameras and wanted to howl with rage. He called Mrs. Bennet back.

“Call security to Foster’s office.”


He raced down the steps and through the hallways until he got to the door. He knew Kinley was against it, so he couldn’t slam it open.

He pushed and felt the resistance but kept going. Once in the office, he grabbed Foster by the arm and threw him across the room, watching him crash into the monitors and collapse.

He placed place a hand on Kinley’s shoulder and felt her flinch.

“Baby, it’s me. It’s Eli. You know I wouldn’t hurt you.”

She sniffed and turned his way.

The fear and despair in her eyes made a rage unlike he’d ever felt rush through him.


“Yes, baby.” He opened his arms and exhaled when she ran into them and held on to him. “I’ve got you. Shh, it’s okay now.”

He opened the door and walked out into the hallway where Mrs. Bennet stood. “Hold her for a moment.”

“I’ve got her, Mr. Turner.”

Eli walked back into the office and shut the door behind him. He picked Foster up off the floor.

“No,” the guy screamed and put his hands out in front of him to ward off the blows.

“You motherfucker. You knew she didn’t like what you were doing to her, and you still fucking touched her.”

Eli slammed his fist into Foster’s face several times and then went for his stomach. The man cried out and doubled over, but Eli wasn’t near to being done with him.

He had no idea how long he’d had with the man, but he guessed it was only seconds before several men were trying to pull him off the guy.

“Eli, stop. You’re going to kill the fucker,” Travis yelled as he pinned him to the wall with four other guys.

Eli dragged in several deep breaths to calm himself, but his focus was still on the man who touched his woman. Two security guys held him up.

He went for him again.

“Eli,” Kinley cried out for him.

He instantly calmed.

Travis patted his shoulder. “She needs you, man.”

Eli nodded and shook them off. “I’m good.”

The men took a step back but were ready if he went for Foster again.

Eli knew he needed to mellow out before Kinley saw him. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply before he smoothed his clothes. Then he looked at his hand and noticed it was red, but no blood. It would be bruised but no broken skin. He didn’t want to freak her out even more.

They made a wall of men between the two as Eli went for the door. If it weren’t for Kinley, he probably would have gone for him again. He’d never been so murderously angry in his life.

Out in the hallway, he looked right and left and finally caught sight of Kinley in Mrs. Bennet’s arms. He pushed through the crowd of people. When he was a few feet from her, she cried out and threw herself in his arms.

He held her tightly. One of his hands held the back of her head against his shoulder as she wept.

“Shh, it’s okay. He’ll never hurt you or anyone else again.”

“He touched me,” she wept.

“I know, baby. I’m so sorry I didn’t get to you sooner. I didn’t realize you were here already. I thought you’d come to the office before you went anywhere else.”

“I should have, but I just wanted to get it over with.”

“Oh, baby.” He nuzzled her neck.

Travis walked up to them. “The cops are on their way and are going to want to ask her questions.”

He nodded at Travis. “I know. We’ll be up in our office. You might mention that I’m not leaving her alone with them.”

“The cop is one I know well. He won’t try to separate you.”

“Good. I’m taking her up.”

She balked when he tried to walk her down the hallway. “I don’t want to see anyone yet. Please, Eli.”

Travis nodded. “Take her to your condo. I’ll send them up there.”

Eli nodded and picked her up. He stepped into the condo and didn’t even glance around. His whole focus was on holding her. Then he sat in one of the big chairs and arranged her across his lap with her chest pressed against his.

He gritted his teeth when she started crying again. “Get it out. I’ve got you, honey.”

After several minutes, her tears dwindled until she lay against him, exhausted and wrung-out.

He smoothed the hair from her face. “How are you doing?”

She hiccupped and nodded. “I’m better.”

“Good. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

He lifted her and headed down the long hallway. At the end, he could see a room with the door open. He guessed it was the master since the bed looked like a king. After he walked through, he sat her on the counter in the bathroom. With a handful of bath tissue, he wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks and then put the tissue over her nose.

She sat very still with her face tilted up. The trust in her actions was overwhelming. He finally understood what his father and grandfather had been telling him for years.

“Blow, baby.”

Without hesitation, she blew into the tissues.

He wiped her nose and then tossed the tissues into the garbage basket. Then he rooted through the drawers to find a washcloth, got it wet with cold water, and then set it on her eyes for the swelling. “This will make you feel better, honey.”

She hummed and kept still.

“Hello,” someone called out.

“That must be the officer to ask you questions. Do you feel up for it?”

She exhaled and nodded. “Yes, you’ll be able to stay with me, right?”

“Baby, I’d love to see them try to pull me away from you right now.”