Under Sean’s Protection by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Two

Sean power walked as he headed back to his room with his chosen towels. The idea of having someone to share something with - even a pile of navy-blue towels - was disconcerting and exciting all in the same breath. Sean was known for being a hard-boiled take-no-prisoner’s type – his kills fast, economical, and efficient.

But in his quietest moments, when he was alone, Sean cried watching sad movies. He cared about almost every victim he encountered; with empathy his fellow assassins wouldn’t understand. That empathy was something that should have been fully hammered out of him during training – Tron certainly tried often enough - but still it clung to him. Sean could take a life without giving it a second thought; so long as taking that life was making the world a better place. Like his brothers-in-arms, he never pulled a trigger or slid a blade across a single neck without having fully researched and vetted the target as disposable vermin.

Research was one thing of course, and valuable as hell, but for Sean, he also had what he called an “inner goodness detector”. If someone appeared to be an asshole, he could tell if it was genuine prick material or if someone was pretending to be an asshole to cover up something else. That was his secret weapon, and nobody knew about it. Not Marcus, Ranger, or Levi. Tron may have an inkling, as no one survived the assassin training program by hiding themselves. Most didn’t survive it. More than a few good men were lost back in the day. Thank gods those days were over.

Sean was about to open the door and walk in straight into his room, when he remembered his manners and knocked first. Kyle had already had too many experiences of people being pushy with him, and Sean didn’t want to be like that.

“Uh… come in?”

Opening the door with a smile, Sean swallowed a quick groan as he spotted his mate. Kyle was holding his white t-shirt in his hands - clean but thread bare - his hairless chest rising and falling with each breath that sped up as Kyle’s wolf scented him.

“Did you miss me?” Sean asked as he threw a towel over his mate’s half naked body; partly out of fun, but mostly to forestall throwing himself over it. “We’ll go and see your mom and brother as soon as you’re dressed, okay?”


Sean blinked back his tears as he watched his true mate interact with his mother and brother. The three of them were so sweet together, and yet positive too, despite what they’d been through.

My own fated mate, Sean thought as he watched. Gods, but this is going to take some getting used to. I have a family now – a family I’ll be responsible for. Do I even deserve this? He wondered as Kyle’s mother smiled at him shyly, ducking her head as she did it. He quickly remembered to smile back and then turned, so his doubts didn’t show.

Family was only a distant memory to Sean, and not a pleasant one at that, as was the case for all his fellow assassins. During training, all four of the men were taught their only loyalty was to the council and to each other. Family, friends, having a significant other was actively discouraged. Sean often wondered how Cam managed to stick with Ranger throughout his training for that reason, although Cam had proven himself useful in a hundred other ways.

And now, watching how Kyle interacted with his younger brother Michael was incredible. There was none of the toxic masculine joke-and-jab approach Sean normally associated with brothers. Sean had learned over the years that even the cruelest of men could be vulnerable and soft with their mates or their mothers, but the moment they were with their peers, including their brothers, they turned into testosterone fueled posers. The fact that Michael was essentially mute added to that. Seeing Kyle show his excitement and pleasure at the gifts Shadow had given Michael was beautiful.

“Mom’s worried about my dad,” Kyle said quietly as he made his way back to Sean, holding out his hand. Sean took it, wrapping Kyle’s long elegant fingers in his own and tugging Kyle a little closer. “She wants to go back and check on him.”

Sean winced. “That’s not a good idea right now and I’m sure Aiden and Ranger would tell you the same thing. Your dad’s just had the last things of value taken away from him – you two and your mom. He’s hurting, and desperate, which translates into highly dangerous and unpredictable in a man like him. I’m sorry, but you know it’s true.”

“I can’t just leave him there alone.” Kyle’s voice dropped into a whisper. “I mean, I can’t. I know he’s horrible and is getting all he deserves finally, but he’s…”

“… still your father,” Sean finished softly. “I get it, believe me I do. But your dad’s not there on his own. Shadow is keeping an eye on him.”

“My father won’t appreciate a babysitter,” Kyle said. “He’ll try and kick Shadow’s ass as soon as he sees him, spouting on about his rights like he did when you showed up.”

“Then it’s a good thing he doesn’t know he’s being watched. They don’t call the man Shadow because that was the name his mamma gave him. He’s invisible, silent, and everywhere at once. Your dad won’t be able to fart without it sending a wave through Shadow’s sleeve.”

“I’ll tell my mom,” Kyle said, then hesitated. “It should make her feel better, right?”

He could tell that Kyle hated seeing his mom so unsure and worried, which Sean understood. “Let’s tell her together.”

Sean knelt before Marie Hyam and took her trembling hand in his.

“Mrs. Hyam,” he said keeping his voice deliberately low. “I know you’re worried about your husband, and that’s understandable – we all understand that. You’re his true mate. I’m only new to knowing that kind of love and commitment,” he couldn’t help but glance at Kyle, “but you’ve been living it for decades. This must be very hard for you to be apart from him. Let me assure you that he is safe and watched over right now, and no harm will come to him.”

Sean could read the fear that raced across her face.

“Not even from himself,” he said fully understanding. “I give you my word. But your house is not a safe place right now, for you or Michael. I know you can see that after today.”

“Yes,” Marie whispered, “I understand. But the man you met today, the broken man in that chair, is not the George Hyam I know. He’s in there somewhere, and I will not abandon that man. I can’t just abandon my mate.”

“No one is asking you to,” Sean said. “Please, try to relax here and trust that he’s safe. Think of being here like a mini vacation, let George spend some time realizing how much he misses you too. When the time comes to let you return home, I’ll take you there myself.” He reached for Kyle’s hand. “We both will.”

Marie Hyam wiped her eyes and gave a short nod. Sean knew it would be hard for her – almost impossible, but he was pleased to see her shoulders drop as though she was letting go of her stress. Her sigh was heartfelt though and Sean hoped they could find a resolution to George’s issues sooner rather than later – even if it was just to bring peace to the little family he so desperately wanted to care for.