Pretty Spelled by K.A Knight


Ican’t take my eyes away from my beautiful mate. Not only did she give me my human life back, she led me to my family, to my new life with her.

One I will never take for granted.

Every day with her, each stolen moment, every good time with my family, each good morning and goodnight is a blessing. It’s all because of her. Like she can feel my gaze, she looks over and grins at me before focusing back on Cassandra. I’m glad she is getting along with them. I was worried with her being fae and a bit more…refined than some of the others. But they love her, accept her, and she has made herself a part of this family. I know we would be lost without her.

She’s the beating heart, healing us, helping us, and always providing a listening ear and a helping hand. My darling mate is so selfless and kind.

We are all so relieved to have Lilith back, not just that, but to see Atlas happy and well. For a while he went…dark. I thought we had lost him, I could see it in his eyes—he was ready to die with her. I knew that feeling, having been lost in my wolf. He still struggles and so does she, but they are working through it. We all took in the darkness, and it linked us tighter than ever, but we are strong enough to overcome it, and when it gets to be too much for her?

We are there again.

My mate is helping heal her, Atlas is bringing her back with his love, and we are offering her strength with our bond. We will never lose our sister again. This world needs us all. We may not be the worshipped gods we once were, but the Fates proved that every single person in this world has a purpose, even when they don’t know it.

My purpose?

To love and protect my family…my mate.


My wolf growls, his overprotectiveness surging, wanting to be at her side and feel her hands in my fur. We have the rest of our lives together, but he doesn’t give a fuck. He wants his mate. He lets out a whine to let her know, and she hears it.

Dabria and Mishal walk past, laughing and holding hands as they head into the forest, no doubt to change and fly. The days are passing so quickly and fading to one. I hear Mira singing from the water, and Calder’s waves increase.

I hear Lilith cooking and laughing with Atlas. Remi, Bella, Ciar, and Khalid are away on another mission, but they will be back soon, in time for the family meal we hold every month. The one where we are going to tell them all our secret.

Our family is about to grow.

Watching my silver-haired mate, I can’t help the flip my heart does. I never knew it was possible to love someone so much, but with each day that passes, I only fall more and more in love with her soul and heart.

She’s my everything.

She is my light.

She’s my future.

* * *


My wolf watches me, his big eyes locked on me as I trim the flowers with Cassandra. I smile and blow a kiss, and he laughs in my head.

Hurry up, darling, I miss you.

His voice still makes me shiver like the first time I heard that deep growl. Cassandra sighs as if she knows what we are speaking of again. “Go, I’ll finish up.”

“Are you sure?” I ask, turning to her and pushing back my silver hair, which is still growing. My pointed ears peek through my silky locks, and my silver eyes meet her gaze as she smiles. “I’m certain. Kyro is sure to come and find me at some point anyway. Go.”

Smiling, I hug her, something I am working on. As a fae, casual contact was never a thing, but here with my family? They are teaching me that touch is a way of showing affection, a love language, and I find myself enjoying it.

I still miss my family…well, mainly my mother, and my prince’s necklace hangs around my neck, but that is my past. I know they are in good hands. Here, I am with my future. My mate, my love. I am where I was always meant to be—at his side.

I have been back once to see if everything was okay. I felt like it was my duty, but the new queen I felt has fit effortlessly into the role. Not just ruling one kingdom, but all of them. She has also started to find her own mates, consorts to help her run the kingdoms, and the people are already prospering. There is no more struggling, and everyone is equal, though some of the glittering throng did not like that. But that’s another story altogether.

My mother was at her side, helping her lead, outspoken but caring. She was the woman I always wanted her to be with me. We speak every now and again, but she is not my only family now. No, my family has grown. A perfect collision of supernaturals and gods, each bringing something new to the table. We are learning from each other. It is far from perfect, there have been some…learning curves, but I have never been so happy.


It took me a few days to step foot in the greenhouse after what happened to me in the one at my old home, but Cassandra helped me, and together, we found a common love—plants and nature. I heal and help, and she teaches me how to grow, our magic complimenting each other.

Remi and Bella are teaching me how to protect myself, since I don’t want to rely on Slate all the time, although it turns out I am better suited to healing than hurting. Atlas still helps me practice magic though, as does Lilith, although not as much anymore since the pregnancy, which I am overseeing.

It is why I haven’t told them I am with pups, as Slate calls it. It’s in the early days, and fae always have trouble conceiving and carrying to term, not to mention the interbreeding of species. I want to be sure before we tell them, and he understands that. It doesn’t stop him from being overprotective, though, and even more than normal. He never leaves my side, and he makes me eat every few hours and rest. Every night, he sleeps curled up around me with his hands on my belly and love pouring through the bond we share.

I cannot take the wild out of the wolf though, and he is still pretty wild. Running and hunting, changing back now at will. His wolf and he are one.

He trots at my side, leading me back to our home. As soon as we are there, I lie on the blankets on the floor, our own den, and he curls around me, resting his head on my pelvis and staring at me.

“I love you, my wolf,” I murmur as I stroke his head.

He purrs, licking at my hand. I love you, darling, forever and always.

I close my eyes, and with my wolf, sit and listen to the steady heartbeats of the two babies growing in my belly. It’s better than any crown or jewels and riches, this is the true glittering path.

This is love.


This is destiny. This is forever.