Pretty Spelled by K.A Knight


The nest is before us, our next mission. We pick and choose the ones we want to take since my mate likes to help people. Those like her, those left or forgotten. She has quite the collection of strays these days, giving them a home, teaching them to fight, and offering them a better life.

She says it’s to honour the man who saved her.

I, of course, am at her side at all times, like she could ever escape me. My beautiful mate can never get away now. We are bound forever.

We work together silently, heading inside. She knocks on the front fucking door and busts in. I laugh, even as I turn to stop the leaping vampire, snapping his neck. It’s nights like this I love her the most. Seeing her in action, her red hair flowing behind her, her lips tilted in a feral smile, her eyes flashing until I can almost see the wings and halo, and the fire of her rope in her hand.

A fucking devil here to damn them.

She has my heart entirely, had it since the moment she knocked me out in the cemetery, but every time she takes more of me, and she isn’t even aware of how effortlessly she leaves me weak, speechless. For a man like me, that’s shocking in and of itself.

Our journey doesn’t end here though, we have so much ahead of us. We will work with Dawn to make this world a better place. We will hunt side by side. We will save those who need it. And I will love her every single day of my immortal life, even when she’s difficult, mardy, or angry.

She is mine.

I’m hers.

I’m distracted as a vampire flies at me. They are a disgrace to our race. I rip out his heart and focus on the battle we are waging and not the wonder that is my love. But I’m not fast enough. I feel the air move behind me, and then Bella is there.

Love, I warn mentally.

She pushes me out of the way, lashing out with her whip and slicing through the vampire about to take a chunk out of me. For a second, my heart freezes. The one she was fighting takes that moment to stab at her. She snarls and looks down. She was so busy saving me she got hurt. I’m up in a moment, snarling as I tear him apart for hurting my mate. When I’m done, he’s dead and I’m covered in blood. I look up to see her pulling the knife free, even as the wound heals.

It settles me, but I narrow my eyes on her, promising retribution for that later before we have to dive back into killing these vamp bastards. Once the nest is empty, we burn it to the ground and watch from the car.

“Shit, we are going to be late,” she says with a groan. “They will kill us.”

“Nah, we’ve got time.” I wink at her. “We could even have some fun before we head back, love.”

“Uh-uh, fun is what got me stuck with you in the first place. Just drive,” she snaps, even as she grins.

Leaning over, I kiss her hard. “And now look, you’re stuck with me forever,” I whisper.

“Don’t remind me,” she grumbles.

Oh, I will, love, every day for the rest of our lives.

* * *


We get back in time for the family meal. We wash off the blood and dress in comfy clothes and head over. They waited for us, and once we sit, only then do they serve the food. Everyone asks how the mission went, and we fill them in. There are no secrets between us, not as a family…something I’m getting used to.

I’ve only ever known one family, and it was one man… This is so much more. It’s all due to my mate, the pain in my fucking ass, my vampire, who is sitting at my side, regaling Mishal with how he took down the nest of vamps. I just roll my eyes, even as I reach under the table and stab him with my fork to remind him to not be such an ass. He doesn’t even miss a beat, used to me stabbing him as he reaches over and squeezes my leg.

I turn my head and look at Lilith. She is smiling radiantly, and her belly is huge. She is due any day now, and we are all excited, even me. I may not want kids right now, but I know I’ll be an amazing auntie, that drunk one who is always fun and has the best stories. She’s perched on Atlas’ knee as he feeds her, his own wide smile on his face, his other hand holding her belly so lovingly.

You would have never known from looking at them what battles they fought to get back to each other. After we shared the powers, we were all brought so much closer, and I have such respect for them both. For all of my new family. They are all warriors in their own way, and they all survived such hardships and overcame so much to find true happiness in whatever way is perfect for them.

Me? It comes in the form of a cocky vampire.

He turns like he hears my thoughts, his eyes shining, and he leans in and licks my ear. “Later, love, I’m draining you dry while I fuck you raw for that little stunt you pulled in the nest.”

I grin, knowing exactly which one he means. I fucking love hunting with this man. Some of the others are happy to settle down here, relaxing and spending their days chilling as they deserve. Me and Ciar? We need excitement and the bloodlust of the hunt.

It’s what brought us together in the beginning, what made us fall in love, and we will never stop. I fall further for him with each one, though I will never let my cocky mate know. He’s bound to let it go to his head, and then I would have to hit him with a shovel again.

I grab my juice box and thrust it at him. “If you’re thirsty,” I joke, causing both of us to remember that first night, and he laughs so loudly, the others look.

“Fucking hell, Angel, I love you.” He groans and grabs me, kissing me hard until Remi throws something at us.

“Not at the table, you animals.” She laughs.

Pulling back, I wink over at her. “Nah, that’s you, babe.”

The others descend into laughter then, and when I turn, Ciar is grinning at me widely. “I love you,” he mouths, and I almost fly at how easily he says it. I was taught love was never given freely, but here is this man, this perfect fucking immortal, confessing it every chance he gets.

“I love you too, asshole,” I whisper and press my face to his shoulder.

My heart is full, even as I thank Raph for saving me and giving me a chance at this life.

This imperfectly perfect life of mine.

This pretty bloody love.