Pretty Spelled by K.A Knight


The water is calm as I lie on my back, my little temptress swimming around under me. She never goes too far, but she enjoys the freedom she always wanted. I will always give her that, even if she is chained to me for it.


She pops up next to me, and I straighten, treading water as she wraps her legs around my waist and smiles at me, her green eyes sparkling. She is so fucking stunning. I still remember the first time I saw her. She stole my soul and heart, and took my breath away faster than any storm or deep water. She still has the same effect on me.

Every night, we do our ritual at the water’s edge. We socialise with my family, and we are happy, but out in the water is where we belong, together, with no land in sight.

“Sir,” she murmurs, kissing me.

“Temptress,” I warn, tightening my hold on her as she laughs and leans back, letting her red hair spread out in the water as she sighs in happiness.

Happiness I gave her, something I never thought possible. Even before Phoebe broke me, I was a mardy fucker without much to offer, but Mira? She showed me my heart, showed me my depth of love and loyalty. She exposed how much I was capable of, and all I want to do in return is give her the world, to love her every day of my life to let her know she made the right decision in suffering through her lifetime to wait for me.

The sun shines down on her as I watch, highlighting the beautiful contours of her breathtaking face. I don’t blame the sailors for jumping to their death for her, I would have as well. I almost did die for her, and I would do it again. I would do anything to keep her in love with me. I’m not the easiest man to love, but I will always be honest with her and let her know she’s the only one for me.

“You look so beautiful,” I murmur, stroking her thighs.

She smiles, closes her eyes, and relaxes, even as she sends a splash of water at me. “Temptress,” I warn, and she peeks open an eye before sitting up and splashing me in the face. I wipe it clean, brushing back my long, curly hair and narrowing my eyes on her as she dives under the water, pulling on my legs before breaking the surface and splashing me again with a laugh.

“Temptress, you better swim fast,” I growl. She squeals and dives, but there’s nowhere for her to hide. She can never get away fast enough, never escape me.

She is mine.


My very own siren.

* * *


I try to outswim him, but of course, he catches me and yanks me back to him, his mouth descending on mine as the water crashes around us. The sea swirls faster and faster, reflecting my storm god as he dominates my mouth. He grips my ass and pulls me up, pressing me against his hard cock until I gasp. His pretty storm gets faster and faster, obscuring us as he proves whom I belong to.

Him. Over and over. His hands are mean, his mouth is cruel, and his cock is hard as he makes me scream my releases through the water like a song of pleasure and love. When I’m exhausted, he relents, kissing every inch of my body and just holds me.

As we float in each other’s arms, I let my heartbeat slow until it matches his. My storm god…my mate.

The man who helped give me my freedom back, who gave me a family, a future, love. The man I’m going to spend the rest of my life exploring the oceans with.

Only when it gets dark do we head home. We leave the water hand in hand and walk across the beach, the sky illuminating with his lightning.

A declaration of his love.

It’s a pretty stormy kind of love, but I would not change it for anything.

I am free, I am loved.

I am whole.