Indecent Invitation by Piper Stone

Chapter 5


Some people embraced every family member no matter how good or bad, how caustic the relationship might be. I’d chosen to walk away instead of enduring the agony of criticism and constant arguments, preferring to try to forge a life of my own on my terms. Little had I known that the lure of significant wealth and influence would draw me back into the family fold.

I hadn’t spoken with my father since I’d left almost five years before. Not only had I wanted nothing to do with his tyranny and overbearing methods of fatherhood, I’d loathed his vile and disruptive decisions with regard to his personal companies. He’d acquired dozens of enemies over the years, mostly due to his unscrupulous activities. Given my father’s easy acceptance of my arrival, I could read between the lines.

He was fearful he was losing his grip on the industry that had made him worth hundreds of millions. Maybe that’s why someone had already planned his demise.

I would never forget the last words my father shouted as I’d walked out of his house, the final confrontation also the last straw.

“You will never make anything of yourself without my help. You are nothing to me, boy, and you never were… Don’t come crawling back to me. You will never be welcome in my house again.”

They’d been words to live and die by and I’d fully intended on remaining the black sheep of the family, wearing the title like a badge of honor. Sadly, my sister’s nagging calls had pushed me into falling into the same trap that always seemed to happen.

Succumbing to the will of my father.

His wishes.

His demands.

Next, I’d received the call from the family attorney on a late Friday night after I’d had one shit of a week. That had pushed me over the edge.

“Your father is going to die.”

When I’d called, I’d expected the pompous man who’d become wealthy off my father to share some scathing story, not the bullshit he’d relayed.

The trust fund that had been established when I’d been born, the initial cash funded with my mother’s money, wouldn’t be released. Of course that had been directed by my father. At first, I’d laughed, even hanging up on the old coot. When he’d persisted, along with subsequent calls from my sister begging me to reconsider coming home, I’d finally listened to the details.

And they’d curdled my blood.

The thirty-five million dollars would go to my brother unless I completed certain tasks.

One: return to San Diego and establish residence.

Two: work alongside my brother in preparation of him taking over the great empire, as my father liked to call his regime.

And three: marry a suitable candidate in order to keep me grounded.

The bastard of a man my father had turned into had actually used the word candidate as an insult. He’d known since my early days of adulthood that I loathed the concept of marriage, had never planned on settling down and raising a family. Some excellent psychiatrist would tell me that I was pushing back against a difficult childhood and the best thing for me to do was get married.

That was freaking bullshit.

I’d left without looking back and I’d enjoyed almost every minute of freedom building my own goddamn empire. I’d also amassed a fortune of my own, enough to enjoy a good living. With a gorgeous skyscraper condominium and two expensive cars, I’d been living large.

Returning had less to do with the money than the principle and the fact my brother wasn’t going to get a red cent of what I deserved. He was a fucking bastard.

Then there was the mysterious call in the middle of the night. There was a more substantial reason for my father’s sudden push for my return.

The last straw had been a phone call from my father. While he’d been conceited as normal, he’d almost sounded eager to see me again. As if I’d bought his lines of bullshit.

No, I could read between the lines. He was panicked. What the hell did he want me to do?

I took a deep breath as I twisted my hand around the rental car’s steering wheel. Tomorrow, I’d purchase something bright and shiny just to piss my father off. Sadly, tonight I’d committed to being on my best behavior. I snickered at the thought.

“Where are we going?” Bristol asked. She’d been quiet since our encounter.

I looked over, enjoying her exotic perfume as it wafted into my nostrils. Everything about her was surprising and few women ever astounded me. I also couldn’t seem to keep my hands off her. While she belonged to me for at least three months, I certainly hadn’t planned on hungering to the degree I was.

“A prim and proper club my father belongs to. I suspect my brother does as well.”

“Do I need to know anything personal about your family? If so, how am I going to fake that unless you provide details?”

I laughed. “Because my entire family knows how much I hate my father, loathe my brother, tolerate my stepbrother, and feel sorry for my stepmother. The only person I do really care about is my sister, Ashley. She didn’t deserve to be born in such a fucked-up family.”

She twisted her head in my direction, narrowing her eyes. Up to this point, I’d told her nothing about them or just how deep my hatred for them went. However, it was time she understood that I wasn’t merely a playboy looking for cash.

“Wow. I’m glad you finally told me something.”

Sighing, I shot a look into the rearview mirror, my instinct telling me it wasn’t beneath my father to have us followed. “Don’t all families have dirty little secrets, Bristol?”

“No, not all of them.”

“I will agree to disagree. All you need to know is that my father is truly a merciless beast. I am here because of demands made in order to obtain access to my trust fund. While I know what you’re thinking, I couldn’t care less about the money. I have very personal reasons why I don’t want anyone else to get their hands on it.”

“That’s something you’re not going to tell me, is it?” she asked.

“I will.”

“And my involvement?”

After giving her another glance, I could clearly see the smirk on her face. Actually, I didn’t blame her. I could only imagine what she was thinking.

“As I mentioned before, I will be happy to share more of the reason why you were selected, but only after this blasphemous dinner. I prefer to have your unbiased opinion on my various family members.”

“A blended family you can’t stand. This should be interesting.”

I snickered as I made a turn. Twilight had settled in, the full moon highlighting a vast number of twinkling stars. I’d never really cared about paying any attention to the scenery around me. I’d grown used to the insides of ancient buildings positioned in pristine but very secluded locations during my days in boarding school. Then there’d been the boardrooms I’d frequented during the time I’d worked for my father. There was no working with the man. He didn’t appreciate team members or partners.

At least until my brother, Chase, had stepped up to the plate, announcing that he wanted to follow in the footsteps of my father. Even in Atlanta, my chosen career had prevented me from truly enjoying the outdoors. Perhaps it was time to make a change.

“My mother died when I was a child. Within three months of her death, my father had brand new arm candy. They were married less than three weeks later. If you’re asking if I’m close to Charity, I am not. In fact, she never had a motherly bone in her body, although she’d brought an unwanted spawn into the fold. I feel sorry for the two of them. That’s all.”

“And this hatred for your brother?”

I could see the giant rounded orb of the club just over the horizon. A lump formed in my throat. I’d loathed the place, the pomp and circumstance of the upper echelon of society sickening on every level. I’d never fit in, not that I’d ever wanted to. “Chase is a tool. He’s five years older and always treated me as if I was the unwanted child. We’ve never been close, less in the years before I left. However, you will likely find him charming. Be careful of him, Bristol. He’s like a scorpion, his sting deadly.”

“Here I thought my family had issues,” she half whispered.

I laughed softly as I made the turn into the long, winding driveway, the tree-lined aggregate just as I’d remembered. Every acre of landscaping was perfectly manicured, the garden staff ensuring that every flower bloomed and every shrub was trimmed to exactly the same height. I’d often wondered if whips and chains were used to keep them working in the brutal sun.

“As I said before and wholeheartedly believe, every family has secrets, but not every family is born out of evil.”

I could feel her heated gaze and all I could do was smile. As I pulled up to the grand entrance, a servant in a white coat immediately popped out of a glorified hut, scrambling in my direction. Almost certainly he was judged on his performance and timing, scrutinized for his demeanor and if he’d been able to handle the multiple insults I’d heard given over the years. Sadly, the position had one of the highest turnovers, drunken fools stumbling out of the club insisting they could drive.

After shifting the gear into park, I turned my full attention toward her. “Make no mistake, Bristol, my family will be searching for any sign of a ruse. While I believe in your abilities, I need to reaffirm that you belong to me as stated in this contract. As of now, you are a happy fiancée eager to start a new life with the man you love. Anything less won’t be tolerated. Do we have an understanding?”

She gave me one of her sweetest smiles, batting her eyelashes on purpose. “Of course, darling. I am your dutiful servant.”

Between her words and the inflection of her voice, my cock was immediately pushed to full attention. I would much prefer to devour her in the lobby of the affluent establishment than endure sitting through food and wine. My sadistic needs would be fulfilled later. One taste of her wasn’t enough.

I grabbed her jaw, digging my fingers into her skin. “I am being serious. If you act out in any fashion, I’ll be forced to punish you.”

Jerking away, she gave me a scowl. “I’ll keep that in mind. Sir.”

I climbed out of the car, adjusting my jacket. I’d purposely chosen black for the color, a crisp white shirt and scarlet tie as accents. I’d changed significantly in the five years, time spent in the gym well worth the effort. After closing the door, I took a few seconds to drink in the atmosphere before walking around to the passenger door.

“Will you be staying for dinner, sir?” the attendant asked.

“Unfortunately, yes. If you will, make certain the car is easily available for a quick getaway. You will be handsomely rewarded.”

His eyes opened wide then he grinned. “You got it, sir. I mean, yes, sir.”

I took her hand, easing her out of the vehicle. In all probability, my father had sent a lookout to watch my arrival. His curt text confirming I was in town established his mood for the night.


Nothing had changed.

“What is your sister’s name?”

“Ashley. You will find her… let’s just say entirely different than the rest of the family.”

“If you were close, why didn’t she come and visit you?”

“Because she was forbidden to and I assure you that she has been well versed in following my father’s rules.”

“Jesus,” she said under her breath.

I led her inside and almost instantly we were approached by the same man I’d always called a gatekeeper. He’d aged, his eyes just as lifeless as I’d remembered. The club sucked the life out of everyone who worked there.

“Sir. Do you have an invitation to be here? This is an exclusive club. Members only.” He barely gave Bristol a single glance. As per the rules, women were not allowed to frequent the club alone, nor did their requests have any viable meaning, unless authorized by their male counterpart.

“How quickly you forgot me, Roger.” I waited, tilting my head as he searched my eyes.

When he smiled, the expression genuine, I gave him a respectful nod.

“Oh, my goodness, sir. I am so sorry I didn’t recognize you. Welcome back!”

“Roger, you can call me Houston. Unlike the rest of my family, I actually don’t bite kind people.”

He seemed embarrassed, his face reddening. “You know the protocol, sir. Your father is patiently waiting for your arrival.”

Of course, I’d decided to be fashionably late on purpose. “I think you mean he’s fuming around the collar.”

Roger laughed then immediately stopped the noise. “Let me take you to your party. I do hope you enjoy your evening.”

“Let’s just hope there aren’t any fireworks, Roger. I’m not certain the great city of San Diego could take it.” I offered my arm to Bristol, giving her a wink. Why not have fun with this? It was just the beginning of a ridiculous but profitable adventure.

While she accepted like a dutiful bride to be, I could see the look of apprehension in her eyes. She didn’t like this any more than I did.

Roger led us through the sparsely seated smaller dining room, a private room located at the very end. While the club had been redecorated, it still had the same stodgy, conservative feel that I’d grown used to. At least a good portion of the members appeared younger than I remembered. Perhaps the old codgers had finally died off.

May they rot in hell.

“Here we are, sir. The private dining room.” When he backed away, he finally acknowledged Bristol, giving her a slight smile.

“Well, here we go, darling. Keep your guard up and you’ll do just fine,” I whispered in her ear, nuzzling against her neck if for no other reason than to hope we’d already been seen.

“Is drinking allowed?” she asked.

“Absolutely. You’ll find it’s a necessity around my family. Just make certain you keep your faculties. My father is a wolf after all. He will enjoy making you his prey.”

“I thought that’s what you were.”

A real smile crossed my face as I walked her inside. Almost immediately, my father noticed our arrival, but he kept his seat, not bothering to notify the others. In his eyes was the same contemptuous look that he’d given me the day I left. I could see the old bitterness remained. What a shame.

The table was full, although there weren’t any unexpected guests, unless I could consider my stepbrother, Riley, to fall into that category. He’d also changed, turning from nothing more than a boy to a hulking man. I had no information on him, nor did I care what his life had turned into. He’d been nothing more than a baby when he’d arrived, yet he’d never been accepted by anyone but my sister.

Perhaps Ashley was the only decent member of our family.

My beloved sister noticed us next, shrieking as she tossed her napkin, almost turning over her chair in order to race in our direction.

“Oh, my God. Houston! I thought you’d never get here.” She flung her arms around my neck, half laughing and half crying. “I’ve missed you so, dear brother.”

I rubbed my hands down her back, taking the time to stare every other family member in the eyes. Chase was smug as usual, Charity obviously on her fourth or fifth cocktail, and Riley curious, his eyes flashing.

“I’ve missed you too, sis. Allow me to introduce the love of my life. Bristol Winters, this is Ashley Powers.”

True to form, Ashley studied Bristol from head to toe. Then she burst into a bright smile and wrapped her arms around Bristol in the same loving way she’d done with me.

“Welcome to the family. For a woman to be able to snag my brother’s cold heart, you must be very special. I hope you’ll allow me to be involved in your wedding plans.”

Bristol laughed genuinely, her body language tense. Then she relaxed, her bright smile exactly as I needed. “I don’t know about special. I think I kicked your brother’s ass to get him to love me.”

“Oh, God! She’s a pistol. I’m going to love spending time with you. Come on and meet Daddy.” She took Bristol by the hand, dragging her toward the table. “What do you have planned for the wedding?”

“We’ve only talked about a few details,” Bristol said, sneaking a glance in my direction. “I’d be glad for some help.”

“Fabulous! I know all the best caterers and I guess you’re going to need a dress.”

“I need everything. Your darling brother sprang the trip on me as a surprise. I feel like a lost puppy.”

“Then you have the right girl to help you,” Ashley almost purred, clapping her hands together.

I took my time, keeping a smirk on my face as I walked closer, unfastening my jacket then shoving my hands into my pockets. The rest of the family needed to come to me.

“Son. About damn time you made it. I know your freaking flight was on time,” dearest Daddy barked without getting up from the table.

“Well, my beautiful bride was eager to… relax, Pops. And I do love indulging her.” I shifted my gaze in Chase’s direction, daring him to rise to his feet, surprised when he did.

He moved around the table, taking his damn sweet time. This was nothing but a line being drawn in the sand or perhaps the preparation of a shootout at the Powers Corral. Either way, it was clear to see he was furious at my decision to return.

“Brother. I’m surprised to see you. I understand that you’re a stockbroker.” Chase stated the words as if the career was demeaning, below our family.

“Yes, a demanding and lucrative position. I found the time. Hell, I felt it was important. Besides, I’m making changes in my life.”

“You must be Bristol.” There was utter disdain in his tone.

“Yes, and you must be Chase. I’m sorry to say, I’ve heard almost nothing about you.” There was a bite in her tone, as if the woman was already feeling the need to be protective of me. While I found that fascinating, I pressed my hand against her back as a reminder to be the lovely little sparrow for the evening.

Chase gave his usual smile, shaking her extended hand. “And you are a complete surprise. I must say, my brother’s tastes have improved.”

“Can we just enjoy an evening together,” Ashley dared to say. “Pathetic.”

“I’d watch your mouth, sister. You’re coming dangerously close to making a fool of yourself.” Chase’s bitter words caused my sister to retreat into a shell.

“I told you that you shouldn’t have dumped your fiancée,” I heard my father hiss to Chase. Suddenly, my brother’s anger was directed toward our father. Another ugly secret in the family. I should be used to them by now. I snickered at the thought.

“Leave Bridge out of this,” Chase snapped, his jaw clenching.

I was actually surprised when Riley jumped up from his seat, his expression one of disgust directed toward the rest of the family. He made a wide berth around my father’s chair before advancing. “Don’t let the bullshit scare you off, Bristol. We’re always contentious.” There was something entirely different about him than before, as if he’d grown a backbone. Well, he certainly had to, or he’d be swept under the coattails of Chase and my father.

“Don’t worry,” she said, holding her own.

“He’s right. Let’s sit so we can get this over with. I have more important things to do.” I guided Bristol to her seat, smiling at my father in spite. I immediately motioned for the waiter, ordering drinks for both of us. At least Bristol didn’t contest, but I could tell she was fuming. Hell, I didn’t blame her in the least. This was just the farce I knew it would be.

“Why don’t you tell us where you met my brother, Bristol? I’m certain it will be enlightening to hear.” Chase eased into his seat, immediately pushing the chair away as he grabbed his drink.

And so the charade began in earnest.

While I wasn’t necessarily surprised that Bristol was able to provide such a stunning performance, appearing giddy from her adoration of me, I wasn’t certain her acting skills would be enough to pass the first test.

There was a moment of utter silence after she finished speaking, my father and Chase exchanging glances while my stepmother held her usual nasty glare.

“To the two lovebirds,” my father said, lifting his glass. “May you find all the happiness you seek.”

Ashley suppressed a giggle, which I could tell was difficult for her.

“What are your plans for the wedding?” Charity asked. “I’m certain we could obtain a reservation at this glorious club.” She lifted her glass as she shifted her gaze in my direction, her eyes glassy.

“As Bristol said, we haven’t made any formal plans. I was thinking maybe an outside wedding and reception.” I didn’t give a crap about the wedding, but it certainly wasn’t going to be held in the horrific setting of the club.

“That is just like something you’d say, brother,” Chase snarked.

“I think an outdoor wedding would be fabulous.” Bristol kept her smile but damn if the woman didn’t have an icy stare.

“As long as it’s appropriate for the Powers family, the correct guests invited, then I don’t give a shit. I do hope your relationship can last.” My father’s booming voice didn’t just indicate disapproval. He was already challenging both of us as to the validity of our special union.

“Don’t worry, Pops. I’m certain it will be the elegant affair that befits such a glorious family.” My counter was repaid by another hard, cold glare from my father. All I could do was smile.

And so the fucking evening progressed, the conversation growing edgier by the minute. While Bristol was able to maintain her calm and collected manner the majority of the time, she’d thrown enough barbs of her own to both titillate as well as infuriate me.

“I think I need to freshen up,” Bristol stated.

When she shoved her chair away from the table, quickly walking away, I took a deep breath.

“You’re going to need to teach her some manners, boy,” my father said, swirling his damn cognac as he smirked at me. “She needs harsh discipline in order for your marriage to work. I think that will help create a harmonious environment in the household.”

“Is that how you handle Charity, Pops? By issuing strict rules?”

“Don’t you dare talk to me that way, boy. I am your father.” When he pounded on the table, I’d had enough, jerking to my feet. “You could do well learning from my actions. They’ve served me for a hell of a long time. Not that you ever listened to my advice over the years.”

My God. The man had gotten worse over the years.

“She’s mine to do with as I please.”

Ashley placed her hand on my forearm, whispering under her breath, “Don’t.”

Sighing, I walked away, milling through the other dining room toward the restrooms, waiting until she opened the bathroom door. I caught her by the arm, dragging her into the shadows of the hallway. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Defending myself. You neglected to tell me that my choice in careers was going to become fodder during dinner.”

“I warned you that my father will try anything to get under your skin and he succeeded.”

She shook her head. “You know what sickens me? You’re just like him whether you want to admit it or not.”

I pushed her against the wall, planting my hands on either side of her. “Don’t push me tonight, Bristol. I’m in no mood. Behave for a little while longer then we’ll get the hell out of here. Can you do that?” As I lowered my head, she pressed her palms against me.

“Yes,” she said through clenched teeth. Perhaps I was far too much like my father, a brutal, unforgiving man. All I could think about was dragging her into the bathroom and fucking her. What did that make me?

“My father is a harsh taskmaster and always has been.”

“I gathered that from his ridiculous statement.”

Her defiance was admirable but challenging the darkness inside of me. “My father believes that punishment is good for the soul. His father was exactly the same way.”

Her eyes opened wide. “That’s… horrible.”

“That’s the way of my family.” I dropped my head even more until our lips were almost touching. “Don’t force me to follow through with the tradition.”

“If I’ve learned one thing about you, it’s that you do exactly what you want to do.”

“That may be so, but it’s necessary to remain on neutral ground. That requires your compliance.”

“As I said, you should have provided more warnings.”

A slight growl erupted from my throat. Unable to resist her, I captured her mouth and wrapped my hand around her throat, keeping her in position. The taste of her was even sweeter than before, her brazen attitude and refusal to play the game in its entirely a tremendous turn-on. There was no pushback as I slipped my tongue inside, enjoying the simple moment of domination. My cock ached like a son of a bitch, my blood pressure rising. She had no way of knowing what she did to me.

She crushed her fingers around my shirt, tugging as the moment of passion exploded. Our connection continued to be strained but even more enigmatic than before. When I finally broke the kiss, keeping my hand caressing her lovely throat, I nipped her lower lip. “Just be a good girl for tonight.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

As I pulled her by the hand, returning to the table, I could see a glint in my father’s eyes. He was such a freaking bastard.

The banter turned relatively normal for a period of time, at least getting us through the main course. After the plates had been removed, I needed fresh air, the innuendoes and biting comments restarting with vigor. I also wanted to see if Chase would follow, providing any information that coerced me into finding out more about what the hell was going on.

“Listen to me very carefully. Don’t make a scene. I need a few more minutes then we leave.” While I kept my voice low, I made certain she heard every word. My anger was already riled, my patience worn thin. I was no longer certain I cared whether we passed the test. I’d already risen to my feet, my drink in my hand.

“Why yes, sir,” Bristol snipped as she glanced up at me. “Just don’t be gone too long. I still find it difficult to hold my tongue.”

Snorting, I squeezed her shoulder before walking around the table, heading for the set of open doors leading to the private deck. As I moved toward the railing, I inhaled, enjoying the various scents of the club’s grill as well as the ocean water. There was a peacefulness to the serene setting, the myriad colorful lights surrounding the walkway leading to the shore twinkling in the light breeze.

As I leaned over the railing, swirling my drink, several memories from the past crept into my mind including the first time I’d been brought to the club. I’d been eighteen, my father insisting that I was ready to take a man’s place at the table, the visit nothing to do with a family gathering. He’d wanted me to see firsthand as he destroyed one of his competitors, the once powerful man my father considered an enemy begging my father for reconsideration.

My father had enjoyed every moment, including threatening the man’s family. I would never forget the gleam in my father’s eyes, the laughter that burst from his mouth the moment the broken man walked out of the private room, shivering from the realization that his livelihood and his private life had both been destroyed.

Then my father had gloated, ordering me a scotch as if the legal drinking age didn’t matter. There wasn’t a single person in the club who didn’t cater to him as if he was a god. To me, he was a monster, a man who had no conscience or humanity.

That was the day I no longer worshipped the man who ruled his family with an iron fist. I’d rebelled against everything the great William Powers commanded, turning into nothing but a delinquent. All the years of boarding school hadn’t prepared me for his ruthlessness or his punishment for rebelling against him.

I’d learned the hard way what challenging someone so powerful could mean. I lifted my glass, shaking my head. While he no longer had any level of control over me, that didn’t mean his influences weren’t toxic. After all, Bristol had been very astute.

I’d become far too much like him.

I heard footsteps behind me and bristled, refusing to turn around.

“She’s lovely.”

The sound of Riley’s voice surprised me. “She’s perfect in every way.”

“Did you warn her?”

Huffing, I shot him a look as he flanked my side, remaining a solid two feet away, his eyes locked on the shoreline.

“About our caustic family? To a degree. She can make up her own mind after tonight. I can tell she’s not a happy camper.”

“How could she be, Houston? My God, the gall of that man never ceases to amaze me.” I was surprised to hear Riley talk with any discord regarding the old man. He’d been the quiet kid, the one who remained studious, staying in his room. He also hadn’t been required to attend boarding school. That had always pissed me off.

“Well, she needs to learn to turn it off.”

A smile crossed his face. “That can be difficult given his oppressive nature.”

I had nothing to say at that point. A moment of tension slipped between us.

“I’m surprised you returned,” he said quietly.

“It’s all about the trust fund.” I was curious if he’d received the same middle of the night phone call, although I had no intentions of mentioning it to anyone at this point.

“Ah, that surprises me even more. I heard you were doing well.”

“What little bird told you that?”

Riley shifted his gaze in my direction. “You know how Ashley is. She did her best to keep up with you and your illustrious career. I say kudos to you for getting the hell away from here.”

“You could do the same.”

“You’ve seen my mother. She’s not well. I couldn’t leave her here by herself.”

I knew the real reason Charity remained married to the bastard. The prenup she’d been forced to sign detailed her years of marriage. She wasn’t eligible for the big prize just yet. That wouldn’t happen for at least a couple of additional years. “But you deserve to live your life the way you want to.”

He laughed. “Your father has a way of squelching happiness and ingenuity.”

I’d always found it interesting that Riley had never used terms of endearment for my father. Granted, he’d been treated like an unwanted creature, his existence barely tolerated. What I’d learned through months of investigation was that somehow Riley had been coerced into working at the great empire, handling every aspect of the new accounts brought in. “I’m certain with the money you’re making you’re getting by.”

His face hardened. “I did what I had to do in your absence, Houston. I know we’ve never gotten along, but I’m not the wet behind the ears kid you remember.”

“No, I can tell you’re not.” What I was keeping close to my vest is that I suspected Chase was planning some kind of coup, his longing for power and authority moving to an entirely different level than before. If he succeeded, my gut told me my trust would be placed in jeopardy. What role Riley played I wasn’t certain. But I would find out. Until then, the family gatherings would be kept to a minimum.

“I heard you bought a house.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “News travels fast. Perhaps it’s past time to take what belongs to me.”

He seemed antsy, even glancing over his shoulder. “Be careful, Houston. There are things happening within the company that are changing the course of the future for all of us.”

“Would you care to elaborate?” Before he had a chance to answer, my attention was captured by the sound of a loud voice. When I turned toward the club, I was able to catch sight of Bristol in some kind of confrontation with Chase.

“Jesus. He’s at it again. No wonder he refused to bring his girlfriend to the great party.” Riley polished off his drink, laughing softly.

I didn’t like the sight or the sound of what was going on. The second I crossed the threshold, the sight of Bristol slapping Chase in the face was the last straw. My father would never allow her behavior to go unpunished. I could either succumb to his demands or get us the hell out of there.

As I stormed inside, I noticed the smug look on Chase’s face. He’d provoked her on purpose, trying to break her resolve. And goddamn it, she’d allowed that to happen.

I took her hand, ignoring the grin on my father’s face. “We’re getting out of here. Then we’re going to have a talk.”