Indecent Invitation by Piper Stone

Chapter 3


“Fucking asshole.” I glared at the clock on the kitchen wall as I paced then fisted my hands, pretending I was in a boxing match. Envisioning his face helped ease the pain.

And the continued ache.

Why the hell had I remained awake almost all night, my body aching for Houston’s touch? I’d been sick with embarrassment at what had happened, furious with myself for going through with the bizarre date. Now I had a decision to make. I shuddered when my jeans shifted across my bruised bottom. The asshole had spanked me! He was nothing but a nasty, rude brute.

He’d been so damn dominating, refusing to take no for an answer.

And he’d spread my legs wide open, bringing me to not one but two orgasms. A cold shiver trickled down my spine from the thought. I’d actually enjoyed it. No, I couldn’t have. I’d been in shock. That’s all.

“Let me get this straight, girlfriend. You were honored with a one of a kind invitation for a job that will ultimately pay you two million dollars. For that money, all you have to do is marry a gorgeous hunk of a man for three months, a wealthy and powerful man who you are obviously attracted to. Or you can wallow in self-pity, trying to find a job that doesn’t leave you smelling like bacon and pork butt. Did I miss anything?” Reggie looked down at Houston’s picture, shaking his head. “Mmmm… Hmmm… Girl, if you don’t want to marry the stunning ice cream sundae with whipped cream and a cherry kind of dreamboat, I sure will.”

I gave Reggie a hard glare. He’d become my best friend almost the day I’d arrived in Atlanta, his free spirit and love of life always able to bring me out of my doldrums. Nothing was going to work today. “Very funny but he’s not your type. And what he did to me was humiliating. That wasn’t fair.”

“Pity, honey. Whew.” Reggie jumped off the counter, swaggering closer then giving me a wag of his finger. “Tsk. Tsk, sunshine. You do have a mouth on you, girl. My guess is that Houston the Hunk was giving you a dose of your own medicine.”

“By spanking me in the middle of a bar?” I refused to further humiliate myself by telling him about being eaten on top of a table in the middle of a bar on a corner street where thousands of people walked by every day. My God. I was mortified.

Then why is your pussy clenching?

I rubbed my eyes, hating the fact Houston had managed to coerce my body into betraying me.

Reggie chuckled. “Look, so his methods are dominating. What’s not to like? You only have to put up with him for three months. That’s like taking a vacation. My guess is Mr. Stockbroker has a deliciously gorgeous condo.”

“I don’t think we’re staying in Atlanta. That’s just a guess.”

“Hmmm… I wonder where Mommy and Daddy are from? I will admit the mystery is almost as juicy as the fake marriage.”

“I don’t know, Reggie. Something about this seems off.” I glared at the clock again, Reggie following my gaze. I had ten minutes to decide.

“Well, you could always come and live with me.”

I rolled my eyes. “While I adore every inch of you, I refuse to live in your condo, even as nice as it is. You have far too many boyfriends. I think I’d just get in the way.”

“Sugar, you never know,” he said, laughing then his expression turned more serious. “I couldn’t find much on Dark Overture, but they are a legitimate corporation if that makes you feel any better. You’re an attorney. You can look over the contract then decide. No matter what this Daniel Darke says, only put your name on the dotted line if everything is on the up and up. Demand the one million dollars be placed in your account pronto.”

“Yeah, I know. I will.” What the hell was I thinking? Was I really going forward?

“All right. Tell me about Mr. Sexy.”

Sighing, I thought about walking into the bar. I’d been shocked that Houston had rented out the entire space in order to meet me. Although my guess was that the man was grandstanding and nothing more. However, even the darkness in the bar couldn’t hide his good looks. Shaggy, dark blond hair hitting just below his shirt collar, broad shoulders, and a muscular body his exquisite suit was unable to hide. His eyes were piercing, and while I wasn’t entirely certain of the color, I’d managed to see the gold flecks around his irises. And his voice was what wet dreams were made of.

“He has the most engaging eyes, soulful yet there’s something dark within them, as if he’s hiding some great mystery or tragedy. He’s commanding, the kind of guy that when he walks into a room, everybody stops talking.”

“That powerful, huh?”

I wanted to pop Reggie for continuing to tease me, but I was lost in the vision of Houston. “Yes, he’s that powerful. He has this distinct swagger about him, as if nothing could ever bother him. And the way he kisses is just…” I sighed, realizing that Reggie’s eyes were open wide.

“You didn’t tell me you kissed him.”

“Well, actually, he kissed me. He wasn’t taking no for an answer.”

“Sounds like a match made in heaven.”

“Try in hell. I don’t know. I just have this feeling about him that’s unsettling.”

Reggie winked. “That’s called lust, girl. Unbridled lust. I’m surprised you didn’t go home with him.”

“Shut your mouth. I’m not that kind of girl.”

“By the way, is this Mr. Darke just as yummy?” Reggie asked, chuckling under his breath.

I smacked him in the chest. “You’re a terrible man.”

“And you love me.”

“That I do.”

He grinned then snapped his fingers. “Wait a minute. Didn’t you tell me that money was wired into your bank account, compensation for your time?”

“You’re right. I forgot all about that.”

“Why don’t you take a look, girlfriend? If this company is legit, then my guess is you were paid well. Maybe a couple thousand dollars. Who knows?”

I wrinkled my nose but headed for my laptop. “I think that’s a little steep for just meeting with the guy.” Hell, at this point I’d settle for a couple hundred dollars. At least that would mean I could make my rent payment.

When I sat down at the computer, I was nervous and I had no idea why. As I pulled up my bank account, Reggie crowded behind me. He’d been protective of me, acting like the big brother every time we went out to a bar. He was the one who gasped when I pulled up the recent deposit history.

“Five thousand dollars? Are you shitting me? How do I get on this invitation list?” Reggie exclaimed, the sound bouncing in my ears.

I swallowed hard, staring at the screen. “I don’t believe it.”

“Well, believe it, girl. I think you should have your answer right there. This Dark Overture and Mr. Sexy want you bad, girl.”

After closing my eyes briefly, I brushed my fingers across my lips. The kiss had been incredible, the electricity surging between us unbelievable. His husky, deep baritone alone had created a wet spot in my panties.

“Ugh. I don’t know.” I hated making this kind of decision.

“Go with your gut. Ask that inner voice you have this question. Could you see yourself as Houston’s wife even for a short period of time?”

While a part of me wanted to run far away from the deal, my inner voice was nagging at me. “Yes. I could. I might have to punch him in the gut a few times, but he’ll get the point.”

“There you go. Good girl. Now, make the call before you chicken out.”

“You’re pushy, Reggie.”

“Somebody’s gotta be, honey child.”

He trailed behind me as I walked back to the kitchen, grabbing my phone. As I dialed the number, my stomach did flips. “Mr. Darke? This is Bristol Winters. I’ve made a decision.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Bristol. And what would that be?”

“Go ahead and send the contract. I will accept your invitation.”

“Excellent. I’ll email you an advance copy. Then we’ll go over the remaining details in my office in the morning. Is nine all right?”

“That’s perfect.”

“I will see you then. Welcome to the Dark Overture family.”

When I hung up the phone, I almost threw up. “Ugh. What did I just do?”

* * *

“You do understand that you are to follow all the rules as stated in the terms of the contract?” Daniel Darke’s tone held no inflection yet he studied me with his dark, ominous eyes.

“Yes, I’m aware of the terms.”

“Including the possibility of punishment for breaking those rules.”

I took a few seconds before answering. Since I’d already been privy to Houston’s type of punishment, while I hated it, I could certainly endure a few spankings if necessary. “Yes, I understand.”

You must follow Mr. Powers’ directions at all times.

You must remain in character while in public.

You must refrain from discussing the terms of the contract with anyone.

Once the assignment has been concluded, you will never disclose the arrangement made.

The rules that had been laid out were succinct and to the point.

“Then I think we have almost everything we need,” he said, giving me a nod of approval.

I took a deep breath after I’d pushed the contract toward Daniel. I still had dozens of reservations, but I was confident that I could endure the three months pretending to be married to someone like Houston. “What now?”

Daniel smiled as he leaned over the desk. “Now, we simply need a medical evaluation. Then you will have a few days to prepare for departure.”

“Medical evaluation? Since I know you’ve checked everything else about me, I’m certain you have those details as well.” For some crazy reason, I folded my arms over my chest, as if that could keep me from experiencing yet another moment of embarrassment.

“While there are aspects of your life that I could obtain legally, your medical records aren’t one of them. As you can imagine, my client wants to ensure that you are free of any issues.”

“You mean issues with my sexuality? Or is Houston worried that I’ll get pregnant, thereby altering the terms of our contract? If that’s the case, I can provide proof that I’m taking birth control.”

His smile was likely meant to be comforting. In truth, it pissed me off. “On page eight, section C of the contract you just signed, a medical exam was detailed. You agreed to the terms, Ms. Winters. I assure you that the findings will be kept confidential, unless, of course, a problem is detected. This won’t take long.”

“Does that mean you have a doctor on staff?” When he didn’t answer, I was floored. “My God, you do.” I was repulsed, but the fact I’d skimmed over the paragraph meant I only had myself to blame. I yanked the contract into my hand, flipping the pages. The majority of the few sentences didn’t cause any heartache.

Except for one.

“He’s going to be in the room?” I was appalled, my mind shifting into an ugly blur. My God. This was getting to be a sick and demented situation.

“Standard procedure. I assure you that Mr. Powers will not be allowed to touch you in any inappropriate manner,” Daniel said casually. My God, the man acted as if this was no big deal. It was a huge deal to me.

“But he can watch.”

“As stated per the contract.”

I wanted to call out ‘bullshit’ but it was a blip in time in order to move forward. I’d been through more humiliating experiences. Right? “Fine. Let’s just get this over with.”

Everything about the man was perfunctory as he led me out of his office to a private elevator. He remained quiet as I was taken to the floor below. When the doors opened, a cold wave skittered through my arms and legs. The corridor was bleak, the walls completely white without any adornment. I felt like I was in a horror movie, the subject being forced to endure experiments.

As he led me down the hallway, my high heels clipping against the cold, hard tile, I found it difficult to breathe. I’d allowed myself to be tossed in a surreal world where money really was capable of buying anything.

Including a fake wife.

I heard the sound of a door opening and sucked in my breath. The sight of a nice-looking woman wearing a doctor’s coat, her smile far too pleasant for the situation, left me feeling sick inside.

“Mr. Darke. This must be Bristol,” she said, holding open the door.

“You will be in good hands, Ms. Winters. Once you are finished, Dr. Banfield will show you out. Unless a situation arises, you will have the allotted time to make your arrangements. As I mentioned, I’ve given you my private number only to be used in case of an emergency.”

“I understand.” My statement was bland and without emotion.

“Excellent. Mr. Powers has already made arrangements for your initial payment. When your assignment has been completed, I’ll ensure the second payment is wired to your account. Good luck, Ms. Winters.”

I closed my eyes briefly before watching him walk down the hall, the sound of his shoes hitting the floor sending a series of vibrations into my stomach.

“Right this way, Bristol.” After the doctor led me into a small room, she immediately moved toward a computer. “I just need to confirm your identity. Will you provide your full name and social security number?”

I did as I was asked, struggling to keep my nerves under control.

“Perfect. Follow me.” Dr. Banfield opened another door, leading me into a standard examining room, yet this one had no pleasantries of any kind. There were no pictures on the walls, soft lighting, or colorful paint. There was a single cabinet, a partition positioned in the corner, and a hard, steel table complete with stirrups. There was also one chair in the opposite corner of the room. The chair where Houston would sit as he observed my moments of shame.

I realized I’d issued an audible hiss after the doctor eyed me carefully. When she smiled again, I wanted to wipe it off her face with my fist.

“I assure you, Bristol, nothing odd is going to happen. I’m going to check your vitals, take a blood test, and do a pelvic exam. That’s it. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. You can go behind the curtain and undress. Make certain and remove everything.”

I remained mortified but found myself walking behind the partition, taking several deep breaths before removing my shoes. I was completely numb by the time I managed to remove my dress, fighting with the single hook in an effort to hang it off the floor. When I was completely naked, I was shivering uncontrollably. How in the hell was I supposed to get through this? I managed to grab the gown, the thin frock reminiscent of the one used in my regular doctor’s office.

After taking several deep breaths, I walked out. I hadn’t heard the door open but there he was, Houston Powers in all his glory. He’d already taken up residence in the chair, his long legs crossed and his face pensive. At least he wasn’t gloating, or I would find something sharp to stick him with.

“Right this way, Bristol. You can sit on the table while I take your blood pressure and listen to your heart.” Dr. Banfield’s demeanor remained pleasant as she guided me to the table, the same plastic smile on her face.

I refused to look at him as she did as she’d told me, taking my blood minutes afterwards. At least I was covered, although the short, skimpy gown did little to hide anything.

“All right. Now, I need to take your temperature. You’ll need to bend over the table for me.”

It took a few seconds for her words to filter into my mind. “A rectal thermometer?”

“That’s all I will use. It’s far more accurate.”

“Wait a minute.”

She patted me on the arm. “All standard procedure, Bristol. There is no need to worry.”

I hated the fact tears had formed in my eyes. This was by far the worst, most humiliating experience that I’d ever gone through in my life. But I did as I was told, trying to keep the two-million-dollar prize in my mind. When I leaned over the table, she immediately lifted my gown, exposing my naked bottom.

“Spread your cheeks for me. That will make it easier.”

There was nothing I could do but suck in my breath, a wave of heated embarrassment washing over me as I did as I was told. The second she inserted the slender tube, my muscles tightened around it.

“Just relax. This will take a couple of minutes.”

I was sick inside, the embarrassment of being treated this way almost overwhelming. To think the bastard was watching me was disgusting. Every part of me shivered as I tried my best to count the seconds, barely able to take shallow breaths.

“There you go,” Dr. Banfield said. “You did well.”

The couple of minutes were excruciating but finally it was over.

“From what I can tell, you are very healthy. Just maintain that position. I’m going to check your rectal reflexes.”

“Are you…” Out of your mind? The thought was one I wanted to spew, but decided it wasn’t in my best interest. I closed my eyes, fisting my hands. There was nothing more horrifying than the feeling of being invaded in such a personal manner as she slipped a finger into my bottom.

“She’s very tight, Mr. Powers. Something for you to keep in mind,” Dr. Banfield stated. “Otherwise, perfect.”

“I’ll definitely keep that in mind, Doctor,” Houston said, and I could swear there was amusement in his tone.

“Can we get this over with?” I barked, blinking in order to keep ugly tears from falling.

“Of course. Go ahead and return to the table. Just lie back and place your legs in the stirrups.”

I just wanted this over with, yet the entire situation was almost too much to bear. When I was in position, at least the doctor had the decency to block a portion of Houston’s view. That didn’t make the embarrassment any less or the realization that I’d sold off a portion of my body as well as my soul any less damaging to my psyche. When she inserted the speculum, it was all I could do to keep from whimpering like a whiny girl.

After a few seconds, I dared to shift my gaze in his direction. There was absolutely no expression on the man’s face. Just the same hard, cold eyes I’d seen during our initial meeting. This was nothing but business to him. I was just the woman to try to help him get whatever he was searching for.

“I think we’re done. You did very well.” While I heard the doctor’s words, they seemed in a vacuum that was very far away.

When the three months were over, I would never see the bastard again. Money or no money, he would never own even a tiny portion of me.