Indecent Invitation by Piper Stone

Chapter 4


The next few days went by in a blur. Between signing the contract then the wretched exam, the event almost scaring me to death, then attempting to move what little mattered to me into storage, I’d barely had any time to sleep. The thought of moving to San Diego, even for a few months, was both exciting as well as terrifying. I’d seen little of Houston, but at least I’d learned his last name. Houston Powers. I’d also learned just how wealthy his family truly was and to say I was just a little bit intimidated was an understatement.

Houston’s father, William Powers, had been involved in Silicon Valley early on, serving in several capacities from president and CEO of one of the largest chip manufacturers to being on the board of directors of Google, where he continued to serve. From every scrap of information that I’d been able to find, the family’s wealth was listed in the top one hundred on the Fortune 500 list. William also owned two companies outright, both of which were considered worth several million dollars.

I was definitely in way over my head.

Their wealth wasn’t the most disturbing fact. There’d been a solid six accusations made of not only unscrupulous activities, but deadly ones, claims made that two enemies of the Powers family had disappeared. While no formal charges had been filed, the information remained in the back of my mind.

Now I stood waiting at the door to my empty apartment, two suitcases positioned next to the wall. My future husband was on his way to take us both to the airport. I felt more like being dragged to the dentist’s office kicking and screaming than flying to my new temporary home. An arranged marriage. I thought they’d been outlawed or something.

When I noticed a Mercedes pulling up, I almost locked the door and pitched the entire idea. Sadly, the contract I’d signed was ironclad. There was no way out unless the rules were broken, and those were very few but meant to keep me safe.

What they didn’t do was protect me from performing my marital duties. I closed my eyes briefly, struggling to catch my breath. I had to be an excellent actress, pretending that the sun and moon rose and set over the man. That wasn’t going to be easy. At least he was excellent eye candy. The thought gave me a smile.

When I heard the rap on the door, for some reason I thought he was just going to come inside. I smoothed down my dress, hoping this was appropriate to begin our fake life together. I’d used some of the money to purchase a new wardrobe, although I had been given limited information on what was expected of me in the way of attire. Somehow, I figured hot pants and a tube top wasn’t the best choice.

I was still chuckling as I opened the door. The sight of the man standing in front of me gave me butterflies all over again. I’d expected to see him wearing a suit. His faded but deliciously tight blue jeans and a cobalt blue polo shirt highlighted his magnificent physique. Dreamy. That was the term that came to mind.

He lifted his sunglasses, whistling as he glanced down the length of me. “You look fantastic, Bristol. Are you ready to go?”

“Would it matter if I said no?” Just seeing him again created a wave of nausea as well as excitement.

“A deal is a deal.”

Fuck the deal.The words remained on the tip of my tongue.

After raising a single eyebrow, he took both my suitcases into his hands as I retrieved my purse. I took one last look at the small but comfortable apartment. I had a funny feeling I wasn’t coming back to Atlanta, although I certainly wasn’t going to stay married to him. I was surprised he even opened the door for me.

“I’m not an ogre, Bristol. Believe it or not, I have certain manners,” he said with a hint of disdain before closing the door.

I didn’t know him at all. I’d been given a basic script to learn.

Where we met and when.

The first date—a lavish party.

Our first kiss. Yeah, that was easy.

The moment he asked me to marry him—over a champagne dinner.

His favorite color—green.

His favorite food—hamburgers on the grill.

His favorite drink—bourbon, neat.

I knew a lot about him but nothing that really mattered, although I had no intention of getting close to him.

With the engine still running, he hesitated, staring out the windshield. “This doesn’t have to be a chore, Bristol. We might even have some fun.” His statement was almost bitter, the acrid tone he used just as disturbing as the man.

“When are you going to tell me about what you need from me, and I don’t mean carnal activities?”

He laughed, the throaty sound sending a shower of vibrations dancing to my toes. I shivered, biting back a moan that threatened to give away I was attracted to the man.

“We will discuss more when we get to the hotel. I don’t want to talk about it on the plane.”

“Oh, we’re not taking a Learjet?”

“I have money, Bristol, but not that kind of wealth. You’re a real brat, aren’t you?”

“Card-carrying member.” But his family certainly had that kind of money. Had he been cut off or refused to play by his family’s rules?

“Hhhmmm… I guess it’s something I’m going to have to deal with.”

The harsh look I gave him only forced Houston to smile. Still, he hesitated. What was he waiting for?

“I have something for you, Bristol.” When he pulled a small box out of his pocket, everything that I was doing hit me square in my stomach, the butterflies almost crippling. “You’re going to need this. It should fit. You need to wear it at all times. Is that understood?” When he opened the box, I sighed.

Any other girl would have squealed from delight, the huge diamond sparkling in the sunlight. I was sickened at the thought, reminding myself that this was just a lucrative job and nothing more. The money would allow me to settle anywhere else in the country.

Hopefully, I wasn’t shut out of every law firm.

He didn’t bother putting it on my finger. This wasn’t about romance. I took the ring, the weight of it surprising. When I placed the thick gold band on my finger, I sighed all over again. Of course the ring was a perfect fit.

“What I will tell you on the plane is about my parents.”

“I think I’m up to speed.”

Shaking his head, he shifted the gear into drive. “I should have guessed you’d be thorough in your private investigation of my family. Just keep in mind that looks and reports on paper can be deceiving. My father is a shark, a man with no love for anyone, including his family. I’m surprised my stepmother tolerated being married to him all these years.”

His admittance wasn’t just a bit odd but very sad. I could only imagine what his family life had been like.

“And one more thing, Bristol. You will obey my every command, no matter what I demand, no matter how dark or kinky you think my request might be. I’m a formidable man and I refuse to accept any level of disobedience. If you remain defiant, I will have no issue disciplining you as necessary. And I assure you that my methods can be as brutal as the incident necessitates. Is this understood?”

The words swirled in my mind as I shuddered. My throat closed off, my breathing ragged and difficult. But I managed to mutter the words he was looking for.

No, the ones he was demanding.

“Yes. Sir.”

He snorted, taking one last long gaze before driving away.

The deal I’d made wasn’t just indecent.

It was dangerous.

By the time we checked in, we had only a few minutes to board the plane. When he pointed toward a seat, I shouldn’t have been surprised. “First class?”

“Only the best for my wife to be.”

“You can cut the crap when we’re alone, Houston. I know what’s required of me. I assure you that I’ll be the best little actress you’ve ever seen in your life.”

“And you’re going to have to be. Both my father and my brother are untrusting. They could easily see through this charade and if they do, then my life will turn to shit.”

“What does that mean?”

He sighed, a blank look crossing his face. Then he turned his head, his magnificent blue eyes mesmerizing.

“It means that I won’t be eligible for my inheritance, which includes a significant portion of my father’s companies.”

“This is all about your inheritance?”

“Not entirely. This is also about that integrity you were talking about. It would seem someone is out to get my father, ruining the family’s wealth in the process. I don’t intend to allow that to happen.”

“I thought you and your father didn’t get along.”

“Blood is thicker than water, Bristol. That’s something you should keep in mind.”

I certainly planned on it. While Houston’s voice remained steady, it was easy to see how troubled he was about returning to his hometown. Secrets. I knew every family had them, but I had the distinct feeling that his had turned him into the cold, demanding man he was.

“Let’s just get the party started,” I said through gritted teeth.

After fastening his seatbelt, he leaned over, insisting on fastening mine. I glared at him, my chest heaving as I did everything I could not to spew off some horrible statement.

Remember, you made a deal. Then you can enjoy the rest of your life.

The inner voice wasn’t helping at this point. The man was insufferable.

“Relax, Bristol. This isn’t going to hurt a bit.” His words were far too close to the ones the doctor had said. Even the smirk on his face reminded me of the disgusting occurrence.

“Champagne?” the flight attendant asked, peering over us with a huge smile on her face.

“Why not?” Houston said casually. “This is a celebration after all. I’m taking my fiancée to meet my parents. I think drinks are in order.”

“Congratulations!” Her smile was far too bright, her eyes remaining entirely on Houston’s face.

And his body.

“I’ll open one of our best bottles for you.”

“Perfect,” he said, chuckling as she walked away.

“I don’t think you need to lay it on so thick at this point in time.” I couldn’t stand looking at him any longer.

I wasn’t surprised when he leaned over, whispering in my ear. What did shock me was the way my body reacted, the jolts of current stifling my breath.

“You have no idea how many enemies my family has or where they might be. We maintain our relationship no matter where we are. Is that clear?”

His hot breath tingled every inch of me as it cascaded across my skin. “Enemies. From what I’ve learned, your father is into computer chips. What kind of enemies could your family possibly have?”

He laughed in a low-slung way. “I never said my family was entirely on the up and up, Bristol. I have told you that my father is a ruthless man. He will do what it takes to get what he wants, including crossing that fine line between good and evil. I assure you that there are dozens of people, if not more, who would enjoy not only watching but participating in his demise. I refuse to allow that to happen. It’s as simple as that. Now, behave like a good little girl or I’ll be forced to take matters into my hands earlier than I expected.”

Hissing, I refused to look in his direction even when the attendant delivered the glasses of bubbly.

“Enjoy. We will be taking off in a few minutes, so I’ll need your glasses by then.” The flight attendant’s perky voice had already become grating.

“Here’s to a beautiful venture together.”

I finally shot him a look, hesitating before I allowed our glasses to touch.

“I can see I’m going to have my work cut out for me.” Sighing, he swirled the liquid in his glass before consuming half the flute.

“You really are a bastard. I don’t know why I’m surprised.”

“What I am is a consummate businessman who made an arrangement that I thought would be beneficial for both parties.”

“Then at least you’ve done something right.”

He growled, the sound reverberating through every cell and muscle all over again. “At least we agree on something, my beautiful bride to be. Sit back and enjoy the trip. We’ll be there before you know it.”

* * *

I’d been lucky enough in my life to enjoy accommodations in a lovely hotel once or twice. Even my parents had spared no expense for a trip to Disney World when I was ten or eleven, but the vision of the interior of the hotel was utterly gorgeous, the lobby encased in floral details and marble, beautiful works of art adorning almost every wall. There were people everywhere, a musician providing island tunes. Perhaps for the dozens of couples walking through, this was a premier and very romantic establishment to rekindle a romance.

For the couple strolling toward check-in, this was nothing but the first of many pretend moments.

I’d never been to California and the sights from the airplane window as we’d flown into the airport had been incredible.

The afternoon sun had provided a perfect backdrop with a blue-skied, cloudless day.

Houston checked his watch as the bellman led us to the elevator. “We have two hours before we’ll need to leave for dinner. That should give us enough time to get acquainted.”

“We already are.” I fingered the ring he’d placed on my hand, trying my best to keep my mouth shut. I hadn’t been able to get his comment regarding enemies out of my mind. He’d promised me additional information, a short but effective soliloquy on what he was attempting to do. Without it, dinner would be abominable.

“Here you are, the penthouse suite.” As the bellman led us inside, I was no longer surprised at the lengths Houston had gone to impress me.

Or maybe this was exactly what he’d become accustomed to his entire life.

Either way, the opulence was overwhelming.

“Here you go. If you will, make certain we aren’t disturbed.” Houston seemed jovial as he handed the man a hundred-dollar bill.

I simply rolled my eyes. He thought he could buy anyone.

“Yes, sir. I’ll take care of it for you.” The bellman’s face was lit up, nodding to both of us before walking out, Houston trailing behind him.

I bristled when he locked the door then swaggered toward me.

“What do you think?”

“We’re staying at the hotel the entire time?” I put my purse down on one of the tables. The room looked like a fabulous den in someone’s estate complete with a full bar and entertainment center. The view from the sweeping set of doors was incredible, the ocean maybe fifty yards away.

“Only for tonight. I purchased a house for us. That seemed more appropriate.”

I laughed, his statement catching me off guard. “Does that mean you’re planning on staying here after our deal has been concluded?”

“We shall see. If things go according to my plans, then yes. If not, I’ll sell the place. It means nothing to me.”

“At a significant loss.”

“Perhaps you’d like to purchase it?” He grinned as he walked closer, purposely bumping into me then heading toward the doors, unlocking then swinging them open. “You will fall in love with the ocean. I’m going to venture a guess that you’ll also adore my selection of houses. If you’re a very good girl, you’ll even have the opportunity to furnish it.”

“Let me guess. You purchased the house sight unseen.”

“I found a real estate agent that suited my needs. If it’s not to your tastes, we can purchase another one.”

“My God. Money means nothing to you.”

“Money is the means to an end and nothing more. It can sully a person easily.”

Sighing, I shook my head. “Something you should know about intimately.”

He remained inside, not reacting when I walked directly past him and onto the balcony. The light breeze as well as the scent of the ocean was incredible. I knew he was watching me like a hawk. The electricity we shared sparked even though we were several feet apart. I hated my body’s reaction, the way my throat felt parched and my nipples scraped against the thin lace of my bra. I clung to the thick iron rails, studying the rolling waves, still so uncomfortable in both the arrangement as well as my surroundings.

While I’d taken a small portion of the original five thousand dollars and purchased several new pieces of clothing, I knew in my gut that the attire wasn’t good enough. I also realized I’d be judged on that fact, as well as everything else about myself.

I didn’t need to hear his approach. His all male scent merely infiltrated my nostrils. Woodsy yet exotic, it threw me into a place of longing. When he placed his hands next to mine, crowding my space, the heat of his body all consuming, I sucked in my breath.

“What happened at your job?” he asked. The question threw me. “From what I can tell, you are more than highly qualified for the position and the firm is quite reputable.”

“What does it matter?”

He inhaled, remaining quiet for a few seconds. “Because that was the motivation for allowing you to accept an indecent business proposal.”

“Let’s just say that we all make mistakes. Hopefully we learn from them. I allowed my guard to fall and was betrayed.”

“Betrayal is something I understand very well. Perhaps the money will lead you to a better life.”


Another moment of silence settled between us. There was such an edge to our caustic relationship, making everything we did that much more awkward.

“I will enjoy showing you off, my beautiful fiancée.”

“Like a trophy.”

His laugh was guttural and when he nuzzled against the side of my neck, I did everything I could to pull away from him. “You are more of a feast for the eyes.”

I hated the fact I was trembling. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“Thank you would be appropriate.”

“Then thank you.”

He growled then nipped my earlobe, grinding his hips back and forth. The feel of his hard cock forced my throat to tighten.

“You are going to be a handful, aren’t you?” he murmured.

“I’m exactly like you, Houston. What you see is what you get.”

“Then I’m definitely going to need to break you.”

“That’s not going to happen. Not now. Not ever.” I stiffened, trying to shove him away with my body.

He pushed me forcefully against the railing. “You will do as I say.”

“Damn you.”

When he placed his hand over mine, forcing our fingers to intertwine, I managed to elbow him in the stomach. “That wasn’t nice, little girl.”

“I’m not your little girl.”

There was no hesitation. He backed away, able to yank me from the railing. “I think we need to get to know each other better.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning,” he said, grinning, “I’m going to fuck you.”

The words shouldn’t have stunned me, but they did. I couldn’t react fast enough, Houston pulling me toward the room. He didn’t bother closing the door. He simply shoved me against one of the walls, crushing my body against it.

“Let me go, Houston. Not now.”

“Now is the perfect time. You’ll need that beautiful glow when you meet the family. Besides, I’ve been looking forward to this since you opened your door. I’m a lucky man to be able to feast on something so irresistible.”

When he captured my mouth, I remained stiff, unyielding. He had me at a disadvantage, unable to move at all, yet I did my best to slide my hands between us, pressing my palms against his chest. He shifted his hips again, making certain I knew exactly what his plans were for me.

I moaned into the kiss, wiggling until I almost managed to break it. He was having none of it, yanking first one arm then the other over my head. Bucking, I continued to fight, refusing to give into him in any manner.

Houston was much stronger, able to keep me in control while using his tongue to press apart my lips. The moment he swept his tongue inside, an overwhelming sense of suffocation crowded into my mind. I was suddenly frightened, although in the back of my mind I knew he wouldn’t spoil the deal.

Or would he?

He was far more egotistical and reckless than I’d originally thought, a man who either had no conscience or didn’t care about anyone but himself. He certainly didn’t give a shit about his family. Why would I think he’d treat me as anything other than his servant?

I wanted to hate him, to use the anger embroiling every inch of me to remain at a distance in my mind if nothing else. But there was such an enigmatic pull between us, sparks that had lingered for hours after our last engagement. This was going to be no different. The taste of champagne and whatever breath mint he’d eaten fused with a bitter kind of sweetness that I couldn’t recognize.

He growled into the kiss as it became more passionate. I continued to yank against his hold, determined to get away from him. Obviously frustrated, he slammed my hands against the wall, the amount of force enough the picture only a few feet away rattled.

Even though he dominated my tongue, I wouldn’t engage, trying to numb myself in order to keep from complying. He broke the kiss, laughing softly before nipping my lower lip.

“A little hellion. I like that about you, Bristol, but I will grow tired of the game at some point.” He shifted my arm, able to grab both wrists with a single massive hand. I hadn’t realized how powerful he was, his sculpted muscles giving him a solid advantage.

I wasn’t going anywhere.

“I won’t,” I rebutted, the whisper little more than garbled sounds.

“I guess you’re going to need serious discipline.” He chuckled again before dragging his tongue across my jaw.

I couldn’t stop quivering as he brushed his hand against the side of my breast. The sensations were dazzling. Still, I wanted to scream at my own body for betraying me. “I hate you.” The words seemed ridiculous to spout off, as if they mattered on any level.

“Then hate me. That doesn’t change a thing. Besides, I can tell you’re wet and hot, hungry to have my cock thrust inside that tight little channel of yours.”

“No. Not in the least.”

He rubbed his face against mine, the shadow of his two-day stubble prickling my senses. When he continued his exploration, taking his time and crawling his fingers down my side, curling the material of my dress in his hand, there was no stopping a ragged whimper from escaping my mouth.

“Why don’t we find out?” he murmured, the tone so husky and sensuous.

I struggled again, rocking as much as the space would allow, but it was to no avail. He simply kicked my legs apart, rubbing his hand between them. I’d already known I was wet, my damp panties now giving me away. He rubbed harder, managing to shove the material between my swollen folds.

“Very nice and extremely wet, Bristol.”

“No.” The single word was not only futile, it was stupid. The sensations increased, every inch of my skin covered in goosebumps. Even my scattered breathing gave me away.

He slipped his fingers under the elastic, rolling the tip of one around my clit.

“Oh.” I closed my eyes as embers burning inside of me caught fire, embroiling every nerve ending. How could this horrible man have such a tremendous effect on me?

“Yes, very wet.” Houston dipped his fingers inside, pumping as much as the tight confines of our coupled bodies would allow.

I realized I could no longer feel my legs, the tingling sensations rolling up and down my body even more electrified.

He continued drilling into me for at least twenty seconds before pulling his hand completely free. “I think you need to accept how wet you are. Open your mouth.”


“Do it or I’ll be forced to drag you over my knee.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

He cocked his head, giving me a stern look all while keeping a smile on his face. “Do you really want to try my patience, Bristol? If you think you hate me now, I assure you that you will despise me after doing so. Open. Your. Mouth.”

I had no recourse, no possibility of getting away from him. I did as I was told, parting my lips as I glared at him with all the venom I could muster. When he slipped his slickened fingers inside my mouth, I was ready to snap my jaw shut.

“Be careful, little girl. I wouldn’t suggest biting me or you won’t be able to sit for a week. Suck. I want you to know that I’m not lying to you.”

There was such atrocious audacity in the man. This wasn’t just about arrogance. His attitude had everything to do with entitlement and good fortune.

And still, I opened my mouth, trying not to gag when he shoved his fingers inside. Even the scent of my feminine wiles disgusted me but there was no denying how wet I was. He enjoyed every second of the humiliating action, his eyes twinkling as he pumped his fingers in brutally.

“Now you know just how delicious you taste.” He changed his smile to a smirk. When he was finished, he took a deep breath then wiped his fingers across my cheek. I was shocked when he took a step away from me, freeing my hands.

I rubbed my wrists, keeping my glare pinned on him.

“Remove your clothes.” He said the words matter-of-factly, as if he was ordering coffee or a plate of food.


“You need to learn some respect, Bristol, which you will give me at all times. I expect you to call me sir.”

“In front of your parents?”

“When we’re alone. Now, I don’t think you’d like that lovely dress to be shredded. Undress or that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”

I shot a look out the wide-open door, the closest building only appearing yards away, even though I knew it was much further.

He shook his head. “I assure you that at this moment I have no intention of showing off your gorgeous body. Perhaps that will come in time. You have five seconds to comply or I will follow through with my decision to undress you myself.”

There was no winning with this man. There was also no sign of returned respect or even a hint of romance. He was playing into the game he’d prepared and paid for. I refused to allow my embarrassment to get the better of me, even smiling as I pulled the dress over my head, tossing it to the floor.

His smirk turned into an expression of lust, his upper lip curling. “Panties and bra. I need you completely naked when I fuck you.”

Swallowing, I reached behind me, fumbling before I was able to open the clasp, pulling the straps of my bra forward. I could swear the man was drooling as he watched my every action. After tossing my bra, I bit back a moan given how aroused my nipples were, the slight breeze floating into the room tickling the hard points. I gave him a huge smile as I shimmied my panties over my hips. I could portray the part, pretending like I didn’t give a shit what he was trying to do, which was to break down my defenses.

“Come to me,” he said with even more allure in his tone.

I inched closer, trying to keep my breathing even.

He cocked his head, taking a deep breath and holding it. When he exhaled, he blew the hot air across my jaw and neck. “Your scent is like sunshine and musk, a dangerous combination.”

Why did the man have to be so good looking, his angular jaw and piercing eyes keeping the fire burning deep within? My trepidation and anxiety about the entire situation took over. I slammed my hands against his chest, catching him off guard, the force just enough to shove him against the back of the couch.

I wasted no time, although I had no idea what I was going to do. Perhaps I’d underestimated the power of his carved muscles. Within two seconds, he’d snagged my wrist, yanking me around to face him then easily tossing me over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I snapped.

“Exactly what I told you I was going to do.” He took long strides, moving into another room.

I struggled to see where he was taking me, half expecting he’d arranged for a cage of some kind. When he tossed me onto the bed, I scrambled to my knees, almost making it off the other side.

I hadn’t expected his laugh, the husky sound bouncing off my ears, sending another shower of electrified quivers pulsing from my fingers to my toes. I also hadn’t expected his roughness but as he yanked me backwards, dragging me across the expensive, soft comforter of the king-sized bed, I knew that this was just the beginning of what could be a nightmare.

He wasn’t just powerful or ruthless.

He was dangerous.

He fisted my hair, dragging me backward as I remained on my knees. “My God, woman, you test me, but I’ve never wanted anyone like I’ve hungered for you.” He kept his firm hold as he slipped his hand down my neck, feathering his fingers across my chest. His touch awakened every nerve, my heart racing.

I wanted nothing more than to scream that there was no way I could want him, but I was aching inside from a desire that confused me. He was as dynamic as he was infuriating, not nearly as one-sided as I’d believed him to be. Whether or not there was any goodness in the man didn’t matter.

At least for now.

Stars imploded in front of my eyes as he pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, twisting until I cried out. I realized I’d lolled my head backward, taking gasping breaths as the combination of pain and pleasure became a powerful aphrodisiac. I continued struggling for air and when he released his hold on my hair, cupping and squeezing my other breast, I fell into the darkness of lust.




He flicked his fingers across my other nipple, the ache increasing.

For once I wanted to let go, to refuse being the good girl that I’d tried to be the majority of my life. For once I longed to feel the kind of passion that other women gushed over, a roar of need and hunger meshing together, two people who couldn’t get enough of each other.

Only this wasn’t about heart-stopping romance.

This was about something much darker.

“You will learn to obey me. For that alone, I’ll give you the kind of ecstasy you’ve never experienced before. If you don’t, your punishment will be a swift reminder.” His words were like sweet music, his promises ones I’d knew he’d keep. “Stay right where you are.”

They also weren’t a request, but the kind of command that should send trickles of fear into anyone. Only I was further embroiled in the heated moment, our combined scents of desire crashing together.

As I heard the sound of his belt buckle and zipper, I dragged my tongue across my lips, still quivering, my pussy aching even more. While I couldn’t understand my body’s reaction, I shoved aside the anger and disdain.

Immediately, I was reminded this wasn’t about romance. I felt the pressure of the tip of his cock as he slid it up and down my pussy. I clawed the bedding, yanking part of it as I arched my back.

He smacked my bottom several times, the sound of his ragged breathing matching my anguished moans. But his desire was too great to play some kind of a game. When he pushed the tip past my swollen folds, lights of various colors flashed in front of my eyes.

“Oh. Oh…”

“Does that feel good, Bristol? Is that what you wanted, to have my cock inside?”

“You’re so…”

He chuckled. “Say it. Say all the bad words and call me all the names you want to. You’re not going to hurt my feelings.” He thrust the entire remainder of his shaft inside.

The ache was immediate, my body convulsing from the pressure as well as flashes of immediate bliss. “Bastard,” I managed.

“More. I want to hear more.” He pulled all the way out, plunging into me again.

And again.

“Asshole,” I continued.

He growled, the sound like an animal consuming his prey. “Keep going.”

“Son of a bitch. Prick.” I was breathless as he pounded into me again, the force rocking my body forward. I did everything I could to push back, with several growls of my own.

“More. I love it when you talk dirty to me, Bristol.” He smacked my bottom several more times, chuckling darkly after every strike.

Houston wanted me to feel the combination of agony and ecstasy, pushing me to the limits. “Madman.”


“Brute. Barbarian.”

He tangled his fingers in my hair, yanking me partially off the comforter as he pummeled into me. We were nothing but wild animals, my pussy muscles stretching to accept the thick invasion and I was ready to scream, more. More. More! He sensed my growing excitement, jutting his hips forward as he thrust harder and faster.

I could no longer think clearly, my breath skipping and my mind foggy. He had a way about him that was irresistible, even though hate still coursed through me.

“Imagine when I fuck that tight little ass of yours. Or when I shove my cock down your long and lovely throat.”

Closing my eyes, I could feel a climax approaching. Just when I was ready to let go, he dragged me off the bed, pushing and turning me until I was against the bedroom wall. He wasted no time, his eyes dilated as he lifted me into the air.

I was shocked at his strength as he held me aloft, his chest heaving, his eyes dilated. I’d never seen a man so expressively hungry, his need consuming him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding my breath as he yanked me down, filling my pussy all over again with his thick cock.

The throbbing sensations were even more intense, our combined electricity exploding like bottle rockets. He yanked my arms over my head, rolling his hips forward as he continued fucking me. Every sound he made was savage, every hard drive of his cock stealing my breath.

“I want to see your eyes when I make you come,” he whispered, his nostrils flaring, his mouth twisting.

Together we rocked, the building heat combustible. The scent of him embroiled every one of my senses, his testosterone intoxicating. There was no light or other sound, no sense of being. Just the incredible round of sex.

As a climax started to build, I struggled against him, my body bucking hard.

“That’s it. Come for me. I want you to come so hard, baby.”


The word was so foreign coming from his mouth. “Asshole,” I whispered, although I couldn’t keep a slight smile off my face.

“Always. Come. Come now!”

There was no way of holding back just to be spiteful. I tilted my head as the stars continued floating in front of my eyes, trying not to scream like a crazed animal. But the pleasure was so intense, the single orgasm shifting into a second or maybe the first one never stopped.

“You’re gorgeous when you come,” he whispered, the sound strangled. He continued to pump with vigor, slamming me hard against the wall.

I gasped for air, tossing my head back and forth, a string of moans pushing up from my throat. I knew he was close to coming. My pussy clenched and released as the orgasm continued. When his body tensed, I clamped down, pulling his cock in even deeper.

Houston’s eyes closed and as he threw his head back and roared, filling me with his seed, I couldn’t stop shaking.

An indecent invitation.

A deal I hadn’t been able to refuse.

A dominating and savage man.

My thoughts shifted to the note I’d received in the mail.

This wasn’t just dark and depraved.

This was… intoxicating.