Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



An hour later, I stalked out of the jewelers with Track—irritated as all get-out. That place was a joke. It blew my mind they were even in business with the piss-poor inventory they had. As if I’d ever give my woman a diamond smaller than one caret. Fuckin’ pathetic. I told Norm, the manager of the store, he better up his game.

“It’s Bastion. Nobody buys big ass diamonds in this town. We could go to the Twin Cities if you really wanna go all out. Shit,” Track whisper-shouted as he abruptly stopped.

I lifted my gaze.

“Well, what’s this?” Deputy Miller crossed his arms over his chest. “A lowlife biker like you causing trouble in my favorite jewelry store?” He sized me up like a bitch. My hair, arms, boots. Even my crotch—the way women compared tits. This pencil dick was a loser with a capital L. “Planning a robbery or just intimidating the owner into paying you for protection.”

Boiling with fury, I clenched my jaw so tight it hurt. Stand the fuck down. He’s trying to get a rise out of you. I fisted my hands, itching to put one through the cunt’s teeth. I could easily take him down. End his life. Make the world a better place. This piece of shit didn’t deserve to live another day after what he did to my woman.

“Ignore him,” Track gritted out.

My eyes locked on Miller’s. He had a blond, porn star mustache. Since he was lean and about five inches shorter than me, I could fuckin’ snap him in two—like a twig.

“What the fuck you doing in my town?” I worked to keep a level tone. The motherfucker didn’t have jurisdiction in Bastion.

“Your town? That’s cute.” Miller snorted, strolling toward me, uniformed chest puffed out—like a big, bad deputy. Idiot. He was neither. “Just passing through.”

Arrogant sonofabitch.

“Then why’d you stop?” I bit down on my back molars.

Deputy fuckin’ Miller stood directly in front of me. The prick must’ve had a death wish. “I’m concerned about my girlfriend.”

No, he didn’t.

“Ex-girlfriend, motherfucker.”

“Storm,” Track said in a warning tone. If we weren’t in public and he wasn’t my best friend, my fist would be in his goddamn mouth right this second for speaking to his prez as if he were a child.

Miller tucked his thumbs in his pant’s pockets. “That’s right, ex-girlfriend. You like sloppy seconds, Storm? That’s about all you deserve.”

I. Will. Kill. Him.

“Gentlemen.” Sheriff Hendricks appeared.

“Sheriff Hendricks, good afternoon,” kiss-ass Miller said.

“There a reason you’re in my town, deputy?” Hendricks cut his eyes to mine.

“I was just telling Storm I was passing through, checking stuff out because I’m worried about my ex-girlfriend, Madeline.”

I could squeeze the air out of the prick in five seconds. Nobody would miss him. He was fuckin’ taunting me. Trying to get a reaction so he could throw my ass in jail for assault. The hypocrisy of it made me sick, knowing what he’d done to Angel. The prick deserved to burn in hell.

“Get gone, Miller,” I grunted, done with this bullshit.

“Not before I confirm some gossip. Is Madeline with you?”

I pursed my lips tightly together. It made me almost vomit hearing him say her name.

Hendricks stepped forward. “Not your concern, deputy.”

“I care about her.” Miller smirked. “Storm isn’t good enough. He’ll only hurt her or get her killed. Already, another gang is pissing on trees and lampposts in Winters. Marking their territory. When I stopped by Madeline’s house, she wasn’t there.”

He went to her house? If Hendricks wasn’t here, I’d snuff the fucker out and pay my time behind bars. Of course, Madeline would be furious with me for losing my cool. So maybe I wouldn’t go off half-cocked. But this douchebag’s days were numbered. Numbered!

He glared, lip curling. “I believe she’s in danger with this criminal. He probably has her locked in a cell on his compound. God only knows what he’s doing to her. You should really investigate, Sheriff. Women are disappearing. Being sold to the highest bidder.”

I took a step, but Track moved in front of me to block me from fuckin’ Miller. How in the hell did Miller know about the women? Track growled low, seething like me.

“Noted, deputy. Be on your way. I don’t need any help protecting my town.” Hendricks put himself between Miller and me, backing him up toward his car.

“Later, Storm. I’ll check in with Madeline soon.” He adjusted his crotch as if merely saying her name got him hard.

The fuck he would. I hopped on my Harley and took off without waiting for Track.

Miller would die by my hands if he went near Madeline.

I called Raul via Bluetooth.


“Call church! I’ll be there in thirty!”

Back at the clubhouse, I was hanging by a thread. Nostrils flared, on the edge of exploding. It’d been an hour or more since I saw deputy fuckin’ Miller. My heart had yet to slow to a normal rhythm. With everyone in church, I yelled about the whole damn thing. The more I shouted at my brothers, the more I thirsted for blood. The savage in me rattled the cage I’d locked him in, begging to be freed.

Throwing back my fourth shot, I shut my eyes then squeezed them tight and exhaled. Nope, I didn’t feel better. Nothing would make me feel better except Miller’s head on a silver platter.

“Does everyone understand my expectations?” my gaze swept across the room. Every council member was present, and so were the patched members. The room was bursting at the seams. “Miller is to go nowhere without eyes on him. At all fuckin’ times!” I roared. “He’s hiding something, I know he is. My mind is much too creative. It’s fabricating shit left and right. I want answers!”

Grunts filled the air.

“Any questions?” I barked.

“No,” shouted my brothers, like a war cry.

“Then get out there and do what needs to be fuckin’ done. Get your pussy tonight motherfuckers. Come tomorrow, you won’t get any more until the state is clear of Hunters.” I banged the gavel and poured me another shot. “And Deputy fuckin’ Miller!”

They rose their fists in the air, joining my cause. After a few moments of watching them pile out of the room, I forced a breath.

Raul had stayed behind. During the meeting, I could tell he had more to say. He wasn’t a big mystery like his son, Track. Raul wore his heart on his sleeve and his thoughts were etched on his tan, leathery face.

“What?” I drummed my fingers on my glass.

“Let me call your old man, David.”

“Abso-fuckin’-lutely not.” I ground my teeth. Was he out of his goddamned mind? Call my dad?

Raul drew in a slow breath, then released it. “Prez, we need reinforcements.”

“Then I’ll call in a marker with the Soldiers.”

“You already did.” He pressed his lips thin as if trying to hold back his frustration.

I leveled my eyes on Raul. “This is my club. I said, no.’

Raul rubbed his hand along his scruffy jaw. “Yes, Prez.” He sighed. “Don’t let this shit with Miller steer you off track. He’s just an asshole trying to get under your skin.”

“He’s trying to fuck with my woman.”

“No, he’s trying to fuck with you. So you’ll make a mistake. Then he’ll throw your ass in jail.” He knocked his knuckles on the table. “Don’t give him an inch, Storm. He might be a pussy, but he wears the badge. Don’t get emotional. Believe me. I’ve been waiting eleven years to avenge Tina for what Gallo did to her. It hasn’t been easy.”

“You’re a stronger man than I am.”

Raul snorted, standing from his chair. “Bullshit. I’m just old and preserving my energy before I tear that motherfucker to shreds. You coming?” He jerked his head at the door.

“Naw. You go have supper. I need some quiet.” I reclined in my chair.

Raul nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

Despite what he said, Raul wasn’t old. The man was still hulking, just as he was when I first arrived in Minnesota twelve years ago. He and Tina had recently found out she was pregnant with their son, Raymond when they moved onto the compound. Track wasn’t thrilled about his dad having a family with another woman. This made us closer friends because I understood. My mom had a daughter, Abby, with some guy I’d never met. Abby was twenty now. Not long after she left, my dad hooked up with Jane, who was now his wife. They had two teenage daughters.

Track and I came from similar backgrounds. We both lost our moms. Only his had been murdered.

Shit. Why was I thinking about all that?

I took out my phone and stared at the picture of my Angel. My light in a dark life. My heartbeat. My soul mate. Raul had it right and I could see it now that I was focused on my woman. I acted out emotionally with Miller, letting him mess with my head.

I lifted my weary ass out of the chair. I’d have supper with Madeline and brothers, then drink a little in the bar before taking her to bed.

Tomorrow, Track and I would go into Winters to hit up another jewelry store. I was determined to propose to her. I wanted a ring on her finger by Friday.

I couldn’t explain the urgency I felt. It wasn’t like she wasn’t mine. Something in me just wanted to give Angel her heart’s desire. And that meant proposing to her properly. A wedding, then babies.

I’d do everything she wanted because tomorrow wasn’t promised.