Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



Labor Day was in a few weeks, which meant school started soon. Emilee sat beside me, tears skittering down her cheeks. We were on a bench in the back patio, my arm around her, trying to soothe her. I wasn’t sure why she was so upset with her dad. He only wanted her safe. Returning to campus shouldn’t be such a big deal, but it appeared to be for sweet Emilee.

“I’m just not ready to leave,” she whimpered. “I was supposed to be here for two more weeks.”

“I understand.”

Not really, but I am trying to.

“All I know is the club is going to be busier than ever come Friday.” I understood my position as Storm’s ol’ lady but he didn’t give me many details. I did what I was told, didn’t ask questions, and kept my mouth shut—meek and subservient around others. Those were unspoken expectations of my role. I respected Storm more than anyone else in my life. But me, be meek? It was so against my personality.

Keep a public face on, Maddy, I chided myself.

“You haven’t even taken me to see your classroom. We haven’t gone school shopping for supplies like we planned. No movies. No dining out. I hate living like a prisoner. I’m not a child!” Her tears picked up and I stroked her arm.

“Maybe we can go tomorrow. We’ll do all the things we planned in one day.”

Dang it. Why did I say that? Storm would probably tan my hide for not talking to him first.

She lifted her head. “Really? Do you think they’ll let us go?”

Fudge. I had no clue. In bed last night, Storm was stressed to the max. When he was like that, he didn’t talk. Hard fucks were all he wanted. Sex was rough and incredibly hot. He wore me plum out by the time he’d gotten what he needed.

Then this morning, he made love to me. Slow and gentle. Whispering, thank you and I love you over and over until we both came. He often did this after a rough night. It was beautiful. He told me I wouldn’t see him much this weekend. Said I could invite Tara to the club for a sleepover. That might have been the strangest thing I’d ever heard him say. Sleepover sounded so weird off his lips.

When I’d arched my brow, wondering who the hell this guy was with his cock buried deep inside me, Storm said, “Shits about to get fuckin’ crazy, Angel.”

I’d left it at that, showered with him, and kissed him a million times before he left. My heart burned, missing him already. He’d been gone all day. They’d had church in the morning, then he left with Track for some kind of “delicate matter.”

I saw him for a brief moment before Emilee and I went out back to talk. Fury rolled off him like lava down a volcano on the brink of exploding. It hurt to see him this way, but I knew it was part of his life. I’d have to get used to it. He hugged and kissed me then went to church again. They needed Jesus more than they needed these meetings, but I had a feeling whatever was going on would need more than a miracle.

“All I can do is ask him.” I gave Emilee a gentle squeeze. “Want me to help you pack? Go over your class schedule?”

The back door opened and Dodge poked his head out. His white T-shirt, stretched taut over his broad chest and ripped biceps. The way the sun hit his golden skin made it shimmer. He was handsome with intense brown eyes and a godlike face that was nothing like his cousin Track’s. As always, Dodge wore a stoic expression. His black leather cut might say Prospect but he looked like a fully patched member… dangerous and ruthless. “Everything okay out here?” His dark eyes shot from me to Emilee.

“Just girl talk,” I replied with a smile.

His eyes lingered a second longer on Emilee. “Storm knows you’re out here?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes.”

Dodge’s gaze returned to Emilee. He gave nothing away regarding how he felt about her. For weeks I’d suspected he liked her, though. Sadly, Justin would never let his daughter date a biker.

“I’m going in to take a short nap.” She leaned into me and whispered, “I’m emotionally drained.”

“Absolutely. I’ll see you later.”

Emilee stood. “Don’t forget to ask Storm about… y’know.”

“I won’t.”


“No, Angel. Not happening.” I reclined on the bed, bracing myself on my elbows.

She paced in our room, hands on her hips. Did she seriously think I’d let her off the compound with Emilee… alone? This shit with the Hunters wasn’t easy on the women. None of them liked the lockdown.

“Send a prospect with us. Or two or ten! I’m used to having someone tailing me.” She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Or you could come with. It’s just to the school. And a little shopping and maybe a movie.” She bit her lip like she knew she was pushing it. Hell yeah, she was. The fact that she was asking this made my blood heat up.

“I have shit to do tomorrow.” Like, buy a big ass ring for your finger.

“You always have shit to do. Emilee is leaving. We only have tomorrow. Can’t you make an exception? Send a biker army with us, if you must. But dammit, Storm! I want off this compound.” She dropped to her knees, between mine. Her hands went to my zipper, pulling it down. “Please find a way so we can go.”

I inhaled a breath as her small hand gripped my cock. I wasn’t controlled by my dick, but dammit, Angel knew how to make me feel fuckin’ good.

“Please.” Her warm tongue brushed across my slit, then swirled around my head. “Just for a few hours.”

I inhaled again, burying my hand in her silky hair, fisting and tugging it. “Don’t try to manipulate me, Angel. It won’t end well for your ass.” I looked her in the eyes.

A challenging glint sparked in her baby blues as her tongue darted out, taunting my dick.

“Careful what you wish for you,” I warned, holding her gaze captive. We were so damn electric together. Fierce and determined to conquer. Combustible with a capital C.

Savage Storm and my adorable Angel. We were quite the pair. An anomaly. The Big Bad Wolf and the Easter Bunny. She was my slice of heaven on earth.

Taking me firmly in her hand, she lowered her mouth painfully slow. My heart kicked up a notch. She was so goddamn beautiful. I hated forcing her to stay on the compound. She should get to live a normal, everyday life.

Her lips ghosted around my cock. My little firecracker played me like a fiddle. Teasing me until I was close to bursting with desperate need.

I could play her game and fuckin’ win.

Tugging on her hair hard, she gasped. “Suck it, Angel. I don’t torment your pussy like this.”

Her blue depths connected with mine. Guilt crossed through them as she realized what she was doing. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

The intensity between us was indescribable. I was so fuckin’ in love with this woman. Loved her with every cell in my body. She was my everything.

My thumb stroked her cheek as we stared into each other’s eyes. I pushed her face toward my cock. “Suck me good, Angel.”

“Will you find a way for Emilee and me?”

“Don’t ruin the moment. Suck, baby.” If I didn’t adore this woman with each breath I took, I’d flat out tell her no. To deal with it. But I couldn’t do that to her. It just wasn’t in me. Hero could take the girls off the property for a few hours, along with a prospect or two. We were spread thin. Every available man was working. Even so, I’d somehow grant my girl a few hours. I’d be in Winters with Track anyway.

My eyes rolled back into my head as she sucked me into oblivion.

It should be fine. Angel would be safe, I’d make sure of it.