Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



I couldn’t stop shaking as I fought back my tears. Don’t show weakness. Stay strong. I couldn’t be sure, but it seemed we’d been missing a couple of hours. No question, Storm was out of his mind with worry. Why didn’t I listen to him and stay on the compound? So stupid. It was my fault we were here. My fault my man was sick with worry. My fault AJ was hurt… or worse.

My muscles tightened in my shoulders, remembering the single gunshot. Swallowing my emotions, I refused to believe what I knew in my heart to be true. AJ wasn’t dead. He had to be alive.

But there was so much blood pouring out of his chest. He’d gone white as a sheet as he stared at me.

No, AJ’s okay. He’s got to be.

I tilted my chin down, glancing at Emilee. When I’d woken up in this unknown place after they captured us, it overwhelmed me. Panic had flooded my veins. Emilee and I were alone. Filled with terror. No sign of Hero and Tara in this metal building.

God, please, let them be okay.

Maybe they were left behind. Maybe they ran to get help?  Everything happened so fast. My brain could’ve fabricated them being in the van. Everything was so fuzzy I couldn’t make sense of it. I hoped that was the case, then they could get to Storm. The club would rescue us.

Yes, they’re getting help. Help is coming.

I forced myself to breathe through my mouth. The rank-smelling air made me nauseous. My skin crawled as I kept an eye out for the mice I saw scurrying around.

My heart rate hadn’t normalized since I woke. I was hot and dirty. Throat, bone dry. Scared for our lives.

“I need to tell you something,” Emilee whispered so quietly I barely heard her.

Our fingers entwined as we sat huddled together against a filthy metal wall. I guessed we were inside an empty grain silo, judging by its cylinder shape and tall ceiling. They were everywhere on the outskirts of town. Never had been inside one, until now. They looked bigger from the road.

“Mhm.” I flicked my eyes toward the guard, hoping he didn’t notice us whispering.

“You know Danny?”

Danny? The name didn’t sound familiar. Had she mentioned him during one of our conversations, and I missed it? Emilee didn’t have any friends in Bastion. Justin kept her on a tight leash. It surprised me that he let her go away to college. Emilee had told me that he felt she was safer a few hours away from the MC.

“No. I don’t know Danny.” I kept my voice low. The Dirty Hunters prospect had no problem slapping us around. My aching cheekbone was proof. I’d gotten a little mouthy when we first arrived. Storm would be furious that I didn’t keep silent. After getting backhanded, I heard my man’s voice telling me to shut it and not anger anyone. I’d been quiet since. Our safety was my top priority.

“I mean, Dodge, he guards the gate at the compound.” Emilee snuggled closer into my shoulder.

“Oh, yeah. Nice guy.” Oh my gosh. She’s talking about Track’s cousin. Her father will lose it. Alarms went off inside me as I sensed she was about to drop a bomb.

A tear skittered down Emilee’s cheek. “He’s so nice. We’ve been dating in secret since Christmas.” She squeezed my hand.

There it was, a ginormous confession.

I wasn’t surprised Dodge liked Emilee. She was a beautiful girl. Sweet and personable with long hair the color of spun gold and warm, honey-colored eyes. A natural beauty. Wholesome. I wondered how she was interested in Dodge. He hardly talked and wore a constant scowl. Similar to the other guys in the club, he was rough around the edges. Like he’d seen some shit in his life.

I never thought Emilee would be with him, knowing how her parents felt about bikers. On the same thought, Dodge was ballsy for getting with Emilee. Justin had made his position regarding his girl and bikers abundantly clear.

Storm flashed in my head. People probably said the same thing about my intimidating man and me. We were an unlikely pair. Who knew a tattooed, tempestuous biker and a kindergarten teacher would be perfect together—an ideal match. The same could be true for Emilee and Dodge.

Emilee squeezed my hand, pulling me back to the present.

“Wow… In secret, huh?” For nearly nine months! How did they hide it so long?

“My dad will have a cow when he finds out.”

I gave her a slight nod. “Mhm.” I completely understood. Even though I loved Storm, life at the compound wasn’t pleasant. I understood why her dad wanted her out of the MC life. I had a feeling Emilee felt as I did. I loved Storm more than the danger I was in. It wouldn’t keep me from being with him.

My stomach churned, imagining Storm’s reaction when he found out I was missing. Emilee squeezed my hand twice. I’d zoned out again. She whispered, “I’m pregnant.”

My head whipped toward her, mouth gaping.

Another tear rolled down her sweaty, red cheek. “Five weeks.”

Oh shit…

I tucked her into my side, my heart hammering erratically as a protective, maternal instinct flooded me. Emilee’s body trembled, her tears picking up.

I faintly recalled the Hunter’s enforcer saying they would auction us off. It was right after I’d come to. Did I imagine it? Dream it? Maybe he only wanted to scare us.

What if they weren’t intimidating us with empty threats? If we weren’t rescued, would they really sell a pregnant young woman? What about me?

Acid shot into my throat as my hand went to my stomach. I never got a chance to buy a pregnancy test. Did I need to? I swallowed. No. I knew I was pregnant.

My mind raced. Maybe I could convince them to let Emilee go. She was so young and innocent. Sheltered most of her life. Had lost her mom. I couldn’t sit by and let them hurt her.

Though my life wasn’t so different from Emilee’s, I preferred them to keep me and release her.

But then, I didn’t want to be sold either. Why would they listen to my plea? My stomach roiled.

“Storm and his men will find us before anything bad happens,” Emilee told me, as if she knew I needed assurances. “But we’ve been here for a long time. What’s taking them so long?” Just like that, her confidence faltered.

“I don’t know.”

We were in a grain silo somewhere. How would the Knights ever find us? I didn’t have my cell phone with the tracking app. We probably would’ve been rescued already, had the Hunters not left it in my car.

I dropped my forehead onto my bent knees. I did this to us… I should’ve never left the compound. Storm didn’t want me to, said it wasn’t safe, but I’d begged. Tempted him with my mouth.

Then I called Tara to join us on a girls’ day out. I put us in this situation.

Justin would blame me for his daughter’s abduction. Hell, the whole club would blame me. Probably Storm too.

Hot tears blurred my vision. Don’t fall apart. Be strong for Emilee.

Somehow, I needed to get us out of here in one piece. I wrapped my arms around Emilee, holding her close. I’d do whatever necessary to protect her. I owed it to her and Justin after putting her into this dangerous situation.

My eyes drifted closed. It hadn’t been long when they flew open at the sound of a loud booming voice.

“Let’s get this show started!” a man entered through the only door into this metal container. “Where are my lovely ladies?”

Emilee and I stiffened beneath his gaze. Behind him, two men followed, dragging Hero between them. I gasped, holding my breath. Hero’s face was busted up and bleeding.

My heart seized as I choked back a sob when Tara was brought in next, her bare feet scraping along the ground. Why wasn’t she fighting? Why wasn’t she looking at us? There was blood on her shirt. Neither moved, their heads hanging as if unconscious. What had they done to them?

“Over there, Prez,” the young prospect said.

“Shut your fucking mouth. We don’t want them to know who we are. Think, boy!” The prez slapped the prospect upside the head. He was an idiot if he thought it was hard to tell who ran the show.

Emilee flinched, squeezing my hand.

“Stay calm,” I whispered, though I had a hard time holding it together.

The short, stocky prez strutted our way. My heart jackhammered as he eyed me.

“Here’s how this is going to play out. If Storm complies with my terms, you’ll all be set free. If not, I’ll either sell you or keep you for myself.” He laughed, a vile expression on his face. “Which one is his ol’ lady?”

“None of us,” I said on a snort, trying to bait and throw him off his game. If he believed they captured the wrong woman, maybe he’d let us go. Maybe.

The prez shook his head. I blinked just long enough to miss the back of his hand flying my way. Emilee cried out, squeezing my right hand when he made contact with my face. I grunted, trying to absorb the urge to sob.

“Motherfucker,” Hero yelled, but it was weak. The men holding him flung him to the ground. He was punched in the gut, multiple times. Tara whimpered, but I couldn’t make out her words. At least she was alive.

I licked the blood on my lip, cupping my left cheek where the prez struck me. I couldn’t let this situation escalate. Whatever it took to keep us all safe, I would do it.

“Listen to me, bitch. Lie or smart off again, and I’ll make you sorry. I promise, you won’t like your punishment,” he hissed in my face. My gag reflex hit, smelling his putrid breath. Had he eaten a shit sandwich? “Understand?”

I nodded, fighting the urge to cover my nose with my hand.

“Good girl.” He glowered at me. “Now I know you’re the ol’ lady. Been keeping an eye out for you. Just waiting for the perfect opportunity to snatch you.”

I nodded to appease him. My only concern was protecting Hero, Tara, and Emilee. And her baby, of course. If I could keep all the attention on me, that would help.

“I’ll be calling your ol’ man in five. He knows I’m calling. He’ll want to see his woman in one piece.” He jerked his head to Emilee. “Who does she belong to?”

“Nobody. She’s my friend.” I lied, hoping he’d lose interest in her. He couldn’t find out she was a council member’s daughter.

“Oh, well.” He shrugged. “Least I got the prez’s woman, his queen. He’ll do anything to get you back.”

I shook my head emphatically.

He got in my face, sneering. “What? Why you shakin’ your head?”

“He’s the president. I’m not important to him. Not long ago, I caught a club whore in our bedroom. The bitch said she was waiting for round five with him.”

His eyebrows shot up. “The fucker’s got some stamina.”

“Don’t be impressed. The asshole betrayed me. I won’t put up with that shit and don’t want his pathetic ass anymore.” I hated myself for saying that, but I do anything to get us out of this alive.

“A tough broad, are you?” His tongue swept over his bottom lip.

I shrugged my shoulders, trying to not let his lecherous grin get to me.

“I see the fire in you, baby. There are a lot of men who like a feisty woman, a fighter. I bet you’re not submissive, are you?” He hissed, licking his lips.

“No, I guess I’m not.” My skin prickled. Jesus, help me.

His smile widened, showing off two silver teeth. “Get undressed. Down to your bra and panties.”

I stared at him, holding my breath. He was serious.

“Her too.” He jerked his chin toward Emilee. “Gotta show the goods.”

“Oh, God…” Emilee whimpered.

“Leave her out this… please. She’s young. I’m all you need.”

He narrowed his eyes as I stood and unzipped my shorts and wiggled out of them. The hungry look on his face disgusted me. I removed my blouse to keep his attention off Emilee.

The prez licked his chops. “Only one way to get her out of taking her clothes off.” He stepped in front of me. His foul breath… I’d hurl any second if he didn’t back the fuck up.

“How?” My stomach flip-flopped, fearing his condition.

“Strip for the camera when your ol’ man is on the phone.”

“No, Madeline. Don’t,” Emilee cried out. “I’ll take my clothes off.”

“Shh!” I snapped—stupid girl. Didn’t she know I was trying to save her? I swallowed, working to keep calm. “I’ll do it.”

“That’s what I like to hear. Miss Tough Biker Babe, taking one for the team. All right, when I tell you to strip, you better do it, or else she’ll pay.” He pointed to Emilee.

“I will.” What other choice did I have? This man didn’t give a shit about Emilee or me. He wanted Winters Township and would do anything to get it. I had no desire to find out how far he’d go to get it.

“No, Madeline…” Emilee quietly sobbed into her hands.

I tried not to sob right along with her. My heart broke for Emilee. She was only trying to protect me as I was her. But I couldn’t let her experience abject humiliation in front of these disgusting pigs or the Knights. There was no question in my mind Storm’s brothers would watch with him. Saving Emilee was the right thing to do, but in doing so, I had no clue what it would do to me.

It wasn’t like I was that much older than nineteen-year-old Emilee. I was only twenty-three. I’d already been abused and didn’t want to know what it felt like coming from them.

I was the reason any of us were in this mess. I needed to do everything possible to keep us safe and unharmed.

Even if it meant losing a piece of myself in the process. Dane had broken me before. I prayed I could handle it again.