Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



“Yeah, baby. I will.” David grunted, ending the call as he entered my office. I half expected him to drop into my chair as if it were his, but he didn’t. Instead, he shocked the hell out of me, throwing his arms around me in a giant bear hug after I kicked the door shut.

“Missed the shit out of you, son.”

What the hell? My body went ramrod straight. The last hug I could remember my dad giving me was the day my mom left. I was nine, crying my eyes out as he held me, whispering, We don’t need that bitch. But my old man didn’t know shit. I had needed my mom.

I sucked in a breath as he squeezed me. My mind whirled like a funnel cloud of confusion and nausea pummeled my gut. But I also couldn’t shove him back.

“Wish I’d known about your woman before now. Sugar said, you call her Angel. I like it. Can’t wait to meet her.” He released me and we stared at each other for a long beat.

Who in the hell was this man? An imposter, replacing the father I knew. Maybe he was on some fucked up meth and trippin’ like he used to when I was a kid.

“Who are you, and what the fuck did you do with my asshole father?” There were at least a dozen other names I’d prefer to call him. Since he was here to help find Madeline, I’d show him a speck of respect.

He smirked, slapping me on the shoulder. “Still a Grade-A smartass.”

“I learned it from my old man.”

“Least you learned something from me.” He sat in the chair in front of my desk. “Take a seat.” He jerked his chin to my executive chair.

My mind raced as I eyed him. After all the stress of dealing with Madeline missing, I felt like my defenses were down. I couldn’t deal with my dad being, what? Fatherly? It was throwing me off. We weren’t like this.

“Jane sends her love and prayers for you and Angel.” He rubbed his hand over his scruffy chin. He never had a beard. By the smell of it, he still wore Brut aftershave. Deep creases were etched into his forehead. His brow was always furrowed. At fifty-five, he was physically fit with salt and pepper hair. He was still a badass motherfucker.

“Thanks.” I had to be in another universe.

As Angel would say, mercy. Jane sends her love? Prayers? They were never religious.

“Gotta say, you’re freaking me the fuck out. Why are you acting like we’re close?”

“Always brutally honest. Don’t you ever get tired of being so blunt?”

I considered him as he stared back at me. Same stormy gray eyes as mine. What was his game?


David sighed, relaxing in the chair with his arms crossed over his chest. “We don’t have time to waste talking about us. I just want you to know you can trust me in getting your girl back. You can depend on me, Kaleb.”

Dammit, he used my birth name. He hadn’t said it once since he made me leave home. Before I had a road name, he only called me boy.

“Think you deserve to be trusted and relied on?”

He hiked an eyebrow. “From your point of view, probably not. From Jane’s and your sisters—”

“Half sisters.” I squirmed in my chair, not wanting to go down this road.

He growled low. “They’re my daughters. That makes them your sisters.”

“I don’t even know them.”

“That’s gonna change.” He leaned forward in his chair. “I want my son back.”

I fought the urge to storm out of my office. This wasn’t the time to deal with family shit.

“Don’t wanna deal with this now. My woman is my priority.” I inhaled a shallow breath. “You’re here to help. I appreciate it.”

He rubbed his hands on the tops of his thighs. “You’re right. Angel’s well-being is the number one priority.”

I grunted.

His gaze met mine. “Some of your cousins will be here anytime from North Dakota. Abe, Micah, and Jonah.”

I blinked, utterly shocked. He called in reinforcements for my woman? And the others?

My dad’s cousin, Ben, was the president of the North Dakota chapter. Minnesota was mine. Last few years, Dad and Ben had been working on planting another chapter in Montana. One of Ben’s sons would hold the gavel. My old man wanted the Knights to occupy the northern states to make it easier running arms to the Italian Mafia up in Canada.

“I don’t know what to say. Thanks, I guess.”

“Don’t need to say anything. I should’ve come sooner. I knew you were struggling to get the Dirty Hunters out of Minnesota.”

I snorted. Of course, he knew.

He shrugged. “I’m glad Sugar called. Last thing I want is for you to lose your woman.” He stood, a small curl to his lip. “We need more Knights, y’know. To carry on Grandpa’s legacy.”

“Well, after getting taken, Madeline may want nothing to do with the club. Or me.” I rubbed my chest, right over my heart. That pain in my chest was as strong as ever. Could this be the event that makes her leave me?

“Nah. I doubt it. From what Sugar said, she’s strong and madly in love with you. She’s in it for the long haul. She’ll be bringing you little ones lickety-split.”

I hoped he was right.

“I can’t think about the future or kids right now. Saving and avenging Angel is all I’m capable of right now.” I stood from my chair and went around the desk.

“Then let’s do it.” He put his hand out to shake. I accepted with a grateful smile.

I’m coming for you, Angel. We’re all coming for you.