Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



Hours after being rescued, I was curled into a tight ball in bed with Storm’s massive body wrapped around mine. The warmth radiating off him soothed me from the outside in. He kissed my head, whispering he loved me over and over. He made me feel cherished as he cared for my every need. I felt whole despite the hell I’d been through.

Storm was all I needed, a balm to my fractured spirit with a healing power like no other.

After he left to talk with Justin, I could hardly breathe. I didn’t want to be a baby. Weak and pathetic needing my man when he had club business to attend to. I’d already caused enough chaos and pain to so many. So I pulled up my big girl panties and assured him I was okay. Naturally, it was a lie.

Not wanting to get into it with Tina, not that I thought she’d press me to talk, I had told her I was going to take a shower. She’d smiled sweetly, and in her quiet, comforting voice, told me she’d be right here if I needed anything. I knew she’d stay until Storm returned. I knew I could share with her the turmoil I was in. She’d understand. Wouldn’t judge me. But the words never came.

In the bathroom, I’d stared at my battered body in the mirror. It was the first time I’d seen myself. God, I looked hideous. My face was swollen and red in some spots: black and blue in others. Dirt and dried on perspiration covered my body. I smelled like the silo. I’d flashed back to when Dawg forced me to strip. My stomach roiled, my heart racing as if his putrid breath was in the bathroom surrounding me. I felt his sticky hands on my breasts, grabbing my pussy. Then the memory of Storm watching that vile man assault me sent me over the edge… I lost it. Completely lost it.

I ran into the shower, even though it was too hot. I wanted to burn Dawg’s touch off my skin, wipe him out of my memory. It didn’t matter how hard I scrubbed. He wouldn’t leave.

I’d screamed for Dawg to get out. Get out of my head. My home. My life. Falling to my knees, darkness engulfed me as I gasped for air in the suffocating steamy shower. Evil and guilt won, bending me to its will.

Now that I was calm in Storm’s arms, I was sure Tina had banged on the bathroom door. I just hadn’t heard her. Nor had I noticed Storm bursting through the door. Or anything he’d said to me.

But I’d felt his tender touch when he lifted me into his arms. Immersing me in his strength as I clung to him for dear life. He was my anchor. My protector. My everything.

After he washed and dried me, he didn’t bother with clothes. We never slept in any, needing to be skin to skin. God, he knew exactly what I needed. Not once had he questioned what happened. He didn’t ask if I was okay or what I needed. He just acted as if he heard my silent wishes.

Still, I sensed his fears and unrest as if it was my own. I imagined his mind raced with horrific thoughts of rape and torture. I heard his soul wailing in despair for not keeping me and the others safe.

I blew out a ragged breath, steeling myself. It was time I set his mind at ease. A little, anyway. I couldn’t bring back AJ. Or magically erase Hero’s injuries and the terror we all had endured. All I could do was put Storm’s mind at rest.

I shifted in bed, rolling toward him, and wrapped my arm around his waist, nuzzling my face in his firm chest. I pecked soft kisses, inhaling him into my lungs. He rubbed soothing circles on my back, holding me close. No words. Just an enormous amount of love.

“I’m okay, Kaleb. Physically, I mean.” Emotionally, it would take some time to heal.

His hand stopped moving as if hanging on my every word.

“They only hit me. Groped me some.” I swallowed the emotion bubbling in my throat. I breathed him in, trying to draw his strength into me.

“You don’t have to do this now, Angel.” His lips dropped to my head, his hand moving again. “It’s too soon. I just got you back.”

“I do have to do this now. You need to know I wasn’t assaulted… sexually.” I peered up to his handsome face with my good eye, finding it strained.

“You can tell me, baby.” His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he held me closer. Tension rolled off him in massive waves, threatening to pull me in under. I had to find a way to stay afloat. Stay strong for him. “If you want. I’m here for you.”

I reached up, taking his face in my hands. “Look at me.”

His stormy-gray eyes met mine. So much was going on behind them: anger, pain, guilt. I could see it so well he didn’t have to tell me. He didn’t need to feel responsible. I was to blame, me and only me.

“I wasn’t raped. I swear I wasn’t.” I paused as my mind wandered to Tara. I’d feared the worst for her, but Hero had saved her. I was so grateful for his valor. Except they beat him for it. I shook myself out of my thoughts before they took me back into the hole Storm had dug me out of not long ago.

Storm carefully observed me. The corner of his lip twitched. Doubt crossed his beautiful face. Did he not believe me?

I rubbed the palm of my hand over his beard. “Did you hear me? I wasn’t sexually assaulted.”

“When we arrived, moments before barrelling into the silo, Miller stumbled out with his jeans hanging off his hips. You were on your knees.” A shuddered breath vibrated in his chest, rattling mine.

I gripped his face firmly. “No. Do you hear me? Whatever you’re thinking, stop. Dane wanted me to… blow him. But we heard one of the prospects scream. Dane had just entered my mouth but pulled out before anything happened.”

“Fuck,” Storm hissed, pulling out my hands. I caught a glimpse of tears before he hid his face in my neck. He squeezed the air out of me as he gasped. “I’m so sorry, Angel. I’m so goddamned sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. You saved me. Saved all of us. My badass biker boyfriend is my hero.”

He growled against my skin. “But Miller—”

“But he didn’t, Kaleb. He didn’t. Yes, I was scared out of my mind. They threatened to rape Emilee and me if I didn’t do as they said. I would do anything to protect her. Giving Dane a blow job wasn’t the worst thing that could happen to me.”

“Jesus…” A choked gasp ripped from his lungs. He shook his head as he kissed my shoulder, his tears leaving a trail behind his soft lips.

“I haven’t been violated, baby.” I rubbed the back of his head, down to his nape the way he liked. All I wanted was to soothe him as he’d done for me. Storm was strong and powerful but he felt pain deeply.

“Yes, you have. The way that motherfucker treated you on the camera. Forcing you to strip. Touching you. Goddammit, if Miguel hadn’t killed him, I would’ve made that piece of shit wish he’d never been born.” He reared his head back, a murderous glint in his watery eyes. But as soon as he met mine, they softened. The adoration in them speared into my heart, filling every empty nook.

“I wouldn’t have stopped you,” I told him honestly. “Men like Dane and the Dirty Hunters shouldn’t walk freely. They should be locked in a cell or in hell.”

Storm pressed his forehead to mine. “You’re the most precious thing in my life. My Angel. My clear blue skies and sunshine. My heart. You chase away the darkness with your infectious radiance.” He paused for a long second. “I let you down. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Protecting you with everything I am.” He pulled back, staring into my eyes.


His finger went on my lips. “I can’t promise nothing like this will ever happen again. You know the life I live. The dangers being in the club brings. Yes, I blame myself for failing you. For failing so many. But you’ve taught me to let that shit go. I wasn’t the only person involved in this. The Hunters are to blame for being vile bastards. Dawg got what was coming to him. The same for the others.” His stormy eyes teared up again. “Just don’t leave me. Don’t walk away. Please?”

My vision blurred as he gazed at me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. It was far from the truth with the bruises on my face. My left eye was swollen and half-open. Lip busted up. You’d never know how horrific I was by the way he admired me. But still…

“Don’t say stupid shit, Kaleb. I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me. Until we’re old and gray, rocking on the front porch, with our great-grandchildren fawning over your ancient Harley as if it were a national monument in a museum.”

“I like the sound of that.” He smiled, showing his perfectly white teeth. “I guess I need to build you a front porch.”

I giggled. “I guess you do.” Before I got swept away by the beautiful image of my future with Storm, AJ entered my mind. “Kaleb?”


“What about A…” His name caught in my throat, making me pause for a moment. “What about AJ? Will there be a funeral?” My body trembled as I remembered him getting shot.

He died because of me.

“Let’s not do this now.”

“Has anyone contacted his parents?”

The day Tommy died, the sheriff came to our home. Toby was with him. My mom broke down on the spot; dad stayed strong, eyes vacant. A piece of us died that day with Tommy. I was sure AJ’s family would, too… because of me.

“Baby, AJ was estranged from his family. He never knew his dad. His mom was an addict with an abusive boyfriend who used AJ as a punching bag. Knight’s Legion MC was the only family he cared about.”

“Oh, God.” I cried into Storm’s chest. AJ had been through hell. Now he was gone. “We have to do something for him.”

“We will, Angel. The club will have a service for him at the pond behind the club. It’s where we release the ashes of the fallen.”

I nodded, melting into his arms. “I want to see Emilee. Make sure she’s okay.”

Storm sighed, brushing his warm hand up and down my spine. “I’m sorry, but Justin isn’t in a good place. He’s taking her away from the club today. He might even be gone already.”

I lifted my head, mouth gaping. “Really? I haven’t even apologized to him for all of this. I need to see both of them.”

“No you don’t. Justin knows the nature of the club. The dangers it brings to those in it. He’s grateful for all you did to protect Emilee.”

I shook my head, staring into Storm’s calm gray eyes, then dropped my face into his chest. What else was there to say? I had a massive crater in my heart with AJ, Emilee, Hero, and Tara’s name on it. I didn’t think I’d ever get past it or forgive myself.

“You’re not to blame, Angel. Locking you up on the compound is no way to live. You should be free to go out to lunch and shop with your friends. It’s my job to keep you and my territory safe. If anyone is to blame, it’s me. Me alone.”

I couldn’t let him take full responsibility. He was right, though. My friends and I should’ve been able to go out for an afternoon. I shouldn’t need a bodyguard. AJ shouldn’t have been gunned down.

“I don’t blame you,” I whispered with my lips against his chest.

“And I don’t blame you, baby. Not for a second. The Dirty Hunters are responsible. Let’s direct our anger at them. Not ourselves.” The strength in his voice seeped into my veins, blasting into my soul. Its healing powers released me from the unbearable grief eating my insides. I doubted I would ever fully forgive myself, but Storm was right. The Hunters were to blame. Not Storm. Not me.

Rolling onto my back, I pulled him onto my body. “Make love to me.”

His eyebrows raised in surprise. “But it’s only been a few hours since… You’ve just been through hell.”

“You’re right. I have. So shouldn’t I get anything I want?”

He seemed to war with his choices, but his cock knew precisely what to do as it hardened against my pelvis.

I cradled his handsome face in my hands. “I want it nice and slow. Sweet and gentle. Can you do that for me?” I needed him more than ever before, desperate for his touch to wipe away the memory of Dane and Dawg putting their hands on me.

He dropped his lips to mine, carefully avoiding the busted corner. “Anything you want, Angel. You can stop me at any time.” He kissed down the bend of my neck as he wedged himself between my legs.

This man. Always considerate of my well-being.

“I’ll never stop you from loving me, Kaleb. Never.” I hooked a leg around the back of his thigh, opening myself to him.

He put his hand between us, brushing a finger across my entrance. I wasn’t dripping wet like usual, but I was getting there. I wasn’t forcing sex. I needed the connection with our bodies as one the way they were meant to be.

“You’re sure?” The worry in his eyes and the hesitancy in his voice made me feel cherished and loved. He’d rather die a million deaths than ever hurt me.

How did I ever get so lucky?

I took his cock in my hand and stroked him. “I’m sure, baby. Then we can sleep. I’m exhausted.”

“So am I. I can’t sleep when you’re gone.” He eased his way into me, gritting his teeth. “You’re so tight.”

I wasn’t fully aroused, but I didn’t care. I needed this. Needed him.

Exhaling, I relished feeling him fill every inch of me. “Yes… This is what I want.”

He pulled out slowly, then slid back in. “When did you want to take the test?”

I gripped his biceps, a soft gasp leaving my lips with each one of his intentional thrusts. He never quite grasped the effect he had on me. How I couldn’t speak when we made love.


“Don’t… need to.” I panted, closing my eyes.

“Gimme your baby blues.” A cocky smirk played on his handsome face. “Is my cock so fucking fantastic you can’t speak?”

Damn him. He knew he stole my breath away. But I knew he was trying to keep my mind off all the awful shit. I adored him with every cell in my body.

“In my heart, I know I’m pregnant.”

He kissed the tip of my nose. “Me too, Angel.”

“Really? How?”

“I’ve noticed the changes in your body. You gave up coffee and took naps.” His languid movements lulled me so perfectly. God, we were incredible together.

We’re a fierce, impenetrable force.

I relished in the quiet of Storm’s love, coming again and again against him.