Avenging Angel by Naomi Porter



We’re safe was all I could think about since arriving at the club. Their prez was dead. I wasn’t sure what would happen to the rest of his members. If they’d go to jail or if Storm and his brothers would take care of them. Their fate didn’t really matter to me. I just wanted them gone.

I’d been in a dorm room holding Tara for the last half hour while Patch took care of Hero. His physical injuries were the worst of all of us. Of course I pissed off Storm when I didn’t let Patch examine me first. And for not letting him in the room with Tara and me.

I got it. Storm had the life scared out of him and was worried about my well-being. I loved him for it. Adored his protectiveness. But Tara and Hero were my priority.

“I’m so sorry about this,” I said softly for the fifth time. “I should’ve listened to Storm and stayed on the compound.”

Tara shook her head. “Don’t blame yourself, Mads. I know you’d never do anything to hurt me or the others. I saw what you did to protect Emilee.” Her body trembled as fresh tears rolled down her face. “I hurt for all you’ve been through during this ordeal. Then that fucking Dane… What he…”

“Shh, I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to be sure you’re okay. What happened before they brought you to the silo?” I hadn’t wanted to ask, fearing the worst. But I needed to know to help her the best I could.

“They had Hero and me in the other silo. He was unconscious. They said they were going to torture him if Storm wouldn’t give up Winters for you.” She sniffled, wiping her eyes with a tissue.

“Then what?”

A sob bubbled out of her. “He… he… tried to rape me.”

“Oh, God.” I tugged her into my arms. “Who?”

“The Latino.”

She was talking about the enforcer—the same man who raped Ava.

“I fought him off, screaming and kicking. Another one tried to hold me down as the Latino punched me.” She pulled back, staring me in the eyes. “Hero came to and knocked him off of me. Even with his hands tied behind his back, he fought them. I’m so glad those idiots hadn’t tied up his feet.”

“Jesus.” My eyes dropped to her chest. “Is the blood on your shirt from the enforcer punching you?”

“No. Hero smashed his head into the young dude’s mouth who was holding me down. He lost two teeth.”


“Yeah. I’ve never seen a raging man before. Hero saved me.”

“But you were gone a long time. You both looked bad off when they brought you in.” There had to be more that happened.

“The prez and a couple more bikers stopped Hero’s beatdown on the Latino.” Tara paused to blow her nose. “They all took a turn beating him.” Her lip trembled. “I thought they might kill him.”

“Oh, sweetie.” I hugged her. “I’m so sorry. If I could turn back time…”

“Stop it, Mads. I know what you’re doing. What happened isn’t your fault.”

“Yes, it is.” I choked up. “I don’t know how to live with myself for causing everyone so much pain.”

Tara gripped my shoulders. “Storm! Storm!”

“What are you doing?”

The door swung open and my man appeared. “What’s wrong?”

“She needs you,” Tara told him. “She’s talking stupid. Blaming herself.”

“Tara.” I took her hand. “I’m not leaving you.”

“Mads, I’m shaken up. My face hurts. But babe, I’ll be okay. What you went through—”

“Stop.” I glared into her eyes, pleading for her to not say another word. “I won’t leave you.”

“Sugar,” Storm called out the door. “She’ll stay with Tara. Patch is ready for you, baby.”

I shook my head. “No. He needs to take care of Tara first.”

“Jesus, Mads.” She squeezed my hand. “Stop putting yourself last. You matter, too.”

“Yes, she does.” Storm squatted at my feet. The agony in his eyes gutted me. “Please, Angel. Let me take care of you.”

“I’ll stay with Tara as long as she needs me.” Sugar put her hand on my shoulder. “Let Patch check you over.”

I sighed, knowing I wouldn’t win this battle. “Call me if you need anything.” I hugged Tara. “Please. Anything.”

“She’s staying at the club until further notice, Angel. You can see her later,” Storm said in a tone that left no room to argue.

“Really?” I reached for him, gratitude flooding my chest.

“Yeah, baby. Really. Come on. Patch is waiting.” Storm tugged me into his arms and hoisted me up. He hadn’t let me walk since the rescue.

“Storm?” Tara stood.

He stopped and turned us around.

She wrapped her arms around her middle. “How is he… Hero?”

“He’s a mess but he’ll be alright.”

My heart died a little at how much fear was in her eyes.

“Can I see him?” Tara asked.

Storm nodded. “Maybe later. Patch gave him a sedative so he’d rest.”

“Okay.” Tara sat on the bed. Sugar closed the door behind us.

I laid my head on Storm’s shoulder. “I’m sorry to be so much trouble.”

“You’re not any trouble, Angel. Just frustrating.”

“I’m sorry.” Tears pooled in my eyes.

“Stop with the ‘I’m sorry.’ You did nothing wrong. I should’ve got those bastards out of the area sooner.”

“No, I—”

“Enough,” he snapped. “Let’s get you fixed up. We’ll talk about all this later.”

“Okay.” It wasn’t really okay, though. I didn’t want to talk about anything that happened. I knew Storm would take full responsibility. It was just who he was, and it was admirable. But it was me who didn’t listen to him—me who begged to take Emilee to the school.

I was drowning in guilt and regret.

Patch cleaned and sealed the cut near my eye with something he called liquid stitches. Tension rolled off Storm as he hung back, giving Patch space to do his job. Not for one second did I think Storm was angry with me. His fury was pointed at himself and the Dirty Hunters. And Dane. Still, I didn’t like seeing him on the edge of detonation.

“Now that I’ve fixed your cuts, is there anything else I should know about?” Patch blocked my view of Storm. He was tall and lean, partially bald with white hair. “I can have him leave,” he said in a low voice.

Storm didn’t growl as I expected when Patch hid me. I understood Patch’s meaning and shook my head. “No. Nothing else.” Although I wondered if he had a pregnancy test. I was desperate for confirmation of my feelings. “But I do need something.”

Patch eyed me with concern. “Storm, can you—”

“No, he can stay.” I raised my voice in a panic. I didn’t want Storm or Patch to get the wrong idea.

“Angel?” Storm stepped forward, a questioning glint in his stormy eyes.

“Dear, if you were assaulted, I can give you the morning-after pill. I’d want to examine you first, though.” Patch’s voice was hesitant as he held my gaze.

I reached my hand out to Storm. “No, I just wondered if you had a pregnancy test. My period is over a week late.”

Patch’s features softened. “Yes, I’ll grab one.” He went to his bag on the dresser.

Storm stared at me with no emotion on his face. I wasn’t sure why he would be upset. He’d wanted a baby longer than me. Finding out I was pregnant might bring a little light into the darkness, following Storm and me. His face didn’t show any sign of what I expected.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I pulled his hand toward me.

He sat and cradled my cheek softly. “It’s just. What those animals did to you.” He kissed my forehead. “Your stomach. Is it okay? They didn’t hit you there, did they?”

Now I understood what was going on. He was smoldering inside. The tiniest spark would ignite a deadly fire. I needed to get him alone to soothe him. “No, they didn’t.”

“Here you go, Madeline.” Patch handed the box to me. “Do you want to take it now?”

“I’ll do it in our bedroom. Thank you, Patch.” I smiled softly.

There was a knock at the door. “Storm?”

“It’s Justin.” Storm stood and released my hand. He opened the door, keeping me hidden. “Everything okay?”

“I need to talk to you,” Justin said in a distressed tone.

“I’m busy.”

“It won’t take long. Please. It’s about Emilee and me.”

I understood Justin’s fierce protectiveness for his daughter, but I couldn’t help but worry about Emilee. Justin had locked her away the moment we arrived on the compound. I was sure she wanted to be with Dodge after the hell she’d been through.

Justin didn’t seem to care. He didn’t even want Patch touching her. I’d assured Storm and Patch, Emilee hadn’t been touched, but a therapist might be a good idea. For all of us, really, after going through hell. The fear and uncertainty we experienced would mess up anyone. We might have come out mostly intact physically, but that shit left scars on our brains, on our souls. My wounds would heal in a couple of weeks. But the events of the last twenty-fours would remain inside me forever.

“I’m with Madeline,” Storm hissed.

“I know. And I’m sorry. But I want out,” Justin whispered. Patch and I looked at each other.

“Shit. Gimme fifteen minutes. I’ll meet you in my office. Find Raul.” Storm shut the door without waiting for a reply from Justin.

“I’ll be okay,” I assured him as I stood.

He reeled me into his arms. “This is bullshit. I need to be with you, Angel. I don’t want you alone.”

“Tina or Sugar can stay with me. I’ll just take a shower. Get the grime off me. I’m disgusting.”

“I should be the one helping you with that.” He pressed his lips to my temple. His heart thumped rapidly against my chest. Was he angry with Justin? Or afraid to let me go?

“I know, baby. And you will.”

Be strong for him. Don’t let him break.