Lost and Found Family by Jennifer Ryan

Chapter Seventeen

Sarah stared at Luke and just took him in. God, he was so handsome. He wore the same jeans and black T-shirt from earlier, but he’d put on one of his favorite flannels. Faded from washing, it looked really warm and comfortable. Exhausted after another long day, she wanted to rest her head on his chest and wrap her arms around his strong back and hold on to him. She wanted to borrow some of his strength and feel his warmth wrapped around her.

“Will you light the fire?” She stood as he did. “I’ll get the food out of the cooler.”

Before she moved, he wrapped her in a hug and pressed a soft kiss on her hair. “I’m so glad you came tonight.” She let go of all the tension in her neck and shoulders, burrowed into him, and held on tight. She closed her eyes and sighed.

He rubbed his hands up and down her back. “Are you finally starting to relax?”

“If I relax any more, I’ll be asleep.” Snuggled up against him seemed like a great place to rest and recharge.

“I’d say I’ll take you inside and put you to bed, but if I get you anywhere near a bed you won’t be sleeping.”

She leaned back and stared up at him, amusement at his bluntness making her smile. “Is that right?”

He traced a finger along the side of her face. “You’ve been haunting my dreams. I know I’ve been really stupid, demanding explanations for things I never bothered to simply ask you about. I broke my promise to your boys. I’m sorry. I’m going to fix that. I really love having all of you here. I want you to spend more time here, so I can show the boys the ranch and you and I can be together.”

She pushed away, but her hands held his waist and his remained on her shoulders. “I’d like that.”

“From the moment I met you, and despite my completely wrong impression of you, I saw and felt something growing between us. I can’t deny the strong, deep feelings I have for you. Missing you these last many days has shown me that not having you here made me miserable. Ask anyone in my office or down at the stables, I’ve been impossible to be around.” The honest admissions touched her and showed her that he really meant everything he’d said.

Every time she’d tried to concentrate on work the past week and a half, she’d only get distracted and think of him. The boys had begged her to take them back to the ranch so they could hang out with Luke. They liked him. But she held back, not wanting to throw herself and the boys at Luke if he didn’t want to see them.

But he did. And that was the best news she’d received in a long time.

“I’ve missed you, too,” she admitted. “I have strong feelings for you, Luke, but I also have two boys to think about, and so do you. It’s not just me you’re asking to come into your life. They come with me. I told you before, I don’t get involved with men. So if you’re in, I need to know it’s not some casual thing, because with you, I want more. And if you’re in, I’ll expect it.” It wasn’t easy to put herself out there like this, but she wanted to start over with Luke, so they had a real shot at what she hoped they both wanted.

“I’m in. All the way. I’ve got four weeks to convince you. And I will.”

“Then let’s start with dinner and conversation and see where we go from there.”

Luke relaxed and he brushed his fingers through the side of her hair. “I’m relieved to hear you say that. I was afraid I’d lose you before I ever had you.”

“I’m too tired for you to have me now. Ha. Ha.”

“I bet I could change your mind.” He kissed her again, blanking out her thoughts and making her press into his strong, tempting body. He ended the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. “But I don’t want to skip ahead and rush things. I want to know you, Sarah. What you want. What you need. What makes you happy. Everything.”

Her stomach rumbled. She’d gotten lost in work and missed lunch. Again.

Luke leaned back and smiled. “Sounds like you need dinner.”

“Start the fire. The boys will be home soon, and I need to be there to put them to bed.”

Luke released her and kneeled by the firepit. “What’d you bring for dinner? I’m curious to see what a five-star chef taught you to make for a cookout.”

“It’s a surprise. The table and flowers are lovely. You didn’t have to do all of this for me. Paper plates would have been fine.”

“You know what I like about you? You just chewed out a guy for not paying you a million two and you’re okay eating off paper plates.”

“I grew up alone with nothing, Luke. Fine china and fancy restaurants are nice, but dinner by a fire with someone I care about is better. At least, I think so.”

Luke sat back on his heels. “I just want to spend time with you. Dinner is a bonus.”

She appreciated the sweet sentiment and the honesty behind it so much. “Then let’s spend time together.”