War and Roses by Kat Baxter

Chapter 3

Three months ago...

Somewhere in the Middle East


I've lost track of how many times a day I check my emails. Okay, that isn't entirely accurate because there are some days I can't check. So it's really more the number of times my mind wanders to whether or not Bethany has written me. Some days she only sends one email. Other days I get a flurry of them with funny stories or anecdotes about work or she just tells me about the latest romance novel she's reading.

She's even sent me some to read, and I've gobbled them up feeling one step closer to her because we share characters and a story. And my girl likes things steamy.

Finding the time to jack off isn't always easy when you're deployed. At least I have my own room, small as it is, so that on those occasions when I'm reading a particularly sexy bit of a book, I can take care of things. More often than not though, it's just Bethany. Just seeing her name sometimes is enough to turn me on.

I've taken to inhaling the insides of the boxes she sends me, and I think I've identified her unique scent amidst the packages of sweets and books she sends. Her handwritten letters especially have a faint citrusy smell that I love. I imagine that I could find that exact scent in that tender spot right behind her ears.

She's changed my life and I'm about to make a big change to mine. All in the hopes that we'll get to be together.

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


Hey, you remember that guy I told you about with the dog bones? He came back in today to show me pictures of him snuggling with the dog. So the dog treat bouquet did the trick and they're pals now. Adorable.

Moving on...so we have a weird thing we do here in Texas. During early fall when the high schools have homecoming, we have these things called mums. Girls wear them pinned to their chests, and, over the last couple of decades, they've just gotten so big and obnoxious that it's just ridiculous. It's a wonder some of these girls don't just tip over under the weight of these things.

Let me paint the picture for you so you can imagine these things. Okay so they're called mums because at the center of is, of course, a big mum. Usually a white one, but not always. Then there are ribbons that hang from the center flower, sometimes with cowbells. I am not even kidding! The ribbons are often decorated with football slogans or the name of mascot. Lots of glitter. LOTS. OF. GLITTER.

Sometimes there are stuffed animals involved. I hate those because who wants to hot glue a poor unsuspecting teddy bear to a piece of cardboard, then somehow stick a giant flower on him? Did I mention these things are ridiculous?

And the worst part, these girls don't even wear just one. No, they walk around the halls of their high schools, their chests completely hidden behind these monstrosities, and cowbells ringing.

I wish I was making this story up, but I'm not. And while I love my state, this is one tradition, I could do without.

p.s. It is not homecoming season right now, so I haven't been making any mums. I think it was on my mind because its prom season and we've been making lots of corsages and boutonnières. A good chunk of the flower business is based on high school traditions.



FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]



You know that it did not happen if there aren't pictures.



p.s. Also, that is fucking hysterical.

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


You asked for it...

<Img of mum1>

<Img of mum2>

<Img of mum3>

FROM: [email protected]

TO: [email protected]


It has taken me half an hour to compose this message. I was laughing too hard. Which drew a crowd. One of the guys here is from Texas and he confirmed your story. Then we had to Google actual girls wearing them. Which was kinda weird for a bunch of grown men to Google pictures of high school girls, but I swear it was just for the homecoming pictures with the mums. I agree, I don't know how they don't have more injuries and those poor tiny girls tipping over.

So, confession time, how many mums did you have when you were in high school? I'm told its customary for boyfriends to provide them, but also best friends and parents.

Thanks for the laugh!



She never does answer my question about her experience with mums in high school. It was a poorly veiled attempt at finding out some of her dating history because this woman is like a steel vault when it comes to stuff like that.

Still, I want to know. I've resorted to Googling things like "what does it mean if a woman signs an email with an emoji heart?" just for a scrap of evidence that she feels the same way about me that I do about her.

I know I should stop being a pussy and just come out and ask her. But I also recognize enough about her to know she's a little skittish. And the truth is, I'd rather have her in my life as just my friend, than not at all. So for the time being, I'll wait.