War and Roses by Kat Baxter

Chapter 4


I can't believe my baby sister is married. And to my best friend. I should be pissed, but the truth is, Austin is the best guy I know. If there's anyone who can handle Selina's sass, it would be him.

But that's just one of the reasons I'm stopping off at home before I head to Texas for the weekend. I wanted to see my parents, but since they're both still basically quarantined for my dad's bout with TB, I'll have to settle for a video chat. At least they'll know I'm stateside. And I can tell them myself that I'm done.

When it came time to re-enlist, I didn't. I walked away, something I never thought would happen. But then, I never thought I'd fall head over boots in love with a woman I only know through letters. Her first letter came to me nearly nine months ago and ever since, I've been enamored. I know it started as a good deed on her part, or whatever. Write to a soldier and say thanks.

There are tons of non-profits and groups and services that do those sorts of things. It's nice. Most of the time you get a simple note, sometimes a drawing from a kid, every now and then some treats from home. But with Bethany's very first letter, I knew she was different.

I'm not even sure what it was specifically, because there was nothing particularly unique about the content of her letter. I liked her handwriting, all loopy and feminine, and I liked that she used real stationary paper, not just a sheet ripped from a notebook.

So I wrote her back. That's not something that happens very often either. Still, I'd felt compelled. Then she wrote me back. At first it was just a letter maybe once a month, but recently we've added emails, and now we communicate every day. I've asked about video chats, to no avail. For now, it's just our words.

But I know, without a doubt, she's the woman for me.

I get out of my SUV and walk up to Austin and Selina's house and rap my knuckles on the door. My sister answers and her eyes go wide, her smile blinding.

"Jacob! What are you doing here?" She rushes me, wrapping her arms around me.

"Had to come kick Austin's ass for marrying you without telling me," I say.

She smacks my arms. "Stop it. Come in."

I follow her inside.

"Austin is grilling in the back yard and I was just getting us something to drink. You want something?"

I narrow my eyes. "Who are you and what have you done with my sister?"

"Fuck off."

"There she is." I squeeze her to me. "Missed you."

"You too. Have you talked to mom and dad?"

"Not yet. Came here first. I know they won't want me there to risk myself."

"Yeah, but things are getting better. He's only got three more months of treatment. And I've sold some pieces that have really helped the financial issue."

"Yeah, I saw those on your social media. You do great work, Selina. Thanks for helping them so much. For picking up the slack."

She actually blushes. "Thank you."

Fifteen minutes later, the three of us are sitting on their back deck, the air filled with the rich scent of grilling meat.

"I didn't re-enlist," I say abruptly.

Austin's brows go up. "I thought you'd decided you were a career soldier."

I can't hide my smile. "Plans change."

"You've met someone," Selina says. "Who is she?"

"Her name is Bethany," I say, not even bothering to deny it. "She lives in Texas, and I've got a flight out in two days to go meet her."

"Meet her? As in you haven't yet?" Austin asks.

"We've been pen-pals, for lack of a better description, for nearly a year. She's the one. I know it."

"When you know, you know," Austin says, then winks at Selina.

"Does she know you're coming?" Selina asks.

"Nope. I'm going to step into the florist shop where she works and sweep her off her feet."

"You might want to give the girl a heads-up," my sister suggests.

"Nah. Surprises are the best." Falling in love with a woman through letters sure as fuck surprised me. Now I just have to convince Bethany that I'm here to stay.