Voyeur by Candace Wondrak

Chapter Two – Roman



I was not a man who appreciated being late. Of course, there were always situations that were out of my control, and I did my best to handle it. Oftentimes, when things escalated, it got bloody, but luckily enough for everyone else, I was never turned off by blood.

Blood, the way it glimmered under the light, how it could ooze out or squirt out like certain other liquids from a body… it was something I could never get enough of.

That said, it tended to stain my suits like a bitch.

Carter accompanied me to the Dollhouse, as he usually did. He drove us there, as he always did. He was my right-hand man, the one who would do anything I told him to, no matter what that something was. I’d had his undying loyalty since he was fifteen, and it was nights like these that I treated both him and I to something we each enjoyed.

He liked to fuck, and I liked to watch.

Don’t get me wrong, I liked fucking as much as the next man, but there was something so primal, so carnal, about watching someone else do it. Hearing the moans, being able to focus on the curves of their bodies… To me, watching was just as thrilling as getting my cock wet.

When we walked in, we were immediately greeted by Crystal, who stood near the bar. Her eyes lit up when she saw us, her tits bouncing as she moved to stand before us. If I had to choose a favorite among the workers here, she’d be it. The pinnacle of fuckable, with endless curves and tits to die for.

She must’ve already put on a show, for her blonde hair was a bit greasy. She grinned at Carter and me, flashing her perfectly white teeth. “I was getting worried you wouldn’t make it tonight.”

I adjusted how tight the tie around my neck was, giving her a slow smile. “I’d hate to make you worry, Crystal.” My head gestured for her to accompany Carter and me in the back.

Crystal stood there for a few moments, looking a bit torn, but then she tagged along, as she always did. No one here ever said no to me. Why would they? I promised them a good time and a thousand dollars a night when I took them in the back.

The room that was for my use alone was full of cushions on the wall, along with a leather couch that saw a lot of use. Facing the leather couch was a chair, though it was more like a throne—mine. It was the chair I sat in while I watched Carter fuck whichever girl we’d brought back. Some nights it was more than one. He had good stamina, I’d give him that.

I sat in my chair, crossing my legs as I watched Crystal and Carter funnel in behind me. I gestured to the couch, not saying a single word. Silence was a virtue; something most people tended to forget nowadays. With near constant connectivity to the world, everyone thought their opinions mattered. Everyone believed their views were right.

Those people were fucking idiots, and almost always the ones who were wrong.

Crystal stood before Carter, licking her lips. She reached behind her back, untying the small strings that held her tits back. She took off her heels, and within another moment, she stood before Carter and me, utterly nude. Her hands worked at his belt, undoing it with the skill of someone who’d undone many belts in her lifetime.

Carter was a tall fellow. Now in his mid-twenties, I’d had him at my side for about a decade. His brown hair was cut short on the sides, a bit longer on top. His green-eyed gaze held more intelligence than you’d initially think just by looking at him. With a quick glance in his direction, you’d think he was nothing more than a thug or a bodyguard.

His length—an impressive eight inches—was almost fully erect by the time Crystal tugged his pants down. She sank onto her knees, wrapping a hand around its base and giving it a few pumps. Carter’s eyes were on her, but my gaze rested on the both of them. I could appreciate both her form and his.

She looked up at him with baby doll eyes as she started sucking his tip. Carter’s eyes closed for a few moments, a groan escaping his lips as he got himself into the mood. It never took long with him; his cock was always hungry. Mouth, pussy, ass. His cock would take it all and still not have enough.

Within a few moments, she had him deep-throated, his length curving along with her throat. Crystal had mastered the gagging reflex, not bothered by it at all. My own cock strained against the fabric of my pants, but I let it sit there, digging my nails into the armrests of the chair I was in as I watched.

Crystal picked up speed, sucking his cock like a good girl, like an obedient girl. Like a girl who would do anything for the money.

I didn’t hold it against her, or any of the workers here. Money made the world go round, after all. Without it, you were nothing; with it, you could rule the world, be a king of your own design. Buy what you want, who you want, and no one could stop you—after all, with all that money, you could hire the world’s best lawyers to get you out of anything.

Me? I wasn’t the richest man alive. My wealth came from a combination of many things: my inheritance, my family, and blood. Mostly the latter.

Carter wrapped his hand in her hair, tugging on it as he held her head hostage. He chose the speed now, fucking her mouth like it was a frontal assault, going at her with low grunts and fury I could see in his gaze. His shoulders began to shudder, his jerking becoming rougher. I knew that meant he was about to come. It would only be the first of many times tonight.

However, before he could erupt and shoot his hot, wet seed down her throat, the door to our paradise creaked open, and an unfamiliar head stuck in.

I held up a hand, and Carter stopped, eyes trained on the intruder. Everyone knew well enough to steer clear of the backroom while it was in use; this was my space and no one else’s, and anyone who thought they could just waltz in here like they owned the fucking place had another thing coming.

Like a bullet.

But my angry words never came out, because I realized the person who’d shoved their head in was a young, unfamiliar girl. A new worker, judging by the state of her mostly-bare shoulders.

Crystal’s back was to the door, but she tried to pull her mouth off Carter’s cock to see who it was. Carter’s hand did not release her head, keeping her lips firmly wrapped around him. He looked at the intruder like he could kill her, and I knew, if I gave him the go-ahead, he would without hesitation.

Where I come from, with what I do, loyalty was everything.

“Sorry,” she said, dragging her eyes—a bright, almost impossibly light blue—between me and Carter. “I was just looking for Crystal. I’m supposed to be shadowing her.” The more she spoke, the more I knew she wasn’t apologetic at all.

The hair framing her face was a hot pink, an odd choice, considering how smooth and blemish-free her face was. No other worker here had unnatural hair, causing her to stick out.

You’d think, since she was new, she would be shocked at what she saw, but she wasn’t. She hardly blinked, and eventually those light blue eyes trained themselves on me, baiting me. Couple that with her demeanor, and I had to know more.

My curiosity was piqued. “Then shadow her,” I offered, waiting to see what she’d do.

To my utter delight, the girl straightened her back and walked in. Her skin was tan, and I saw a pretty hefty tattoo on her side. She wore what looked like a bra and tiny jean shorts, along with a pair of shiny black heels.

Crystal tried to speak, but all that came from her were noises due to the fact that Carter’s cock was still in her throat.

“Shut her up,” I told him, and though he was curious about the new girl too, he did what I told him to, resuming his face-fucking. My eyes locked with the new girl’s, and I gestured for her to stand beside me.

She did, torn between studying me and watching Carter and Crystal.

“What’s your name, girl?” When those eyes focused on me, I couldn’t help but hold her stare, recognizing something in their color. I’d never seen this girl before, of that I was sure, but the look in her eyes called to my mind a hollow vacantness I knew all too well. That, and a sick curiosity about what was going on less than five feet in front of us.

“Zoey,” she whispered.

Her real name, or a name she’d chosen for the Dollhouse specifically? I supposed it didn’t matter either way, for I found myself eager to know more about this pink-haired, hollow-eyed girl.

She was pretty. Young, too. Just out of high school, if I had to guess. Maybe nineteen or twenty. That would make her fifteen years my junior, but age hardly mattered in these things.

“You may call me Roman,” I said, giving her one of my smiles. They were rare things, and I only brought them out when necessary. “If you’d like.”

It appeared as if Zoey wanted to say something, but the hard moans of pleasure coming from Carter caused the both of us to look, witnessing his orgasm be born. His length jerked into Crystal’s throat, his cum coating her mouth. Now that he’d come once, Carter’s gaze moved to Zoey, and I knew what he was wondering.

A new plaything? A new toy? A new prop in this game we played?

Hmm. Perhaps, but not tonight.

Crystal wiped the corners of her mouth, standing up, bold even though she was naked and probably dripping wet between her thighs. “Zoey—” She said no more, for I held up a finger. When I moved my finger around in a circle, she said nothing, moving to the couch and bending over it, exposing her ass.

“Tell me, Zoey.” My chest rumbled as I spoke. I felt the need to touch the girl’s tan skin, trace every line of that tattoo with my tongue. When you saw what I saw, when you did what I did, you learned to go with your gut on certain things, and right now my gut was telling me that I liked this pink-haired girl and the almost empty expression in her gaze. “Would you like to stay and watch him fuck Crystal?”

I never invited anyone to stay, unless they were participating. For her, for whatever reason, I wished to change that unspoken rule and invite her to remain. Zoey intrigued me, and I knew soon enough she might regret ever coming into this room.

I was not a nice man, you see. Far from it. I was dangerous, almost feral. The things I had done, the things I would do before breathing my last breath… Heaven would not be the home for me. As far as I was concerned, Hell was where all the fun was had, anyway.

“I think I should ask you if you want me to stay,” Zoey spoke slowly, frowning slightly at me. “You seem to be the king of this roost.”

The king. Yes, I supposed that was me, especially here. I always got my way, and Zoey, though I’d just met her, knew this. That, or perhaps she simply wanted me to tell her what to do.

“Stay,” I told her, my gaze slow in drifting back to Carter and Crystal. I was never one to stray from watching, but I found with Zoey standing beside me, I wanted to do just that. It was most definitely new.

With a nod from me, Carter positioned himself behind Crystal. She said nothing, but she did let out a low moan when Carter filled that sweet pussy in one thrust. The busty blonde was bent over the couch, getting fucked from behind.

I ran my nails across the pad of my thumb, feeling my cock swelling against my pants. I could never describe how much I enjoyed watching others fuck; I just did. Watching, telling the participants what to do and how to take it… I got a certain titillation from it, a rush of pleasure in every part of my body—though of course, mainly in my dick and the ball sack under it.

As I lifted my gaze away from the two bodies near the couch, I was unsure what I’d find in the girl beside me, whether she’d be watching the fuck fest across from us or staring at me.

Me. The girl stared at me through long, dark lashes.

I had the sudden urge to tell Carter to pull himself out of Crystal and bend Zoey over, but I refrained from doing so. There was something about Zoey that was so… different. She was different than these other women, I could tell just by this quick meeting. The emotion she held in her light azure stare was not the emotion that should reside there; if anyone else had stumbled upon this on their first night working, I think they’d back right up and pretend to have never seen it.

Zoey didn’t. Zoey wanted me to know she saw.

Holding her gaze for a few moments, I was begrudged in returning it to Carter. He worked her hard, rough, a wild animal when it came to fucking; he knew no other way. Being gentle was never part of the package that was Carter.

I couldn’t help but wonder if Zoey would like it rough. Based on first impressions, I’d say she would. I wanted to lean over to her, run my fingers down that smooth, flat stomach of hers, dip them so low against her skin that I’d feel the slickness of her slit. Would she be wet already? Did she get off watching others have sex like I did?

Or, maybe she wished she was in Crystal’s place, being used and discarded.

The girl was a new entity, something I had to be careful with. The glint in those eyes, she reminded me of a stray cat; you never knew if it wanted to be loved or fed, or if it would bite you if you got too close to it.

Carter’s muscular body had Crystal by the hips, his fingers digging into her skin hard. He fucked her until he came, and he all but roared out his pleasure. An animal indeed, a hunter, a lion claiming his lamb.

Was Zoey a lamb, or was she a lion in disguise? I guess we would find out, because if I had my way, I’d be seeing her again.

Pulling out of her, Carter grabbed his pants and stuffed himself away, leaving Crystal bent over the couch, her dripping cunt visible to everyone in the room. Crystal knew what was good for her; she didn’t move. She remained exposed, breathing unevenly. Carter, on the other hand, strode to my side, eyeing Zoey up.

Though his chest rose and fell with ragged breaths, he looked like he could kill. “What should I do with her?”

Zoey’s back straightened, and she locked eyes with him. I sat there for a few moments, watching their quiet pissing contest. Who was the bigger person? Carter, definitely, in more ways than one, but Zoey did have some backbone in her.

That could be fun.

Though I knew it would be the last thing Carter would want to do, I said, “Take Crystal and leave. I want to talk to Zoey alone.” Carter moved to Crystal’s side, picking up her skimpy clothes off the floor and shoving them at her. “Oh, and Crystal?”

Those big baby blues, so unlike Zoey’s, met mine, questioning.

“Grab us some drinks, will you?”

As soon as she was dressed, she and Carter left the room. The door closed, leaving me with Zoey. I motioned to the couch, and Zoey made no moves to go to it. She, clearly, did not understand that the things I told her to do were orders and not suggestions.

“Sit,” I spat out, frowning. Zoey would learn that I could be either a king or an executioner. Sometimes, I was both on the same day. Whichever one she got would depend on how she acted, and right now she was obstinate.

Something must’ve registered, for Zoey held back a sigh, going to sit down on the couch across from me. “Nothing like sitting on your sex couch,” she said, staring right at me, begging me to say something smart back.

I forced a smirk, knowing suddenly this girl and I were going to have a lot of fun together. If she believed tonight would be the only night I’d grace her life, she was wrong. So very, very wrong.

“To be fair, the Dollhouse owns the couch,” I said.

She shifted her weight, crossing her legs like mine, mimicking how I sat. Zoey said nothing, even when Carter entered, carrying a tray with two drinks on it. He handed me the first one, and the second to her, leaving shortly after.

“That’s Carter,” I said, taking a sip of the drink. Fruity drinks weren’t my favorite, but I would make do. “He does anything I tell him to.”

“Including the workers here, I see,” she deadpanned, setting down the glass on the floor near her heeled feet.

I narrowed my eyes. “Drink.”

“I’m not twenty-one yet.”

If that wasn’t a challenge, I didn’t know what was. Not yet twenty-one and working at a place like this. Why? Was she so down on her luck that she had nowhere else to turn, no family to help pick herself back up?

“I won’t tell,” I whispered, hardly blinking as I stared at her. She and I were alone in this room, no windows, no cameras. The things I could do to her here were unspeakable, and I’d be a liar if I said my cock wilted at the thought.

Silence took over the room, and I did nothing but continue to sip my drink while Zoey acted unimpressed.

She broke the silence, saying, “Can I ask you something?”

I shrugged my shoulders, figuring she would regardless of what I said.

“Who are you?”

The corner of my lip quirked. Who was I? Such a complicated question with an even more complicated answer, one I knew many women here wondered, especially when I paid so well. The truth, boiled down to the bare bones of it, was this: “I’m the man a lot of people call when they want someone out of the picture.”

Finally, that got a reaction from her. “An assassin?”

I had to hand it to her; she got me to chuckle. The word assassin was so… political. I much preferred the term enforcer, if any term had to be used at all. Hell, I’d even take the label of hitman over assassin.

“In a way, yes,” I relented, figuring it would be easier to let her believe that. It wasn’t like I went around killing everyone who anyone wanted dead; only people who went against my family and their business. I used the term family loosely, of course, because my closest blood relatives were deader than doornails.

“So you kill people?” Zoey somehow felt the need to clarify.

“I do.” I finished up the drink, gripping the empty glass as I set it on the armrest. I ran a single finger around its rim, staring steadily at her, wondering what she was thinking. She certainly wasn’t reacting normally at all, which led me to wonder just how damaged this girl was.

“Huh,” she said, as if I’d just told her that I was an accountant and not a murderer.

Huh indeed.

I leaned forward, noting the way her spine snapped straight with my movement. So I made her uncomfortable; good. At least the girl had some brains tucked away in that pink head of hers. “Let me ask you a question,” I said, my voice low. “Who are you?”

She breathed in deeply, her chest rising and falling once. “I told you. I’m Zoey.”

“Yes,” I admit, “but why are you here, Zoey? What brings you to my corner of the Dollhouse?”

Zoey turned her face away; a mistake. You never looked away from the hunter when you were in its sights. You stared at it, hoped that you could puff yourself up enough to frighten it away or make it choose an easier target. Perhaps Zoey here did not know how to play with the hunters just yet, but I’d teach her. I would teach her everything she needed to know.

It took her a while to answer me, and when she did, it was clear she did not want to talk about it. “I’m not telling you my whole life’s story.” Her full lips drew in a pout, and she shifted her weight on the couch.

She might not have said much, but I could tell there was something she was hiding from. Or running from. Something in her past she didn’t want to face. She wasn’t the first runaway I’d met in my life, and yet I could honestly say, after this short meeting, she was the most interesting.

Those eyes… you didn’t get a stare like that if you weren’t hiding a darkness inside.

Me? I craved the darkness, reveled in it like it was a long-lost friend. I was at home in the shadows, born into a family that dealt in death and aggression. Without darkness, life would be impossibly boring, and I was about to show Zoey how much fun being bad could be.

Tonight would only be the first of many nights I’d see her. She might not realize it now, but I needed to see her bent over and exposed. I wanted to hear her moans and observe her beautiful face as Carter fucked her against the couch, help her dive headfirst into sin and vice.

This was only the beginning.


I let her go shortly after realizing she wasn’t going to tell me anything about herself. Though I had no qualms about having a monopoly on her time in the Dollhouse, I didn’t want to scare her off immediately.

When I was finished, Carter and I headed towards the front. I pushed into the area that said it was for employees only and found Autumn, the Dollhouse’s current manager, sitting behind her desk, counting money. The woman was quite a few years older than me and not my type, but I could respect her for her business—and, of course, I was thankful for her letting me have that backroom all to myself.

Autumn didn’t ask questions; she never did. She knew what was good for her, and she kept her nose where it belonged. If only everyone could do that; it would save the world a lot of pain.

Carter waited just outside her office. The moment Autumn glanced up from her counting, I reached into my suit jacket’s pocket and pulled out my folded cash. I threw down ten bills; a thousand dollars. “For Crystal,” I said.

She was not surprised, and she nodded as she said, “I’ll make sure she gets it before she leaves tonight.”

I threw down another ten bills—these caused Autumn’s brows to crease, though she kept her mouth shut. “For the new girl, Zoey.”

“Ah, so you’ve seen her, then.”

Running a hand down my chest, I stuck the rest of my money back into my pocket before sitting in the chair near her desk. The erection that had plagued me while watching Carter and Crystal, the one that had lingered as I spoke to Zoey, was now gone; I’d taken care of it after sending Zoey from the room.

“What do you know about her?” I asked. Never before had I inquired about any of the workers like this; just went to show you there truly was a first time for everything. Zoey had my attention from the beginning, and I was not a man who fought his instincts. In fact, I let my instincts take over most days.

“Not much,” Autumn spoke with a shrug. “I didn’t hire her because she impressed me with her work history. She’s pretty. You know once she gets on stage she’ll be a hit around here.”

A hit. My teeth ground at that. Even though I just met the girl, I didn’t want her to be a hit here. I didn’t want any of these other fools drooling over her or trying to cop a feel as she walked past, ogling her on the stage like she belonged to them.

I was getting ahead of myself, I knew, but Zoey would be mine.

I never felt this possessive over anyone before, and I knew it had to do with what I saw in her eyes. Or, rather, what I didn’t see. Zoey wasn’t like the other women working here. She was different. I could not wait until I broke through her walls, tore her down, and tasted the darkness residing inside her.

“I don’t want her dancing,” I said.

My words caused Autumn to scowl, wrinkles forming around her gaze. “You do not get to choose who does what here. You might get that room, but you don’t own this entire place, Roman.” The way she spoke, I knew there would be no arguing with her. To make her see how serious I was about this, there was only one thing I could do.

I said nothing, getting up and walking out. I didn’t own this place? That could be remedied. Anything could be bought if you were insistent enough. Insistent or threatening enough, I should say.

It would take a few days, sped up with even more of my money thrown at it, but once the sale went through, I’d own the Dollhouse. Autumn would be my employee, as would the other women. Zoey? She’d be my personal girl.

Zoey had no idea what I had in store for her.