Voyeur by Candace Wondrak

Chapter Four – Roman



Carter and I sat at one of the tables beside the stage at the Dollhouse. We’d gotten here a bit early at my insistence, all to wait for her. Zoey Marbella. She was nineteen years old, from a well-off family a state away. Until recently, she’d been going to college, but something happened to make her run.

Oh, yes. I’d looked into her after getting her full name from Autumn. It was only a matter of time until I knew everything there was to know about her.

The music was loud, though no woman danced on the stage yet. The Dollhouse wasn’t as full as it was on weekends, but I didn’t doubt there would be more who would trickle in as the hour grew late and the moon rose higher in the night sky.

I tugged on my tie, loosening it up somewhat as my eyes landed on Carter. The man sat beside me, eyeing up the place. Though his gaze lingered on the bodies of the women working, I knew he was keeping a careful watch on everyone else. At any given time, he knew the best course of exit, who could possibly pose us the greatest threat. Always on alert, always ready, even when his cock was shoved into a mouth or a pussy.

Eventually, those green eyes of his landed on me. “What are we doing here, Roman?” he asked, his jaw hardly moving as he spoke. He ran a hand through the brown hair on top of his head, sighing out a loud breath I could hear over the music’s beat. Unlike me, he did not wear a suit; he did, however, wear all black.

A small round table sat between us, two glasses of whiskey on it. The good stuff. The shit that made you wince as you drank it.

I reached for my glass, taking a small sip, leaning back as I set the glass on my knee. “You know why.”

“The new girl—”

“Zoey,” I growled out her name, giving him a glare.

Carter’s posture straightened. He knew better than to make any comments regarding her and my thoughts about her, but since he’d known me for so long, he felt comfortable enough to say, “I just don’t get it, Roman. She’s pretty, sure, but so is everyone else here.”

“I don’t care. I need her.”

“And you’ll have her, but do we really need to stick around and wait for her?” Carter was itching to either leave or take someone in the back and have at her like the animal he was. I’d made him hold back lately, waiting for Zoey, which I believe only exacerbated the issue with him.

I frowned. “Go wait near the door. The moment she walks in, bring her to me.”

He knew better than to argue. Carter stood, brushing past my knees as he left, taking his drink with him. I sipped from the glass again, itching to see her.

Perhaps it was wrong, but I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about her these last few days. The hollow look in her eyes, the almost morbid curiosity when it came to what we did in that backroom. The bright hue of her hair, the tattoo lining her side… tattoos on a woman were always sexy.

There was something about her that instantly drew me in. I needed to know more about her, needed to see her again. Maybe, after watching her body give in to Carter’s, I wouldn’t be nearly as obsessed with her. It was quite possible that’s all I needed.

Still, it somehow felt different when it came to her. I could not say why.

The already dim lights near the stage dimmed even more as the music changed. A woman sauntered her way to the pole, putting on a show. She was pretty enough; a short, lean body, small but firm tits. Ruby, she called herself here.

Yet another thing that separated Zoey from everyone else. Zoey used her real name. She’d been a fool, because with that I had access to everything.

I watched Ruby on the stage because there was nothing else to watch. The way she moved those hips, how flexible she was… she certainly could put on a show. My mind instantly replaced her body and face with Zoey’s, imagining her up there, dancing for only me.

That girl would be mine. Mark my words. I would make her mine, and she would learn to like it.

I couldn’t say how long it was until Carter returned with a stunning pink-haired beauty in tow, but it was a while. When she stood before me, giving me a glare, I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself as I got up. Still holding onto my glass, I gestured for her and Carter to follow me into the back.

They both did, seeing as how neither of them had any other choices.

Carter must’ve grabbed her the very second she walked in, for she still wore her jacket, zipped up to her collarbone. Her gaze was a bit wilder than it had been on her first night, and my body warmed up when I pictured that expression glazed over in carnal bliss.

I gestured for Carter to wait near the door, to block her from exiting, slow to sit in the same chair I always did. Meeting her eyes, I took a slow sip of whiskey, baring my teeth at her as I swallowed it.

“I’ve missed you, Zoey,” I murmured, my voice a low rumbling in my chest. Whether or not she believed me was her prerogative, but I did. I missed her almost an unreasonable amount, something I’d never done to any of the other women here.

She was different, and she called out to me like no one else did, a primal urge to take her as mine.

Those eyes, such a clear, beautiful light blue, studied me. “I doubt that,” she spoke after a moment of silence, her arms crossed over her chest, her hip cocked with an attitude.

“Are you calling me a liar?”

“I ain’t calling you a truther,” she retorted, drawing her gaze to Carter, who seemed to be ready to either tackle her to the couch and fuck her brains out or throw her out of the room entirely.

Carter wasn’t as smitten with her as I was, but that was fine. He didn’t need to be.

I let myself smirk at her response, setting my glass down on the armrest of the chair before getting up. My steps toward her were slow and measured, and I watched as she swallowed. What went through her head as she stood there, defiant towards me? What thoughts raced through her head as I moved so close to her she could feel the heat radiating off me through my suit?

My head craned down to look at her, and I said, “Take off your jacket.” She wore these obnoxiously pink sneakers; I think I’d go blind if I stared at them too long.

Zoey was bold as she whispered, “No. And I have to go let Autumn know I’m here—”

“I’ll handle her,” I said. I’d handle everything if she’d let me. I had the feeling she wouldn’t, though. This one… she’d give me trouble, I could sense it, see it in her eyes. She wanted to be put in her place, and I was more than inclined to do so. “Now, take it off.”

Her gaze narrowed, and she shook her head once, wordlessly daring me to follow up.

I stalked behind her, and before she could flip to face me, I grabbed the back of her neck, my fingers curling around her throat hard. Not hard enough to bruise or hurt, but firm enough for Zoey to know I meant business. I leaned my head down, resting my cheek against the side of her head, my mouth dangerously close to her ear as I hissed, “Take it off.” The words were growled into her ear, and I heard her breathing hitch.

The arms she had folded across her chest dropped, and she was unhurried in reaching for the zipper and dragging it down, exposing the thin shirt underneath. She took her time while I continued to hold onto the back of her neck.

Such a small neck. It would be so easy to snap it, but then where would that leave us? No, whatever was between Zoey and I would not end quite like that.

The jacket fell to the ground, pooling near my shoes. “Good,” I said, releasing my hold on her neck as I moved to stand before her, less than a foot between us. “Now your shirt.”

“Fuck off,” she muttered. “You don’t get to control me. This isn’t a private show—” She stopped when I lifted a hand, cupping her jaw and forcibly stopping her from saying anything else that might enrage me. Zoey had a habit of knowing just what to say to rile me up. Not quite a talent she should be proud of.

“When you’re with me, I do get to control you,” I told her, my fingers digging hard into her cheeks. She was not afraid, even with the show of aggression. “You will learn, Zoey Marbella.”

Her gaze widened. I bet Oh, shit summed up what she was thinking now.

“I do have to wonder,” I spoke, stepping closer and pressing the bridge of my nose upon her forehead. Such a short girl, so young and innocent. Inside her sat a beast waiting to emerge, and I couldn’t wait to unlock its cage and set it free. “What made you leave Hillcrest?”

Zoey’s cheeks were white where my fingers dug in; she hardly breathed as I held onto her. “I saw something that made me sick” was her answer.

“And what, Zoey, was that?”

“My boyfriend fucking my sister,” she whispered, pain flashing across her face.

I released her, tilting my head as I stepped back. “Interesting,” I muttered, sitting down in my leather chair and downing the last bits of what was in the glass. Interesting wasn’t the word I’d use, but it would work well enough. “Now, your shirt.”

She gave me a frown, hesitating.

“You should know that I’m in the process of procuring this little establishment. Soon enough the Dollhouse will be mine, and Autumn will be my employee. Therefore, you and every other girl who works here will be mine as well.”

Zoey was probably wondering why, but she said nothing as she reached for the bottom hem of her shirt, lifting it up and over her head, her pink hair swaying with the movement. Once the shirt was off, I saw she wore a bathing suit top over her tits. Definitely not the black bra she wore on her first day. With what she wore now, I could see the curve of her breasts unimpeded.

“Dare I ask why?” she questioned, dropping her shirt onto her jacket and placing a hand on her hip as she studied me.

My eyes ate her up. She knew she was gorgeous in a way most girls weren’t; she held herself accordingly. I could appreciate her confidence, but she’d have to learn when to bow to me. “Everyone in the Dollhouse needed a reminder of who’s really in charge.”

She slipped out of her shoes, wearing no socks. “Everyone?” she echoed, reaching for the button on her shorts, without me telling her to. “Or just me?” Zoey now stood with a matching suit on before me, the area between her hips waxed and smooth, from what I could see.

Near the door, even Carter had to shift his weight, suddenly very interested in the conversation. Zoey’s body was undeniably delicious, voluptuous and tempting all the same. I didn’t doubt he was getting hard staring at her, eating her up; I knew I was.

I held onto the empty glass as Zoey stepped forward, resisting my urge to grab her, pull her on my lap and claim that fiery mouth.

She leaned down, resting both hands on the armrests, her breath hot on my face as she whispered, “I heard you came looking for me, Roman.”

My balls tightened when I heard her say my name. It did sound awfully illicit coming out of those lips. I let her have her moment, even though I itched to watch Carter teach her a lesson. It would be a lesson she’d never forget, and neither would I.

“I did,” I said, for it was no secret. When I’d come and saw her pink-haired self was nowhere to be seen, I had Carter pull Crystal to the side and pry Zoey’s schedule out of her. I was done dealing with Autumn for now, at least until I owned this place.

Her hair draped down, inches away from my face as she feigned cluelessness. “And I wonder why that would be?” Zoey’s fingers dug into the sides of the armrests, her back arched to lean over my form.

I couldn’t stop myself from doing what I did next.

My hand shot up, gripping her by the throat, pushing her off me as I stood up. I backed her up to the couch, and she nearly fell back on it. I crawled over her, pinning her to the leather, my hand still around her tender little neck. Her pink hair splayed around her head, her blue eyes hardly blinking as she stared up at me, daring me to go further.

“Because I want to own you any way I can,” I told her, my body on fire.

Zoey licked her lips. “What would you do with me if you had me?” Was she baiting me, or was she genuinely curious? I could not get a handle on this girl, regardless of how hard I tried, and it was infuriating.

I pulled myself off her, gesturing for Carter to take my place. Stepping aside, I let Carter take my position, his hand around her neck and his wide, strong body on top of hers. Though it was now Carter on her, Zoey hardly moved. It was like she didn’t care; it was like she begged for me, for us, to make her feel something.

That could certainly be arranged.

“I would have Carter ravish that body until you couldn’t think straight,” I said, leaning on the side of the couch, watching as her gaze flicked away from Carter, landing on me. “I wouldn’t let you leave this room until you were delirious with pleasure. I’d make you forget all about your boyfriend and your sister.” I felt a deliciously sinful smile spread across my face as I added, “I would make you forget everything but me.”

Carter held onto her firmly, and even though he had a bulge in his pants, he made no moves to do anything to her. He wouldn’t, until I said so, until I gave him the order to.

“You watched Carter take Crystal,” I said, reaching to run my fingers through her hair. Such soft strands. “Would you like it if he took you the same way?”

Her brows came together, and she murmured, “I don’t know.”

Not exactly the answer I was expecting from her, and Carter’s gaze lifted, meeting mine. What the fuck was I supposed to do with her? The last thing I wanted was to toss her out of this room and drag another woman back here; I had the feeling only Zoey would sate my appetite now, but at the same time, I was not a man who would force anything upon someone who didn’t want it.

Deep down, truly deep down, did Zoey want this?

“What do you want?” I asked, my fingers still woven through her hair. “Tell me what you want, and if it’s in my power to give, I will give it to you.”

Zoey’s gaze locked on Carter, and she reached to the hand holding her neck, wrapping her fingers around it. She did not go to pull him off; she simply trailed her hand along his wrist, up his arm, feeling the muscles on his bicep before running those fingers down his face.

Slowly she spoke, “I want to feel alive again.”

I had no idea whether that was something I could give her—the will to live. To feel alive and not be some drone going through the motions; it had to come from inside yourself—but I’d be damned if I wouldn’t try.

Pulling my fingers out of her hair, I said, “Carter, make her feel alive.”

He looked at me, his expression questioning, but he was smart not to ask any of those questions outright. Carter simply nodded and turned all of his focus on the girl beneath him. He would not fuck her like some animal, like he normally did to the women here; no, Zoey needed more, and for whatever reason, I felt inclined to indulge her.

Soon enough this girl would realize she already belonged to me. I’d known it from the very first moment I laid eyes on her. I knew, deep within my soul, she’d be mine.

I took my time in returning to my chair, sitting down. My cock strained against my pants, but I let it be, simply sitting back and watching as Carter got to work.

He kept a hand on her throat, using his other to feel her flat stomach, moving up to her tits. His fingers snaked beneath the small fabric, cupping her right breast with a grip that made her squirm. Carter must’ve started to tweak her nipple, pinching and toying with it, for her squirming only intensified. He went to her other tit to do the same, his hips leaning down upon hers, grinding them together.

Zoey let out a sigh, and when Carter’s hand released her neck, she turned to stare at me, looking at me as I watched them together.

He moved down her body, stopping his grinding to fully pay attention to the small bit of fabric under her stomach. Carter’s fingers yanked over the stringy suit bottom, and he licked two fingers on his other hand, priming them before running those same two fingers along her slit. Zoey moaned, writhing on the couch as he began to rub her clit, but she never tore her eyes off me.

She wanted to make sure I liked what I saw—and I did. Having her there with Carter, barely clothed, was all I ever wanted… at least after I met her. Zoey Marbella had taken residence up in my mind, renting all the unused space at a pace I could barely keep up with. Never had I fallen prey to a pretty face and a stunning body, not like now.

This… it was different. Nothing would ever be enough when it came to Zoey.

Carter removed his hand from her crevice only to replace it with his mouth. The very instant his mouth met her clit, the moment he began to lick and suck, her eyes snapped closed, and I knew he had her. Caught in the web of sensual euphoria, she could not fight the pleasure that was surely dominating every nerve in her body. Her skin had gotten pinker, her tits heaving with ragged breaths.

She was irresistible in every way, and though usually I watched, a large part of me wanted to get up and go to her, push Carter off her and taste her slick, hear the moaning coming from her throat first-hand.

Fuck. I wanted to feel her tight pussy wrapped around my cock so bad, it was like I was a fucking teenager again, willing to do anything to get it.

I watched as her squirming intensified, as her hips began to gyrate along Carter’s mouth, putting more pressure where it felt good. Zoey tried to bite her bottom lip to stifle whatever was about to come out, but she failed miserably; when she came, when an orgasm flooded its way through her body, she arched her back and cried out, a sound of deep satisfaction through and through.

Carter was going to give her more, to keep going and drown out anything else in that pretty head of hers, but Zoey stopped him by sitting up. She had a hand in his brown hair the next moment, pulling him up, crashing her lips to his in a display I could only describe as hungry.

Kissing. It was not something Carter usually did with anyone here, not with two pairs of lips.

I found myself enraptured as Zoey sat up, her mouth still attached to Carter’s, moving them so that he sat on the couch and she straddled him. She rubbed her hips against his pants, and I’d bet any money she wiped some of her wetness on his trousers, right over his bulge.

Zoey pulled her mouth off his, fumbling with his belt. Over her shoulder, Carter looked at me, his green eyes wordlessly asking me what he should do. I said nothing, made no movements; the only thing I wanted right now was for Zoey to feel alive, and if that meant taking charge and fucking Carter herself, then that’s what I’d let her do.

She had his cock out within moments. I saw her ass lift, her body positioning itself over his thick length, and then I watched her sink onto it, inhaling as she took it in. Zoey was motionless for a while, her body taking its time to get used to the cock spearing her, but once she started going, she was gone.

Her hands moved to the couch cushion just above Carter’s shoulder, her hips rocking along as she set the pace. Carter’s chest let out a groan every now and then, his eyes glazed over in lust and desire. When his hands found the sides of her hips, holding onto her as she rode him, I couldn’t help but wonder how tight she was.

Zoey might have that wide-eyed innocent face that came with youth, but she was no innocent. She knew how to ride him, how to make it feel good for the both of them, for nearly simultaneously they reached the peak of their pleasure. She tensed up when she came, her hips almost stopping their rocking altogether, but Carter took charge, the hands on her hips helping her keep the pace to bring him to his own orgasm.

Once they both came, neither one moved for a while. Zoey all but collapsed onto his chest, still breathing hard, and Carter made no moves to pry her off him and get his cock out of her. His gaze locked with mine, and I gave him a nod of acknowledgment.

“Well?” I spoke, my voice husky, the word coated in desire. “How are you feeling now, Zoey?”

She said nothing as she heaved herself off Carter, adjusting her bottoms before getting to her feet. Carter, however, remained still, refusing to stuff his length back in his pants. He was probably hoping she’d come back for more, but it looked as if she was done with him.

For now.

I waited for her response, eyeing her ass up as she bent over to grab her shorts.

She shot me a look. “I’d make a joke about how I’ve had better, but I’ve only ever been with one other guy, so I don’t really have much to compare it to.” Zoey shrugged, grabbing her jacket and her shirt, though, unlike her shorts, she didn’t move to put them on.

“Hey,” Carter hissed, insulted. “What the fuck?”

She shot him a smile. “What? I’m only being honest.”

Carter was about to get up, undoubtedly to grab her, throw her back on the couch, and make her eat her words—or his cock—but I held up a hand, stopping him.

“Let her go. This time it was about her, not you or me,” I reminded him, and Carter groaned, glaring at her. He clearly did not appreciate having his dick insulted; it was not something any other woman had done, not after becoming a slave to it. “She’ll learn to respect it.”

Zoey moved to the door, though she did stop, lingering with her hand on the door handle. Her gaze danced between Carter and me, the still rock-hard erection he held and the bulge pressing against my pants. “Is there anyone you’d like me to send in?” she asked, acting like nothing at all had happened here.

If she wanted to be blind to it, so be it. I’d let her, for now. Eventually she’d come around, and when she did, she’d be the only one I wanted to see on that couch.

“Carter,” I said, “have your pick.”

He stroked himself once, though if it was a reaction from Zoey he wanted, he did not get one. “Ruby,” he muttered, scowling.

“I’ll send her right in,” Zoey spoke, leaving without saying anything else.

Once we were alone, Carter shook his head. “Remind me why you like that one so much?”

I rubbed my chin, thinking along those same lines. Typically, I liked them obedient, but Zoey was the opposite. It would not be the first time I took someone under my wing to teach them how to act, opened their eyes to the realities of the world and how its pleasures were never enough, but this might just be a first for me in other ways.

For instance, the mere thought of Zoey working here made me rage. I didn’t want others leering at her, touching her, trying to take her home. She might not be mine yet, but she was as good as marked. Zoey would be mine, and I would have absolute control over who got to touch that hot, tattooed body of hers. She might think she knew the definition of control, but I would give it a new one.

Ruby walked in a few minutes later, heading straight to Carter. While they got busy, my thoughts remained focused on Zoey and the perplexing way she made me feel. I’d never wanted to mark my territory so bad.