Billionaires Don’t Fall For Awkward Girls by Emma Dalton

Chapter Forty

Mom, Dad, and I curl up on the couch with a good movie. We’re trying to be engrossed in the main characters on the screen, but it’s pretty much impossible. And it tears my heart that I kicked Easton out of my room. I want to call him and tell him to come here. I want him to hold me in his arms and tell me everything will be okay. But I can’t bring myself to contact him. I’m just so hurt and torn.

His life is so different from mine. It was a mistake to fall for him.

The doorbell rings and my parents and I exchange confused glances. Who could that be?

“I’ll get it,” I tell them. Peering through the peephole, my eyes widen when I spot Joe standing there.

I open the door and peek out. “Joe?”

He tips his hat. “Hello, Miss Wood. Sorry to bother you at such an hour, but this can’t wait.” He walks over to the shiny black car and my eyes bug out when I spot Mr. and Mrs. Knight and Easton climbing out.

Mr. Knight smiles at me. “Hello, Dani. We would like to talk to you and your parents. Are they home?”

I just nod because I can’t talk. The Knights are at our house? And they’re not looking at me like I’m gum beneath their shoes.

They move past me into the house and I come face to face with Easton. “What are you doing here?” I ask.

He holds out his elbow. “May I escort you inside?”

I place my hand on his arm and we enter the house. Mom and Dad, who are dressed in pajamas, are on their feet, gaping at our guests.

Mr. Knight steps forward. “Please excuse us for barging in on you like this.” He nods to his wife. “On behalf of my family, I would like to offer my sincere apologies. Our behavior the past few days is unforgivable. We’ve made a mistake and we ask you to please hear us out.”

Mrs. Knight joins her husband, putting her attention on Mom. “Vivian, you are a nice, warm, special woman. I was shocked when Easton recommended you to be our chef. You had no training, no experience in a professional kitchen. But you blew me away. I have never tasted such delicious food, not from any gourmet chef my family has employed over the years.” She swallows. “And I made a mistake by firing you. I only did so because I thought it was the right thing to do. I didn’t approve of our children dating. Easton was set to marry an heiress. But our children love each other. They make each other happy. As parents, all we want is for our children to be happy.”

I look at Easton, who gives me a warm smile.

Mrs. Knight smiles too. “Easton is free to love whoever he wants. He’s free to live however he sees fit. And your daughter? She’s one special girl.” She holds out her hand to Mom. “I apologize for my behavior and would like to start over. I ask you to please reconsider cooking for my family.”

Mom gapes at her like she can’t believe what’s going on. Neither can I. And Dad looks like he might faint. This has to be a dream.

“My son has taught me a lot,” Mrs. Knight admits, her hand still raised for the handshake. “And I know I will continue to learn from him. I would like to amend all my wrongdoings, and tonight is the first step.” She inches closer to Mom with her hand outstretched.

Mom hesitates at first, but then she nods and shakes her hand. “Thank you. I’d love to work for you again.”

Mrs. Knight turns to Dad. “Mr. Wood, I was responsible for having you removed from your job. But I sincerely apologize. You may resume working tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you,” Dad says.

She addresses me. “And Dani, I apologize for disqualifying you from the dance finals. Please consider rejoining the competition.”

“I will.”

She faces my parents. “Please understand that my world is different from yours. I was brought up to live a certain way. But I don’t want that for my child.” She smiles. “It seems our families will need to get to know each other better, now that our children are in love.”

My cheeks feel so hot, and Easton just grins at me.

Dad and Mom ask Easton’s parents to join them in the dining room, and they chat while Easton and I escape to my room.

“What just happened?” I ask him.

He places his hands on my waist, swinging me around before catching me in his arms. “I’m free to love whoever I want. My parents and I had a long discussion and they realized I was unhappy. They gave us their blessing. All they care about is my happiness, and you, Dani Wood, make me the happiest guy on the planet.”

I grin up at him. “And you, Easton Knight Jr., make me the happiest girl on the planet.”

Chuckling, he bends forward and gives me such a sweet but passionate kiss, it sends my head spinning. I grab the back of his head and pull him closer, nearly fusing our bodies into one.