Billionaires Don’t Fall For Awkward Girls by Emma Dalton

Chapter Forty-One

I can’t believe everything I’ve been working for the past few weeks have amounted to this very moment. The dance finals.

All the dancers are backstage, some pacing like me, some chatting with their friends, others on social media documenting every detail. The competition is being held at the high school auditorium, so it’s a little comforting that I’m on familiar soil. But oh my gosh, if my heart doesn’t stop throbbing in the next thirty seconds, I might lose my mind.

I peek through the curtain and look out at the audience. My whole body melts when I spot all my favorite people sitting there. Mom and Dad sit in the first row, with Easton, and Mr. and Mrs. Knight beside them. My friends are a few rows back, Kara with her phone lifted so she could document it for the Edenbury High Times, and Charlie’s got her phone ready to video my performance.

Ally’s the first one to see me and points me out to the others. They wave, each of them throwing reassuring smiles my way. I wave back, soaking in their comfort and boosting myself with confidence.

And then my eyes catch Easton’s, whose gaze is locked on mine. He and I share a deep smile, but there’s so much more under the surface. He and I…we’ve been through a lot. And now we’re here at this moment, with our parents sitting next to each other and talking like they’re good friends! I’ve never really thought happily ever afters could come true in real life, until it happened to Kara. I couldn’t help but wonder if I would have my own. Now it seems like I do.

He mouths me to break a leg. I blow him a kiss, which he catches and places in his heart. Then I wave and disappear behind the curtain.

Once the news crew is all set up, Jasmine announces the first person who will perform. I can’t bear to watch from backstage, so I just go to the side and practice my routine in my head. I have it down perfectly, I only need my body to cooperate.

Slowly, slowly, more dancers perform, and then Jasmine announces, “Next is Danielle Wood!”

I think I’m going to throw up.

No. I can do this. One routine stands between me and twenty thousand dollars. Even though Mom and Dad have gotten their jobs back, I still want to help them out with the money. Maybe Dad could cut some hours at the office and spend more time at home.

“Dani, is she here? I thought I saw her backstage.”

My eyes widen as I hurry on to the stage. “I’m here!”

“Whenever you’re ready,” Jasmine says, winking at me.

I get into position and nod. The music starts and my body begins to move. I don’t concentrate on the routine or whether I’m doing it correctly. No, I’m not in my head like I always am. Right now, I look out at the audience, at the smiling and loving faces of my parents who barely have a chance to see me dance. I’ve never seen them so proud in my life. My eyes shift over to Easton, who watches me as though I’m the most beautiful and incredible person in the world. His expression tells me everything—he loves me more than he thought he could ever love anyone, and he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. We’re only sixteen, but I know exactly how he feels. Because I feel it too. No, it’s more than a feeling—we know.

And then there are my friends who have gone through the ups and downs of my life since we became best friends. They know me just as much as I know myself, maybe more, and they’re not afraid to push me to go after what I want. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without them, and I know deep in my heart that we’ll be best friends forever. Even if we don’t marry quadruplets and raise our kids together. Our bond is thicker than anything.

I blink and realize my routine is over. Every single audience member is on their feet, clapping like this is the best thing they’ve seen all night. Holy crap, I did it. I performed a flawless routine.

Some of the other dancers congratulate me as I return backstage, and then I spend the rest of the event pacing. Eventually, the last dancer performs and the judges deliberate. They call us to the stage, where all the dancers squeeze together.

“Tonight was amazing!” Jasmine says. “Everyone performed exceptionally and should be proud of yourselves. As you know, the first place winner will receive twenty thousand dollars, courtesy of the Knight family. In third place is…”

She announces the third person…who is not me. I swallow the lump in my throat.

The second place winner…isn’t me either. I think I might throw up for real.

“Before I announce the winner, I’d like to first say how proud I am of her,” Jasmine says. “I’ve never met anyone as determined as this person. She came to the studio with nothing but a dream, and it’s due to her strong will and character that she made it to where she is today. Things weren’t always easy for her, but she pushed through, never letting anything get in the way of her dreams. So it’s my greatest pleasure to announce the first place winner is Danielle Wood!”

The audience erupts in cheers. I just stand there, completely frozen. Did…did she just say Danielle Wood?

“Dani, get over here!” Jasmine calls.

My legs feel like lead, but somehow I make it on stage and accept the trophy and the large check for twenty thousand dollars. This can’t be happening. It has to be a dream.

“I’m so proud of you,” Jasmine says as she hugs me. “You deserve it.”

“Thank you.” Tears gush down my cheeks. “Thank you so much.”

Mom and Dad have tears streaming down their faces too. Easton looks so happy for me and his parents seem proud of me as well. My friends can’t stop cheering.

“What an amazing night!” Jasmine says. “Thank you to the Knights for this amazing opportunity. Every dancer will leave here with a gift bag, so please be sure to grab yours before you leave.”

I don’t know how I make it backstage because I have no memory. The only thing in my head is disbelief. There’s no way I won.

“Dani!” Charlie throws her arms around me. “You were amazing. You had the best routine!”

“I knew you could do it!” Kara hugs me tightly. “I always believed in you.”

“I’m so happy I could cry.” Ally wraps me in her arms. “You’re so inspiring.”

“This has to be a dream, right?” I ask. “Someone please pinch me.”

“It’s most certainly not a dream.” Mom gathers me to her chest, and then Dad throws his arms around the both of us.

“We’re so proud of you, sweetheart,” he says.

“I’m so happy you came,” I tell them. “It meant so much to have you in the audience.”

“Your dad got promoted,” Mom tells me. “He won’t have to work so many hours anymore.”

My jaw hangs open. “Really?”

“Easton Knight made sure I received the promotion I deserved,” Dad says with tears pricking his eyes. “I’m so grateful.”

“It was our pleasure,” a voice says from behind us. We turn around and find the Knight family standing there.

“Dani, you were phenomenal.” Mrs. Knight walks over and hugs me. “You deserved to win.”

Mrs. Knight is not a hugger at all. Well, she used to not be. But she’s changed ever since that day. Easton’s told me she’s transforming into a different person, a better version of herself. I’m so happy Easton’s getting the family he always yearned for.

“Thanks so much,” I tell her, then look at her husband. “For everything.”

Mr. Knight waves his hand. “There’s no need to thank us. You won this all on your own.”

Easton steps up to me and puts his arms around me, grinning. “I knew you were amazing,” he says. “But it seems there’s no end to how amazing you actually are.”

“Stop,” I say.

“I’m so happy for you, Dani. So proud and honored to be your boyfriend. And if we weren’t around our parents and all the cameras and people, I would kiss you right now.”

“Rain check?”

“You bet.”

I do a quick interview and then we all go to celebrate at Mikey’s—well everyone other than Easton’s parents. It’s not their scene.

I smile as I take in every person sitting at the table with me, my parents, my friends, my boyfriend. I thought I was cursed the day I was born, but I’m starting to see that’s far from the truth. My life is the greatest blessing I’ve ever received, full of love and happiness, and dreams. And I can’t wait to learn what’s next in store for me.


Later that evening, Easton and I snuggle up on my bed, his arms wrapped around me like he never wants to let me go. And I never want to let him go either.

“How long until one of your parents bursts in and demands we keep the door open?” Easton asks.

I smile as I look up at him. “Why? Got any plans?”

“I think I promised my girlfriend a rain check.”

With another smile, I push him down on my bed and kiss him, showing this wonderful young man how much he means to me. I can’t believe that just last week, I thought he and I might be over. I can’t imagine not having him in my life. I think we’re written in the stars too.

“What?” he asks with a chuckle.


“You were staring at me.”

I playfully slap his chest. “You think you’re so darn good-looking that every girl melts into a puddle at the sight of you?”

“You said it.”

With a giggle, I grab the front of his shirt and yank him to me, showering him with another kiss. “You’re right. I did.”

He takes hold of my waist and flips us around so that he’s on top of me. He looks at me in a way he’s never looked at me before. Like he’s boring into my soul. “You changed my life, Dani. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

I push some hair out of his eyes. “You changed my life too. Thanks for being the amazing person that you are.”

He presses a soft kiss to my lips. “Thank you for being the amazing person that you are.”