Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

I’m nervous. Like actually fucking nervous.

Piper and Audrey should be here any minute. And I can’t keep my hands from shaking.

What if they hate it?

Who the hell am I?

Luckily, the doorbell rings, saving me from the anticipation and thrusting me right into the actual situation. I open the door and can’t stop the great big smile from forming on my face when I see mini-Piper—or Audrey—standing there with a backpack swung over one shoulder and big, wide eyes looking up at me.

Piper and Audrey may have been living in a small apartment building, but it’s clear Audrey is well taken care of. The couple of times I’m seen her, she’s been clean and well-dressed.

Not that I’m surprised by that, but it’s worth noting.

I know I was a fucking snob to Piper about their living situation, and I do want the best for my kid, but I don’t actually believe she’s been wanting for anything.

“Hey, Audrey.”

She smiles up at me, wearing a navy blue dress with her brown hair straight and long, gazing up at me with eyes that are identical to my own. “Hi.”

I hold my hand out for hers. “I’m Sawyer.”

“I know. You’re Mommy’s friend.” She shakes my hand quickly and then pulls it away, giggling as she looks behind me. “Is this where we’re going to live?”

“Yes, come on in.” I step back and let Audrey walk inside, while Piper remains at the threshold. She’s definitely not as enthusiastic as Audrey.

Still, she’s fucking gorgeous with that scowl on her hauntingly beautiful face. Her long brown hair is also down, but it’s got waves. She’s dressed simply in a flowy white blouse with a black skirt.

“You can come in too.”

Her golden eyes dart around the foyer, and I see the hesitance there. She doesn’t want Audrey growing up the way she did. I get that. I truly do. But I’m not going to live in squalor to please her either.

My house is extravagant. Like my clothes. Like my car. Like me.

And I won’t apologize for it.

“Don’t forget the conditions.”


She brushes past me, and Audrey wraps her arms around her mom. “Mommy! Do you see this? It’s awesome!”

She still has a hint of a giggle in her voice as she speaks excitedly to her mom, and it makes me happy. I hate that I can’t tell Audrey who I am, but I’m grateful to get to know her. I can’t explain it, but there’s a pull toward her.

I feel a connection to her even though we’ve just met, and I have no idea how to explain it.

“I do.” Piper is tense as hell as she looks around at the vast expanse of the main floor of my home. It was decorated by Linc’s sister, Lola, his wife, Penelope, and Viv, who are all interior decorators.

I gave them free reign because what the fuck do I care about throw pillows and color schemes?

I do like the direction they went though. Sort of beach house/classy with black and white furniture.

“I’ll show you guys around, if you’d like.” I’m mostly focusing on Audrey because I know she’s my only hope for an ally between the two of them.

She nods her head excitedly, and I walk them through the living room and into the kitchen, which, admittedly, doesn’t get used. But I let them know it’s theirs to use anytime. After that, I show them the basement that’s equipped with a home theater, a game room, and a gym.

Audrey’s eyes are wide as she takes it all in, her little features stuck in shock. “This is in your house?” She stares at the large screen in the movie room.

I nod and kneel down so I’m eye level with her. “Everything here is yours. Anytime you want to watch a movie, we can. Anything you want.”

Piper clears her throat and places a hand on her shoulder. “Not anything. And not anytime.”

“Most of the time,” I say with a wink, and Audrey giggles before I stand up to see a pissed-off Piper.

“What happened to not spoiling her?”

“I can’t help that the home came with all this.”

She rolls her eyes, and I continue the tour. On the main floor, I point to the master bedroom and bath but don’t bother including it in the tour before we go up the stairs. My heart is racing as we approach the first bedroom.

I’m nervous again.


Sawyer Ross.

I try to shake that feeling off and push the door open, relishing the look of surprise on Audrey’s face as she walks inside. “Whoa! Is this my room?”

I nod. “Yeah. Is it okay?”

She looks around, spinning in a circle. “Yes! It’s amazing!”

I let out a relieved breath, and she continues to look around the room that’s been decorated especially for her in unicorn and rainbow shit. I didn’t get to see much of her the other day, but I did notice the unicorn backpack by the door and took a gamble.

“You did this?” Piper eyes me suspiciously as Audrey sits down on the pink twin bed with her name spelled out on a cloud on the wall behind her.

“I had help. Linc’s wife, sister, and Vivienne are all interior decorators.”

Her lips are pursed, but I can tell she’s trying like hell not to smile. “She loves rainbows.”

I smile too. “I’m glad.”

“You didn’t have to do this.”

I turn my head in her direction, keeping my voice low as I say, “She’s my kid, Piper. I wanted to do this and so much more.”

“Don’t.” She turns to look at me head-on, and I see the emotions on her face—fear and anger.

I hold my hands up in surrender. “I know. Can’t spoil her.”

“You found a loophole, it seems.” Her hand sweeps the air, gesturing toward the heavily decorated room full of toys. And if she looks in the closet, she’ll find a bunch of new clothes.

“Hey, I didn’t buy her a pony.”

She cocks her head to the side, annoyed. “Sawyer . . .”

“I won’t.”

She does smile a little at that. “Thank you for this. It’s a nice room.”

“Wanna see yours?”

Her eyes meet mine, and there’s something there, something I can’t place. She gives a quick nod, and I lead her to the room right next to Audrey’s. This one, I told the girls to go simple with.

Of course, I just had to mention that Piper’s favorite color used to be purple. So Viv had the walls painted a plum color and found matching bedding. Piper’s nose scrunches as she looks at the room, and then her eyes land on me. “Purple?”

“Yeah. You hate it now?”

She smiles and shakes her head. “I wouldn’t say hate. But I don’t love it as much as I did when I was eighteen.”

I swallow, hearing her words, reading too much into them. Thinking that I know how that feels. And now, I’m comparing myself to the color purple.

Why the fuck do I care that she doesn’t love me anymore? Or the color?

“We can change it.”

She shakes her head and takes a seat on the edge of the bed, crossing her legs at the ankles, but her back isn’t as straight as it would have been in high school. Her posture was always spot-on then.

“No. This is fine.” She looks around, and then her eyes meet mine again. “It’s pretty.”

I nod my head and then grip the back of my tension-filled neck. I need a drink. Or maybe a joint. Or maybe to get laid.

My eyes dart in the direction of the next room over.

Yeah . . . None of that will probably be happening anytime soon.

“Viv and Ash are having a small party at their house tonight. Grilling. You want to go?”

Audrey bounces in just then. “A party?”

Piper glares at me, like I knew she was going to hear that, but then her gaze softens as she looks at Audrey. “I don’t know. We have a lot of unpacking to do.”

“Oh please, Mommy.” She looks at me. “Will there be cake?”

I chuckle. “I’m not sure. But since Baz will be there, I’m assuming there will be ice cream.”

Her eyes light up. “Yum!” Then her little nose scrunches up just like Piper’s does when she’s thinking too hard. “Who’s Baz?”

“Baz is my friend. He’s about your age.”

“A boy?” She makes a grossed-out face. “I don’t like boys.”

I nod and smile as I kneel in front of her. “I’m more than okay with that.”

Piper snorts, unable to hide her laugh even though she’s shaking her head. “Sawyer.”

I look over at her. “What? You aren’t?”

She shakes her head again, still not hiding the grin, and Audrey laughs, “I do like ice cream though.”

“Me too.” I stand up and address Piper, “It’s just Ash and Viv, Baz, Lola and her husband. I don’t think Linc will be there.”

She chews on her bottom lip, but then relents. “Okay.” She turns to Audrey. “But we need to unpack first.”

Audrey agrees happily and bounces back to her room.

“She really is a happy kid.”

Piper stands next to me, her eyes looking in the direction of Audrey’s room. “Please make sure she stays that way.”

“I’ll die before I fuck this up, Piper.”

And I mean it.