Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

“So how didyou get her here?” I look over at Ash, who’s nursing the margarita his big sister, Lola, forced on him. We both usually stick to straight alcohol, not the fruity shit. “You threaten to kidnap her puppy?”

I roll my eyes and fold my arms over my chest as I watch Piper and Audrey with Viv and Baz across the backyard. “Ha ha. She doesn’t have a dog.”

“Probably smart on her part. The less things to threaten her with, the better.”

“Okay, I get it. I was an asshole.”

“Total fucking asshole.” He’s not letting up, and I suppose I can’t fault him for it since we do love giving each other shit. It works for us. And I know it was fucked up, what I did. But I can’t say I regret it. Audrey and Piper are under my roof.

For now, at least.

I can’t ask for much more, although it kills me that Audrey doesn’t know I’m her dad. I still intend to earn that shit.

“Yeah, yeah. Says the guy who had Viv and ran away like a little bitch. Who’s the bigger asshole?”

“Hey, fucker.” He places his margarita down and shoves my chest but not enough to move me. “She ran. Not me.”

She ran to California because his dumb ass wouldn’t admit he was in love with her, but again, I can’t say much. I pushed Piper away in the most disgusting way imaginable when she told me she loved me.

My gaze roams to Piper, and my chest actually fucking aches. God, she’s beautiful. She changed and is now wearing a short navy and white striped sundress. It doesn’t show much skin, but Piper doesn’t need to.

It does, however, show off those long, tan legs of hers. Her hair flows down over her shoulder. She looks so much more free than I’ve ever seen her as Audrey holds onto her hand and they sway to the outdoor music while Piper and Viv hold a conversation.

“Your kid is cute though.” Ash grins. “Good thing she takes after Piper.”

I laugh, “You’re telling me. Can you imagine if she had this mug?” I lift my chin, angling it up, and he shakes his head, laughing.

“Fucking horrifying.” But then he grows serious, and I kind of hate that he can seem to do that now that he’s a dad and a husband. “How’s it going though?”

“They’ve been here for a few hours.” And I’ve been terrified the entire time they were going to leave.

He must sense my apprehension because I feel his hand squeeze my shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. She looks like she’s giving it a chance. You’re going to be a great dad, Sawyer.”

I want to say so many things, like how I’m scared as all fuck that I’m going to mess this up epically and not only lose Piper again but also my daughter this time. Not that I have Piper. Fuck.

But of course, I don’t say that. Instead, I place my hand over his and squeeze. “If you want to ask me to join you guys in the bedroom, you don’t have to butter me up.”

I wag my eyebrows at him, and he shoves me away. “That’s what I get for trying to have a moment with Sawyer fucking Ross. You’re such an asshole.”

Yeah, pretty much.