Planet Athion: The Complete Series by Angel Lawson



Kai’s statement rocks me,and maybe it’s the quiet of the bunker or the storm roaring overhead, but I no longer can hold back on all the questions I have, all the things I want—no, need—to know.

My eyes flit to Alex’s—seeking approval from the other human in the room. His eyebrows lift, encouragingly.

This may be my only chance to ask these questions, to find out the truth, and what was the point of taking this journey if I’m not willing to step out of my comfort zone with these three men that keep making it clear that I mean something to them.

So, I take a deep breath and then ask, “Why are you like this with me? So protective and kind? Why are you around all the time—especially when I need you?”

Dimka stares at his hands, his ears turning dark blue. Kai clears his throat. “We came here with the mission of protecting the pioneer women from Earth, making sure the transition went smoothly and that you were safe from any upset. Athion is a safe place but the Trads are desperate and deceitful. You are our greatest gift and we’ll protect you with all our might.” He leans forward. “But there is something about you, Mercy Ladd, that is different from the others. Not just for me, but for the three of us. We’ve spoken about it and have agreed that you are our highest priority, despite the fact it goes against the mission of the Custo.”

“Why would you risk going against your mission?” I ask, feeling my hands shake at his honesty.

“Because the call is too deep,” Dimka says quietly. “I never understood it until I saw your face—heard your voice. I never desired anything beyond my own survival.” He looks up at me with intense eyes. “Now I do.”

I glance at Alex, who has been sitting quietly. “And you?”

“I’m willing to adhere to the customs of the Athions, for you.” I know what he means—the plurality—something that’s untraditional back home. As crazy as it seems, I understand. I feel the tug too, the lure, but something holds me back and I say as much.

“I may leave soon, which is what I want—it’s why I came, but what happens then?”

Kai reaches across the table, taking my hands in his. I feel the weight of two more, one on each thigh. I swallow back a surge of desire. “That’s for you to decide. Laird gave us this moment of respite—together—where the world outside has stopped for us. No prying eyes, no curfew, no Custo…just a woman and the males that want her.”

My stomach twists and I meet each of their eyes, searching for the courage inside to give in to my needs.